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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 441 No sense

Because in the editing room, whenever Gu Xue comes over, everyone is accustomed to calling her the supervisor… But for the last episode of the second season of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” this time, the supervisor is not her, but Satoshi Nakata. Even if the last episode has nothing to do with Satoshi Nakata, the fact that Satoshi Nakata is the supervisor will not change.

But Satoshi Nakata has no self-awareness at all. He doesn’t react at all when others ask him to supervise him. On the contrary, Gu Xue can’t help but look back…

For this reason, many mistakes were made.

It also took a lot of time.

It took a while.

The animation finally started playing.

Satoshi Nakata sat upright, obviously very serious.

Gu Xue glanced at him and then at the projection screen. To be honest, she felt a little unsure…

Because of this solo play, Gu Xue did not stick to the first season.

After reading the script at that time, Gu Xue suddenly wanted to change the way of painting, and wanted to try the real style or Utsunomiya style that she had never touched before and only had a brief taste of.

Her original intention was to challenge herself, but when it came to the actual challenge, Gu Xue felt that the difficulty was a little lower than expected… Then she got excited.

After the painting was finally finished, in her own opinion, the effect was pretty good, but after all, it was her first attempt, so she still had some worries.

Utsunomiya refers to the painting method pioneered by Utsunomiya, but because of his age, the one who impressed Gu Xue most deeply was Kensei Matsumoto, who developed the Utsunomiya style to the extreme.

When Gu Xue first started trying, he mostly recalled his works and then slowly tried to paint.

As for Matsumoto Kensei’s works, the most famous one is of course “Naruto”. Many of the exciting action paintings in Naruto were painted by him, and other parts of the paintings are also very exciting. Although they were not painted by him, there are some. Most of them were painted by people who learned from him…

The three giants of the web industry were influenced by him when they entered the industry. Among them, the one who created the famous scene of Payne Feeling Pain was Seigo Yamashita, one of the three giants of the web system. In the early years, Kensei Matsumoto was as famous and influential as Nakamura. Rich.

This man is a legend!

But Gu Xue is not a legend, so after finishing the painting, she still felt a little…

“Gu Xue!!”

A sudden shout brought Gu Xue back to reality.

Mu Shang stood at the door, sweating profusely and looking anxious.

Gu Xue: “Mushang first…”

“Shut up!”

Gu Xue didn’t finish her words.

Nakata Tomo interrupted her and yelled at Mu Shang…

very loud.

Very grumpy.

Gu Xue was startled and then realized.

The animation has been playing for almost five minutes, and it is getting better. Nakata Satoshi seems to be stuck in it, and he is suddenly interrupted. Of course he is not happy.

Kigami was bitten by Nakata Tomo and was a little confused. He looked at the three people in the editing room and lowered his voice.

He closed the door and came to Gu Xue quietly.

Satoshi Nakata found the door closed and immediately returned his attention to the animation.

The look of not wanting to miss a second.

the other side.

Mu Shang came to Gu Xue, handed her the “Attack on Titan” main creator list, and whispered: “Gu Xue, I want to discuss with you…”

But as he was talking, he suddenly became silent…

“Mr. Kigami?”

Gu Xue was a little confused and raised her head.

Only then did I realize that Mr. Kigami, who had also been attracted by the animation at some point, was staring intently at the projection screen, motionless…


I can forget what I’m saying in the middle of what I’m saying, and there’s such an operation?

Gu Xue had a black line on her face and turned to look at the projection screen.

Only then did I realize that the action scene I had drawn had begun…


Looks like it works well?

Gu Xue was a little unsure.

The animation progress bar advances slowly.

Gu Xue waited for a while.

There was still no movement from Nakata Tomo and Kigami…

Of course, no one could answer whether she was good or bad.

As for the animation, Gu Xue had watched it many times. She was not very interested in watching it again. No one was talking to her at this time. She was a little bored and thought about it for a while. She quietly took out her phone and scrolled through the sand sculptures… …

Time passes slowly.

Gu Xue looked at the sand sculpture and forgot about the time.

Wait until she chuckles again because of the troll netizens.

The animation has just finished.

“Gu Xue, how did you do it? Such expressiveness, what kind of painting method…”


Nakata Satoshi’s sudden question caught Gu Xue, who had been secretly playing with her phone, off guard and startled her.

Her hands shook and she almost threw the phone away. She raised her head, glared at Nakata Satoshi, and subconsciously said: “Baga? Reality department, the real posture of the movement over a period of time will be what it is drawn. ! Instead of highlighting the postures of certain key frames, don’t you know!? Even if you don’t know these, you have always heard of Utsunomiya and Matsumoto Kensei, right? Asking such a boring question… scares me to death!”

Gu Xue glared at both of them fiercely.


Satoshi Nakata, who felt wronged, did not apologize or give in. Instead, he looked directly at Gu Xue and asked from his soul: “…Excuse me, who is Kensei Matsumoto?”

Gu Xue: “…”


Gu Xue suddenly realized something was wrong.

There is no Utsunomiya Matsumoto Kensei in this world…

There is no Utsunomiya…

Gu Xue suddenly raised her head.

Sure enough, Kigami and Satoshi Nakata stared straight at him with expressions as if they had discovered a new world…

It’s over.

Gu Xue rubbed her temples.

She had forgotten that no one in this world knew how to paint realistically…

Gu Xue was silent for a moment.

I plan to struggle again.

“Then…have you ever heard of Utsunomiya?”

“Utsunomiya… who is it again?” This time it was Kinami who asked.

“…” Gu Xue took a deep breath and continued to ask: “How much do you know about the painting school? Apart from the traditional calculation school.”

“I do know that some original paintings are trying different painting methods, which is similar to what you just said, such as Mr. Jinyu Ando of Eternal Painting Carmel, but he himself said on the forum that if the pose is not emphasized, the movement is emphasized. The time continuity of the state must be realistic. In actual work, the work cannot be carried out at all. Because emphasizing the time continuity of the motion state requires a large number of paintings to support, the rationality of the time points is also very high. It requires extremely high drawing power and hand speed… In short, don’t be stupid, the calculation system is the way to go!”


Gu Xue nodded, made a guilty sound, and then said without blushing, “Actually… Matsumoto Kensei is a friend of mine, and I specially invited him to be the original painter…”

“Supervisor, wow! You are so awesome! You are the only one on the original painting column! There is only one original painting!”

However, Gu Xue hasn’t finished speaking yet…

Another voice rang.

The round-faced girl didn’t know what Gu Xue and Satoshi Nakata were talking about. After the animation was finished, she added the production staff to be broadcast in ED. When she saw the situation in the original painting column, she sighed with a loud voice…

There were two supervisors present.

But it was obvious who he was talking about.

Nakata Satoshi froze immediately.

Gu Xue: “…”

Nakata Satoshi looked at Gu Xue and asked his soul again: “The friend you are talking about…is you yourself?”


Gu Xue turned around and looked at Mu Shang, trying to change the subject, “Mr. Mu Shang, what do you want from me?”

“That’s right…” Mu Shang was still very considerate to Gu Xue and took the initiative to chat with him: “I’m here to discuss the Giant’s main lineup with you.”

“That’s it. Is there any problem?”

Gu Xue held up the piece of paper that was handed over just now, recording the list of Giant’s main creators.

Then, out of nowhere, Satoshi Nakata glanced at the name on the paper again…

He froze again…

Then, he looked at Gu Xue and once again asked his soul: “I…is it too late to change jobs now?”

Gu Xue: “…”

Gu Xue left the editing studio running.

Satoshi Nakata is really scary.

It’s like being stunned.


Satoshi Nakata, who was left alone in the editing room… looked at Gu Xue who was running away and smiled bitterly.

Then his body softened and he collapsed directly on the sofa.

With a grimace.

He is no longer worried about the popularity of the second season of “Embrace a Better Tomorrow”.

Worrying about this is better than worrying about yourself as a supervisor becoming someone’s background…

But is there any point in worrying about this?


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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not work with dark mode