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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 568 Are you interested (2)

March 19th.

The day after the final episode of “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” aired.

Very suddenly.

The “Asahi Shimbun” evening paper published a review article on “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” written by the famous anime critic Yuxin.

During the time when the BPO official website was still criticizing “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”.

The “Asahi Shimbun” evening paper published a review article on “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”.

There was no warning in this review article, and even Gu Xue was unaware of it.

The title of this review article is – Magical Girl and Gu Xue.

[“Sign a contract with me and become a magical girl!”

Hello everyone, I am Yu Xin. I believe everyone is familiar with the above sentence, especially after countless secondary creations have emerged.

This sentence comes from the work “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” produced by YUKI Studio and supervised by Gu Xue.

This is an impressive statement. People who have never seen it may find it disapproving. In fact, I felt the same way at first.

To tell you the truth, even in the most tense moment before the character Tomoe Mami’s U-turn, even when I saw Sayaka and Madoka hugging each other in fear, I still thought indifferently, “It will be okay~”

But then, as you all know, what happened next was like a punch to the bridge of my nose. Then he yelled:

“Who gave you the promise that nothing will happen???”


It should be a matter of course that magical girls will be injured or killed.

Looking back carefully, even those magical girl stories that are indeed peaceful have had critical moments, but we have never thought that this situation will happen when magical girls will be injured or killed.

However, if it were just a punch on the bridge of my nose, I would at most think that this animation is very bold, but that’s all it is, just for the sake of curiosity.

But this animation didn’t just punch me on the bridge of the nose… it punched me twice in the stomach.

Sadness hurts the lungs.

However, despite being sad and hurting my lungs, I cannot deny that this is a good animation.

If any audience is familiar with the Hollywood-style three-act drama writing technique, they will find that the script of the animation “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” perfectly fits the writing of a three-act drama…

…In fact, the success of this animation is far more than simply the excellent narrative logic and narrative rhythm.

In the animation, Supervisor Gu Xue used an extremely stylized way to express the witch and the labyrinth, and added a large number of scenes that relied on shapes rather than carefully drawn scenes, making the places that needed to be expressed the most particularly charming.

The atmosphere and emotional rendering of the story are also very good, coupled with excellent dubbing that makes people feel like a pilgrimage, it very successfully tells the story of a rather cruel but very romantic magical girl.

The entire story of the animation has a very complete structure. Starting from a proposition of comparing the values ​​of two parties, an entire world and story are constructed to tell the opposition and conflict between these two values. The clues of the entire story are widely connected and unified, and the world view is self-consistent. And complete, the characters are fully motivated.

In terms of character creation, this animation has reached the pinnacle. For example, Sayaka and Kyoko, the actual time for them to be truly positively portrayed is only five short episodes from 4 to 9, which are also interspersed with the plot of the protagonist group, but I still I was very shocked and moved by Kyoko’s choice at the end of Episode 9.

Not to mention Homura Akatsuki and Madoka.

Xiao Meiyan went through countless reincarnations out of her love for Madoka. Finally, because Xiao Meiyan had to bear such love, Xiao Meiyan wanted to give love to the world and decided to become the principle of the circle to save everyone in the world. Witch.

These are extremely moving.

After watching the animation in its entirety, it is true that the previous story is very tragic, but tragedy is not what this animation is about.

As tragic as the previous story is, the final ending is so heart-warming.

Because of Madoka’s disappearance, the world was saved. The contradictions in inner values, what was owed and what was given in interpersonal relationships, and the cruel flaws in the view of time were all eliminated by an act that could be called a miracle because of long-term efforts and waiting. A one-time rescue.

Just like I saw a comment yesterday.

This is the magical girl anime that least resembles a magical girl.

But in the end, she is the most magical girl.

Throughout the entire history of animation, there is no work like “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”.

Thanks to Supervisor Gu Xue for bringing gifts to the audience.

This work will eventually leave its name in the history of animation.

And those who love animation will remember the poignant story told by the animation “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”.


By the way, besides.

Let me digress.


“Puella Magi Madoka Magica” is a late-night animation. I really want to know, who is unhappy? Is it internal to BPO? If this kind of late-night animation, which does not have any bloody scenes or explicit scenes, has to be stopped, then I have a suggestion, just ban the animation. 】

A great anime review article.

I gave “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” a lot of praise and gave it a very, very high evaluation.

But this is not the most explosive thing. The most explosive thing is that the author of this review article, the famous critic Yu Xin, blasted BPO at the end of the article. Although it was a very small line, she did blast BPO… …

You know, the “Asahi Shimbun” has a history of more than 100 years and enjoys a high reputation across the country. It is one of the largest newspapers and periodicals.

And Yu Xin is not an unknown person.

This newspaper has just been released.

His remarks were noticed.

But it’s not over yet.

Just when Gu Xue saw the news and was a little confused.

on Twitter.

A large group of well-known practitioners in the industry have all come forward to stand on Gu Xue’s side and attack BPO.

Among them are famous directors, original painters, illustrators, cartoonists, even light novel writers, and presidents of animation production companies.

Some people know Gu Xue.

For example, big guys like Ando Jinyu, such as the supervisors Abe Moichi, Nakata Satoshi, and performer Sengoku who have worked with him before.

But there were more people whom Gu Xue didn’t recognize but had heard of their names.

For example, Fu Qing, the supervisor of Fwn Co., Ltd.; Sora Itano, the animation supervisor who had the highest sales of animated discs before the release of the “Attack on Titan” disc; Cao Hong, the famous supervisor who ranks among the top ten most anticipated, and has served on many well-known works , Fukuko Takatani, who has the title of the original Crusher; the president of works animation production company; this year’s light novel sales champion writer Kenji Hoba, the manga artist Jinzu Narumi who ranks second in sales of historical manga volumes… and so on.

“Who is upset?”

“If this kind of late-night animation, which does not have any bloody scenes or explicit scenes, has to be stopped, then I have a suggestion, just ban the animation.”

These two sentences appeared frequently in front of almost everyone for a while.

without any exaggeration.

Today, because of the movie “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”, half of the people in the AC circle ran away.

Everyone at BPO was confused.

Especially Chairman Junichi Hamada.

The people questioning this time were not ordinary viewers, but well-known figures in the AC circle.

This time it’s not just about venting.

It’s more like… forced into the palace.

“What do you mean, please give me an explanation.”

Probably, that’s what it means.

They didn’t say there were any problems with BPO supervision, but they were all supporting “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” and wanted an explanation.

“Why, why do you all have to help this Gu Xue supervise the platform…?”

Chairman Junichi Hamada looked at his phone, his brows almost furrowed.

YUKI Studio.

After Sato Ei shouted that something bad was going on, Gu Xue also saw the tweet.

The same look of shock.

She didn’t know what was going on.

After finally recalling what Ando Jinyu said, Gu Xue was about to make a phone call to ask.

The phone rang first.

Unknown number.

Gu Xue picked up.

“Hello, Director Gu Xue, “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” is very interesting!”

As soon as Gu Xue answered the phone, the person on the other end of the phone said such an opening statement.

“Ah? Who are you?”

“I’m Ai Hashimoto, hello, Supervisor Gu Xue.”


Gu Xue was stunned for a moment, not understanding the situation. After a while, she finally managed to hold back a sentence: “Thank you…”

“You’re welcome, the animation is really nice, you are awesome.”

On the other end of the phone, Hashimoto Ai, who didn’t know where she got Gu Xue’s phone number, said with some admiration.

Gu Xue responded, then changed the topic and asked: “Thank you, is there anything you can do? If not…”

She didn’t have time to listen to Ai Hashimoto flattering herself, even if the other person was a big idol, she wanted to ask Jinyu Ando what was going on.

Hashimoto Ai said anxiously: “Wait a minute, Gu Xue will supervise you not to hang up the phone. I know you have encountered some troubles recently, BPO, right?”


“It’s indeed very troublesome. I just checked Twitter. So many seniors are supporting you with great momentum, but it will make a fuss ugly. The most important thing for BPO is credibility. Now the BPO has noticed the concern about “Magic Girl” There are problems with the censorship of “Madoka”, but they are still holding on, and they should continue to hold on, because no matter what, they will not let their credibility be damaged.”

“In addition, Supervisor Gu Xue, I don’t know if you know that in addition to the program, the BPO also accepts complaints from artists, such as unfair treatment, harassment, etc. As long as the artist encounters such a thing on the program, they can complain to BPO complaint…”

Gu Xue didn’t understand what she meant.


Gu Xue frowned slightly and asked, “Miss Hashimoto, what do you mean?”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a lobbyist.”

Hashimoto Ai seemed to have guessed Gu Xue’s thoughts and immediately replied.

What a beautiful girl.

Gu Xue asked doubtfully: “Then you are?”

“I want to help you. I can help you solve this problem.”

“Help me?” Gu Xue was a little strange.

“Yes, but after helping you, I hope you can help me again…”

Gu Xue: “Huh??”

On the other end of the phone, Hashimoto Ai took a deep breath, paused, and said with some frustration:

“Director Gu Xue, are you… interested in being the director of a live-action movie? My original director ran away…”

Okay, I get sprayed every time


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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