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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 468 Let yourself go

On the 22nd of that year, at the award ceremony, everyone stood there like a gangster.

Gu Xue stood on the stage bored, even the lyrics had been adapted.

If she hadn’t known that the occasion was inappropriate, she would have tried nail-picking to pass the time.

She remained calm in the face of emergencies.

But compared to her.

The hostess was very panicked. When she called Narita Kei’s name the next few times, she always sounded pleading.

After such a long time, Narita Kei still didn’t respond.

Even the fools in the audience noticed that something was wrong with the situation. They all whispered to each other to understand the situation. The entire venue suddenly became very noisy and the atmosphere became very subtle.

Chisa Mihara looked at Gu Xue, bit her lip, stood up suddenly, and wanted to walk to the stage.

“sit down.”

Gu Rou calmly called out to Mihara Qiansha, her tone was very strong and left no room for doubt.

Mihara Chisa immediately stopped and turned to look at Gu Rou, looking a little scared…

“Sit down.”

Gu Rou looked at Chisa Mihara who stood up, and then at her sister in the stands, feeling very unhappy…

But she was unhappy, so she still had patience and explained, “Believe my sister, she is not that unbearable.”

Chisa Mihara looked at Gu Rou for a long time, and finally sat back obediently…

On stage.

“Director Kei Narita…”

The host lady shouted again.

Very desperate.

This time, Narita Kei in the audience finally reacted.


As if he had just heard what the hostess said, he showed a very surprised expression, stood up, and hurriedly walked to the stage.

When the hostess saw this scene, her heart was in her throat. She finally relaxed and hurried over to greet him.

Kei Narita was warmly greeted by the host, and walked onto the stage with a normal expression and came to the microphone.

Then, he looked very kind and said: “Sorry, I’m feeling a little unwell. I didn’t hear you just now. I wasted everyone’s time.”

“It doesn’t matter……”

Although the hostess was scolding her mother for selling batches in her heart, a smile appeared on her face and she said it didn’t matter against her will.

Then, she looked at Gu Xue.

The meaning is obvious.

Rightful owner.


Relaxed atmosphere.

But Kei Narita didn’t seem to see her hint, so he smiled and stopped talking.

Just pretend that Gu Xue doesn’t exist.


The host lady really wants to hit someone.

Unfortunately not.

She could only hold it back and change the subject: “Then please, Supervisor Kei Narita, please present the award to the juniors, Supervisor Gu Xue, please.”

Narita Kei nodded, but this time he was not deaf. He took the trophy and handed it to Gu Xue decently.


Gu Xue was bored and couldn’t bear it anymore… Finally, she picked up her nails.

She acted as if there was no one around and pretended she didn’t see the trophy. She hummed to Jay Chou’s “Sunny Day” in a low voice while picking her nails.

Narita Kei froze in mid-air while holding the trophy.

The audience, after being quiet for a while, became lively again.


Now everyone knows that there is a conflict between the judges and the award-winning supervisor.

First, the judges fell in love with each other, and now the situation has changed. This is a big deal.

On the stage, the host lady was going crazy…

She stayed where she was, down for a long time.

Narita Kei froze for a long time while holding the trophy, but he showed no sign of anger. He glanced at the camera not far away… and seemed quite proud.

“Supervisor Gu Xue…”

After a long time, the host lady came to her senses. She walked between the two of them, took the trophy from Narita Kei with a wry smile, and handed it to Gu Xue.

“Thank you sister.”

Gu Xue immediately put down her hand, straightened her expression, took the trophy, then smiled sweetly at the host and thanked her sincerely.

Seeing the healing smile, the host finally felt better.

But Kei Narita… spoke again.

“Not polite.”

Kei Narita whispered pretending to be casual, but he was right near the microphone, and his voice reached the ears of almost everyone in the venue.

After finishing speaking.

He didn’t stop, pretended to be generous, shook his head, and went down.

The host lady was left standing there in embarrassment.

“Huh… let us congratulate Supervisor Gu Xue.” The hostess pursed her lips, bit her teeth, and changed the topic again.

The people in the audience gave him some respect and applauded immediately.

Gu Xue also bowed to the audience to express her gratitude.

But the atmosphere is still very subtle.

The hostess also understood that she did not let Gu Xue go down. Instead, she waited for the applause to stop and continued: “Supervisor Gu Xue, please stay… Actually, there is another surprise.”

“Well, what’s the surprise?”

Gu Xue knew the little sister’s difficulties and cooperated with her performance.

“Grand prize.” The hostess pretended to be mysterious.

“…Isn’t this a spoiler in advance? Is this really okay?”

“It doesn’t matter. My sister sees you are pretty and tells you secretly that the grand prize…” the hostess paused, “you might get it.”

Gu Xue: “…”

She put on a speechless expression.

Seeing Gu Xue’s expression, the atmosphere at the venue finally became a little normal.

The hostess struck while the iron was hot and chatted with Gu Xue for a while.

Gu Xue was very cooperative.

The hostess seemed to be satisfied with the atmosphere. She made another polite conversation, and then after another round of mystery, she announced the grand prize winner of last year’s TV department——

“There is indeed a problem with My Youthful Love Story”.

Gu Xue was still on the stage, and the young lady’s pretentiousness seemed a bit stupid…

The host lady actually had no choice. The original process was not like this…

But she was told backstage that special cases would be handled specially.

Gu Xue was surprised when she saw the hostess making her own announcement, but she didn’t say anything.

“Look, sister didn’t lie to you.”

After the hostess made the announcement, she turned to wink at Gu Xue, making many people laugh.

The atmosphere is completely normal.

Gu Xue thought about it and realized why the young lady did this. She smiled and politely said thank you.

“… Congratulations to Director Gu Xue. Next, I would like to invite the famous supervisor Mr. Suzuki Yuichiro, one of the main judges of this year, to present the award to Director Gu Xue.”

The hostess gave Gu Xue an encouraging look, and then shouted these words expectantly.

When they heard the name Yuichiro Suzuki, the expressions of Chisa Mihara and Gu Xue changed again…


The host called out, but just like before, there was no movement from the audience.

Yuichiro Suzuki sat there, just like Kei Narita just now, as if he didn’t hear the host’s voice, looking straight ahead, knowing that the old god was there.

It’s the same plot again.

The host lady was anxious and angry.

Gu Xue stood on the stage.

He received strange looks from everyone in the venue.


Gu Xue looked at Yuichiro Suzuki in the audience, was silent for a long time, and suddenly took a deep breath.

Is this the so-called enemy road?

What a coincidence.

Gu Xue shook her head, feeling that her actions to ease the atmosphere just now were… quite silly.

No need.

She took a step forward and patted the shoulder of the host who was about to cry.

When the young lady turned her head, she whispered: “No need to shout, I will say a few words.”


“It’s okay, awards and stuff, don’t be in a hurry.”

Gu Xue showed an indifferent expression, passed the host lady, and stood still in front of the standing microphone.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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