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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 516 How about let’s go see a movie

“Silly girl, you frowned as soon as you got up. What happened?”

Because of the holiday, Gu Xue had slept until now, but Gu Rou hadn’t gotten up yet and was still lying on the bed.

Gu Xue, who was holding her mobile phone, hesitated for a moment and said, “The box office has gone up.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“It’s a good thing, but didn’t I tell you last night? The film schedule has dropped a lot. Logically speaking, the box office should be getting lower and lower under this circumstance.”

Gu Rou changed her position, lying on her side, getting closer to her sister, and joked: “There will always be people who like to watch robot animations, and besides, it is an animation made by my sister, how could there be no support for it. “

“Don’t come here.” Gu Xue rolled her eyes.

Gu Rou praised her all the time without blushing, but now she doesn’t even believe it.

“To be honest, although there were not many people who entered the screening room with us on the first day of junior high school, I did a little observation when we came out. Everyone who came out after watching the movie had a look of shock and satisfaction on their faces. This proves that the movie is real. Well, in this case, it’s normal for someone to take advantage and the box office will increase, although I don’t understand your movie very well…”

“You don’t understand very well yet you still speak so confidently!?”

Gu Xue was a little dumbfounded. She didn’t mind what Gu Rou said. Pacific Rim was originally a macho movie, and she promoted it as a macho movie. Gu Rou didn’t like watching it, which was actually normal. Gu Xue complained, Forget it.

As for the increase in box office, although it has increased to 30 million, it is actually not much. Not to mention the three giants in the Spring Festival period who already have a box office of 200 to 300 million. Some movies in the waist can’t even compare to Pacific Rim.

“Forget it, you’re right, rising box office is a good thing, forget about it and go to sleep!”

Gu Xue threw the phone aside, yawned, moved forward, hugged the soft and warm Gu Rou, and temporarily put the matter behind her.

“One touch more, it’s already nine o’clock.”

Gu Xue put the box office issue behind her, and Gu Rou had no objection.

But she was full of resentment for saying she wanted to sleep again.

“It’s only nine o’clock!” Gu Xue said confidently, “Just sleep a little longer.”

“You said the same thing yesterday. The two of us slept until past twelve o’clock…”

Gu Xue slowed down her breathing and pretended to sleep.


Gu Rou sighed and looked at Gu Xue helplessly.

However, Gu Xue could not persist in pretending to sleep for long. Just when Gu Rou was about to accompany Gu Xue to sleep for a while, Gu Xue suddenly twisted her body restlessly.

“What’s the matter?” Gu Rou asked.

Gu Xue opened her eyes and said faintly: “I need to urinate urgently and want to go to the toilet…”

Gu Rou was angry and funny: “Then why are you still sleeping? Go get up quickly.”

Gu Xue shrank her head under the quilt, revealing only a pair of long autumn eyes, and said in a buzzing voice:

“I don’t want to get up. It’s so cold outside. It would be nice if someone could go to the toilet for me.”


After hearing Gu Xue’s words, Gu Rou’s plump chest heaved.

She suddenly wanted to beat her sister.

I just can’t bring myself to do it…

at the same time.

the other side.

The people in charge of theaters are not as free as the Gu sisters, and the Spring Festival is one of the most important schedules. The market situation of the movies released the day before, the attendance rate of each movie, and the purchase rate are all information that the person in charge of each cinema line needs to focus on during the Spring Festival.

After the film schedule of “Pacific Rim: Monsters” was reduced, the box office inexplicably increased. Basically, the person in charge of every theater chain also noticed.

But most theater chains don’t care at all. Thirty million is the overall box office. It’s not that much when divided into a single theater chain. And most theater chains have production companies behind them. It’s only 30 million. They don’t pay attention to the representation. Nothing can tilt the balance in the minds of theater leaders. They must give certain resources to movies released by the parent company.

Ultimately, Pacific Rim didn’t do well at the box office and didn’t make enough money.

Therefore, most theaters did not pay much attention to “Pacific Rim: Monsters”. Some theaters controlled by Shochiku’s rivals even further reduced the film schedule of Pacific Rim. Anyway, it is not that there is no money to be made, and “Pacific Rim: Monsters” did not Give a higher bill-sharing ratio, other movies have a lot of schedules, and the theaters are also full, so what are you afraid of?

This is the thought of many theater leaders.

Including the person in charge of the TOHO cinema chain that dominates Kyoto.

I thought so too.

Even if “Pacific Rim: Monster” had a box office of 30 million, a large part of it was contributed by the audience in the theaters related to TOHO Cinemas, but the person in charge just looked down upon it.

Well, to put it bluntly, it’s still the same sentence.

Still, Pacific Rim wasn’t strong enough at the box office. Not making enough money.

The film schedule of “Pacific Rim: Monsters” is a little lower than yesterday, but this has no impact on ordinary viewers who don’t want to see this movie.

But for viewers who want to see this movie…

The impact is huge.

Li Duoduo.

This old audience who has been following Gu Xue since my uncle has graduated from college for more than four years.

He finally lived the life he hated the most.

He is already a mature social creature who often says “I will do my best” and “I’ll think about it again” and is skilled in perfunctory and procrastinating techniques…

This year, Li Duoduo was under a lot of pressure, but he didn’t expect that the pressure would be even greater during the New Year holiday, when he thought he could relax.

Stress, hair loss.

Urging you to get married, tons, tons, tons.

Li Duoduo has been busy dealing with his parents and his seven aunts and eight aunts these days, and he is physically and mentally exhausted.

until today.

He made an excuse and made an appointment with two roommates who were in the same dormitory at the university, and then he was temporarily relieved.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, it’s time to go out.

When Li Duoduo arrived at the agreed place, his two roommates had already arrived. Li Duoduo greeted him from afar, and the two roommates who were looking down at their phones looked up.

Li Duoduo approached, and the three roommates who shared the same dormitory four years ago looked at each other, and then laughed bitterly together.

it is more than words.

Li Duoduo is under a lot of pressure, and his two roommates are not doing much better either. One is getting married and is worried about the down payment for the wedding house and his overbearing mother-in-law. The other had a child born in the second half of last year, and now he has a senior and a junior. He is small and relies on one person to support him.

The reason why the three of them came out today was actually because Li Duoduo complained about urging marriage in the group, and then he fished out two roommates and three grown men, complained to each other, and finally made an appointment to come out today. relax for a moment.

“Happy wedding.”

Li Duoduo smiled bitterly and took the lead in saying hello.

The roommate who was about to get married laughed and scolded directly: “Happy Male Gobi…”

Li Duoduo didn’t mind. He turned to look at the other roommate and said, “Congratulations on the birth of the child.”

Another roommate said angrily: “Get out! Expose Nima’s wounds. I just said yesterday how to make money for milk powder when I have a headache!”

Li Duduo: “Hahahaha.”

“Smile!” the two roommates said in unison, “Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Nah!” Li Duo’s face immediately turned green.

Then, the three of them looked at each other again and laughed together.

Time is really ruthless.

But some things are not so easy to erase.

Li Duduo and his two roommates jostled each other. After the jostling, they hooked up with each other and got into the car, heading to a family restaurant they often went to when they were in school.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s to reminisce about youth or to be pretentious.

Three twenty-six-year-old young people, running towards their thirties, were laughing and yelling at the dinner table, reminiscing about the past. They were actually quite happy.

The only drawback was that one of the roommates drove here and couldn’t get a drink.

It was already an hour later when Li Yuduo and the other three came out of the restaurant.

“Time flies so fast.”

Li Duduo squatted at the door of the restaurant, looked back at the restaurant, and sighed.

“Who says it’s not the case? I’m going to get married.”

“I already have children.”

The two roommates also squatted down and sighed.

But then, there was silence.

Laughing and cursing just now was joy, but after the joy passed, there was only emptiness…

Everyone has different circumstances and experiences. After reminiscing, complaining, and talking about mutual acquaintances, there will be no more topics to talk about.

It’s not that the relationship between the three of them is bad, it’s just that… everything has changed.

Maybe in a year or two, when the three of them get together, they won’t even complain.

This… is such a sad story.

Li Duduo noticed that the atmosphere was a little subtle and sighed secretly: “What are you going to do next? I don’t want to go back so early…”

“Game?” a roommate suggested.

“I haven’t played for a long time.” Another roommate shook his head, “How can I have so much time to play games now? I have played mobile games a few times, but I can’t play them.”



The three of them were silent again.

Li Duoduo looked into the distance and suddenly felt… quite boring.

Let’s go back.

He looked away, a little frustrated, and was about to say that he might as well just go back.

But the moment he looked back, he caught a glimpse of the word theater…

Cinemas, movies…Li Duduo suddenly thought of something. He hesitated, looked at his two roommates, and suggested:

“How about we go see a movie?”

I know the update is too slow. In fact, I am also very dissatisfied with myself, but I can’t help it… I originally planned to finish writing this kind of plot twice a day, but the time is too unlucky. The National Day is coming soon, and my colleagues are asking for leave, and I am alone. We have to work as two people, and I also have to prepare for going home. Sometimes I don’t even have the idea of ​​​​coding when I come back. If I hadn’t made a detailed outline some time ago, I guess it would have been possible to stop updating for three or four days. Ah… really Sorry, please bear with me.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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