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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 37 Reliable Gu Xue

Half an hour later.

Gu Xue walked out of the underwear store holding a bag, and finally realized the feeling that Chisa Mihara had when she held the bag…

Ah, adolescence is so troublesome.

Resisting the urge to run home and put away the bag immediately, Gu Xue turned to Mihara Chisa and said, “Thank you for coming with me. Come on, I’ll buy you a drink.”

Mihara Chisa hesitated for a moment, nodded, and followed Gu Xue step by step.

The two finally found a cold drink shop on the third floor of the shopping mall that not many people visited yet. Amid the greetings from the clerk, they found a seat by the window and sat down.

After Gu Xue sat down, seeing that there weren’t many people here, she felt relieved and put the bag on her chest next to her.

Chisa Mihara sat opposite and secretly glanced at Gu Xue’s chest.

“Believe it or not, I’ll fight you…” Gu Xue glared at her.

It starts when you enter the shopping mall, so it should be enough.

Gu Rou’s superficial sister is like this, and so is Mihara Chisa. Isn’t it just that she got a little… slightly older during puberty? There’s nothing good about her.

Mihara Chisa’s gaze moved upwards, looking at Gu Xue’s face.

Want to cover up.

“Forget it, I won’t argue with you.”

Gu Xue leaned on the back of the chair and stretched out, her increasingly slim figure becoming more prominent.

She said that, but actually she was quite relieved about Miss Mihara Chisa.

Next, the two of them ordered a cold drink each, and chatted while waiting for the cold drink to be served.

Most of the time, it is Gu Xue who initiates the topic, and it is a bit difficult to expect Miss Mihara to say something proactively, unless it is a matter of work, such as now…

“Have you heard of the Animation Future Project? The official name is the Young Animator Training Program.”

“Have you heard of it? What? Do you want me to participate as a newcomer? That’s fine with me, but it’s not very suitable, right?”

Gu Xue was a little surprised. She had heard of this training plan, but it was not in this world. There was a similar plan on Earth, but it only lasted four times. The responsible organization changed, and the name was also changed. In the future, the animation will be changed to It is very unlucky to kill an animation egg. It always feels like the future of animation has an egg…

This plan or planning is quite conscientious. Simply put, it means giving money to the animation company and letting the animation company bring in new people to do animation.

There are many specific rules, and the main purpose is to cultivate new generations of talents.

“No.” Chisa Mihara shook her head, “Mr. Hiroshi Misawa means that you should be the central original painter.”

“…” Gu Xue showed a disgusted expression, “I refuse, I just joined the industry not long ago, right?”

A hard-core painter, to put it mildly, is someone who wipes the butt of newcomers.

It’s hard to bring in new people.

Because there is a clear stipulation in the plan that the number of cards that the newcomer is responsible for in the original painting cannot be modified directly. The modification opinions must be given verbally as much as possible and allowed to be completed by himself.

What if the newbie can’t draw anything by then, or really can’t keep up with the progress?

The backbone painter will shout: I’ll do it…

You can imagine how hard it would be.

“…” Chisa Mihara seemed to have guessed that Gu Xue would refuse. She was silent for a moment and whispered: “Actually, I also want to invite you to participate.”

“…Are you responsible for this project?” Gu Xue was stunned for a while and began to struggle crazily on the edge of Zhenxiang.


“…I’ll think about it. I’ll go to the company tomorrow.” Seeing the clerk coming over with a tray, Gu Xue forcibly interrupted the conversation.

If it really smells good, I’ll talk about it tomorrow…

Serve cold drinks.

Chisa Mihara ordered a matcha milk cap, while Gu Xue ordered a mango smoothie.

After the clerk left, Gu Xue took a bite of the smoothie. It tasted good, but she always felt like something was missing.

In fact, she originally wanted to order Chisa Mihara’s milk cap…but at the critical moment, she thought of what happened yesterday, and subconsciously gave in. She is now a little resistant to the word milk.

But when she saw the cream appearing not far in front of her, Gu Xue wanted to eat it…

She began to look frequently at the drink in front of Chisa Mihara.

Chisa Mihara seemed to be aware of her gaze, her head lowered lower and lower, and her left hand on her knees clenched and unclenched her fist, as if to cheer her up.

Seeing that the other party was indifferent, Gu Xue was a little disappointed, just when she was about to concentrate on dealing with the smoothie in front of her.

Chisa Mihara finally plucked up the courage, picked up a spoon and scooped out a spoonful of cream on top of the drink, handed it to the air, and said in a voice like a mosquito: “Want to eat?”

“Eh? Is it okay?” Gu Xue suddenly became brighter, and her whole body exuded a happy atmosphere. As soon as she finished asking, before Miss Mihara could answer, she had already put her hands on the table and stood up.

The mouth has also come close.

In Gu Xue’s opinion, girls don’t seem to mind sharing food like this if they are on good terms with each other, so she felt no psychological pressure at all when they got together.

“Hmm…” Gu Xue held the spoon in her mouth and ate the cream on it. After sitting back, she silently said in her heart that it tastes really good.

Chisa Mihara put the spoon aside, held the cup in both hands, lowered her head to hold the straw in her mouth, her head almost touching the table.

Gu Xue licked the fresh milk remaining in the corner of her mouth, and couldn’t help but laugh when she saw Chisa Mihara’s look.

The roots of the ears are red.

It seems that I still am not very used to interacting with friends.

Miss Mihara.

Gu Xue sighed silently in her heart, and then ignored the smoothie in front of her. She held her cheek with her hand and looked at Chisa Mihara who was looking down in a daze.

So cute.

Although he has an awkward personality, his heart is extremely soft and sensitive.

I really want to pick her up.

Although Gu Xue has adapted to many things and knows her current identity better than anyone else, she cannot change her sexual orientation.

When Gu Xue thought about spending the rest of her life with a man, her scalp went numb and she wanted to jump off the building on the spot.

She still likes girls…

However, she will not forget one thing.

Love is a matter between two people, not something that can be solved by her wishful thinking.

Therefore, Gu Xue’s idea of ​​dating Miss Mihara only existed for a few seconds before being swept aside.

She is not a little girl who knows nothing about the world.

She is not without a father, mother or relatives in this world. She knows very well what kind of situation she will face if she comes out. In fact, just the thought of facing her parents’ urging to get married in the future gives Gu Xue a headache.

Marriage and having children, a man marrying a woman, are natural and right in the eyes of many, many, many people, especially in the eyes of their own family members.

If she is really determined to date Chisa Mihara, that’s fine. First, she can find a way to bend her over and make her fall in love with her, and then confirm the relationship… and let her face the overwhelming confusion and even accusations.

Being politically correct is one thing.

The attitude of others, especially family members, is another matter.

Gu Xue can ignore it or even completely fall out with her family because she has long been mentally prepared and can make a lot of sacrifices in order not to spend the rest of her life with a man.

But she can’t force others to make the same sacrifice as her.

Gu Xue has good intentions towards the world, she will get angry at other people’s indifference, and she will also admit the fact that she sympathizes with Mihara Chisa. She believes in love, believes in the goodness of human nature, and maybe even believes in magic.

She is an adult who is somewhere between mature and immature, and is reliable at critical moments.

It is precisely because she has good intentions towards the world, considers others, and is an adult that she cannot ignore anything when she makes any decisions.

Let’s not talk about whether or not to break off Miss Mihara. If she breaks her off by force, isn’t it harmful to her…

Gu Xue’s emotional intelligence is not high, this is what she really thinks.

Thinking that she would be alone in the future, Gu Xue himself was actually very depressed.

It’s hard for a person to grow old alone. She also wants a little sister…

But this kind of willful impulse is isolated by something called reason.

“Ah…” Gu Xue held up her cheeks, looked at Mihara Chisa, and suddenly sighed.

The blush on Mihara Chisa’s face dissipated a little, she raised her head, and without thinking too much, she thought she understood what Gu Xue meant, so she directly picked up the spoon, scooped out another spoonful of cream, and handed it to Gu Xue’s mouth.

“…” Gu Xue did not open her mouth to eat. Instead, she stared at Mihara Qiansha’s face and asked abruptly: “Miss Mihara, you should have reached the golden age of marriage, right? Do you have someone you like? Is there anyone at home urging you? ?”

Upon hearing this, Chisa Mihara’s face suddenly lost all color. With a shake of her hand, she directly hit the spoon with cream in the air onto Gu Xue’s nose.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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