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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 455 Sad


Looking at Yao Liang who suddenly stood up, Kouta Hara, the painting and cooking god, felt that the person in front of him looked familiar, but he couldn’t remember who it was for a moment, so the words stuck on his lips.


Yao Liang smiled and glanced at the original drawing paper that Li Yuduo and Li Yudu had placed on the table.

He was wearing glasses, and under the influence of his subconscious mind, he suddenly saw the head of Yako drawn by Gu Xue. Although it was not big, it was particularly conspicuous.

“You just came down from YUKI Studio, right? Their studio is on holiday and there are still people working? Also, what do you mean by the big boss just now?”

Yao Liang asked again.

Of course he knew who Gu Xue was, and he also knew that YUKI Studio had a new project, but he didn’t know the specific progress and the current situation since they, the producers, were all rejected by YUKI Studio.

Yao Liang usually doesn’t have time to inquire about the planning progress of YUKI Studio. He, his superiors, and his superiors’ superiors, those senior leaders, are now more concerned about Small, a figurine company that is developing rapidly.

It has to be said that the popular Nendoroid series of Small Company is already a big cake in the eyes of many people…

Especially after seeing the changes in the Nendoroid sales curve of Small Company in the past six months, the astonishing increase has made many figurine manufacturers jealous.

Very jealous!

Yao Liang went to YUKI Studio uninvited, hoping to find a breakthrough for Small Company from YUKI Studio and Gu Xue.

But it failed in the end.

Animation figures and music are flourishing, and Abred, who owns a Yusan figure factory in the field of figures, decided that Gu Xueyouyan would not be able to join, and there was no way to reach an agreement, and he could not get involved in the plans of YUKI Studio.

Adopted Yao Liang’s suggestion and broke through from the side.

To put it simply, they use their financial ability to lead the development of new projects in order to produce a number of topical animations, and then compete with Samll Company for the Nendoroid market, and at the same time encircle and suppress YUKI Studio.

Yao Liang is currently working on the project. His project is a bit special. Of course, it is not plagiarism. He is not a fool. He adopts the approach of “similar themes”. From the plot to the characters, everything is consistent with “Attack on Titan” It’s not the same as above, it’s just a ‘similar subject matter’. He wants to use this to squeeze the audience for YUKI Studio’s new project.

Just like a season, there must be more than one campus-themed animation, and there must be more than one different-world-themed animation. Although the audience will not only follow one drama, there are too many animations of the same type, and sometimes it is difficult for the audience to This is not a good thing for us, and the same is true for the producers.

Today, Yao Liang came here with the script writer he finally hired to hire an animation supervisor, but they had just finalized the cooperation and mentioned YUKI Studio and Gu Xue.

Li Duoduo and Kanhara Kota ran in and started to yell at YUKI Studio and Gu Xue.

Suddenly I heard this.

It’s hard for Yao Liang not to care.

It was only natural that he would get up and ask.

However, he didn’t expect that the supervisor he wanted to invite would stand up first.

“We just came down from YUKI Studio…”

Kota Kanbara and Li Duduo are typical homebodies. Although they have stable jobs and incomes, they are really not good at interpersonal communication because they don’t go out much.

When they faced Yao Liang, whose aura was different from their own, they subconsciously felt a little timid, especially Kanbara Kouta. Although he had a sullen face and pretended to be serious, he would not refuse others, even if he didn’t want to answer the question in his heart. , he still answered.

“So there are still people working at YUKI Studio during the holidays?”

Yao Liang asked again, and then said to himself without waiting for Kota Kanbara’s response: “Oh…it seems that the Giant Project is really important to them, and they are still working overtime on days like this. I just don’t know , after the animation was aired, YUKI Studio found that the response to the animation was not enthusiastic enough. When you think about your efforts at this time, will you be disappointed?”

He seemed to have decided that all the staff at YUKI studio were currently working overtime.

Kanbara Kouta heard that Yao Liang’s words seemed to be filled with inexplicable hostility. After thinking about it, he shut up and said nothing.

After Yao Liang finished talking to himself, he realized that Kouta Kanhara ignored him. He shook his head, stopped asking questions, and was about to sit down.

“Are you…Mr. Yao Liang?”

After Kota Kanhara fell silent, he kept staring at Yao Liang. Just when the latter was about to sit down, he remembered.

He is an animator, an old two-dimensional veteran, and is very familiar with domestic animation production companies. For some animation production companies, planning is completely led by the producer, which means that the producer’s ability and connections will determine the quality of an animation. quality.

Kota Kambara has known all these types of producers. Although most of them are producers from animation producers, he has also known some well-known ones even if they are not producers from animation producers.

Yao Liang falls into this category.


Yao Liang nodded and sat down.

Kanbara Kouta’s mind was spinning rapidly.

Something came to mind in an instant.

He moved his gaze to the other side and looked at the old man who hadn’t sat down yet.

He searched his memory carefully.

A look of excitement appeared on his face.

I remembered!

It’s Kenichiro Suzuki!

That big supervisor!

I met a lot of big guys today!

Oh my god!

“P-Excuse me, are you Supervisor Kenichiro Suzuki?”

Kanbara Kouta stood up quickly and looked at the unfriendly-looking old man with reverence and was very excited.

“Kenichiro Suzuki!?”

Li Duduo was also a little surprised.

But not as exaggerated as Kouta Kanhara.

He doesn’t look very friendly, and can even be said to be a bit mean. You can tell at a glance that this old man is not easy to talk to… Suzuki Kenichiro, when the two young people looked at him with admiration, he didn’t have any friendly reaction, or even… …and sneered?

“Director Suzuki! I like your works very much! Especially “Big Tail”! And “Exotic Land” a few years ago! That is the best animation of the year in my mind! Damn it! Boss, can you give me Can I sign it?”

Kanbara Kouta didn’t find anything unusual or inappropriate.

He was so excited that he first met a bunch of big shots in painting and performance at YUKI studio, went out for a meal, and then met a supervisor at the top of the pyramid.

Without even thinking about it, relying on inertial thinking, he directly picked up the original drawing paper he had just received at the YUKI studio, handed it to Kenichiro Suzuki, and asked him politely.

Kenichiro Suzuki actually responded this time.

Because he saw the four letters YUKI on the original drawing paper.

Generally, when purchasing original drawing paper, animation production companies will print their company name on the original drawing paper… It does not occupy a large space, usually it is the header, and YUKI Studio does the same.

Kenichiro Suzuki looked at the four letters YUKI, slowly stretched out his hand, and took the original drawing paper handed over by Kota Kambara.

He didn’t look carefully at the ghost-like signature on it, but glanced at it, and then his eyes settled on the portrait of Yakko drawn by Gu Xue.

Kouta Kanhara thought he was going to sign, so he handed the pen to the other person respectfully.

But Suzuki Kenichiro did not take the pen. Instead, he tightened his grip on the original drawing paper in his hand, looked up at Kota Kambara, and asked unkindly: “Do you like my work?”

“Yes, I like it very much.” Kanhara Kouta nodded vigorously.

“Then you still watch animation supervised by a woman?”

Kenichiro Suzuki puts it bluntly.


Kanbara Kouta never thought that he would encounter such a situation. He was stunned for a moment, and then let out a stupid sound.


Suzuki Kenichiro suddenly cursed angrily and revealed the truth with a little hysteria.

The sound was so loud that it felt like the restaurant was shaking.


Yao Liang, who was sitting at the same table with him, was frightened and dropped his spoon, which hit the rim of his glass.

“I ask you! You like my work! Why do you want to watch animation supervised by a woman? Answer me!”

Kenichiro Suzuki is like training his grandson.

Kota Kanhara was startled at first, then he glanced left and right from the corner of his eye and found that the entire family restaurant was looking at him.

His face turned red.


After a long time, he murmured and wanted to speak.


Suzuki Kenichiro directly interrupted Kanhara Kota, pointed at him, almost to his nose, and cursed angrily: “It is because of people like you that today’s young people are called the waste of this generation! As a man Weak and incompetent! An out-and-out loser! He actually went to see an animation supervised by a woman! She was able to become a supervisor just because of young people like you, do you know? She is shameless and wants to get under her skirt every day! That’s why you praise her This? Where is your backbone!?”

“It’s outrageous enough for a woman to not support her husband and raise children. Isn’t it embarrassing that you, the wastes of the relaxed generation, have to support you? I ask you, it’s embarrassing. No. It’s embarrassing!”

“Expand it!”

“Answer me! What did you say! Speak louder! I’m asking you! Are you embarrassed? Speak clearly! You are a waste of the loose generation!”


Kanbara Kouta gritted his teeth hard and his face turned redder.

Both shame and anger.

At a loss.

He really never thought it would be like this. He was clearly in the YUKI studio just now, and the bosses and Gu Xue were so easy to talk to…

“You can’t say that…”

Li Duoduo on the side couldn’t stand it anymore.

Although he likes watching animation and is an animator, he is far less enthusiastic than Kouta Kanhara.

So he couldn’t bear it anymore.

It’s true that the person opposite is a supervisor, but you can’t scold a stranger like you scold your grandson, right? Moreover, what he said was completely sexist!

Li Duoduo stood up.

Compared with Li Duo.

Yao Liang and others who were sitting at the same table as Suzuki Kenichiro were much calmer and just watched the show leisurely without any intention of stopping it.

Seeing Li Duoduo stand up, they also turned their attention to him, feeling like they were taking pleasure in his misfortune.

Li Duduo was being watched and was a little nervous, but he still managed to hold on and said: “Although Supervisor Gu Xue is a woman, the works she supervises are quite good, and she is also the original painter. Have you ever seen her painting? Many men draw with dignity…”

“Do you know about style?”

Kenichiro Suzuki turned to look at Li Duduo.


“Do not make jokes!”

Suzuki Kenichiro roared again, causing everyone to stop moving.

“What do you know about style? What do you know about painting? You know nothing! You are a useless trash of this generation, talking nonsense in front of me! Over there!”

Kenichiro Suzuki pointed to the location of YUKI studio.

“Do you understand the tragedy of the industry? Open your eyes and take a look! See clearly! The animation made by that woman is simply a collection of perfunctory, cut corners, childish and useless waste!”

“You two losers of the relaxed generation, show me some normal works and regain your masculinity! Do you hear that clearly?”


Li Duoduo’s face turned red.

You’re numb.

Both of them lowered their heads, suppressing something.

The two stopped talking.

Kenichiro Suzuki snorted and cursed the trash of the loose generation again, and was about to sit down… only to find that he was still holding the original drawing paper handed over by Kota Kambara just now in his hand.

He raised his hand, and the original drawing paper, which was well protected by Kouta Kanhara along the way, swayed and made a crunching sound.

Kota Kanhara heard the sound, lowered his head and silently took a step forward, extending his hand.

I want to get back the original drawing paper with the big boss’s name all over it.

Now he doesn’t want the other person’s signature.


Kenichiro Suzuki ignored Kota Kanbara, shook the paper, looked at the dazzling word YUKI, and sneered.

Kouta Kanhara suddenly had a bad feeling.

He looked up.

Just saw it.

Kenichiro Suzuki grasped both ends of the original drawing paper with both hands and exerted force at the same time.



Suzuki Kenichiro muttered to himself, with joy on his face, and tore the original drawing paper into pieces…

Kota Kanhara was stunned when he heard the tearing sound.

I felt like my heart was torn in half.

Especially… when he saw shreds of paper falling from between the opponent’s fingers, and only half of Akko’s head was torn off.

Kanbara Kouta’s eyes instantly turned red.


he yelled, rushing forward.

and raised his fist.

Li Duoduo’s eyes were also red, but he still kept his sense and rushed behind Kouta Kanbara and hugged him tightly.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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