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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 392 Staring…


Gu Xue grabbed the edge of the table, squatted on the ground, exposed half of her face, and kept staring at the figure.

She is a guest.

Logically speaking, if she looked at her for so long without saying anything, the stall owner should be dissatisfied by now. Even if the stall owner didn’t show dissatisfaction for the sake of his face, then he could just keep calm…

But as the owner of the stall, he was not very calm at this time, and even a little nervous…

Yes, just nervous.

And this trace of tension.

As time goes by, it gradually turns into panic…

“Hey, is this girl interested in the figurine I made? No, isn’t she looking at the bottom of her skirt…”

“I look so entranced, um… my eyelashes are so long.”

“No, she seems to be able to see me like this… Sit up straighter… Breathe in, breathe in, tuck your belly in… Damn it, I should have known better not to wear a plaid shirt.”

“Also, I shouldn’t have been lazy yesterday. I should have gotten a haircut. Now my hair is almost blocking my entire face. Originally, I could still be considered a sunny and handsome guy after cutting my hair… No, the towel around my neck is too stupid. Come on, I’m such an idiot. Wouldn’t it be nice to bring tissues and your towel…”

“Why is she still looking…”

“That’s enough for you. No matter what, you have to have your limits. Forget it, just watch it. I won’t lose any meat anyway, but can you stand up? You are so cute that it will make other people’s hearts beat faster. Ah bastard!”

“…Don’t look at it.”

“Please! Please don’t watch anymore!”



A drop of sweat fell.

The stall owner, who was feeling like he was on a roller coaster, couldn’t stand it anymore. He grabbed the towel around his neck, wiped his sweat, raised his head and diverted his attention.

Then, on his forehead.

More sweat came out.

It turns out that I don’t know when.

Near his stall, a bunch of macho guys… and a bunch of nerds gathered around.

These macho men and nerds seemed to be wary of getting too close to his stall, but they all stared at it eagerly.

Stall owner: “…”

What are you doing?

What do you want to do?

His body trembled.

But then I thought about it, that’s not right.

The problem is not with you.


The stall owner turned his attention to Gu Xue again.

“Xiao Xue.”

Chisa Mihara also noticed that the crowd around her was gradually increasing, and she pulled Gu Xue.


Gu Xue came to her senses, stood up, and then nodded with satisfaction.

She’s not looking at the bottom of her skirt.

She really wanted to buy this figure, so she knelt down and looked at the details carefully. As for… just one glance, one glance.

I’ve finished reading it now.

“Excuse me……”

Gu Xue thought for a while and was about to ask about the sale.

But I didn’t expect it.

“Don’t ask.”

The stall owner directly interrupted Gu Xue, stood up in a flash, then picked up the exhibited figures without packaging them, just picked them up with the base and stuffed them into Gu Xue’s hands.

Gu Xue: “?”

3 minutes later.

Gu Xue was holding a figure and was forcibly driven away by the stall owner…

“…What are you doing?” Gu Xue turned to look at Chisa Mihara.

Chisa Mihara: “…”

What could she say.

Gu Xue squatted there for so long, she would have given it away for nothing, okay…

“never mind.”

Gu Xue saw that Chisa Mihara didn’t say anything and didn’t care. She didn’t worry about it anymore, “Let’s go somewhere else.”

Gu Xue held a figure and started her Taobao journey again.

But the second half was not as enjoyable as the first half.

The main reason is that there are more people.

The increase in people does not mean that there are more people in the venue. There are already a lot of people in the venue. The increase in people here means that Gu Xue feels that there are more people near her.

Although these people are far away from her.

And he had no intention of striking up a conversation with Gu Xue. Most of them just looked around near the stall where Gu Xue stayed, pretending not to care about others at all.

But Gu Xue always felt that these people were following him, and they frequently glanced at him from the corner of his eyes.

Gu Xue has no evidence.

But her sixth sense told her that she was right.

“Miss Mihara, do you feel…”

Gu Xue held a figure and wanted to confirm it with Mihara Chisa.


Chisa Mihara frowned slightly and nodded before she could finish her words.

I obviously felt it too.

“What’s going on…”

Chisa Mihara looked at Gu Xue and said against her will: “I don’t know…”

“…Forget it, let’s go to Small’s booth first.”

Gu Xue thought for a while, these people didn’t know what they wanted to do, so they couldn’t afford to offend them, so they couldn’t afford to hide away. Anyway, they were done shopping here, and they were just in time to see what a big factory is and what professionalism is.

“Okay.” Mihara Chisa nodded.

Get a definite answer.

Gu Xue took Mihara Chisa and followed the instructions everywhere.

Went to another area…

Exhibition areas for large groups, outstanding groups with the support of well-known prototype designers, and manufacturers.

It’s a big company.


Of course it cannot be as shabby as a personal work.

For a company of the size of Yusanjia, even your booths cannot accommodate the works she wants to display.

Therefore, this area is not a stall, but a booth, which is very large and flashy.

Oversized portraits of characters and advertisements are hung everywhere.

As soon as Gu Xue came here, her attention was attracted.

Not attracted by those vertical paintings.


The most beautiful scenery in the figure exhibition.

1:1 figure.

It’s the kind of “don’t even think about it, your wife can’t afford it, let alone raise her” kind of figure.

The large figure of the saint Hui Chao that many people on earth know is a 1:1 life-size figure.

This figure is really eye-catching.

Of course, it’s also very expensive.

“As expected of a professional.”

Gu Xue looked at the waiting figures in the distance and sighed.

Then she pulled Chisa Mihara forward.

She moved forward with anticipation.



It is destined to be seen only from a distance.

Gu Xue looked at the waiting figure that caught her attention from a distance and felt good about it, but when she looked closer, she felt a little disappointed.

It feels a little bad.

If the details are not done right, there will be an uncanny valley effect if you look at it for a long time…


There are many people around the waiting figure.

Of course, you are not allowed to touch the exhibition’s waiting figures. There is a isolation zone and the space is large, so just now Gu Xueyuan couldn’t tell how many people there were, but he got closer.

At once.

Holy shit.

It was full of people holding cameras.


And most importantly.

After Gu Xue approached, she caught sight of an acquaintance she had been hiding from among so many people.

This is even scarier.

“Miss Mihara, let’s escape…”

Looking at the slightly swaying golden twin ponytails, Gu Xue subconsciously wanted to run.

But it was too late.

The owner of the golden twintails happened to turn his head, and just as Gu Xue saw the other person at a glance, the other person also turned his head and saw Gu Xue holding a figure at a glance…

Gu Xue: “…”

Shirakawa Rina: “”

Looking at each other.



“Gu Xue!!! You liar!!!”

A scream resounded throughout the entire exhibition center.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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