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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 515 Confused

Pill or not, the movie is still worth watching.

In addition to Gu Xue, Gu Rou and others also noticed that the attendance rate was a bit bleak, but the screening room was not a good place for chatting. They could only suppress their desire to talk and planned to talk after watching the movie.

The movie started soon.

YUKI Studio’s logo appears on the screen.

Two hours later.

Gu Xue and his party filed out.


Gu Xue, who had a sore back, stretched her waist and relaxed a bit.

Although it is true that she produced the movie, watching it on the big screen feels different.

She was quite satisfied.

As for the other five people.

The expressions of Gu Rou and Mihara Chisa remained unchanged. They were more concerned about Gu Xue’s emotions than the movie. However, Miyamoto Hui, Sato Ei and Yujing Yao still looked troubled even after leaving the screening room. Their expressions, they were shocked to death by Pacific Rim, and they haven’t come back to their senses yet…

“Is this the macho animation you’re talking about?”

Several people returned to the rest area and calmed down for a while. Gong Wenhui finally recovered. She looked at Gu Xue with complicated eyes, filled with admiration, surprise, and surprise.

Gu Xue said proudly: “Yes, is it fierce or not?”

“Fierce! Fierce as hell.” Gong Wenhui breathed a sigh of relief, “No wonder you said that people of the same genre scorn Narita Kei. I didn’t believe it when you first said it, but now I believe it. This is the attendance rate…”

“Cough!” Gu Rou coughed heavily, interrupting Gong Wenhui.

Gu Xue waved her hand, lay on Mihara Chisa’s shoulder, and said helplessly: “Sister, okay, I can still notice it without mentioning it. The attendance rate is almost the same. It’s only the first day anyway.”

Chisa Mihara and Gu Rou, the two most important people in Gu Xue’s mind, stared at her with worried expressions that even a blind person could notice.

“…Cough!” Gu Rou coughed again and pulled Gu Xue up, preventing her from lying down.

Gu Xue looked at Gu Rou with confusion.

Gu Rou rolled her eyes at her and said, “Comfort yourself!”

“Then what can I do~” Gu Xue felt helpless, turned around and lay on Gu Rou’s shoulder again.

Chisa Mihara: “…”

Gong Wenhui analyzed: “In fact, it is not necessarily self-comfort. There was no promotion on the first day, and there were so many blockbusters and the film schedule was not high. The attendance rate will definitely be very poor. It is not impossible to make a comeback in the future.”

Gu Xue lazily said: “Let me lend you some good words.”

Gong Wenhui smiled: “I hope it does. When you told me that you had produced an animated film and planned to release it, I thought it was just for fun, but I didn’t expect…”

“Actually, this movie is just for fun…”

Gong Wenhui joked: “Then you still told me that the movie is very cool and will definitely make money without losing money?”

Gu Xue’s face turned red.

She did brag about it to Gong Wenhui back then… Gong Wenhui lent her money to advertise for Giant, and she even considered the money Mong Wenhui borrowed as film investment.

Now looking at the situation, Gong Wenhui is going to lose blood.

“Well, the borrowed money…”

“Who told you about money?” Gong Wenhui waved her hand, “I just want to tell you, take it seriously if you value it, and be sad if you feel sad. What’s the point of being embarrassed? Everyone here is older than you. I’d better comfort you. OK.”

“That’s right.” Sato Ei was the first to chime in, “Senior is the best.”

Gu Rou and others also showed encouraging expressions towards Gu Xue.

“It’s okay.” Gu Xue left Gu Rou’s shoulder and straightened up, “It’s just a test of the waters anyway. My requirements are not high. It’s enough to earn back the advertising fees. Anyway, there is a high probability that I won’t lose money.”

“That’s true.” Yu Jingyao nodded, “But you have worked hard for half a year. During that time, you came home late at night every day, and your sister wanted to chop me up…”

Gu Rou glared at Yujing Yao, who was not opening the pot, and said angrily: “Do you believe that I will chop you up now?”

“Tch…” Yujing Yao first made a sound of disdain, and then the next second, he ran to Gu Rou and sat down, and pinched Gu Rou’s shoulders in a very helpless manner…

Gu Xue was speechless, turned her head and looked directly at the ticket counter.

It’s the New Year’s Eve, and it’s still the first day of the Lunar New Year. Most of the people who come to watch movies now are families, and there are also a lot of women in company. But as for men, most of them come with their children or their wives and girlfriends.

As for those who come to watch movies alone…there are almost none.

There are almost no groups of men who come to watch movies together. Even if they do, they will bring one or two girls. Men consider the opinions of girls and usually choose romantic movies.

As for those who come with a family, most of them will choose comedies or drama-oriented films that are suitable for all ages. Those who come with children will choose cartoons that seem more suitable for children, and women who are traveling together will also choose romantic films. , most of those who come to watch movies in pairs will choose romance movies…

All in all, dramas, comedies, and romance films that are suitable for all ages are the most popular.

The Pacific Rim poster shows a huge robot.

The above-mentioned people will not choose it at first glance.

As a result, very few people will go see this movie…

No wonder the attendance rate is so ugly…


Looking at it this way, “Pacific Rim” doesn’t seem to have turned around…

Gu Xue looked at the crowd and the ticket counter with a thoughtful expression.

the next day.

The box office for the first week of the Spring Festival season is out.

The box office of the fantasy comedy “The Devil” exceeded 200 million on its first day.

The romance film “The Proposal” also grossed over 100 million at the box office on its first day.

There is also a comedy film that has a box office of over 100 million.

These three films are the Big Three during the Spring Festival.

As for YUKI Studio’s “Pacific Rim: Monsters,” the box office is only a measly over 10 million…compared to the Big Three, it’s extremely shabby.

When Gu Xue saw this data, she felt quite calm, but she was a little disappointed and gave up…

After the box office came out on the first day, theaters began to reduce the schedule of a number of movies that did not perform well at the box office, making way for the Big Three and other popular movies. Among the movies that were reduced from the schedule was “Pacific Rim: Monsters.”

Very realistic.

But there is no way.

Movies with low box office revenue cannot bring maximum profits to theaters, so they will definitely arrange the movie schedule for other movies.

Anyone can settle the accounts.

Your movie’s box office is so rubbish, why should I schedule movies for you?

However, Gu Xue doesn’t know about the reduction of film schedule yet.

Even if she knew, there was nothing she could do.

I can only leave it to fate.

The second day of the Lunar New Year.

The Spring Festival movie was still showing. Gu Xue didn’t go out during the day. He and Gu Rou played games at home for a long time, slept for another half of the day, and didn’t go out for a walk together until the evening.

The day passed quickly.

The single-day box office for the next day will be released soon.

The three giants still grossed more than 100 million at the box office in a single day.

There’s nothing surprising about this.

But the box office of “Pacific Rim: Monsters” on the second day… was also 30 million!

It’s a little strange…


When Gu Xue was lying on the bed holding her phone and seeing the results, she slowly typed a question mark.

She knew about the fact that Pacific Rim was cut off from the film schedule last night before she went to bed, but after it was cut down from the film schedule, the box office was higher. What the hell is this?


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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