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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 379 Sato is betrayed by others

“Then you should also know very well why I don’t accept the capital injection.”

Gu Xue smiled when she heard Miya Fumihi’s words, “Because the so-called boss of my studio is a creator, and he longs for creative freedom, very much. For this creative freedom, I can let the studio sell the pot, and almost even Sato E Even if I sell my clothes, I have to participate in the production committee of “My Youthful Love Story”, so as to gain the right to speak.”

“This may sound arbitrary, and it is, but this is my own studio, so I can do this.”

“But if the giant behind you, Bridge Press, injects capital and participates in the daily operations of the studio, I may be forced to wear shackles. We may get along very happily at the beginning, but I guarantee that as long as If the studio achieves certain results, you will definitely throw a bunch of projects at me, and my options will be infinitely compressed. Maybe even Sato Ei will be sold. Although in a sense, this is It’s a good thing for those of us who are just starting out as animators, but I’m sorry that I can’t enjoy this kind of good thing.”

“As for your personal investment, I don’t think it is reliable. This kind of thing involving money is always more troublesome. You are also a person with a lot of ideas. I’m afraid that when we encounter differences, we will end up unhappy. Come on, this situation is pretty good now. I have a plan and if you are interested, you can lose money or make money together. If you are not interested, our studio will find a way. Everyone will be happy.”

“…Not necessarily.”

Miyamoto Wenhui sighed, “I have always believed in your vision. If I personally invest, I will definitely give you the greatest freedom. Besides, your sister Gu Rou has also been investing in your studio. Why can’t I.”

“The greatest freedom… I suspect you are lying to me.” Gu Xue deliberately showed a vigilant expression, “As for you talking about Gu Rou, you will say that she is my sister. She sleeps in the same bed with me at night. She wants to If you dare to betray me, I will settle the score with her immediately…”

“Then I’m still your aunt…I can sleep with you…”


Gu Xue knew what she wanted to say, so he raised his eyebrows and glared at her.

“Okay…” Gong Wenhui knew what Gu Xue meant, and the joke was over, so he stopped pestering her, “What about the monthly magazine? Do you want to sign a contract? Auntie will protect you.”

“Are there any hard requirements?”

Gu Xue did not agree directly, fearing that she would become a victim of the dark room.

“No, just one request, stop updating “Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun” online, and then serialize it in our monthly magazine. If you are confident in serializing it in a weekly magazine, then…”

“Forget it about weekly magazines. No matter how fast I draw, I can’t withstand the pressure of weekly magazines. I don’t need to do animations. Let’s do monthly magazines.”

“No, you clearly said on Twitter that you update once a week…”

Gu Xue said with a smile: “That’s because I still have manuscripts saved, and this comic is to promote the animation “My Youth Love Story Really Has Problems”. When the animation is finished, I will do whatever I say. If you want to stop updating, I will stop updating. Anyway, I update once a week and I didn’t say the time limit. I said it’s okay to update in a week, or it’s okay to update in a month. How can they still jump at me?”

Miyamoto Fumie was a little confused: “…Wait a minute. According to you, the purpose of the manga “Monthly Shoujo Nozaki-kun” was just to promote the animation? Wasn’t it caused by watching “Five Centimeters per Second” during the New Year period? Sensational and thus premeditated?”

“What do you think of other people’s foreheads? Some kind of switch? Although it didn’t take long to conceive, it took me a few days, okay?”

Although there are ready-made animation works.

But it was a bit troublesome to remember the details, and Gu Xue did spend a few days sorting out his memories.

Gu Xue rolled her eyes at Gong Fumihui and continued: “The purpose, of course, is to promote the animation and downplay the impact of Five Seconds. Otherwise, why would I spend so much time drawing comics, checking the original paintings and drawing the original paintings at the same time? Comics are very hard, okay?”

Miyamoto Fumie “…”

It took a few days…

What a great effort.

“I find you are really outrageous.”

Miyamoto Wenhui was silent for a while and then said coldly.

“Huh? Why did I go too far?”


Miyamoto Ei looked at Sato Ei who was standing next to Gu Xue, “You just said twice in a row that you sell Sato Ei. Although I know it was a metaphor, Sato Ei next to you doesn’t seem to think so. Look, She almost cried.”

Gu Xue turned her head and glanced at Sato Ei.

Sato Ei: “·()·”

Gu Xue: “…”


Miyamoto Hui wanted to continue, but she soon realized that there was no need.

Because Gu Xue’s cell phone rang just at this moment.

Miyamoto Wenhui motioned for her to answer the phone.

He seemed to know who was calling.

Gu Xue glanced at the caller’s name and immediately knew something was wrong.

Pick up the phone.


“Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar! You wait for me! I won’t leave in your studio!! Liar…( _)”

Shirakawa Rina was just like rap, saying a series of liars anxiously and angrily…

I almost cried at the end.

Miyamoto Megumi obviously heard Shirakawa Rina’s voice.

She burst out laughing, and then spread her hands towards Gu Xue.

Gu Xue: “…”

She just wants to do one thing now, call Miss Mihara back…

Because of Ai Hashimoto’s ‘angelic laughter’.

More and more people are aware of Gu Xuefa’s “Monthly Girl Nozaki-kun”.

Although not everyone will watch it, after all, people who are fans of idols are not necessarily nerds.

But anyone who has read “Five Centimeters per Second” during the Chinese New Year, knows Gu Xue as a person, and those who saw the news about Hashimoto Ai’s laughter scene and learned about the manga “Monthly Shoujo Nozaki-kun” can’t help but Went to see it.

And the perception.

Compared to the uncomfortable Second Five, the cheerful “Monthly Shoujo Nozaki-kun” has indeed been liked by almost everyone, both men and women.

This is really amazing.

For example, Li Duduo, although when he first read the manga “Monthly Shoujo Nozaki-kun”, he felt that it was a girl’s manga and not suitable for macho men.

But in the end, he didn’t laugh out loud while reading a cartoon and was complained by his neighbor, and then almost got into a fight with his neighbor in the corridor. He also fell in love with the slow-witted and naturally stupid Sakura Chiyo.

Gu Xue is simply a god!

The moment I finished reading the comic.

Li Duduo had such thoughts.

Although this thought did not last long and disappeared.

But the comics really made Li Duoduo happy for the whole afternoon.

at the same time.

The comics also made him determined.

In the evening, I planned to watch “My Youth Love Story,” which Gu Xue made it clear on Twitter, which has a completely different style from “5 Centimeters Per Second.”

That night.

He actually sat down in front of the computer and clicked on Guo Qing, which had been updated to the third episode.

He clicked on the first episode with some anxiety.

The animation is officially broadcast…

【Youth is a lie, a sin】

[People who sing the praises of youth are always deceiving themselves and the people around them. They actively use all the resources in their environment]

[Even if you fail miserably, you will regard it as proof of youth and carve a beautiful page in your memories]

[They hold high the guise of “youth” and can misinterpret basic common sense and social ethics for you]

[For them. Lies, secrets, mistakes and failures are just the spice of youth]

[Not only that, they can also find their distinctive “personality” in their sins and failures. Their failures are a normal part of youth, and the failures of others are not youth, but simple failures]

[If failure is a symbol of youth, then wouldn’t those who can’t make friends stand at the top of youth? 】

[But they won’t admit this, right]

[Everything is just rhetoric that is beneficial to themselves. They are just a group of egoists. Therefore, everything they do is deception, and deceit, fraud, lies, and secrecy are all reprehensible. 】

[These people are the embodiment of evil. On the other hand, those who never sing about their youth are the true messengers of justice]

[So, this is the conclusion I have come to. Those who are enjoying their youth, have a blast! 】

Li Duduo: “…”

love at first sight!


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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