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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 531 One sentence

In the live broadcast room, the audience was saying “I want to see JK Supervisor” on the barrage. Gu Xue didn’t know, and neither did the other production staff present.

But the Animation Kobe Executive Committee, that is, the staff behind the Kobe Awards, knew that while they were confused, they also secretly complained when they saw the barrage of public opinion.

What’s going on? Are these idiotic viewers toxic?

This is an awards ceremony, not an idol meeting…be serious!

The staff backstage cursed angrily, but the audience was unmoved. The staff backstage had nothing to do. They couldn’t drive the winners down and not let them give their speeches. So why don’t they just let Gu Xue come up? This is not realistic either.

Therefore, the staff adopted a compromise method. While others were delivering their speeches, the camera would scan the auditorium and then focus on Gu Xue… to comfort the surging audience.

When the winner is giving his speech on stage, it’s normal to look at the audience’s reaction below, right?

The staff couldn’t help but praise their wit.

Then the scene became weird. People were giving speeches on the stage, but the camera frequently scanned the audience, and then they refused to let go of Gu Xue…

The audience was happy.

But Gu Xue…

“Is there something wrong with the people backstage?”

Being targeted by the crane camera again, Gu Xue became angry.

She puffed out her cheeks, pulled up the hem of her skirt that was actually quite long, and tried to cover her long legs. Then she glared at the camera, waved her pink fist, pointed at the stage, and looked like she was about to give up. Climb, if you don’t crawl I will beat you to death with your cute expression…

Unfortunately, her warning did not allow the crane camera to climb.

On the contrary, a lot of Ah Wei died in the background and behind the computer screen…

Gu Xue was speechless and simply pretended to look down at her phone…

“…The winner of the best TV animation is – “Attack on Titan”!”

When Gu Xue, who was battling with the crane camera, came to her senses.

The winners of the individual award, special award, and best animation theme song have all come to the stage and have finished their acceptance speeches.

Even the moderator’s pretentiousness in the fixed process is over.

As expected, “Attack on Titan,” which was a smash hit last year, won the best TV animation.

But another thing was quite unexpected.

“So now, I would like to invite Director Gu Xue to come on stage, and then, uh, I would like to ask Director Narita Kei to present the award to Director Gu Xue…”

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or intentional, but the person who presented the award to Gu Xue this time was not Yuichiro Suzuki, but Kei Narita…

This made even the well-trained host pause.

Obviously she also knew about Gu Xue and Narita Qi’s grudge.

Gong Wenhui pushed Gu Xue.

Gu Xue nodded, gave her a reassuring expression, stood up, and walked to the stage.

Soon, she came to the stage and stood calmly.

The other production staff in the audience, as well as the audience in front of the screen, saw Gu Xue standing still, their eyes lit up, and at the same time, they felt a little emotional.

Really a fairy.

Gu Xue was prepared this time. She did not come here wearing a T-shirt or skirt like she did in previous years. Instead, she wore a light-colored tight-fitting short skirt that fit well and made her figure more and more curvy. In addition, she was wearing high heels today. She was already very tall, and others had not noticed it when she was sitting. But now that she is standing on the stage, it is obvious. Wearing high heels, she is a head taller than the host who is 1.7 meters tall. This made her white and round snow legs even more slender, coupled with her refined temperament and beautiful appearance…

She just stood up there, without saying anything, and a lot of Ah Wei died.

Even the beautiful hostess lost consciousness for a moment when she saw Gu Xue.

Fortunately, the host is a professional after all, so he was lost for a while, and soon came back to his senses: “Okay, let’s ask Director Narita Kei to present the award to Director Gu Xue first. As for our feelings, we will come back later. Ask Supervisor Gu Xue.”

The host was very aware of the grievances between Gu Xue and Narita Kei, and for fear of causing trouble, he even skipped the usual chatting and teasing and directly presented the awards!

Moreover, she also secretly glanced at Narita Kei. Needless to say, the meaning is simply: “Don’t act blindly, or I will beat you to death…”

Well, this time Narita Kei is standing on the stage, and he can no longer use that funny selective deafness…

In fact, among the three people on the stage, Gu Xue was the calmest because she understood this group of people and was not afraid of Narita Kei messing up at all.

And the reality was exactly as she expected.

After hearing what the host said, Narita Kei stood silent for a moment, and finally took the trophy and handed it to Gu Xue. When Gu Xue took it, he even smiled very reluctantly and said Congratulations.

Gu Xue also smiled and said thank you.

Nothing happened.

The hostess breathed a sigh of relief and said directly: “Let us thank Director Kei Narita, thank you.”

After saying that, after the applause from below, she sent Narita Kei off…

Narita Kei didn’t say anything, he just glanced at Gu Xue, who was now dazzling, and then turned around and left.

After watching Narita Kei leave, when only Gu Xue was left on the stage, the host visibly relaxed. She turned to look at Gu Xue and finally said what she wanted to say from the beginning.

“The supervisor is so beautiful.”


A blush crept up Gu Xue’s face, and she was a little speechless. She was embarrassed to say macho in public… She could only smile on the surface, and shout macho behind her back to express: “Thank you…”

“It’s so cute that the supervisor is shy.”

Gu Xue: “…”

Is it over yet?

The host girl burst out laughing: “Okay, I won’t joke about supervision anymore, let’s go back to animation. Last year, “Attack on Titan” achieved very good results, and the judges also unanimously agreed that “Attack on Titan” It is well deserved to win the Best TV Animation Work. What does Director Gu Xue want to say about this?”

The hostess asked as she moved to the side to make way for the position in front of the microphone stand.

Gu Xue thanked the hostess, took a deep breath, came to the microphone stand, and said: “First of all, of course, thank you to the judges, thank you to the Kobe Animation Award, then thank you to all the staff at YUKI Studio behind me, and thank you for supporting me all the time. The audience…”

Gu Xue thanked a large number of people in one breath…

It’s just that no one named me to say thank you…

The whole process lasted for about two minutes. The audience looked at Gu Xue and listened to the thank-yous like a cross talk. They were enjoying it and making fun of him wildly. However, the production staff at the award ceremony could only smile bitterly.

This is a lot of thanks, no need to exaggerate…

Just when everyone below, including Gong Wenhui, felt this way.

Gu Xue finally thanked Gong Wenhui, the last person who should be thanked.

Gu Xue breathed out, looked at the audience, and said with a smile: “The above is the list of thanks… These people or groups really need to be thanked, and I would like to express my gratitude to you with full respect. However, these are not what I want to say today. …”

Just when the production staff in the audience thought that Gu Xue was about to leave the stage after thanking him, Gu Xue suddenly changed the subject.

“What I really want to say today is actually only one sentence, and that is -“

“Times have changed, seniors.”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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