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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 376 The new ship idol you have never seen before

“Haha… this… what kind of cartoon… Ouch, my belly…”

Liu Xiuming’s bedroom.

The laughter was endless and resounded throughout the dormitory.

The roommates just endured it silently.

But I really couldn’t bear it anymore.

Because Liu Xiuming never stopped!

Laughing all the time.

“Are you crazy?” Liu Xiuming’s brother who was sleeping on the lower bunk punched the bed and shouted.

“Sorry, sorry… Hahaha… I can’t stand it anymore, I really can’t bear it!!”

Liu Xiuming tried his best to hold back his laughter, but this was really making things difficult for him.

After reading the comic, Nozaki-san’s sexy operation of the tandem bicycle.

Liu Xiuming confirmed.

It’s a sand sculpture comic…

This kind of comic only has stomach medicine, so it has ghosts.


As if he had found a treasure, he directly turned to Gu Xuefa’s first related tweet and read the comic from the beginning.


He was right.

It is indeed a sand sculpture cartoon.


But every character is very lovable.

A naturally cute heroine.

The male protagonist is more natural and silly than the heroine.

She appears to be frivolous on the outside, but inside she is the arrogant and girlish Mikoto Mikoshiba.

Ky master Seo Yuzuki.

Kashima Yu is a master of flirting and flirting.

At the turn of the attack, the government is stubborn.

A bunch of characters with different appearances and personalities.

Then there are all kinds of ridiculous stories and misunderstandings caused by the contrast between the characters.

All hilarious.

Then, the emotional line of the heroine Sakura Chiyo that occasionally appears, and the occasional bit of dog food, are just right.

Anyway, Liu Xiuming fell in love.

He loved the entire comic.

His only dissatisfaction is that the comic is too short.

Gu Xue didn’t draw much plot.

The first is that time is indeed a bit tight. She found time to draw nearly five or six episodes of the animation, which was already her limit.


It’s just that Gu Xue doesn’t want comics to take over the spotlight.

She knows very well why she draws comics.

It was to downplay the inherent impression that I, as a supervisor, gave people in the field of love-themed works, and to promote the animation “My Youthful Love Story Really Has Problems”.

She doesn’t put the cart before the horse.

The “Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun” manga stops at just the right place.

Gu Xue finally sent a tweet alone.

[I’m really sorry for the Chinese New Year’s “Five Centimeters Per Second”. I didn’t expect it to be like this. It was an accident. I just drew it when my mind came up with a story. I didn’t expect that it would make so many people sad. This comic Even if I am compensating you, I hope you enjoy watching it. As for updates, I will probably update one article every week. Don’t be too slow. This is the result of my best efforts. After all, I am currently responsible for the production of the animation “My Youth Love Story Really Has Problems”. (If possible, you can go and see the animation made by our studio. It is not the same style as Second Five…)]

The entire tweet.

Gu Xue actually writes quite implicitly.

Not working hard to promote the anime.

I didn’t go to the miserable place either.

The main reason is that she is shy…and can’t keep her face down.

But although it is implicit.

The general meaning of the tweet is still expressed.

The goal was barely achieved.

For example, I attributed the birth of “5 Centimeters per Second” to a brainstorm, clarified the relationship between “5 Centimeters per Second” and “My Youthful Love Story”, and promoted the animation a little…

And it seems to work pretty well.

Anyway, Liu Xiuming read through all the comics that Gu Xue has posted so far, and after reading the last tweet, his first reaction was, of course, he forgives Gu Xue~

After all, he had found such a happy comic. Compared with it, the painful experience of reading Five Seconds a few months ago was nothing.

Moreover, he laughed so loudly just now…it was really hard to care anymore.

As for the animation Gu Xue mentioned…

Liu Xiuming had heard about it before, but had no intention of going to see it.

The reason is the same as most people.

but now.

He was a little interested.

at the same time.

Just when Liu Xiuming was reading the comics and laughing like a fool.

Chiyoda Ward, Kitanomaru Park.

Martial Arts Hall.

In some lounge.

Hashimoto Ai let the stylist play with her hair while scrolling through Twitter.

That’s right.

Hashimoto Ai will hold a concert at Budokan today.

It’s about to start.

Now is the time for exciting preparations.

As an idol, Hashimoto Ai doesn’t adjust her mentality at this time, isn’t nervous, and even has the time to browse Twitter. It’s really a bit too much.

But she is really not nervous. She has experienced many battles and has seen this kind of scene many times…

Even in the martial arts gym known as the ‘highest palace’, she couldn’t get nervous.

The stylist behind him and the agent next to him were not surprised by this either.


Ai Hashimoto was scrolling through Twitter and humming the word anime softly.

Quite cute.

There really is a bit of Gu Xue in him.

But she is not as young as Gu Xue, nor does she have Gu Xue’s…how should I say, that kind of temperament.

But she is indeed a very attractive woman.

“Ai.” The manager heard Hashimoto Ai’s hum and warned with some worry: “Pay attention to your image and don’t get too deep into it. The company can accept the character design of a girl who occasionally watches anime, but The company cannot accept the character of a nerdy girl. Now your career is on the rise. If you want to reach a wider audience and reach a higher level, you can’t just focus on the Nites. Don’t forget this.”


Hashimoto Ai paused and replied impatiently.

It’s really a bit annoying and cruel that you can’t even show your hobbies.

But for idols, sometimes there is just no way.

The agent heard the impatience in Hashimoto Ai’s words and wisely did not say any more.

Hashimoto Ai took a deep breath and continued to browse Twitter.

The next second.


Then she saw Gu Xuefa’s comics.

“Little Gu Xue has published comics again? Love themes?”

Hashimoto Ai’s eyes lit up and she couldn’t wait to open it.

But at the critical moment, she still held back. She was about to perform on stage. It seemed not good to read comics at this time… If comics made me depressed, it would affect her mood too much.

So at the critical moment, Ai Hashimoto resisted the idea of ​​clicking on the comic, and instead opened the comment area of ​​Gu Xue’s tweet.


The style of painting in the comment section was a little different from what she had imagined.

It’s all words like ‘hahahahaha’.

“Is it lighthearted and funny?”

When Hashimoto Ai saw the comments, she was suddenly moved again. You can watch the light and funny ones. Anyway, it doesn’t affect your mood and can relax you.

Moreover, she is good at reading comics. She also knows that some singers have to play two rounds of moba games when they come to sing…

Well, look at it a little bit.

Hashimoto Ai looked at the time and clicked on the comic.

Five minutes later, I finished reading the beginning.

Hashimoto Ai: “…?”

Eight minutes later, we saw the tandem bicycle section.

Hashimoto Ai: “?”

ten minutes later.

Laughter echoed throughout the lounge.

Hashimoto Ai held her stomach, without any image, and laughed so hard.

And at this time.

Distance play.

There are only more than ten minutes left…

“Ai Yi!” The producer was stunned, “You, you, you…”

“Guo ba ah…” Hashimoto Ai wiped away the tears from laughing at the corner of her eyes and barely stopped laughing, but the comic was so funny. Now she stopped laughing, but when she thought about it, she still couldn’t help it. Just want to laugh.

“Pay attention to your image! Pay attention to your image! You’ll be on stage soon!” The agent was almost going crazy.

“Okay, okay.” Hashimoto Ai agreed, but she couldn’t help but read a little manga…

Then, her laughter began to echo in the lounge again…

A large group of people including agents, assistants, stylists, etc.: “…”

The last five minutes before taking the field.

Hashimoto Ai has put down her mobile phone for a long time, but she still laughs out loud from time to time…

The agent’s mentality collapsed.

“Love clothes!!!”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I… ha, I’m calm.” Hashimoto Ai, who had put on makeup and was ready to go on stage, took a deep breath, cleared her head, and finally stopped laughing.

She still has professional ethics.

Although the comic was beyond her expectation.

“Calm down~Breathe~Breathe~” The producer guided Hashimoto Ai to calm down, and then said: “I won’t let you look at your phone during the next performance. Ai, you have to remember that the stage you are going to be on now is The martial arts gym, which is known as the highest palace, must not cause any trouble, do you understand?”

“Okay.” Hashimoto Ai nodded calmly.

For a moment, I thought of the comic plot and wanted to laugh.

But she held it back.

“Come on, come on.” The agent began to greet.

A group of people gathered around Hashimoto Ai along the staff aisle and began to walk towards the stage.

The closer you get to the stage, the clearer the audience’s shouts become.

But no one spoke in the staff channel.

Probably because he was afraid that Hashimoto Ai would be nervous.

But this time.

They miscalculated.

They talk okay.

They don’t talk.

Hashimoto Ai can’t help but think of the manga she just read…


The curvature of the corners of her mouth gradually widened…

Before going on stage.

Everyone is nervous.

Time is also tight.

No one noticed Hashimoto Ai’s expression.

Hashimoto Ai suppressed her laughter and went on stage.

As soon as she came on stage… the audience cheered deafeningly.

Hashimoto Ai stood in the center of the stage… looking at the dense crowd of heads below. Because she had experienced many battles, not only was she not nervous, but she also wanted to laugh.

She really couldn’t hold it in any longer.

Especially when I think of the tandem bicycle plot in the comics, and the male and female umbrella plot…

She has received professional training, yes… but no one ever said comics were that funny.

The audience cheered.

But after Hashimoto Ai appeared.

But no words were spoken.

Instead, he stood in the center of the stage with a strange expression.

The cheers of the audience slowly stopped.

The spotlight is on Hashimoto Ai.

Hashimoto Aiyi knew that she could no longer be silent, she picked up the microphone and laughed hard: “Everyone … everyone … hahahahahahahahahahaha … Hahahaha… Sister Gu Xue, if you meet a straight man like Nozaki-kun in real life, please break off the relationship immediately, hahahahahaha…”


It’s better not to speak.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Hashimoto Ai, who had been thinking about the plot of the manga, immediately collapsed.

She laughed directly in front of tens of thousands of people…

Audience below: “…”

All the staff behind the scenes: “…”

“Guo me…”

Hashimoto Ai smiled.

It got out of hand.

She apologized and quickly turned away, avoiding the eyes of the audience.

But her shoulders kept shaking. It proved that she was still smiling and never stopped.

The audience below: “…”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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