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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 430 I want to choose…

A group of bosses were unhappy with Narita Kei, but felt sorry for Chisa Mihara who was next to Gu Xue.

the existence of this group of people.

In addition, I recalled what Gu Xue said about sniping 3.C PICTURE.

Lyons always felt that something would happen…

These people have the imprint of 3.C PICTURE. Many old otakus and many classic works in their memory are related to these people.

Why has the talent gap of 3.C PICTURE been so severe in recent years, with few excellent works coming out, but 3.C PICTURE can still maintain its status as the big brother of animation production companies, with no shortage of projects? One of the reasons is because of these people The efforts and animations produced during the barbaric period.

The reason why these people’s initial accusations against Narita Kei failed to ruin his reputation was because Narita Kei was still very famous at that time. He was very smart and stood up to the times before the same light changes were completely disgusted. Self-rescue was launched on the tail. And at that time, these big guys, to be honest, when the same light modifications were popular, most of them were silently working as producers of the original animation show, and they were really not famous.

But things are different now. Times are changing. Narita Kei’s animation has gotten worse and worse in recent years, but these big guys are known and admired by more and more people…

At this time, if Gu Xue was a bit more sinister, he would directly take Mihara Chisa and go find these big guys one by one, explain them rationally and move them emotionally, and then mention Mihara Chisa’s experience of taking the blame, so that these people with 3 .C The big bosses of the PICTURE brand gathered together to inspire Narita…

Keiwa Narita Animation will go straight to heaven!

Yes, Lyons doesn’t mind if Narita Kesho doesn’t ascend to heaven, but he does mind the animation…

Although he subconsciously didn’t think that Gu Xue would be so sinister, after all, he looked so cute and cute, but what if…


Lyons’ thoughts were racing.

Thousands of words merged into one word.

But actually…he still has something to say.

But he felt that it was meaningless to say these words at this time, so he suppressed those words in his heart.

That sentence is——

“I want to choose Gu Xue…”

After investigating 3.C PICTURE, although Lyons was very annoyed, the money had already been given in advance. He had no choice but to strengthen his confidence and accompany 3.C PICTURE.

He convinced himself, and at the same time he began to travel frequently between the hotel and 3.C PICTURE… to supervise the work.

As for 3.C PICTURE Fang and Narita Kei, although they were annoyed by Lyons coming over every day to ask questions, Lyons was an investing father, and Narita Kei felt a little guilty because he had deceived him at the beginning. The combination of their respective reasons meant that no one dared to say anything to Lyons.

3.C PICTURE and Narita Kei obviously have great expectations for the company’s plan, which they have to deceive into investing even if it is a scam. They have been preparing before Netflix, represented by Lyons, entered the market.

The day after Lyons decided to enter the game, the project called “Monster” within 3.C PICTURE, which included giant monsters, superpowers, and world-saving elements, began to advance.

Lyons went to 3.C PICTURE almost every day, and he sat in on the script meetings, albeit with a confused look on his face. He also participated in the character setting and art setting meetings. He even found someone to translate part of the script and read it through… He participated in many early stages of animation production.

And 3.C PICTURE, this increasingly decaying company, suddenly burst out with some vitality because of Lyons’s troublesome behavior in order not to lose face…

Sometimes things are so strange…

After this period of running, Lyons regained confidence in 3.C PICTURE.

The thought in my heart that ‘I want to choose Gu Xue’ began to slowly dissipate.

He thinks Narita Keiya is okay.

One night, he finally confessed to Narita Kei.

“Mr. Narita, I know that this project is very important to your company and is the key to your turnaround. This project is also very important to me. I know that you were not honest with me before the project started, but let it go. Go away, Gu Xue is amazing, I hope you can go all out to make “Monster” a success.”

Lyons is sincere.

But Kei Narita obviously didn’t appreciate it.

He was already tired of Lyons coming to ask questions every day, but when he heard “Gu Xue is very powerful”, he narrowed his eyes and almost cursed.

But in the end, he endured it.

After he cursed “What does it mean to go all out” in a Chinese language that Lyons couldn’t understand, he said coldly: “Does my plan have anything to do with Gu Xue?”

“She hates you. She is very powerful. She said she would snipe you. The animation you were responsible for this quarter failed miserably compared to the animation she was responsible for.”

Lyons doesn’t know what it means to be subtle.

“Mr. Lyons, I don’t understand what you mean by great, if marketing and hype can be considered great.”

Narita Kei’s expression was still cold.

But his high and low tone still betrayed him. He was angry and anxious.

And after he finished speaking, he slammed the door and left.

Lyons didn’t care much about this. During this period, he participated in the preliminary work of animation planning. He knew very well that 3.C PICTURE was a company that could do a good job in animation. Occasionally stimulating supervision would not necessarily be a bad thing. ?

Anyway, after this period of running, Lyons is full of confidence in 3.C PICTURE!


His confidence could not be maintained for 24 hours.

The day after he confessed to Kei Narita, the tenth episode of “My Youthful Love Story Really Has a Problem” was broadcast. The school anniversary plot, which was considered the climax of the first season, unfolded. Yukinoshita Yukino and Hikigaya Hachiman happened to have a quarrel. Joint, when such a plot appears, the audience will naturally like to see it.

That night, Lyons looked at the enthusiasm of the audience for “Guo Qing” and then looked at Narita Kei’s animation for this season, and suddenly panicked.

But it’s not over yet.

After a week, Lyons just barely recovered.

The eleventh episode of “Go Youth” was played. Yukinoshita Yukino became the vice-chairman of the School Anniversary Executive Committee, but her existence unexpectedly hit the chairman Sagami, which eventually led to the latter starting to escape and the work was unevenly distributed. , all fell on Yukinoshita Yukino, Hikigaya Hachiman blew himself up to protect his wife…no, to protect his classmates.

As soon as the eleventh episode of “Guo Qing” aired, the discussion forum exploded.

The heat is even higher.

Compared with “Guo Qing”, other animations all become eclipsed.

That night, Lyons’ hand holding the mouse was shaking.

“Is it over yet?”

That night, the room echoed with these words…

But it’s not over yet…

Another week has passed.

Lyons lay expressionless on the bed and stopped paying attention to Gu Xue’s animation! Lest your confidence be destroyed again! Go straight to bed!

Before he went to sleep, he felt that he had nothing to fear.

But he still underestimated the power of the twelfth episode of “Guo Qing” after eleven episodes.

When Hikigaya Hachiman, a unique male protagonist in this world who has been shaped by animation for so long, said the words “Look, it’s very simple, the world where no one gets hurt is complete.”

It was like dropping a nuclear bomb on a calm lake.

Audiences in this world have never seen this scene before.

the next day.

Lyons gets up and pushes with a brush.

I saw various discussions and even quarrels about “Guo Qing”…

He burst into tears.



Why do you still not let go of my confidence even though I haven’t watched the anime?

Lyons complained. As soon as he finished his accusation, he saw another tweet that made his confidence evaporate instantly.

Gu Xue actually took advantage of the chaos last night and released two figures from the ‘Unyielding Girl’ series when “Guo Qing” was at its peak popularity.

All have backstories.

They are:

Madoka Magica, Maruka Shikame and finally Madoka…

Fate, saber’s ideal land…

These two figures are just like Gu Xue thinks the fire is not strong enough and just adds gasoline to the fire…

There are talks about YUKI Studio, Small Company, and Gu Xue everywhere.

Lyons lay on the bed, brushed and pushed for a while, and became numb.

He dropped his phone.

The thoughts in my heart came back again.

I can’t hold it back this time.

Even if someone presses the coffin board, it won’t work, and even if someone nails it, it won’t work!

He shouted directly with his rotten vocal cords!

“I want to choose Gu Xue!!!”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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