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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 445 Are the ribs delicious?

The second day of Golden Week, Mid-Autumn Festival.

Gu Xue got up early that day. She climbed out of bed very lightly and was very careful not to wake up Gu Rou.

It wasn’t until she walked out of the room that she relaxed, yawned coquettishly, and tied her tail into a ponytail.

Took some time to wash up.

After coming out of the bathroom, Gu Xue did not go to the sofa. Instead, she glanced at the stairs, ran to the kitchen, and opened the refrigerator.

Sure enough, it was filled with ingredients.

Gu Rou has never forgotten this kind of thing.

Gu Xue looked at the full refrigerator, thought for a while, and started rummaging through it carefully.

She successfully found a few ingredients she wanted, took them out one by one and put them on the table. When she felt they were all ready, she turned over the seasonings.

Then, defrost the ingredients that need to be defrosted, cut those that need to be cut, and wash those that need to be washed.

She was busy very skillfully and in an orderly manner, her pony tail swaying…

It feels like you are painting an original painting.

More than half an hour later.

The first dish is out.

Wearing anti-scalding gloves, little Gu Xue took the pot away from the stove and placed it on the dining table. At the same time, she opened the lid and took a look at the billowing steam.

Inside is chicken thigh stewed with mushrooms…

It can’t be compared with Japanese food, but here, Japanese food is not called Japanese food. Chicken stewed with mushrooms is also a famous dish, so Gu Rou should not be surprised.

Gu Xue thought so, nodded with satisfaction, put the lid back on, took off her anti-scalding gloves, and turned around to flip the eggplant.

She doesn’t know how to cook Japanese food.

She doesn’t know most of the eight major cuisines.

But simple home-cooked food is still not a problem for her.

Nearly an hour later.

Gu Xue is still in the kitchen.

Gu Rou finally woke up and was walking downstairs in a daze.

She smelled the fragrance and woke up…

She also knew she had overslept.

I am feeling annoyed.

It was rare for her to oversleep.

This time it was an accident.

The main reason was that the sister who was inexperienced in the world in her mind last night was too difficult to deceive… She had been making a lot of noise last night and was very tired. In addition, she was in a relaxed mood, so she forgot about Gu Xue’s breakfast and fell asleep. Now.

Now that she was going downstairs, Gu Rou felt very guilty, but she didn’t think much about it.

I just thought Gu Xue ordered takeout.

This has happened.

Sometimes she really didn’t have time to make breakfast, so Gu Xue would order takeout.

So when she smelled the fragrance early in the morning, Gu Rou subconsciously thought that Gu Xue had ordered takeout. It wasn’t until she was approaching the first floor that she heard the clanging sound of ironware and she realized something was wrong.

This is not like ordering takeout…

Gu Rou was stunned and trotted to the door of the kitchen. She happened to see Gu Xue stealing… no, tasting the sweet and sour pork ribs.

The sweet and sour pork ribs seemed to taste very good. After finishing the ribs, Gu Xue stretched out her little tongue and licked the sweet and sour sauce on her index finger. Then she raised her head and met Gu Rou’s eyes.

I don’t know why the scene suddenly became a little awkward.

Gu Xue’s index finger was still in her mouth, feeling a little embarrassed, while Gu Rou couldn’t believe it. Anyway, the atmosphere was a bit subtle.


“Yeah.” Gu Xue nodded, and with lightning speed, he also ate the sweet and sour syrup on his thumb, and then nodded calmly.

“…Are the ribs delicious?” Gu Rou originally wanted to ask Gu Xue why she knew how to cook, but for some reason, seeing Gu Xue’s demeanor that she was more interested in eating than delicacies, she blurted out another question.

“It’s delicious, of course it’s delicious. Try it…” Gu Xue picked up a piece of ribs and handed it to her mouth, her face full of anticipation.

I can’t refuse this at all…

Gu Rou opened her mouth slightly.

But just when the ribs were about to be handed to her mouth, Gu Xue frowned and thought of something.

Gu Xue turned her hand and stuffed the ribs into her mouth…

“You didn’t brush your teeth.” Gu Xue said vaguely while chewing the ribs.

Gu Rou: “…”

The delicate atmosphere was shattered to pieces by Gu Xue’s cheeks that moved like a hamster…

Gu Rou gritted her silver teeth, held down Gu Xue’s shoulders, and said angrily: “You obviously put it in my mouth!”

“There’s nothing we can do.” Gu Xue said confidently and continued to enjoy the ribs.

But soon, she realized something was wrong.

“You… wait, hey! How can you grab someone else’s mouth? It’s almost time to kiss, you go away… Haha…”

Gu Rou rarely lost her temper.

Gu Xue was so amused that the flower branches trembled.

She quickly spit out the rib bones and let the culprit go into the trash can. Then she wiped her hands and pushed Gu Rou out of the kitchen.

“Go brush your teeth, go quickly, go quickly, and then come out to eat.”

Gu Rou was pushed out of the kitchen with a baffled look on her face…

She was still thinking about it at the end.

It was Gu Xue’s first time cooking, so she must have been very moved.

But why… why did it turn into a fight for ribs…

It wasn’t until she finished washing and sat at the dining table that Gu Rou asked the question that was more important than the ribs.

“Xiaoxue, did you do this? Why so suddenly…”

Gu Rou looked at the dining table. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t surprised. This was not a one-course meal or a three-course meal, but half a table of dishes. And it’s not the watery beef stew with potatoes or anything like that.

Minced pork and eggplant, sweet and sour pork ribs, chicken legs and stewed mushrooms…

It seems that it is not easy to make.

“It’s a holiday, I’m in a good mood.”

Gu Xue placed the bowl filled with rice in front of Gu Rou and sat down next to her.

The two sisters don’t have many rules when eating. The dining table is so big that they can sit anywhere, not necessarily across from each other.

Gu Rou looked at Gu Xue and smiled gently: “Are you just in a good mood?”

“Ang.” Gu Xue responded charmingly as she lowered her head to pick up the rice.

Gu Rou stared at her sister for a while and found that she had no intention of raising her head, so she had no choice but to give up.

eat first.

If it’s a little later, the ribs will almost be finished…

The two sisters suddenly fell silent.

Only the sound of clinking bowls and chopsticks and the gentle sound of chewing echoed.

But the two of them have been living together for so long, so there is no need to be embarrassed at all.

“Sister, I won’t leave.” Gu Xue said coldly, “If you like to eat it, I can make sweet and sour pork ribs every week. Don’t think too much.”


Gu Rou paused, nodded, and then said seriously: “Then put down the last piece of ribs…”

“…Sister, don’t just look at a piece of ribs. Think more about the future, poetry and the distance.”

“No need, let’s get back to the awkwardness and ribs in front of us.”

“…Here you go, here you go!”

Gu Xue couldn’t deceive her and was speechless. He could only forcefully stuff the ribs into her mouth like revenge.

The mouth was instantly filled with ribs.

Gu Rou was speechless. She rolled her eyes at Gu Xue, and then couldn’t help but chuckle.

The pork ribs made by my sister are delicious…

Gu Xue looked at Gu Rou’s flawless face and chuckled.

“Sister, please stop thinking nonsense in the future.”

“What nonsense… Oops, I forgot something.” Gu Rou spat out the bones and turned her head to look at Gu Xue, but her words were half-finished.

She looked at the thin pajamas Gu Xue was wearing, seemed to think of something, and suddenly changed the subject.


“The clothes we changed out yesterday haven’t been washed yet. Not to mention they are sweaty. The clothes you wore yesterday, when I hugged you, I accidentally wiped my saliva on them while talking…”


Gu Rou hasn’t finished speaking yet.

The chopsticks in Gu Xue’s hand fell off.

She was also stunned.


“Um…what’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong…?” Gu Xue was stunned, stamped her feet hard, and suddenly rushed towards Gu Rou, “Gu Rou! You spit it out, you spit out my ribs! Give me back the food! What I did last night I’m worried and uneasy, and I’m afraid that you’ll be unhappy, so I almost wore a maid uniform, you…you give me back!”

Gu Rou was stunned.


“What…Xiaoxue…wait a minute, how can you grab someone else’s mouth? Don’t scratch my belly…haha…”

The two are indeed sisters, and the way they grab food is exactly the same…

Even what he said is almost the same…

But this time, Gu Xue was much more difficult to deal with than Gu Rou just now, and she was furious.

Gu Rou held the bowl and dodged left and right, but she soon lost her ability to resist.

Fortunately, the savior has arrived.

Gu Xue’s cell phone placed on the table vibrated.

A call came in.

Gu Xue could only let Gu Rou go and answer the phone.

However, her attitude was not very good.

…It can be said to be very bad.

“What are you doing! Christina!”

“What Chris…”

Yu Jingyao on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: “No, your train of thought has been disrupted! Xiaoxue, don’t say anything else, come to the studio quickly!”

“Why are you going to the studio?” Gu Xue frowned, “Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, right? Is there nothing important in the studio? What should I do in the studio?”

“It’s nothing important!” Yujing Yao was very excited. “The big guys you invited last time, the main creators of “Attack on Titan”, all ran to the studio! They said they couldn’t see you, so they wanted to Live in the studio!”

“Ha… um.”

Gu Xue, who was confused about the situation, wanted to use a rising tone to express her mood.

But she just opened her rosy and attractive lips.

Gu Rou quickly stuffed a chicken nugget into her mouth…

Gu Xue: “…”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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