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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 555 The Little Mermaid and the Unicorn (2)

On February 22nd, not long after YUKI Studio started working, the Lantern Festival was approaching, and the eighth episode of “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” had been aired for five days.

These five days are the five days that Gu Xue’s colleagues feel tortured because “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” steals all the heat. Similarly, these are also the five days that the audience feels tortured because “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” is the fifth one. Episode nine has not aired yet.

On this day, Gu Xue received gifts from the audience.

Three or four large cakes, with cutlery and forks included, but made of plastic…

Perhaps because of the fact that Gu Xue was a girl, the audience finally relented and did not dare to actually send the blade, so they sent a set of plastic knives and forks. However, even if the knives and forks were made of plastic, the audience did not mean to warn them. Change.

You can still know how much they were touched when they watched the animation.

Also on this day.

Gu Xue once again received a tweet from the idol Hashimoto Ai.

This time is different from the past. In the past, Hashimoto Aiite and Gu Xue always talked to Gu Xue in a tone of discussion or a threatening tone.

But this time, Hashimoto Ai used a pleading tone…

” @Gu Xue, Gu Xue, please let Sayaka go… Her experience is already too heavy a burden for a middle school student. It’s enough. Let her recover and let her be happy in the future. Stay alive, I beg you… Gu Xue.”

When Gu Xue saw this recommendation, she was actually a little distressed, but it was not her character to be hesitant.

After worrying for a while, she picked up the phone, coded a paragraph, and replied.

” @Hashimoto Ai; You don’t have to do this, I can’t give you a promise because the script has been decided a long time ago. All I can say is, go watch episode 9, and then continue to watch episode 10, chapter 10 Eleven episodes, episode 12.

This is a good story.

Although a little cruel.

But miracles and magic are not free. To pray for a miracle, you must pay a corresponding price.

Even if the prayer is not selfish, even if it is prayed for a noble reason, the price is the price.

Love makes them powerful, even omnipotent, but it still cannot help them pay the price of miracles.

But it is precisely because of this that their love is so dazzling. “

February 25th.

There is one day left before the Lantern Festival.

The ninth episode of “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” is broadcast.

Two days ago, Gu Xue replied to Hashimoto Ai and sent a tweet. This tweet made many viewers uneasy, but no matter how uneasy they were, it could not stop them from watching animation.

The moment episode 9 was released.

A large wave of people poured into the barrage website.

same moment.

Shibuya Ward, a city known as the 24-hour sleepless street, is a quiet apartment building not far from Sacred Heart Women’s University.

Hashimoto Ai, a big idol, finished her day’s announcements. She wore a mask and declined the kindness of others to send her up. She sneaked in alone, reached the eighth floor, and returned to her secret den.

Open the door, close the door, turn on the light, lock the door.

The moment it was locked, there was a snapping sound.

Hashimoto Ai became visibly relaxed. She kicked off her high heels and took off her mask.

He revealed a face that was not inferior to Gu Xue except for his temperament. Although his face looked tired, it was no less attractive.

In terms of beauty alone, she is indeed worthy of the title of national idol and the popularity that this title represents.

At this moment, Hashimoto Ai had obviously been busy all day. With no audience around, she was too lazy to pretend. She frowned and complained in a low voice about the strange people she met today. She dragged her tired body to the own bedroom.

It can be seen from her bedroom.

She is indeed a nerd, full of pillows, figurines, and weird posters.

When Hashimoto Ai entered her boudoir, she completely ignored her image and hugged a pillow and nestled on the lazy sofa.

The life of an idol is actually more difficult than ordinary people imagine.

Even Hashimoto Ai, who has been debuting for a long time, finds it quite difficult. Although the balance of her account has increased very quickly after being busy…but the difficult fact will not change.

Every day, the easiest thing for Hashimoto Ai after a hard day is to come home at night and watch new episodes.

She didn’t like animation before, but maybe it was because she had seen too many strange people in real life. She had debuted as a child star for a long time, and at a certain stage, she suddenly became disgusted with seeing real people outside of working hours. Even if it’s a real person on the screen.

This disgust came suddenly, and it was precisely because of this disgust that she became a homebody.

She is actually escaping. After all, the second dimension is beautiful most of the time, and she can escape even the bad ones.

Until she saw the work “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”.

A work that is well disguised at the front.

After the third episode of the animation was aired, she struggled, fought with the supervisor Gu Xue, and even planned to stop watching it for a time.

But the fate of the characters in the play has always touched her heart.

She couldn’t say why.


Hashimoto Ai clicked on Madoka’s ninth episode with the determination to die.

She didn’t know what Gu Xue’s tweet meant.

She had protested, but to no avail, and now she had no choice but to accept it.

Sayaka has indeed turned into a witch.

Although it was explained in the last episode and Hashimoto Ai also saw a lot of online discussions, she still couldn’t help but feel sad when Sayaka’s witch-like image actually appeared in front of her eyes.

Senior Tomoe Asami, although her death in the third episode was sudden and shocking, at any rate, in these three episodes, senior was strong, elegant and handsome.

But Sayaka, except for the short period when she first became a magical girl, was abused the rest of the time. Under multiple blows, she has now completely transformed into a witch.

Kyoko hugged Sayaka, who was already an empty shell, but found that the witch transformed from Sayaka’s soul was very cruel when she howled.

“Gu Xue, you really have no heart…”

Hashimoto Ai whispered.

Magical girls are obviously synonymous with beauty, but she personally twisted the meaning of this word.

Kyubey is clearly an evil and emotionless creature, yet he is drawn so cutely.

Isn’t this heartless?

The soul and body of magical girls have been separated. The end of magical girls is witches. The war between magical girls and witches is completely a scam that uses the emotional energy of girls.

To become a witch girl is to become a witch.

This is all bullshit!

After listening to Kyubey and Madoka explaining the truth about magical girls, Hashimoto Ai was so angry that she suddenly picked up her phone and scolded Gu Xue.

Gu Xue didn’t reply.

Hashimoto Ai could only hug her knees and continue reading.


As she looked at it, she suddenly felt a glimmer of hope.

Sakura Kyoko, a magical girl with a completely opposite personality who appeared after Tomoe Mami’s exit, found Madoka and wanted to save Sayaka, who had turned into a witch.

It unfolds like a fairy tale.

This gave Hashimoto Ai a glimmer of hope.

Yes, even if you become a witch, you can at least remember your friend’s voice, right?

Just like Kyoko said.

If you cut the witch open, what might come out is not the Seed of Lament, but Sayaka’s Soul Gem.

Isn’t this the case with stories of love and courage triumphing in the end?

Moreover, Kyoko is so handsome, she must be successful.

With such expectations, Hashimoto Ai continued to read.

She looked at Kyoko and Madoka in the play and found the witch-turned-Sayaka together.

Kyoko and Madoka also saw important memory fragments of Sayaka’s life in Sayaka’s witch barrier.

These seem to imply that there is still room for maneuver.

But when Madoka and Kyoko stood in front of the witch-turned-Sayaka, amid the magnificent symphony, Madoka, who screamed desperately, received no response.

Kyoko, who was at the front, just passively defended against Sayaka and didn’t attack at all, and she was left bruised and bruised.

All expectations turned into despair.

Hashimoto Ai hugged her knees and pursed her lips hard.

In the play.

Kyoko, who only defended but did not attack, eventually fell away, and Sayaka turned around and pinched Madoka.

Kyoko was suddenly very angry.

For the first time, he waved his spear and cut off the witch-turned-Sayaga’s arm, and said angrily: “Didn’t you say you believe it? With this power, you can make human beings happy.”

Sayaka, who turned into a witch and looked like a mermaid, was speechless and chopped the ground with a knife, and a magnificent symphony could be heard.

Mermaid Witch Sayaka, Kyoko, and Madoka fell down.

Kyoko, who was covered in bruises and was falling, looked up, and shiny things flew from the corners of his eyes.

“Please, God, after experiencing this kind of life, please let me have a happy dream at least once.”

The song is over.

The symphony stopped abruptly.

Xiao Meiyan hugged Madoka and landed steadily.

Then there was a clang, and Kyoko’s spear fell to the ground.


Although she was bruised and bruised, Kyoko was still handsome and said hello to Xiaomi Homura.

Then, she isolated herself from Xiao Meiyan, laughed at herself, and took off the ribbon that bound her hair.

Red hair flying.

Kyoko caught the cross hidden in her hair, clasped her hands, and knelt down, as if praying.

“Come on, leave this guy to me.”

Kyoko, who had already made up her mind, said to Xiao Meiyan.


In front of the screen, looking at Kyoko kneeling down to pray, Hashimoto Ai hugged her knees tightly, her eyes a little moist.

But the plot doesn’t stop just because she says wait.

Kyoko knelt down, blue flames erupted from her body, as if she was burning herself.

Very handsome.

Although his face is injured, his profile is still handsome.

“Don’t worry, Sayaka…it’s lonely being alone, right? Okay, I’ll be with you, Sayaka.”

The figure of Kyoko praying was reflected in the eyes of the mermaid witch.

Kyoko took off the soul gem that held her soul on her chest and kissed it gently, as if saying goodbye.

Then, he let go.

The soul gem flew towards the mermaid witch that Sayaka transformed into. Kyoko stood up and moved forward with a spear.

This performance has no BGM, no vocals, only simple sound effects.

Until Kyoko’s soul gem shattered.

A loud explosion.

Fire swept across the screen.

The show was a blast.

“Since we can’t stay together forever, let’s destroy them together.”

In front of the screen, Hashimoto Ai suddenly remembered this sentence and covered her mouth, trying to stop tears from falling, but she couldn’t help it.

In fact, when Kyoko said the words “It’s lonely to be alone, right”, she couldn’t help it anymore.

I couldn’t stop the tears.

It wasn’t until this moment that she understood what Gu Xue’s tweet meant.

Love makes them powerful, even omnipotent, but it still cannot help them pay the price of miracles.

But it is precisely because of this that their love is so dazzling.

This is simply sacrificing love!

“Gu Xue, you are a bastard!”

Hashimoto Ai, a famous idol, suddenly cried and scolded Gu Xue several times.

Several times.

Then, the episode ends.

Hashimoto Ai wiped the tears from Xue Nu’s face, with a sullen face, preparing to meet the chilling ED, which was rumored to be written by the cold-blooded Gu Xue himself.

She has no heart at all!

Just when Hashimoto Ai thought so.

ED was broadcast, but it was not a familiar prelude.

What appeared on the screen was not a normal ED picture, but a still picture.

Kyoko smiled and held the hand of crying Sayaka.

In an environment like the deep sea, she was like catching the little mermaid who exchanged her voice for legs but could not exchange for the prince’s love.

“The heart is full of passion, the world is soundless”

“What’s the point of seeing…”

The singing started.

in front of the screen.

Hashimoto Ai couldn’t hold herself any longer.

I cried out loudly.

She choked while wiping her tears:

“Gu Xue, you idiot…”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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