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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 345 Cold

Gu Xue’s face was very hot because of the alcohol.

This hotness seemed to have been transmitted to Chisa Mihara. She felt that her face was also very hot, especially after seeing many people showing expressions of surprise and a little jealousy.

Chisa Mihara was shy.

but no matter.

It was impossible for her to say that she should push Gu Xue away.

Of course, it is even more impossible to say that Gu Xue will be left alone.

If Gu Xue doesn’t want to leave, then… just take her away by force.

With this thought.

Mihara Chisa really took Gu Xue out of the barbecue restaurant with what looked like support, but actually forced her to pick her up…

On the way out, many people asked Mihara Chisa if she needed help.

Chisa Mihara refused.

After Gu Xue confirmed that she was hugging Chisa Mihara, she became much quieter… No, she probably fell asleep directly.

This can be seen from the way she leaned softly against Chisa Mihara and allowed the latter to pick her up.

If she were to stay awake, her hair would explode right now…

Chisa Mihara declined everyone’s suggestions for help, hugged Gu Xue alone, left the barbecue restaurant and came to the door.

Compared with the warm indoors, the temperature outside is much lower.

Especially if it’s windy.

The cold wind came and blew their hair.

Gu Xue immediately shuddered after drinking.

Instinctively, her head began to move towards Chisa Mihara’s arms.


Mihara Chisa’s face suddenly turned red.

“Cold…” Gu Xue murmured.

Chisa Mihara: “…”

Chisa Mihara slowly put down her hand on Gu Xue’s shoulder and gave up the idea of ​​pushing Gu Xue away. Not only did she not push him away, she hugged Gu Xue tightly with her face flushed, trying her best to protect her from the wind.

The two of them kept each other warm.

Standing at the door for a long time.

It’s a pity that even if Chisa Mihara works hard, she, a slender girl, can’t say how much wind she can block.

Gu Xuenuan took a lot, but in the end he woke up from the cold.

“……Who are you?”

The moment she woke up, Gu Xue jumped back. It seemed that she had woken up, but her senses had not returned yet…

“Chisa Mihara.”

Mihara Qiansa had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed Gu Xue’s hand to prevent her from retreating any further, lest she get lost…


Hear the answer.

Gu Xue immediately let down her guard, stumbled back to Mihara Chisa, hugged her neck again, and said vaguely: “It’s Miss Mihara.”

Chisa Mihara put her arms around Gu Xue’s slender waist: “Well, I’ll take you home.”

“Go home?” Gu Xue raised her head and looked at Mihara Chisa, her eyes blurred. It took a while before she realized, “Well, go home, it’s so cold…”

“Then let’s…”

“No, no! You can’t go home! Tell me first, why are you avoiding me!?”

Gu Xue, who was still talking vaguely just now, suddenly shouted and interrupted Chisa Mihara.


Chisa Mihara was silent for a moment and apologized: “…I wasn’t hiding from you. Look, wasn’t I right in front of you?”

“Then why didn’t you reply to my message? Why did you run away every time you saw me from a distance? Why did you only say you didn’t feel well when we were about to leave today?”

Gu Xue said quickly, she seemed quite sober now…

Chisa Mihara looked at Gu Xue’s appearance, bit her lip, and suddenly said:

“Because… I’m afraid of causing trouble to you. I’m afraid that I will only bring trouble to you.”

“Troubled? What bothers me? I’m only bothered now, okay.” Gu Xue hit Mihara Qiansha’s shoulder hard with her forehead, “Why do you decide my mood? Why! I’m a strong man, and suddenly a girl is like this If I run away, I will think I did something wrong!”


“What am I, you are mine, why do you run away!”


“It’s so cold…”

After Gu Xue bumped Chisa Mihara’s shoulder with her forehead a few times, she suddenly became quiet again.

Chisa Mihara whispered: “Then…shall we go home?”

“Then you can continue to avoid me?”

Gu Xue raised her head again and looked at Mihara Chisa’s face, her big eyes twitching.

For a moment, Mihara Chisa almost thought she was not drunk.

“……Not anymore.”

“you promise?”


“Hey… then go home.”

Gu Xue giggled and buried her head back into Mihara Chisa’s neck. After speaking, she stood up on tiptoes and rubbed Mihara Chisa’s neck.

Girls are bad…

Well, she was indeed drunk…


As for Mihara Chisa, her mood is a bit complicated.

She sighed softly, hugged Gu Xue as if she was disappointed, walked for a while, came to the roadside, and stopped a taxi.

Open the rear seat door.

Chisa Mihara gathered her emotions, gently shook Gu Xue, who didn’t even look up the whole way, and said softly: “Get in the car, Xiaoxue.”


When Gu Xue heard the sound, she slowly raised her head, then let go of Chisa Mihara and stood staggeringly in front of the taxi.

Then, there was no movement.

Gu Xue stood there with a serious look on her face, staring straight at the taxi with her eyes wide open, as if she still hadn’t figured out what the thing in front of her was…

Mihara Chisa waited for a while and found that Gu Xue still didn’t move, so she pulled her and prepared to take her in.

“It’s the car…Aren’t you cold? It will be warmer inside.”


Gu Xue suddenly showed an expression of realization. She struggled to break away from the held hand, then turned around and hugged Chisa Mihara, rubbed her neck with her cheek, and said affectionately: “Well, get in the car…”

Chisa Mihara: “…”

Although the process is difficult to describe.

But in the end, Chisa Mihara coaxed and tricked Gu Xue into the car…

The journey was uneventful.

Mihara Chisha took Gu Xue back to the Gu family smoothly.

When he helped Gu Xue to the door of her house.

Chisa Mihara thought of Gu Rou and was a little nervous, but she did not dare to leave Gu Xue in front of her house. Not to mention that Gu Rou would not let her go, she would not be able to sleep all night when she went back.

Therefore, Chisa Mihara hesitated for a while, but she still pressed the doorbell.

Just pressed the doorbell.

There was the sound of slippers clicking inside the door.

Then, the door suddenly opened.

Gu Rou stood inside the door.

She first glanced at Gu Xue, who was leaning softly on Chisa Mihara, with an expression of ‘I knew it’, and laughed angrily.

Then, she looked at Mihara Chisa again.

“Feel sorry……”

Chisa Mihara’s delicate body trembled, and she subconsciously apologized.

Gu Rou’s beautiful eyes narrowed with a dangerous look: “Don’t you know? You can’t let her drink.”

Chisa Mihara said guiltily: “I was late…”

Gu Rou took a deep breath, looking a little bad.

At this moment.


Gu Xue’s vague words attracted the attention of two people at the same time.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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