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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 557 You don’t respect this job (2)

“What the hell are you doing?”

In a certain apartment in Shibuya District, Hashimoto Ai, who was still awake and planning to be a coward, received a call from her agent, and suddenly woke up as if from a dream.

“You stayed up all night!? Just for an animation? And you posted tweets all night long!? I told you last time! Pay attention to your image, pay attention to your image! You didn’t listen at all, did you? This time it’s even more outrageous Yes! Do you know what you are doing? Also, have you forgotten what you are going to do today? Your first movie is about to start shooting! Are you still staying up late!?”

The call just came through.

The manager scolded Hashimoto Ai, and it was obvious that she was very angry!

Hashimoto Ai also knew that she was wrong and said weakly: “Sister Endo, I know I was wrong.”


Ms. Endo on the other end of the phone couldn’t get angry anymore when she heard Hashimoto Ai admit her mistake. She could only say helplessly: “Wait for me! I’ll pick you up! Get ready quickly.”


Hashimoto Ai quickly agreed.

If it was an ordinary announcement, she could push it, but today’s announcement, she couldn’t…

After hanging up the phone, Hashimoto Ai jumped out of bed, quickly washed herself and put on some decent clothes. Before going out, she didn’t forget to send another message.

” @Gu Xue, it’s all your fault! I’m dead today!”

After sending it, Hashimoto Ai sat down to change her shoes, and then hurried downstairs.


A mature woman who is a few years older than Miyamoto Wenhui, capable and heroic, has been waiting for a long time.

This is the Endo sister mentioned by Hashimoto Ai, her manager and nanny…

“Oh my god…what are you doing? Why are your eyes as red as a rabbit!?”

As soon as she saw Hashimoto Ai, Ms. Endo collapsed.

At this moment, because of staying up all night, Hashimoto Ai’s face looked tired, and she also had dark circles under her eyes, which were as red as a rabbit…

But not everyone is like Gu Xue. Staying up late has no impact at all, and you can be alive and kicking after a short sleep…

Hashimoto was so embarrassed that he stood there at a loss.

She really knew she was wrong, but the animation was so beautiful…

Seeing Hashimoto Ai’s appearance, Ms. Endo gritted her teeth and couldn’t scold her anymore. She could only pull Hashimoto Ai into the nanny car, told the driver to drive, and quickly let Hashimoto Ai sleep for a while. meeting.

“Go to sleep for a while, I hope you’ll be fine later… You, I don’t even know what to say to you. Do you know how much resources the company has invested in the film project to expand your influence? Who is the director you invited? Is it? On the first day you went to the set to report, you had red eyes and dark circles? What kind of animation can make you like this? Is it really that good-looking?”

Although she told Hashimoto Ai to go to bed, Ms. Endo was still talking.

“It’s beautiful!” Ai Hashimoto answered straightforwardly, and by the way, she also mentioned the animation, “It’s called “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”. Sister Endo, do you want to go and see it too…”

“Go, go!” Ms. Endo was speechless, “Go to sleep!”

Hashimoto Ai felt resentful and stopped talking. She closed her eyes and planned to sleep for a while.

However, Hashimoto Ai obviously overestimates her own.

She still had the residual excitement from watching the ninth episode of the anime last night, and she was also a little worried about how she could possibly sleep when she waited to see the great director with this face.

According to Murphy’s Law, if you’re worried about something happening, it’s more likely to happen.

In fact, it was destined that Hashimoto Ai would be tragic today.

When Ms. Endo brought Hashimoto Ai, who had not fallen asleep in the car, to the movie set, she received a warm welcome, but the director sitting behind the monitor had a dark face.

As soon as she saw the director’s dark face, Ms. Endo felt something was wrong.

Because this great director who has been famous for a long time is a national-level film and television director. His film works are very famous and very entertaining. He is very famous, and Hashimoto Ai cannot be suppressed.

At the same time, the director is also famous for not liking the profession of idols. She has criticized the profession of idols several times in public… As an older generation, she feels that it is idols that make contemporary young people It’s getting weirder and weirder.

This time we will cooperate, mainly because the company behind Hashimoto Ai is willing to spend money, and there are also human reasons.

This director named Jiro Nakamori took the job with a pinch of his nose, very reluctantly.

You can tell it now by looking at his dark face.

Ms. Endo quickly pulled Hashimoto Ai over to say hello.

“Director Nakamori.”

Ms. Endo came to Jiro Nakamori and bowed slightly.

Hashimoto Ai quickly followed suit and bowed.

Nakamori Jiro’s expression softened a little, but as soon as he softened, he saw Hashimoto Ai raise his head.

Seeing Hashimoto Ai’s tired face and eyes as red as a rabbit, his face immediately turned dark again.

“It’s the first day today. I originally planned to shoot a school scene. Let me ask you, Miss Ai Hashimoto, what’s your current situation? Tell me how to shoot it?”

Nakamori Jiro looked at Hashimoto Ai very seriously and asked without mercy.

The atmosphere immediately froze.

Ms. Endo wanted to explain.

But Jiro Nakamori waved his hand and continued:

“If you think that making a movie is just standing around and being a vase, please go back, okay? Please respect my work, and please respect your own work. If you have to film the next day, you can wear this face. ? In your impression, is it normal for high school students to stay up late? Sorry, my works do not have this setting.”

“I don’t care what your reasons are. When you take this job, you are an actor. The most basic thing for an actor is to respect this job. If you can’t even do this, then we don’t have to continue to cooperate. And Now, I feel like you’re disrespecting the job.”

Nakamori Jiro stared at Hashimoto Ai for a while, then stood up suddenly.

Suddenly he said loudly: “We’re done today, no more filming!”

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Ms. Endo quickly chased after her.

Hashimoto Ai stood there. After being stunned for a while, she suddenly came back to her senses. Her face suddenly turned red. She was embarrassed and at a loss.

“…Stop talking, I don’t want to cooperate with you in the first place! What kind of actors are idols who live by pleasing others! Don’t joke with me, I will tell your Endo director that I can’t help this favor return!”

Far away.

The conversation between Ms. Endo and Nakamori Jiro was heard.

Jiro Nakamori’s voice was loud.

Everyone around heard it.

Hashimoto Ai took a deep breath and clenched her fists, feeling even more embarrassed.

the other side.

Gu family.

Gu Xue woke up suddenly, groped under the quilt, found her phone, and woke up the screen.

Just wake up the screen.

Her cell phone was stuck.

She couldn’t move no matter what, too many people were attacking her.

But even if she is stuck, she can still see the time. It is 11:02 am now…

She overslept.

“Gu Rou! Ah… we overslept!”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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not work with dark mode