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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 43 Bad

Animation Future, also known as the Young Animation Producer Training Program.

In order to support the animation industry, the government commissioned the Animation Production Association to carry out a project.

The purpose is to revitalize the animation industry.

As for why the animation industry needs to be revitalized, historical issues aside, the main reason is that the current animation industry has entered a highly commercialized stage, with a constant stream of projects. Animation companies are basically busy with commercial production and have no time to train new people and produce. The staff is aging seriously, and many large projects are unwilling to hire new people for the sake of painting quality. Moreover, because of the production committee system, animation production companies often only get a pitiful production fee for an animation. Therefore, most animation production companies simply have no money to train new people, and everyone is poor.

In order to change this situation, the government launched the Animation Future project, which spends a certain amount of money every year to entrust six animation companies to train a certain number of new people and bring fresh blood to the animation production industry.

Because it is training new people, the government has given them a very generous construction period and a lot of money. It is about three times that of an ordinary TV animation episode and almost equal to the budget of the theatrical version. The purpose is to allow the animation company to work slowly and teach new people more. so.

With a sufficient budget and a long processing period, the Animation Future Project has produced many very good works. In order to stimulate these animation production companies to be more dedicated, the government has also added a review link starting from the second session, which will rank the works that participated in the review that year. One name, the top three, that is, gold reward, silver reward, and bronze reward.

The top three can get a lot of benefits, and the one that is most tempting to animation production companies is probably the special support funds.

Everyone is poor and everyone wants money.

This is Gu Xue’s memory of future animation plans.

Gold rewards are hard to get.

But at this moment, that doesn’t matter!

The moment Chisa Mihara lowered her head, Gu Xue panicked.

Fortunately, Miss Mihara didn’t let her panic for long, she just pressed it on her forehead.

Although her forehead was very hot, she was probably just shy… shit.

It is true that Miss Mihara is shy, but Gu Xue is not stupid either.

Miss Mihara’s intention was very obvious just now, okay?

Although the shadow and reason of the past have been telling Gu Xue that it is normal for girls to be intimate. Isn’t it true that there are still people who go to the toilet holding hands?

I have never had close contact with a girl before, so it must be an illusion.

But her sensibility told Gu Xue that it would be better to ask clearly. No matter how intimate a girl is, there should be a bottom line, right? No matter how awkward Mihara Chisa’s character is, she wouldn’t choose to kiss herself just to express her goodwill, right?

Anyway, Gu Xue felt that she would not be like this.

Although she only has one friend in this world.

But he had friends in the past. Although they were of different genders, she thought about it and felt that Miss Mihara was indeed a little abnormal.

Gu Xue felt the temperature on her forehead. After thinking for a while, maybe she was stunned by the heat wave, she organized her words and planned to ask clearly. Whether this kind of thing is true or not, she must ask clearly!

Although she had been shouting in her heart that she wanted a young lady and said she wanted to date Miss Mihara, but at this time, she hoped that she had misunderstood because she really didn’t want to delay others.

She is close to Chisa Mihara, but she is more influenced by the shadow of the past. She wants to be in contact with beautiful girls, but when it comes to love, she is really not sure how much she has.

Just as he opened his mouth to say something, Gu Xue thought of such a scene again.

She didn’t quite understand the bottom line of intimacy between girls.

But shadows of her past were still there, and she could imagine them from a male perspective.


Suppose you are a male and have a close relationship with a same-sex friend. You can exchange clothes with each other. The other person also takes good care of you and occasionally shows off your chest muscles to show off. Then, one day, you have sex. One of the three major misunderstandings in life, I found a remote corner, seriously asked him if he was gay, and said that I actually like boys…


The other person is fine, if the other person is not.

He stood there with an awkward look on his face, neither walking nor walking, just laughing.

Thinking about this scene, I feel like my life is over.

Gu Xue felt that she and Chisa Mihara were in a similar situation. She always felt that they were a little too close, but maybe she was overthinking it. Moreover, what if I ask too directly and hurt Miss Mihara’s heart?

Thinking of this, Gu Xue swallowed back the words that came to her lips, reorganized her words, and planned to change the question to a more tactful way.

But before she could reorganize her words, Miss Mihara spoke first.

“If I kiss your forehead, will you think I’m perverted?” Chisa Mihara slowly raised her head. Although her face was very red, she was very calm. She looked into Gu Xue’s eyes without evading her gaze.

“Ah, ah?” Gu Xue was stunned.

Said, said it?

“Actually, I still can’t let go of the grudge in my heart. Although I told you at the time that I just wanted to stand in front of Kei Narita and say, ‘You have problems too,’ it was enough, but it was still not enough. You are right, I am I want to snipe them and prove to them that I really didn’t do anything wrong.”

“But I don’t trust Misawa Hiro, so I found you. I’m sorry to cause you trouble, but please help me.”

“I know your family background is very good. I have nothing to give you. This is the only thing I can do.”

Miss Mihara’s voice is very soft and her expression is very serious. Anyone who hears her words will think that what she says is true.

“So, you just wanted to express your gratitude…?”

After hearing what Miss Mihara said, Gu Xue breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.


“How can you express your gratitude like this? I’m almost scared to death by you.”

Gu Xue didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Although she was a little skeptical, thinking about it carefully, it seemed quite normal for Chisa Mihara to do this. After all, she had an awkward personality and a criminal record…


“You may not get the gold reward.” After Gu Xue knew that Mihara Chisa didn’t mean that, she relaxed, adjusted her position, and changed to a more comfortable position to lie on Mihara Chisa’s soft body. On the thigh, “And it won’t be of much use if you beg me. At most, I can only influence…”

“Please.” Chisa Mihara looked down at Gu Xue’s face with a flushed face, her eyes moist, as if she was telling something.

Gu Xue’s face suddenly turned red. She waved her arms and stammered: “Help me up! I want to fight for the gold reward!”

Gu Xue, who had been flopping around for a long time, his head went blank, and he almost forgot that he still had legs, took a long time to get up.

Even though she is unreliable at critical moments, she is actually surprisingly innocent.

Gu Xue sat up and began to continue drawing the original design, but absentmindedly.

Chisa Mihara, whose face was still feeling very hot, lay on the conference table, half of her face hidden in her arms, looking at Gu Xue’s rosy side face, her red lips opened slightly, and then she pursed her lips.

It is better to be more direct when chasing girls. Although I have never been in love…but my intuition tells me that this is right…

As for the novel, although I did this intentionally, the characters of the two people actually meant that they would not say it directly.

Also, Gu Xue is actually the most troublesome person in the story, and she is difficult to chase.

Sorry, I have made you read at least tens of thousands of words of emotional drama, and you are probably tired of it. This chapter is a watershed, and it is time for Gu Xue to become extremely passionate.

(Actually, I had the courage to imagine the confession scene that Gu Xue imagined. The object was a friend sitting next to me in the company. I also felt that if I really said it, my life would be over…)

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Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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