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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 439 Know

September 30th, the last day before the holiday.

The entire YUKI studio is a little restless.

But it’s not their fault. The last episode of this season’s “Guo Qing” has been completed. It’s understandable that they are relaxed and looking forward to the holiday.

After all, no matter how much you like something, once it becomes a career and you face it every day, you will eventually feel tired. It is of course fun to take a vacation to change your mood.

So, Gu Xue, who tried on many sets of clothes last night… came to the studio and saw them fishing, but didn’t say anything.

In fact, she has nothing to do today.

After “My Youthful Love Story Really Has a Problem”, although she, the supervisor, still has to finish the work, she has to take a vacation. The animation has been broadcast, so everything can be postponed for a while. As for the congratulatory pictures, promotional cooperation, etc. She can actually do small things during the holidays.

She came to the studio today mainly for two things, to get rid of Satoshi Nakata, and to confirm matters related to the Giant Project with the production management department.

In the last episode of the second season of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow”, Satoshi Nakata was forced to announce that he would outsource to YUKI Studio.

At that time, it was like a stone thrown into the lake, causing quite a splash.

But as time went by, more and more episodes of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” were aired. The plot was still so smooth that many viewers gave up the show before the twelfth episode was aired, or…it was mentioned halfway through. If you’re not interested, just throw it aside.

The popularity dropped, and many people forgot about the fact that YUKI Studio took over outsourcing.

As for CDD Animation Studio, it was initially announced that the final episode would be outsourced to the supervisor of the first season. Satoshi Nakata’s intention was in it, but more importantly, it was actually a struggle of the animation production committee…

They realized that Satoshi Nakata was not very good at it, and wanted to use the name Gu Xue to revive the popularity of “Embrace a Better Tomorrow”. The effect was good at the time, but the last episode of the animation was too far away, and the name Gu Xue was really… However, animation has been boring for a few weeks… During this period, with “My Youthful Love Story Really Has a Problem” on the air and “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” silent, CDD Animation Workshop didn’t know whether it felt powerless or something else. Suddenly there was no mention of Gu Xue outsourcing the last episode.

It’s like I forgot about it.

However, they forgot, but Gu Xue did not forget, nor could they forget that as soon as the last episode of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” was announced to be outsourced, the information was lost to YUKI Studio.

And because at that time, Hiroshi Misawa and Ei Sato were mainly responsible for the production of “Guo Qing”, Gu Xue was quick to draw and check quickly, and the habits she developed in the first season of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” did not change. Quite a lot. She thought about it for a while and felt that the construction period was very long. Finally, with the idea of ​​’forget it, I won’t cause trouble to others’, she just finished the last episode of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow”…

From the storyboard to Er Yuan, she did it all by herself.

This was the first time she had painted the original animation for an episode alone. The difficulty of doing it alone was a bit beyond her imagination, and it was hard for her to forget.

but. Although the process was bumpy and bumpy, I finally finished it and today I am editing V.

During these days, apart from daily contact confirmations, Gu Xue almost didn’t say hello to Satoshi Nakata and CDD Animation behind him during the last episode. Now the V editor doesn’t even call him, which is a bit excessive…

So today Gu Xue called Satoshi Nakata.

Of course it was impossible and too late to change it, but I still wanted to let Satoshi Nakata take a look.

It would be really too much if Satoshi Nakata, as the director, has to wait until the animation is played before he can see the final words.

after all……

“I’m not a devil either.”

Gu Xue smiled happily and looked at the time.

Stand up and prepare to go to the editing room.

the other side.

Chisa Mihara also came to YUKI studio a little later.

Instead of looking for Gu Xue, she went straight to the area where the production managers were and found Mr. Kigami who was pulling out his hair like crazy.

Mugami looked at the computer screen and scratched his head crazily, not noticing the approach of Chisa Mihara at all.

He was thinking about the people he knew and his relationships, and wanted to form a team.

But Gu Xue’s plan is too damn difficult. If he saw this kind of plan in an ordinary animation production company, he would immediately contact a group of people to come over. After all, he knows very well that compromise is the norm in TV animation.

But now that he is at YUKI Studio, the production difficulty of “Attack on Titan” is S-level, whether he is looking at the planning book or Gu Xue’s attitude.

He didn’t stay at YUKI Studio for long, but he knew very well who the people at YUKI Studio were!

Normally he looks like a fisherman, but secretly he is a serious monster!

A mediocre outsider will not only not be able to do a good job in Giant’s project, but may also be disliked!

Everyone in the studio was misled by Gu Xue!

When he thought about the people he knew, he felt that none of them matched him, and they were all a little bit different.

After all, it is Gu Xue who is sitting in the supervisory position!

But it’s so awesome… He doesn’t know him… If he does, he doesn’t have such a big face to invite her.

But he doesn’t want to give up like this.

He likes the atmosphere of YUKI Studio and wants to make a good animation.


Mu Shang looked up to the sky and sighed, his hair was pulled out, making people very worried about his image in his later years.

Chisa Mihara looked at the flying hair and secretly took a step back…

“Uh…Miss Mihara? What’s wrong?”

Kisami looked up and found Chisa Mihara standing not far away, and stopped combing her hair.

“This.” Mihara Chisa straightened her expression, took a step forward, and handed the list in her hand to Kugami.

Mu Shang took the paper and was a little confused: “What is this?”

“There are still some people on the list of main creators of “Attack on Titan”, but Gu Xue and I both feel that this will be the case for the time being…”

“Creator list?”

Mu Shang muttered.

When I looked down, my eyes suddenly widened like bull’s eyes…

Jinyu Ando, ​​Kenichi Hashimoto, Yan Nishio, Shinji Honda…

All of them are big names who have been famous for a long time.

Mu Shang also thought about these people, but he quickly gave up.

It’s really hard to hire these people. After all, they are at the top of the industry pyramid, and they don’t have such a big face.

But now, Chisa Mihara directly handed over a list, and it was all big guys!

Does that mean you want me to invite these people…?

“Miss Mihara.”

Mu Shang raised his head, his hands trembling slightly, “You and Gu Xue don’t want me to sell my butt, right?”


Mihara Chisa took a deep breath, and a small blue vein popped out on her forehead…

Kigami continued: “I…I have no credit for YUKI Studio, but I have worked hard!”

Chisa Mihara’s chest was heaving, and she looked like she was about to kill someone…

Fried chicken is terrible.

But the terrifying expression on her face could not be maintained for long. Inexplicably, Miss Mihara suddenly laughed…

In the eyes of Chisa Mihara.

Many people in YUKI studio are very… irritating, but without knowing it, when faced with a request that seems to be too much, the first thing they do is not get angry, question, or complain, but rather say that they have worked hard and sold it… …It’s like everyone is the Three Musketeers.

There really are just as many employees as there are bosses…

Thinking of Gu Xue’s pretty face and normal temperament, Mihara Chisa bit her lower lip hard, but she couldn’t hide her smile.

Kigami looked at Chisa Mihara, a little strange.

Something seems… wrong, why… are you so gentle?

He said cautiously: “Miss Mihara.”

“Gu Xue and I have already visited these people.”

Chisa Mihara did not immediately stop the smile on her face as usual, but explained what happened yesterday in a low voice in a normal tone.

As for Kugami, he quickly forgot about the question of why Mihara Chisa was so gentle all of a sudden. He listened to Mihara Chisa’s words.

Emotions gradually became more intense.

“…That’s probably it.”

Mushan asked in a trembling voice: “Really? Will these people really come?”

“Yes.” Chisa Mihara nodded vigorously.

Get a definite reply.



Mu Shang stood up with an expression like ‘I’ve really never seen this scene before’.

“Where’s Gu Xue!? Where is Gu Xue!?”

Mu Shang asked urgently.

Don’t blame him for being so excited, it’s because he has never seen this scene before!

They are all big guys!

An animation!

Don’t tell me the animation is done!

This TM went viral when it was publicized!

There was only one thing on his mind right now, he wanted to discuss it with Gu Xue!

“…It’s time to go to the editing studio.”

“Then I’ll wait for her to come back… Wait a minute! I’ll go find her!”

Kigami took the list given by Chisa Mihara and rushed to the door.

But halfway through, he seemed to think of something, stopped suddenly, and turned around.

“Miss Mihara.”


Chisa Mihara looked at him doubtfully.

Mu Shang gave her a thumbs up.

“Awesome, Gu Xue must be very happy.”

Chisa Mihara was stunned.

By the time she came to her senses, Mu Shang had already left at sprinting speed…

Chisa Mihara: “…”


Why does it seem like everyone knows…

Mihara Chisa bit her lip.

He jogged back to his seat and covered his hot face with his hands.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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