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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 415 Don’t worry


Facing Chisa Mihara who couldn’t stop crying.

Gu Xue did not try to persuade her, but stood on tiptoes and grabbed the hem of her T-shirt, trying to wipe away her tears.


Chisa Rika Mihara pressed down her hand and let the lifted T-shirt return to its original position, covering her fair and flat belly again.

“…Well, I’m an idiot.”

Gu Xue gave up wiping her tears with her T-shirt.

She dug into the pocket of her skirt, found a tissue, spread it out and held it, and wiped Mihara Chisa’s face vigorously.

Gu Xue knew that she didn’t like makeup either.

Only then did he dare to do this.

She really wouldn’t dare to change someone else.


After Gu Xue wiped it hard, she took it off and saw that there was nothing on it except tears.

Chisa Mihara, whose long eyelashes still had some tears hanging on them, after taking away the tissue, looked at Gu Xue, who was very worried, but calmer than anyone else, and her eyes turned red again.


“I said, this was either premeditated or…”

“Why do I like you so much.”


Gu Xue was interrupted.

Head tilted.

Don’t watch Chisa Mihara.

The pink face becomes rosy to the naked eye…


Chisa Mihara looked at Gu Xue, and suddenly she felt relaxed.

Fear, hesitation, injustice, and nervousness all disappeared.

She turned sharply.

Wait for Gu Xue to come to her senses.

Chisa Mihara has already pushed open the door of the conference room.

“go to hell!!!!”

This was the first time Gu Xue heard Chisa Mihara shouting.

Hysteria revealed.

It seemed as if all the resentment and unwillingness in the past years had turned into these words.

Chisa Mihara opened the door again and came in.

She cried again.

She stood in front of Gu Xue again.

“I am afraid.”

Chisa Mihara, who was obviously no longer afraid, clenched her hands into fists and timidly said the word fear.



Chisa Mihara took a step forward, hugged Gu Xue fiercely, and gently bit her shoulder to prevent herself from crying.

Gu Xue gently rubbed her back.

Feeling the warm breath coming from Mihara Chisa’s soft and delicate body, her whole body softened.

After all, it’s a conference room in someone else’s company.

Plus the two yelled.

3.C PICTURE cannot have no reaction.

Gu Xue and Mihara Chisa, who were hugging each other, had just separated.

An angry voice came from outside the conference room door.

“I said it! I have nothing to talk about with that kind of person who only knows how to hype! Who does she think she is!? Why should I talk to her? What qualifications does she have?”

“And what’s going on? Just come here and show off your power first? Who does she think I am? Who is Chisa Mihara? What does it have to do with her? What does it mean to yell at the company? She thinks she is a woman, I Should I give her face and let her go? What a self-righteous thing.”

Accompanied by a furious voice.

The conference room door was pushed open.

Gu Xue subconsciously blocked in front of Mihara Qiansha and looked at the door with a half-smile.

Two people walked in.

One is Lyons.

The other one, a thin, mean-looking middle-aged man, should be Kei Narita.

He cursed at the door.

After coming in.

Although he did not continue to scold, his face was ashen, and he looked at Gu Xue and asked:

“What do you mean?”

Gu Xue didn’t have time to answer.

Chisa Mihara took a deep breath and walked out from behind her.

Narita Kei was stunned when he saw her.

Then, his expression became even more angry.

“What do you mean!?”

Chisa Mihara didn’t even look at her, she looked directly at Lyons and said in broken English: “Sir… 3.C PICTURE is not a good choice. I have worked here… for nearly ten years. This animation company… is shit.”

Hear what Chisa Mihara said.

Gu Xue burst out laughing.

So simple and direct…


Chisa Mihara turned to look at Gu Xue and pulled the hem of her clothes.

The look in his eyes seemed to be saying coquettishly, don’t laugh.

Gu Xue nodded.

He said he didn’t laugh anymore.

Neither of them glanced at Narita Kei during the entire process.


Narita Kei should be able to understand, otherwise she would not have followed Lyons here without an interpreter.

His expression slowly turned ferocious, he looked at Chisa Mihara and took a step closer, “You are here to cause trouble, right?”

Chisa Mihara clenched her fists and refused to give in. “I’m just telling the truth.”

“Fact? Are you talking about this!? This person! He used to be from our company. Thanks to her, he was inexperienced and wanted to show off his strength. He offended the original animator. In the end, the quality of the animation dropped off a cliff and our company became a laughing stock!” Narita Keikan Xiang Lyons, “If you don’t believe me, you can look up “Falling Feathers” on the Internet, or you can go outside and ask anyone who is responsible for all this! Don’t tell me that I am messing around! I am the supervisor! I I have the right and obligation to be responsible for the quality of the work! There are so many episodes in an animation, why did something go wrong when it came to her? I am the supervisor of the entire work! Why did something go wrong in the twelfth episode!?”

“And you don’t understand what she has in mind when she comes here now? Lyons!”

Lyons rubbed his temples: “…”

Hearing Narita Kei’s words.

Mihara Chisa’s delicate body trembled.

With moist eyelashes and red eyes, she suddenly raised her head and glared at Narita Kei: “I had a problem back then! But you were also wrong! You! You have no right to criticize me! You are not even qualified to be a supervisor! You just think You want to make yourself famous, want to make more money, and don’t care about the production cycle or the hard work of the original animators. After you mess up! You don’t even have the courage to take responsibility for your mistakes!”

Chisa Mihara almost shouted.

So loud.

You can definitely hear it outside.

Narita Kei immediately blushed. He forgot what Chisa Mihara said this time, and Lyons couldn’t understand it at all.

He only felt that his face, his own face, had been beaten.

As a matter of course, he took a step forward and raised his hand.


But it’s not the same as before.

Chisa Mihara grabbed his hand and pushed hard.

“You don’t even count as a man!”

Narita Kei was pushed and staggered. He was stunned for a moment, his face turned redder, and he raised his hand again.

“Fake! That’s enough!”

Lyons stood between the two.

Chisa Mihara looked at Kei Narita, took a deep breath, made a disdainful sound to the ground, turned around suddenly, and walked back behind Gu Xue in an extremely free and easy manner.

Quite handsome.

“Gu Xue, we are here to discuss cooperation! We are not here to quarrel like children!”

Lyons looked at Gu Xue, who had been silent.

Gu Xue smiled and said calmly: “Yes, what do you mean? Since we are cooperating, you should have investigated the two companies. What are your thoughts?”

“Resource sharing, I hope to buy out all the copyrights of your two animations in areas other than Huayaguo.”

Narita Kei grimaced: “Impossible! It’s impossible to cooperate!”

“It’s really impossible.” Gu Xue shook her head, “Choose one of the two, you can see it, we have a grudge.”

Lyons: “…”

He had a headache and was very confused.

Narita Kei suppressed his anger and shouted: “Mr. Lyons!”

Lyons looked at Kei Narita, thinking about the past few days when he came to 3.C PICTURE Animation Production Company, what he heard every day about 3.C PICTURE Animation Company’s previous achievements, and the process of YUKI Studio’s reputation building…

He pondered for a moment.

Look at Gu Xue.

Gu Xue nodded calmly, “I understand. You already have the answer in your mind, don’t you? However, I would like to ask, when do you plan to broadcast the animation you bought now?”

“…” Lyons didn’t know what she meant. After being silent for a while, he still replied, “Because of this project, 3.C PICTURE has been preparing for a long time. It will probably be broadcast in October next year.”


Gu Xue pulled Chisa Mihara and walked outside, “You’re right, it’s like children quarreling now. It’s really a bit ugly. Revenge, how can it be like this? Just let it go like children quarreling. What does this mean? revenge.”

“Gu Xue…what are you talking about?”

Lyons didn’t know why, but his heart suddenly beat violently.

“It’s nothing, I just plan to snipe you, don’t worry.”

Gu Xue, who walked to the door, turned around and smiled brightly at Lyons and Narita Kei.


Lyons suffered cardiac arrest.

“Huh? Are you sniping at me? Are you…”

Narita Keize grimaced and began to mock, but before he could finish his words, Gu Xue left without looking back.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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