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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 492 Little Queen Gu Xue (2)

The next two days.

For all the viewers of Attack on Titan.

Be peaceful.

It is also not peaceful.

Gu Xue regretted singing the OP very much, and the first BD volume of Giant was officially delivered to the hands of each buyer.

Then things fermented.

Everything happens very quickly.

Like a tornado.

Gu Xue’s Twitter following has increased by two million in the past two days.

She also hit the headlines once.

Let everyone know.

“Attack on Titan” is a phenomenal animation written and supervised by a girl.

This girl looks very nice…

As for the first BD volume of “Attack on Titan”, things are fermenting.

Sales began to rise counterintuitively.

After the video of Gu Xue singing OP was uploaded.

After one day and one night.

The discussion about her has reached its peak.

The sales of the first BD volume of “Attack on Titan” have nearly doubled…

More than three hundred thousand.

Unprecedented right shoulder!

It is also the most shocking and least embarrassing right shoulder!

Gu Xue has never thought about making a public appearance. Now, with the blessing of the phenomenal work “Attack on Titan” and the blessing of the right time, place and people, she single-handedly created such a legendary right shoulder…

Such an exaggerated right shoulder is unprecedented and probably unprecedented.

Fans watched helplessly as the first BD volume of “Attack on Titan” continued to rise more than a week after its release.

From the initial shock and astonishment to wonder and revelry.

In the end, they all became numb.

Look at this unprecedented right shoulder.

People who eat melons even take this for granted.

All viewers of “Attack on Titan” have regained their composure in the face of sales.

It’s time to look at it calmly.

And not peaceful.

It’s Gu Xue’s video…

It’s still spreading…

Logically speaking, in the past two days, everyone who should watch the video has already watched it.

Gu Xue himself felt so.

And now the sales of the BD of the first volume of Giant have soared, and many people have bought the BD! It stands to reason that the popularity of this video should decrease.

But the fact is.

The popularity of this video just hasn’t dropped.

There are still people who are crazy about watching this video, and there are many people who are watching it three or four times a day.

Gu Xue really regretted it.

Fei Fei Fei regretted going into the recording studio and singing the OP again.

She now suffers from studio phobia.

She now participates in animation recording sessions. After the recording, the voice actors and sound supervisors will occasionally ask her to sing a song…

Facing this circumstances.

Gu Xue was convinced.

She only has one wish now.

Time can go back.

We can go back in time to when the OP of “Attack on Titan” was recorded.

She wouldn’t even go in to sing!


No one can fulfill her wish.

Even if someone can help her realize her wish…

I guess I don’t want to either.

“Welcome~Little Queen Gu Xue.”


In the conference room of YUKI studio.

Gu Xue pushed the door open and went in.

It was warmly welcomed.

Gong Wenhui stood up, applauded, and talked nonsense seriously.

Shirakawa Rina also stood up and applauded…

“Go back!”

When Gu Xue heard these words and saw them like this, her face darkened, she turned around and wanted to leave.


Gong Wenhui quickly trotted up behind Gu Xue, hugged her and dragged her back to the conference room.

“No, I’m not kidding anymore, don’t leave!”

“…Let me go! If you mention this again, I’m leaving!”

Gu Xue broke away from her hand and glared at her.

I’m already like this, and it still irritates me.

Do you have a heart?

I talk about that shitty OP every day.

And more than one person said it!

Chisa Mihara is like this.

Gu Rou is like this too.

These people are all superficial friends!

Auntie Surface!

Superficial sister!

“Okay, let’s not mention it. Let’s talk about the multimedia project you told Rina about.”

Gong Wenhui suppressed her laughter and comforted Gu Xue.

Gu Xue felt a little better after hearing what she said, and finally pulled out a chair and sat down: “Have you heard what Shirakawa Rina said?”

“Well, please tell me what exactly happened.”

“Small Company has released a figure, the saber Arturia, the female King Arthur… You know, right? She is the main character in the fate series. As for what the fate series is… it is considered the next step of YUKI Studio It’s probably one of the projects. Although it won’t start so soon, Eiri-ri just wants to start a new serialization based on the theme, right? I just thought that I could turn the opening chapter of the Fate series into a manga first.”

“The setting of fate is very complicated. I think it’s good to let the audience accept it through the medium of comics first. Once the audience accepts the setting of fate, YUKI Studio will officially advance the animation plan. After that, I hope you, or behind you, Ohashi Publishing House will deeply explore the potential of this IP, and if possible, give it a try in media such as games and light novels.”

Gong Wenhui was a little surprised: “…you are so confident in this IP?”


Gu Xue nodded, and then changed the topic: “Of course, my words are unfounded. You can let Yinglili try serializing for a while. Then you will see how popular it is, and it will not be too late to make a decision. I just have this I have an idea and I have confidence, but I can’t influence you and the Bridge Press behind you.”

Gong Wenhui smiled and said: “Are you so unfamiliar? Now it’s just me and Daqiao Publishing House behind me?”

Gu Xue said seriously: “Let’s make it clear first! Otherwise, you and I will be the first to bear the brunt of the unpleasant commotion. How embarrassing! And let’s agree first, for the fate series, I will let Yingli draw it, and it will be drawn by YUKI Studio Authorized, all copyrights belong to YUKI Studio, which has nothing to do with Ohashi Publishing House. At least at this stage, it doesn’t matter, Yinglili… That’s the way it is. If you think about whether to draw or not, it doesn’t matter if you feel it’s inappropriate and you refuse. I’ll give it to you again. Find a script that’s less troublesome.”

Shirakawa Rina: “Whose name is that!…I draw!”

“Okay, as long as you are willing.” Gu Xue looked at Gong Wenhui again, “Auntie, this is how things are now.”

“Does all copyright belong to YUKI Studio? This is a bit difficult to handle.”

Gong Wenhui showed a troubled expression.

“Actually, I just said this… I can accept joint development. I am not a person who cares about money, but I am afraid of being cheated…” Gu Xue’s expression was serious, “I have never dealt with Daqiao Publishing House. It’s a well-known publishing house in the industry. I only know you and I only trust you. I don’t know how this company operates. At this stage, I can only use this stupid method to declare my sovereignty. Otherwise, fate will improve by then. Oh, Bridge Publishing suddenly jumped out and said that Fate Comics will be serialized first and the IP belongs to them. What will happen then? What will you and I do? And I have to be responsible for the entire studio, so take precautions before it happens.”

“Of course, after I mentioned it to Rina Shirakawa that day, I went back and thought about it, and I felt that this request was a bit too much. Think about it for a moment about multimedia planning. If it really doesn’t work… forget it.”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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