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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 514 Get out of here

Sato Ei didn’t come alone. Behind her were Chisa Mihara, Yao Tamai and Fumi Miya. She had already agreed to watch a movie today. Gu Xue and Gu Rou just lived close to here, so It’s just that I came earlier.

Four women walked towards the entrance of the theater in a mighty manner.

There was also Sato Ei, who was shouting in front, and it was difficult not to attract attention.

And as Sato Ei shouted to her senior, Gu Xue also instantly attracted the attention of many passers-by.

Gu Xue, who was forced to be noticed by others, glared at Sato Ei and wanted to kill her.

However, Sato Ei didn’t notice anything was wrong at all. He rushed to Gu Xue at a trot, hugged Gu Xue and said intimately: “Senior~ Happy New Year~”

Can Gu Xue pamper her?


Sato Ei: “…”

Gu Xue is good at everything, but sometimes she is very cruel to herself.

Sato Ei’s face dropped and she muttered softly.

As she muttered, the three people following her also came over.

“Happy New Year.”

Because Yujing Yao and Mihara Qiansha just went to worship with Gu Xue and Gu Rou last night. When they came here, one of them ran to harass Gu Rou, and the other stood next to Gu Xue and stopped talking. In the end, only Miyamoto Fumihui said hello. .



“Happy New Year……”

“Tell me, you are one year older, but your personality is still the same as that of a little girl.”

Gu Xue scolded Gun so smoothly that even Miya Wenhui wanted to scold him when he wished her a happy New Year.

Gong Wenhui glared at her and saw Gu Xue quickly change her words. Although it was a little funny, she raised her hand and pinched her face to serve her, “My skin is so tender. It’s unreasonable. I stay up late every day and it’s still so tender that I can even squeeze out water.” No wonder people call you JK Supervisor. You won’t have any problem if you go to high school. Even if you are in the third year of junior high school… No, the third year of junior high school seems to be too big. Hey, it’s better to be young. It’s getting better every year. Don’t worry at all if you’re a year old, well, I mean age.”

Miyamoto Fumi was just joking at first, but as she continued to talk, she probably really felt that it was unreasonable, and she started to think about it, and the more she said, the more outrageous she became.

Gu Xue’s face was dark. If she hadn’t been hugged by Sato Ei, she would have taken action.

Well, Sato Ei, please don’t let go, or I will take action.

Gu Xue lowered her head and glanced at Sato Ei, who was half hanging on her body.

Sato Ei shielded the objects that blocked part of her sight, and after looking at each other with Gu Xue, she said seriously: “I think Aunt Miyamoto is right.”


Gu Xue got angry and threw away Sato Ei.

If it weren’t for being in public, she would have felt sad when she pressed Sato Ei.

You can’t even look at your face! Silly!

Gong Wenhui probably knew what Gu Xue was thinking, so she chuckled, very charming, and seemed to be in a good mood during the New Year.

But Gu Xue was in a bad mood. She glanced at Gong Wenhui and counterattacked: “Okay, you are not young anymore. You are already 35 during the Chinese New Year, right? You are getting older every year, and you are becoming an old aunt, and you can still laugh. .”


Gong Wenhui’s smile immediately froze and she glared at Gu Xue angrily.

Gu Xue snorted lightly and raised her chin proudly.

But he turned around and looked.

But he found that the other four people, including Sato Ei, were staring at him with very subtle eyes…

Depend on……

Gu Xue was a little embarrassed.

She forgot.

The women present, except for her, are all mature women…

Even Sato Ei is two years older than Gu Xue, already twenty-five years old, but she just started to get used to calling Gu Xue-senpai “senpai” in future animation plans. Gu Xue would subconsciously ignore her age every day. , but in fact, she is also on her way to becoming a third-year student.

Gu Xue’s words offended all five people…

“It’s getting older every year. I’m not talking about age…” Gu Xue was a little panicked and wanted to make up for it. She looked around to make sure she was far enough away from the crowd so that others couldn’t hear her voice. He said: “That’s what I’m talking about… um.”

Gu Xue almost lost one thousand to himself and eight hundred to the enemy.

Fortunately, before she could say anything, Gu Rou quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

However, although Sato Ei and the others did not hear the last words Gu Xue wanted to say, they could not guess what Gu Xue wanted to say by looking at where Gu Xue’s gaze lingered.

The three of them had slightly red faces.

“See a movie!”

Gu Rou was angry and funny. She glared at her unabashed sister and dragged her into the theater.

The movie tickets had been booked years ago, so there was no need to buy them, but the movie didn’t start so soon, so I had to wait for a while.

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. There are a lot of people coming to watch the movie. People are coming and going, and the rest area is almost full.

Gu Xue and his party walked in and immediately attracted the attention of many people, including many girls.

There is no way, Gu Xue and the others are really eye-catching.

Moreover, when Gu Xue came in, her mouth was covered by Gu Rou. Although Gu Rou soon let her go, it would be difficult for others to ignore her…

However, several people present had gone out with Gu Xue quite a lot, and had experienced this situation many times. They had long been used to it, and their expressions did not change.

Yu Jingyao took the tickets and waited for a while. When the time came, they got up and walked to the screening room.

There were more than ten people in the rest area who got up with them.

Gu Xue walked at the end, looked back, and frowned slightly.

Fifteen minutes ago, a certain blockbuster film opened, and there were more than just a few people.

Hula a lot of people.

Although we know that there is nothing in Pacific Rim, the popularity of the promotional film is largely due to the blessing of giants and some shady marketing accounts. The hasty release should not be as good as those Spring Festival blockbusters that have been promoted for more than a month.

But when she saw her popularity being crushed, Gu Xue still felt that it was pretty cool.

But she didn’t have time to think too much.

Let’s look at the situation first.

Gu Xue took a deep breath and turned back.

But as soon as she turned her head, she felt a chill on her face…

Chisa Mihara didn’t know when she came to her side, and she reached out and pinched her cheek secretly.

Gu Xue looked at Chisa Mihara: “?”

Mihara Chisa’s face was slightly red and she was a little embarrassed, but she didn’t let go.

“What?” Gu Xue stopped and rolled his eyes at her.

“It’s really tender…”

Chisa Mihara blinked her big eyes and whispered.


Gu Xue knew that she was referring to what Gong Wenhui said just now, so he pushed her hand away in a funny way.

“Childish, are you a child? If someone pinches you, you have to pinch and watch…walk around.”

Gu Xue said that, but when she was interrupted by Chisa Mihara, she felt much better.

No matter how the box office goes, just think of it as testing the waters.

Gu Xue, who was overthinking, ignored Chisa Mihara’s glance at her face, took her hand, and caught up with Gu Rou and the others.

Start entering the market.

However, Gu Xue’s good mood did not last long. As soon as she entered the screening room and looked at the somewhat ugly attendance rate, Gu Xue sighed again.

Although I made up my mind to test the waters, this is really a bit ugly…

The number of shows was not high to begin with, and the attendance rate was still so ugly. “Pacific Rim: Monsters” felt like it was going to take a pill…


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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