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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 369 Chain Reaction

many fish.

It was Li Duduo.

Yes, he’s back.

Although work is still very busy and painful, probably because he has been doing it for a long time, Li Duoyu is now able to cope with the work with ease. He is scolded less often, and he is getting closer to his colleagues. More and more mature…

In short, he has become an experienced and worldly person…

Therefore, human adaptability is really terrifying.

As for whether this change is a good thing…

For Li Duoduo, this is of course a good thing.

He can use less energy to deal with work, which means that he can have more energy to do the things he likes. For example, after watching the last episode of the first season of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” last time, he wanted to The idea of ​​making a video can be realized…

At the beginning of this year, Li Duduo really picked up the video creations he had left behind.

Although he often interrupts due to work issues…well, he has become more diplomatic, but this does not mean that there will be less work, he still has to do the work that needs to be done.

In addition, in addition to interrupting updates due to work reasons, laziness often makes him delay updates.

This directly led to many of his fans now suggesting that he change his name to Duo Ge…


Although there are bumps and bumps, there are problems of one kind or another.

But Li Duduo persisted.

Now he has 200,000 fans and is considered somewhat famous.

In this situation.

Of course he also did the guides for new shows in four quarters of the year.

It is also more detailed than most existing similar videos, and it also specifically focuses on the second season of the popular season “Embracing a Better Tomorrow”.

The video begins with the assertion that the second season is coming to an end.

Later, I also approved “My Youth Love Story Really Has Problems” and Gu Xue…

Why is he doing this…

Only he himself knows the underlying reason.

A single apartment.

Li Duduo sat in front of the computer, looked at the pretty good number of views of his latest new show guide video, and smiled.

But soon, his smile faded.

He couldn’t laugh anymore.

Why does he dare to say that the second season of “Embrace a Better Tomorrow” will be over?

This starts from last year.

When “Embrace a Better Tomorrow” was aired last year, there were twists and turns. The original author was dissatisfied, the plot was criticized, and then the trolls swiped people.

A lot of trouble.

When the navy was swiping people, Li Duoduo was enthusiastic, formed several groups, and had sex with the navy. At that time, those who joined the main group happened to be Miyamoto Fumie, Shirakawa Rina, and the animation production director. Mr. Kigami.

After all the animations were played, although these three people never spoke in the group again, they did not leave the group.

Some time ago, when the credits for the second season of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” were released, Li Duduo immediately noticed the change in supervision. Out of concern, he asked in the group with the mentality of giving it a try.


Three people involved in the first season all responded to him.

Shirakawa Rina’s reply was that the new supervisor was not very reliable.

Mr. Kigami simply said that he had resigned and was unclear.

Miyamoto Fumie was the most outrageous. She exposed all the things about Nakata Tomo who went to YUKI studio every day to cry and scream, and how Gu Xue and even the entire studio ignored him…

When Li Duoduo saw the news, his views were shattered.

What the hell.

There has been news a long time ago that the animation will change its supervisor, but the capital and producers will naturally consider the supervisor candidates for this kind of commercial animation. Although I don’t understand the reason why Gu Xue will no longer serve as the supervisor for the second season, as an audience, Li I can only accept the excess.

After watching the second season PV, Li Duduo was relieved because the huge words CDD Animation Studio X YUKI Studio on it were very eye-catching and made people feel reassured.

After all, YUKI Studio is Gu Xue’s studio. Maybe Gu Xue just wants to train Nakata Satoshi and hides behind the scenes.

Unfortunately, the news from Miyamoto Fumi ruthlessly shattered his fantasy.

Then, it was confirmed that Gu Xue Studio would launch a new work in the same quarter.

The words of Miya Fumihui are confirmed.

Gu Xue really gave up and focused on her new work.

And the new supervisor of the second season of “Embrace a Better Tomorrow” seems unreliable. Isn’t this the end?

Therefore, when Li Duoduo was giving a preview of the new show in July, he was disheartened and made a direct assertion.

Season 2 is coming to an end.

As for why I even approved “My Youth Love Story Really Has Problems” and Gu Xue…

This starts again… during the Chinese New Year.

Li Duoyou read “Five Centimeters per Second” by Gu Xuefa. After reading it, he thought of the girl on the tram and burst into tears. He was also depressed for two whole weeks…

Now Gu Xue’s new work is clearly about youth and love… After all, the title says it all. Does Li Duoduo, who has been depressed for more than two weeks because of Gu Xue’s “New Year’s gift”, dare to read it?

He didn’t dare.

Li Duduo admired Gu Xue’s ability to create atmosphere and emotional scenes. Plus… at the end of last month, “Five Centimeters Per Second” was going to be published. When the publisher advertised, they also included Gu Xue’s The new work is also included in the two-part love story, which makes it clear that animation should follow the same style as comics.

Causes Yufeng…

Under such circumstances, Li Duduo really didn’t want to watch Gu Xue’s new work, not even one episode, for fear of getting stuck in it and making it more uncomfortable…

Regardless of this reason, Li Dudu actually doesn’t like romance-oriented animations. He thinks that if you are a brother, you can kill me. If you are a man, you should watch animations that men should watch. He is still looking forward to the type of “Embrace a Better Tomorrow” Movies that can make your blood boil instead of making you depressed.

And he has been in the house for so many years, and he is very sure that a work in the style of “5 Centimeters per Second” may cause a sensation, but after all, it is not the king’s way, and no one will make it difficult for himself, right?

Li Duduo doesn’t even know what Gu Xue is thinking now.

After all, he didn’t know that Gu Xue’s studio was currently unable to produce large-scale productions and was in a dilemma of being a supervisor for others. He also didn’t know that Gu Xue’s studio wanted to break the predicament with the help of campus animations with lower production costs.

Because of Second Five, he had a misunderstanding about the theme of Gu Xue Studio’s new work. With the bundled promotion of Second Five and Guo Qing, the misunderstanding deepened, plus a series of chain reactions.

Li Duduo was puzzled.

That’s why he said at the beginning of the video that Gu Xue was wasting his talent…

But let’s talk about it.

Animation still needs to be introduced.

In fact, Gu Xue Studio’s new work “My Youth Love Story Really Has Problems” is the type of work worth looking forward to in all new show guides.

Even if Li Duduo doesn’t understand, he has to admit that the current PV released for “My Youth Love Story” is indeed very clean and very Gu Xue style.

So when he introduced this new show, he praised the graphics and praised Gu Xue’s ability to express emotions. Although he didn’t understand the purpose of Gu Xue’s transformation, he still recommended the animation. .

It’s very honorable, even though he doesn’t intend to see it himself…


Li Duduo talked about Gu Xue’s new work…

No, it should be said that when all up owners talk about Gu Xue’s new work.

Comments from the audience.

It’s all strange…

YUKI Studio.

In Gu Xue’s office.

“Liar! You said it could be repaired on the same day!” Gu Xue glared at Yu Jingyao, her face red, it seemed because she was shy, but in fact.

It’s hot…

Well, the air conditioner has not been repaired until now.

It’s been three days.

The tragedy has become a hell on earth.

“Sorry, sorry.” After hearing Gu Xue’s words, Yu Jingyao looked embarrassed.

Standing next to Gu Xue, she could only fan Gu Xue hard to express her apology: “I will urge her fiercely later…”

“Please be sure to speak fiercely!” Gu Xue picked up the ice cream that Yujing Yao had just brought as a condolence gift, tore open the outer packaging, and warned in a serious tone, “otherwise, don’t talk about other people in YUKI studio, I will retaliate.” about you……”

Yu Jingyao couldn’t help but nodded in laughter: “Yeah, it’s guaranteed to be intense.”


After hearing the confirmed answer, Gu Xue nodded with satisfaction, stuck out her little tongue, licked the ice cream gently, then leaned back on the chair and let out a long sigh of relief.


She has been living on this these past few days…

“It’s best not to eat too much, otherwise you will be very hard in those days…” Yu Jingyao said worriedly.


Gu Xue had a strange look on her face. After hesitating for a while, she nodded and said she understood.

Yu Jingyao changed the subject, “What’s the matter with calling me here?”


Let’s get down to business.

Gu Xue couldn’t care about the ice cream for the time being. She sat up straight, woke up the computer screen, and pressed the space bar.

The video that had been opened by Gu Xue continued to play.

[The new work of Gu Xue, the original director of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” – “My Youth Love Story Really Has Problems”, an original animation, the original work is Gu Xue himself, the plot is currently unknown, but the title has already spoiled a lot of things. Gu Xue’s work is still worth looking forward to. Judging from the PV and information that have been released, the graphics are as excellent as ever. It is one of the highly recommended works this season. Gu Xue is a very young supervisor and a girl, but don’t underestimate her…]

currently playing.

It was Li Duduo who directed the new series.

Yu Jingyao looked at it for a while and joked: “Is that so? Do you want me to listen to others praise you?”

“Bah!” Gu Xue spat and opened the barrage, “Of course not, look at this.”

Yu Jingyao looked at the screen again.

I discovered that this UP called Haoduoyu introduced the work “My Youth Love Story Really Has Problems”, the comments from the audience were surprisingly consistent –

[Five second warning [funny]]

All of them.

When they praise their works, they use this sentence.

When they praised Gu Xue, they still said the same thing.

Yu Jingyao: “…This seems to be nothing, right?”


Gu Xue was noncommittal about Yu Jingyao’s words. After a moment of silence, she asked: “Now…has Five Seconds been published? Did you bring “Guo Qing” with you during the promotion?”

Yu Jingyao nodded: “Yes.”


Gu Xue paused the video, leaned back in his chair, and murmured: “I always have a bad feeling…”

“This is an illusion.”

Yu Jingyao didn’t think too much and comforted casually.

But Gu Xue didn’t feel that she was comforted.

She pondered and ignored Yu Jingyao.



Gu Xue held the ice cream.

But because she was thinking about things, she forgot.

The high temperature melted the outermost layer of the ice cream, and a drop of ice water fell directly on her fair and round thighs…


Sudden chill.

Gu Xue was shocked, her delicate body stiffened, and she shuddered violently.

After a while, he recovered.

Gu Xue wiped off the ice water on her thighs and shouted: “Look, look, this is really not good!”

Yu Jingyao: “…”

This silly girl.

It’s too cute…


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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