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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 347 New Year’s Eve Trivia

After Christmas, New Year’s Eve comes, and right after, the Spring Festival is coming.

A year in the true sense is about to pass.

Although it may sound strange at first glance that someone with the surname Mihara in this city would celebrate the Spring Festival, but if you really live here, you won’t feel that way.

After all, some people are named Miyuan, and some are named Gu…


There are still five days until the Spring Festival.

And YUKI Studio will be on holiday tomorrow.

YUKI Studio did not produce any works this year. The theatrical version of “Little Witch Academia” was actually completed last year, but its release was delayed.

But you said that YUKI Studio is not busy, that’s not true. In fact, it is quite busy. It was indeed very idle in the first half of the year, but starting from the second half of the year, Gu Xue’s focus gradually shifted from CDD Animation Studio back to YUKI Studio.

The studio acquired a small company, started a new project, and hired people again. After recruiting people, it had to train new people, etc., a lot of things.

On the one hand, they have to complete the work brought by the new project and on the other hand, they have to teach new people, which makes many fishermen in the studio who are already comfortable in the studio very overwhelmed. Not to mention that Ms. Yujing Yao, the actual person in charge of the studio, is still doing extra work for them at every opportunity.

Everyone is very busy.

In fact, the only person who is relatively idle in the entire studio is Gu Xue.

Although she contributed a lot in the early stages of the planning of “My Youthful Love Story” and even storyboarded several episodes in one drawing, she finished it quickly.

In the subsequent original animation performance work, Gu Xue no longer indulged the people under his command, and except for the key episodes, most of them were thrown out.

The reason why she did this was not only that Gu Xue trusted the people in her studio, but also because Chi Tian’s words at the last celebration party made her realize that she would not be able to continue to be violent, as it would make others inert. At that time, it will be a human being or a dog. Even the people in her own studio thought that she, Gu Xue, could just sit back and relax and fish happily as a supervisor. Wouldn’t that be the end…

Therefore, Gu Xue really threw away most of the work this time.

But this creates a new problem.

What Gu Xue should do can be done quickly based on her ability.

She now also has experience as a supervisor, and has watched the original “Guo Qing” at the same time. When making most decisions, she almost doesn’t have to think twice.

No one can care about her.

Yujing Yao and Gu Rou wanted her to play every day. Mihara Qiansha couldn’t say anything, and the others didn’t dare to say anything.

This leads to… Gu Xue is really free during this period, every day.

She was almost bored to death.

Others in Yuki’s studio outside were extremely busy. The two are in sharp contrast. In the words of Sato Ei, a little fool, this is simply a miracle on earth…


This situation changed as the holiday approached.

Others in YUKI Studio started to fish and began to look forward to the holidays, but Gu Xue, who had been fishing, was sitting at his desk and started to draw something…

“Senior! Happy New Year~”

In the last hour of work, most people started to greet each other and prepare to leave.

The first person to rush into Gu Xue’s office to pay New Year’s greetings was Sato Ei.

“Happy New Year.” Gu Xue raised her head and replied.

Next, people came one after another to wish her New Year’s greetings. Gu Xue looked up frequently, feeling a little annoyed.

Finally, she simply dropped the pencil and stopped drawing.

It’s just for passing the time anyway, it doesn’t really matter whether you finish it or not.

Yes, Gu Xue is already so idle…

During these days.

She has watched new shows for many days, followed dramas for many days, watched movies for many days, and read novels for many days. She already feels that all entertainment activities are boring…

Only painting can bring you happiness…

“Supervision, New Year’s Coke.”

“Happy Happy.”

Gu Xue weakly responded to a staff member who came to say hello. After the other person closed the door and left, she stood up, stretched, and was about to go out for a walk.

Knock knock.

But someone knocked on the door again.

Gu Xue exclaimed, and subconsciously replied, “Happy, happy.”

But when she turned around, she found that the person coming was Miss Mihara.

Chisa Mihara closed the door of the office, walked forward quickly, came to Gu Xue, and then gave her a bear hug.


Even though this situation has happened many times, Gu Xue still doesn’t get used to it.

Since the last time she got drunk at the celebration party, Mihara Chisa has returned to normal. Not only does she no longer avoid her, but she also gives her a bear hug when they meet… In short, as long as it is the first time that the two of them meet on this day, Gu Xue will I will be hugged, once a day, no more, no less…

Gu Xue is really a question mark.

“Happy New Year, Xiaoxue.”


Gu Xue responded with a blush on her face, then changed the subject and asked, “Are you going back to your hometown for the New Year?”

“I won’t go back.”

Chisa Mihara buried her face in the crook of Gu Xue’s neck, took a deep breath longingly, and sounded absent-minded in her answer.

“Is it okay? You are here alone, right? It will be very hard… No, you can come to my house to play during the Chinese New Year. There are only two people in my house, how about it?” Gu Xue was a little worried, but she said As I sat there, a good idea suddenly occurred to me.


When talking about this topic, Chisa Mihara immediately raised her head.

But judging from her reaction, she was a little hesitant.

“Not willing?” Gu Xue tilted her head and looked at her.


“Is it because of my sister? Don’t worry, Gu Rou is a very nice person. I’m really afraid that you’ll hide in my room.”


“Well, I’ll give you a call then.”

Gu Xue replied, while with some difficulty she pulled out the arm held by Mihara Chisa and put it on her shoulder.

After being held like this for a while, Gu Xue felt her hands go numb…

“You’re wearing it…”

Gu Xue raised her arm, and the sleeves slipped down, revealing her bright wrist and the bracelet she was wearing. Mihara Chisa saw it from the corner of her eye and felt a little happy.

Because the bracelet was a Christmas gift from her.

“…You guys are really good at choosing gifts!”

However, Gu Xue was not very happy when she mentioned this. She gritted her teeth and said, “You gave me a bracelet, Gu Rou gave me a watch, others gave me either earrings or lipstick and foundation, and some even gave me a little skirt! You’re crazy, you don’t have anything new. !”

Gu Xue is really angry when talking about this.

After Christmas, she opened the gifts with great anticipation, and almost cried when she finished opening them.

What are these things…

As for the gifts from Gu Rou and Mihara Chisa… Gu Xue can accept them, at least the gifts they gave are better than other gifts.

But the problem is, both of them gave away…

Gu Xue felt that it was strange to wear one on each hand or all on one wrist, so in the end she adopted a compromise method, wearing a watch at home and a bracelet in the YUKI studio…

Feeling extremely stupid.

“Don’t you like it?” Mihara Chisa looked a little uneasy looking at Gu Xue’s appearance.

“It’s not that I don’t like it…” Gu Xue was silent for a moment, sighed and shook her head.

Although she didn’t want to admit it, she had to admit it.

She didn’t really like the gifts from Chisa Mihara and Gu Rou. She would actually be happier if they gave them games, but… these were already the two gifts she accepted and used with the least psychological burden.

Gu Xue threw all other items such as earrings, foundation, lipstick, and skirt aside.

From this point of view.

Gu Rou and Mihara Chisa are indeed the two people who know her best.

Although my understanding is still a bit biased…


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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