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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 556 It’s too early for you to give in (1)

In the ninth episode of “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”, Kyoko and Sayaka died together.

This unexpected and reasonable plot, combined with the explosive performance, made countless viewers wet their eyes for a while.

In fact, Kyoko appeared on the scene not long ago and did not have many scenes, but her character is really popular with the audience. She was very rude to Sayaka at the beginning and even beat Sayaka violently. She looked like an absolute egoist, but This is just an appearance. In essence, Kyoko, like Sayaka, is a poor person who devotes himself but gets no reward at all.

Rather than saying that she hates Sayaka, Kyoko wants to persuade her to help Sayaka. When Xiaomi Homura was about to kill Sayaka, she appeared and saved Sayaka. Sayaka was so desperate that after she turned into a witch, she was the one betting on the tiny odds and wanted to work with Madoka to reverse this outcome.

In the end, when Kyoko discovered that Sayaka would never come back, the girl who was initially an egoist chose to self-destruct and die together with Sayaka.

Lonely, lonely, colder than anyone else, but hiding a tenderness that is hotter than anyone else.

Such a character is so lovable.

It also makes the final self-destruction particularly touching.

But the ninth episode, the biggest critical blow to the audience, is not this.

The biggest critical blow to the audience was ED.

Everyone thought Gu Xue was going to be cold-blooded to the end.

The sudden song “and I’m home”, coupled with a static painting, combined with the previous scene of Kyoko dying for love, caused tons of critical shock to the audience.

Earn enough tears.

Comments section below episode 9 of “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”.

Many spectators burst into tears.

“Gu Xue, you didn’t mean what you said, why are you suddenly sensationalizing? Wow…”

“I watched the animation last night, and I still haven’t fallen asleep yet. Gu Xue, you bastard, why can you make such a dark animation so touching…”

“Sayaka is a mermaid witch… She really belongs to you, Gu Xue. Are you implying that Sayaka is the little mermaid who can’t buy love even if she trades her legs? Woohoo… Fortunately, I have Kyoko, but The final ED picture…wow [crying]”

“The little mermaid who can’t buy love even if she has legs, and the arrogant unicorn who likes pure girls, I cried when I saw it, I hate…”

“I’m sorry, Gu Xue, I misunderstood you. This is a good work. Kyoko is really good… But, you still have no heart! Why is a magical girl so miserable? It’s so miserable!”

“What about those people who say that Gu Xue has been alienated by capital? Come out, I have wanted to scold you for a long time. It is nonsense to say that Gu Xue has been alienated by capital. If she is really alienated by capital, the first thing she will do is run out by herself. Reasonable Taking advantage of her appearance, did you see her running out? What a fart…”

“Okay, I admit that what I said about Gu Xue was just for gimmicks, and I made a mistake in scolding her. I apologized to her, I’m sorry! But she has no heart! I was not wrong about this! Sayaka [crying]”

“Are you sure you want to say in episode nine that Gu Xue has no heart?”

“To be honest, it’s really too much to scold Gu Xue for not having a heart. If you don’t have a heart, you can’t write such a touching plot. Although this is a tragedy…”

“Stop talking. I love and hate Gu Xue now. I don’t even know whether I should call her wife… I have mixed feelings.”

“By the way, Aiyi-chan seems to have been stimulated too… I have been tweeting at Gu Xue all night, but Gu Xue hasn’t replied to her yet… It’s too miserable.”


Hashimoto Ai was indeed stimulated.

After watching the animation, she began to scold Gu Xue. After scolding for more than half an hour, she began to express her love for the characters in the play.

Then, I began to write about my feelings in long paragraphs.

After struggling all night.

Tweet after tweet.

Her fans woke up the next day dumbfounded.

They all began to persuade their idols to sleep, but Hashimoto Ai refused to listen.

In the end, the fans had no choice but to risk their lives to accompany their idols and follow them to Aite Guxue…

Then, the dead nerds also came to join in the fun.

As a result, within that hour… there were tweets starting with @Gu Xue everywhere.



People who don’t understand the situation will open Twitter.

It shocked my mother for a whole year!

Moreover, as Aite watched Aite, the audience’s minds changed. Maybe it was because Ai Hashimoto really liked the work “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”, but then they thought it was too despicable for Gu Xue to hide behind the scenes all the time. As soon as the two ideas were combined, a bunch of people suddenly appeared who wanted to let Hashimoto Ai and Gu Xue cover “and I’m home” together.

The simple Aite Guxue has also become Aite Guxue plus Hashimoto Ai.

And it also triggered a lot of discussions, such as, if it corresponds to the animation, who is Sayaka and Kyoko, Gu Xue and Hashimoto Ai, in the end there is no doubt that Gu Xue, who is still carrying the title of Heartless, became Kyoko… …And Hashimoto Ai can only be forced to become Sayaka.

This Sayaka is wrong. Hashimoto Ai was so angry that he blocked a bunch of people.

It can also be seen from this that the audience is just playing for fun, and they are still calling Gu Xue heartless, but deep down in their hearts, they actually believe that Gu Xue hides a gentleness that is more fiery than anyone else.

In comparison, even Hashimoto Ai, a big idol, can only become Sayaka.

The influence of the animation “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” is evident.

This may be one of the reasons why Hashimoto Ai is angry.

Speaking of playing, the audience is still good at playing…

Fwn Co., Ltd., Fu Qing, who came to the company early in the morning, opened Twitter and was as confused as the ordinary people.

and the production director looked at each other.

After being confused, I became curious.

As the enemy’s supervisor, after thinking for a second, he quickly opened “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” and clicked on the latest episode.

Just over twenty minutes.

It passed quickly.

End of episode nine.

Fu Qing looked at the computer screen. After staying for a long time, he suddenly said: “In the future, we will see Gu Xue walking around… Whichever quarter she releases a new work, we will resolutely avoid that quarter. If we announce it, then we will Forcibly change the schedule!”

“Ha!? Are you so cowardly…”

Although the production director agreed with Fu Qing’s words deep down, he still felt that it was too timid to say it so bluntly.

“You are not a producer, you don’t feel deeply, and you don’t understand how I feel now.”

Fu Qing sighed, recalling the nine episodes of the “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” anime that had been aired, and said helplessly: “When the third episode aired, I thought she wouldn’t be able to stop, but it turned out that I was wrong. , we were all wrong.”

“There is nothing wrong with the story controlled by Gu Xue, and there is no so-called magical girl as a gimmick. The development of the story is still closely related to the magical girl, but she also puts a heavy fate on the shoulders of the magical girl.”

“Looking back at the entire animation now, can you imagine? Gu Xue uses almost no blind spots to tell a depressing story, with top-notch graphics, top-notch music, and top-notch production, to tell a miracle and magic. A depressing story about the price. This story is still very popular, and it also allows me, the supervisor of the enemy, to feel what Gu Xue means when he says ‘their love is so dazzling’.”

“It’s really amazing.”

Production Director: “…”

“I’m willing to admit defeat.”

Fu Qing watched the ED of the ninth episode of “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”.

Sighed again.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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