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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 39 Theme

It seemed that the two had been arguing for a while before Gu Xue came in, otherwise they wouldn’t have been so angry.

The atmosphere in the conference room was a bit stiff.

“Well, well, Miss Mihara, sit down, sit down.” Gu Xue had quick eyes and quick hands. Seeing something strange about Chisa Mihara, she immediately took her hand and asked her to sit down.

Chisa Mihara glanced at Gu Xue, hesitated for a moment, and slowly sat down.

The aura of getting angry was gone.

“…” Seeing this scene, Misawa hit his mouth and felt a little sore.

Before Gu Xue showed up, he did argue with Mihara Chisa for a while, but he wanted to talk calmly and peacefully at first. He asked Mihara Chisa to sit down several times, but she ignored him and even yelled at him. A face…

Now Gu Xue sat down as soon as she pulled him, and even her eyes softened.

What the hell.

Misawa felt like he had hit more than a hundred lemons.

Gu Xue didn’t know what Misawa was thinking. After seeing Miss Mihara sit down, she breathed a sigh of relief and felt helpless at the same time.

The reason why she participated in this project was to worry about this.

Miss Mihara’s character is really… terrible. She doesn’t know how to speak tactfully. She just goes straight to the point and doesn’t trust others.

There is a limit to other people’s patience. Maybe Misawa Hiroshi will be very tolerant of her because of emotions such as sympathy, but patience will run out sooner or later.

It just so happens that Misawa Hiroshi is the kind of person who has great ideas about his works.

If Miss Mihara just refuses to give in and remains like this, even if there is no problem this time, it will be a matter of time before she completely falls out with the creators. Gu Xue cannot even imagine what will happen then.

Gu Xue did not want to watch Miss Mihara go through another incident involving supervisor Kei Narita.

So she came here just to prevent others from completely hating Chisa Mihara, hoping that she could act as a middleman to mediate the conflicts between the two parties.

If it weren’t for Chisa Mihara, how could Gu Xue come to participate in this project? What kind of backbone painter is he? He works hard and gets no benefits. Although the money given is not small, if Gu Xue really wants money, he can get it. Face, why don’t you ask for money faster by acting coquettishly like your sister Gu Rou…

My sister also gave me more.

If it weren’t for love and passion, who would join an animation production company?

Moreover, if he really makes a combat movie, Gu Xue is 100% sure that he will be cheated. By then, he will be able to produce the original paintings for most of the works.

It is simply impossible to expect newcomers to draw robots well without long-term practice.

If you can really draw robots well, you are no longer a newcomer. You can just go to work. You can also participate in some future animation projects and raise a ghost.

So… Gu Xue actually doesn’t agree with Mizawa Hiroshi’s mecha-war theme, but she can’t imitate Mihara Chisa, so she wants to be more tactful.

Be more tactful…

“Is there something wrong with your mind?”

Gu Xue looked disgusted, “Please, Chief Supervisor, don’t you know what year it is now? Do you still want to make hand-drawn robot animations? Look at how many companies now have the guts and confidence to make such animations? Are they different?” Don’t your company want to do it? It’s just that they can’t make it. The original painters who can draw giant radish are almost antiques now, okay? They’re all about to be supplied, and you still need a bunch of new people to draw. What if the work can’t be produced by then? What to do? Will you paint? Anyway, I won’t paint.”

“It’s really not me who is trying to knock you.” Gu Xue took a deep breath and continued: “You are also an original painter, so you should be very aware of the difficulty of painting carrot slices. Nowadays, when the industry has large-scale machinery or robots, they all use 3D, which is a good proof. , whatever market Miss Mihara just said, you can treat it as bullshit. There are indeed many people who like carrot slices, including me very much, and I can understand what you mean by romance in men, but romance cannot be used as food. Eat, can you also consider the actual situation? I won’t talk about the last time you messed up the storyboard. I pretend you have no experience, but is it a bit too much for you to keep messing around? Who gave you the confidence? , you are asked to be a supervisor for the first time, and most of your subordinates are new people doing original paintings, so you have to make some carrot slices.”

Misawa was silent for a moment and whispered: “You.”


Gu Xue turned directly to Mihara Chisa and said, “Miss Mihara, please make sure he wakes up.”

Chisa Mihara: “…”

“Then what theme do you think should be used?”

Misawa smiled bitterly, suppressed his desire to make carrot slices, and stopped insisting.

It was his first time as a supervisor, and he couldn’t help but get carried away by the idea of ​​making the animation he wanted to do.

Calm down now.

Mihara Chisa’s talk about the market and audience with him was far less effective than Gu Xue’s blasting at him about the difficulty of painting, because he was a creator, and talking to him about the audience was like playing harp to a bull, while talking to him about his practicality He has an idea of ​​the relevant creative difficulty.

And the most important thing is that Gu Xue doesn’t agree to make carrot slices. If it doesn’t work out in the end and she doesn’t care, Misawa Hiro will use his head to draw…

“Do you have any other themes you want to do?” Gu Xue saw that he had changed her mind, her tone softened a lot, and at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief. She had just ignored Misawa Hiroshi’s face and sprayed him, but if the other party wanted to save face, Or if she insists on making carrot slices, there is nothing she can do.

Fortunately, Misawahiro is pretty reliable…

Upon hearing Gu Xue’s question, Sanzeguang said directly without even thinking: “Carrot slices.”

This man is poisonous.

“Miss Mihara, do you have any good ideas?” Gu Xue turned her head directly and looked at Mihara Chisa.

Chisa Mihara was silent for a moment and shook her head.

Gu Xue: “…”

“Miss Gu Xue, do you have any good ideas?”

Stunned by the scene, Misawa took the initiative to ask Gu Xue.

“Me…” Gu Xue thought about it for a while.

In fact, she didn’t. If it were a TV animation, she might have carefully conceived a story and made an animation in her own mind. However, the OVA lasted only more than 20 minutes, and she felt that nothing was suitable.

And Gu Xue really didn’t like this project. She didn’t want to be a hardcore painter in the first place, so it was unrealistic for her to spend her energy thinking about stories.

Moreover, this project is used to train new people, so it is best to take into account all aspects, including daily acting and fighting, which is a bit troublesome.

Gu Xue didn’t want to waste her energy and was about to shake her head and say no, but at the critical moment, she thought of a work.

Gu Xue looked at Misawahiro and said: “… Do you want to do a witch theme?”

“Eh?” Misawa looked at Gu Xue with a strange look in his eyes, “Isn’t he too young?”

“You’re right about being young… But I think if it’s Wang Daoxiang’s adventure story, a lot of people would like it. Moreover, most of the original animators are men, right? If you ask them to draw girls, maybe they will I will be happier and more willing to draw.”

“…” Misawa Hiro hesitated for a moment, “Then if it is a witch theme, what specific story will it tell?”

“Story…” Gu Xue looked at Mihara Chisa, “Miss Mihara, could you please bring me some original drawing paper?”

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Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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