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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 434 Oh, sorry…

“Welcome again!”

Accompanied by the clerk’s high-pitched farewell voice, Gu Xue and Mihara Chisa walked out of the convenience store.

The reason why the two of them appeared a few kilometers away from YUKI’s studio was because after Chisa Mihara explained the situation yesterday, she was going to visit some people today, but Gu Xue was worried and came with her.

The reason why the two of them appeared here and ran into the convenience store was because it was too hot.

It is the end of September now, and the cold dew will start in a few days. The fifth solar term of autumn is almost here, but the temperature shows no sign of falling. In the car, Gu Xue felt very hot when she looked at the sun outside. After getting off the car, As expected, after walking for a while, Gu Xue felt a little unbearable. She took Chisa Mihara to the convenience store to use the air conditioner for a while, drank a bottle of cold drink, and then resurrected with full health.

But she was resurrected with full health, but Chisa Mihara’s spirit was still a little sluggish.

Because her short shoulder-length hair has not been cut in the past few months, it is already a bit long. She is not like Gu Xue, who has the habit of always having rubber bands on her wrists. Her hair is loose and covers her neck. The sweltering heat is not like using the air conditioner in a convenience store. It can be alleviated.

“Is it hot?”

Gu Xue felt the oncoming heat wave, glanced at Chisa Mihara, and asked.

She knew very well how Mihara Chisa felt at this moment.

She has experienced the feeling of covering her hair more times than Chisa Mihara. When she first came to this world, she would forget to tie her hair every few days. She didn’t feel the air conditioning at home. When she went out, her long hair covered her neck and back. , that feeling…

Then my hair grew long, and besides being hot, there were actually a lot of other troubles. For example, every time Gu Xue and Gu Rou slept together, they would press each other’s hair every morning when they got up, which was particularly troublesome…

Give Gu Xue time, she can tell the disadvantages of having long hair.

But it was she who suggested Mihara Chisa’s long hair…she didn’t dare to say.

“It’s okay.” Chisa Mihara shook her head and denied, “I’m not hot.”

“There’s no reward for duplicity!” Gu Xue lightly hit her on the shoulder, complained, and then handed her the water in her hand, “Take the water.”

Chisa Mihara was a little confused, but she still took the water.

Gu Xue walked around behind her, stretched out his hands to gather the hair covering her neck, and fanned her up and down, “Let’s go, it’s not far anyway, you go ahead and I’ll hold your hair up.”


“hurry up!”

Chisa Mihara had no choice but to walk forward slowly.

Gu Xue followed her step by step. It was not very tiring, but it was very hot under the sun.

Fortunately, she has her own ponytail.

Still bearable.

“Ms. Mihara, Mr. Kigami sued you before. You pushed a free artist too hard last time and were unwilling to come to me. In the end, the free artist lost his mentality and chose to call the police… This It just happened not long ago.”

Holding her hair and being idle, Gu Xue was also a little confused about the purpose of her trip, so she struck up a conversation with Chisa Mihara.

“I know that if you had other choices at that time, you wouldn’t have forced the free original artist… But now you suddenly say that you know some powerful people who can help us…”

Chisa Mihara was a little embarrassed: “It was an accident that time…”

Gu Xue rolled her eyes and said: “Okay, I don’t know if it’s an accident or not. When you first met me, you didn’t force me to work as a coolie and bribe me with a box of milk every day… Tell me, after all, what’s going on.”

“…Normally I wouldn’t dare to go find these people.”

Chisa Mihara was silent for a while, then said truthfully, “Xiaoyue, you should know that 3.C PICTURE was once glorious, right?”

“Well, I’ve read about it, and it seems to be really brilliant. I can’t figure out why 3.C PICTURE has become like this now. Let alone animation with integrity, I feel that there are not many serious works.”

“That’s because all the powerful people have left. The people I’m visiting now…are the people who left 3.C PICTURE back then.”


“When I was at 3.C PICTURE…when I was at the most difficult time, I approached these people, but these people had great objections to Kei Narita, and they all rejected me unceremoniously. After the incident broke out, they gave me I called them and to apologize… they also left me their phone address. However, I was holding my breath and didn’t contact them. I would only occasionally send greeting cards during the New Year.”

Chisa Mihara pursed her red lips and continued: “After that, I figured it out and didn’t dare to look for them again. After all, I always felt that if I went to look for them again, it would feel a bit like they were being held hostage.”

“Wait.” Gu Xue stopped, a little surprised.

Chisa Mihara also stopped.

“Let me think about it, 3.C PICTURE people who ran away, you went to them, they rejected you, and then apologized to you, and then…”

Gu Xue muttered for a while, then quickly raised her head and said, “What are you afraid of? At most, you will be rejected. Besides, I will accompany you, so I am not afraid.”


“By the way, are those people very powerful? Are the people who left 3.C PICTURE very powerful? Although I know that 3.C PICTURE has been brilliant, but the freelancers who are famous in the industry… after so long, I have some impressions, it seems Not many powerful people have said that they are from 3.C PICTURE, right?”

“They must have resentment towards 3.C PICTURE. It is true that few people mention that they are from 3.C PICTURE, but they are indeed very powerful.”

“Then what is the name of the first person we are looking for now? I may have an impression of the name.”

“My name is Ando Jinyu.”


Hear the name.

Gu Xue, who was walking behind Chisa Mihara, stopped suddenly, let go of Miss Mihara’s long hair, passed her hands under his armpits, and hugged her to prevent her from walking forward.

“Wait! You mean Ando Jinyu? It can’t be that Ando Jinyu!?”

Gu Xue was really frightened.

The overall animation production industry in this world is indeed worse than that on Earth, but there are also bright stars here.

After all, animation production has developed over the years.


Chisa Mihara, who was hugged from the waist, was stunned, her face turned red.

“What’s wrong…” Miss Mihara didn’t say anything. Gu Xue was a little confused. Just when she was about to ask, she saw her own actions, and she quickly figured out why.

“Oh, sorry……”

Gu Xue moved her hands down and hugged her waist, her face blushing slightly.

In order to ease the embarrassment, she asked Chisa Mihara to turn around and face her, and then asked: “Is it that Jinyu Ando? The top martial arts instructor?”

“Well…” Chisa Mihara finally came to her senses and nodded.

“Holy shit…”

Gu Xuemei’s eyes widened slightly as she looked at Chisa Mihara, whose face was slightly red and her eyes were evasive.

Want to kiss her.

Of course we didn’t kiss in the end.

Gu Xue just took a moment to collect herself, then she and Chisa Mihara came to an apartment, rang the doorbell, and came to visit.


As soon as the doorbell was pressed, there was a noise inside the house, and then the door was opened.

A middle-aged man appeared at the door. He saw Chisa Mihara. After being stunned for a moment, he asked hesitantly: “Miss Mihara?”

“Long time no see.” Chisa Mihara bowed slightly to him.

“haven’t seen you for a long time.”

The middle-aged man laughed and continued: “Is it for 3.C PICTURE again? I don’t…”

“No.” Chisa Mihara shook her head vigorously, quietly grabbed Gu Xue’s hand and clasped her fingers tightly, “It’s not for 3.C PICTURE, it’s for… Gu Xue.”

“Gu Xue…?”

The middle-aged man scratched his head, looking puzzled.

Until, his eyes moved down and he saw the clasped hands of Gu Xue and Mihara Chisa.

Then, his eyes slowly moved up and he noticed Gu Xue standing next to Mihara Qiansha…

His eyes were fixed on Gu Xue’s face…

After a while.

“Supervisor JK!?”

Gu Xue: “…”

? ? ? ? ? ? ?


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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