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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 575 Script (1)

February 22nd.

As soon as Gu Xue came to the studio, she saw Hashimoto Ai calling a blessing… No, Hashimoto Ai and Sato Ei were squatting in a corner of their office, playing with the little orange cat.

The little orange cat, looking at the two people squatting in front of him, shivered as if facing two natural enemies.

“Aiyi-chan, idol, I didn’t expect to see you in the studio.”

“Hello, by the way…are you Sato Ei? The director of “Light Sound Girls”?”


“It’s amazing…you can become a supervisor at such a young age.”

“Ai-chan, didn’t you see senior? Wouldn’t your conscience hurt when you said this? You should probably…you are not senior.”

“Ah? Senior?”

“That’s Gu Xue. When I participated in the future animation project, she was the animation supervisor. I called her senior.”

“Oh… Gu Xue, she is indeed very young, but she is quite special. With so many seniors in the animation industry giving her support, I feel that she is already at that level.”

“Well, it seems so, but it’s nothing special for me to be the supervisor. It was my senior who forced me to be… I can’t say it’s forced. I know she’s doing it for my own good, but it’s really troublesome. This time, “Light Music Girl” 》If you were a senior, you would probably be able to do it very easily. I bumped and bumped, and finally managed to catch up with the progress with the help of many people.”

“It’s already amazing! If it had been someone else, I definitely wouldn’t have been able to do it. By the way, Ei-chan, the script for “Light Sound Girl” was written by Gu Xue, right? What kind of story is it going to be this time?”

“The story of girls and music… As much as I want to say it, it’s actually everyday.”

“Everyday life? It seems that when “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” was first promoted, it was said to be the daily life of girls…”

“Don’t be afraid, it really won’t happen this time.”

“Okay, let me believe it for a moment… By the way, why did you say just now that my conscience will hurt? Gu Xue won’t?”

“This… come here for a moment.”

Gu Xue opened the door without disturbing the two people inside. She stood at the door and listened to their conversation for a while. It was actually quite normal at first, but when Hashimoto Ai asked her conscience question, Sato Ei After getting closer mysteriously, things changed.

It’s so spectacular, it definitely won’t hurt, and other random comments.

Gu Xue finally couldn’t bear it anymore, walked in, and chopped off Sato Ei’s head with a knife.

“Oops…” Sato Ei covered her head.

Hashimoto Ai was also shocked.

The first person to react was the little orange cat who was surrounded by the two of them.


The little orange cat looked at Gu Xue, as if seeing a savior and the same kind. It rushed to Gu Xue’s feet, circled around Gu Xue’s white ankles, and screamed, as if accusing Sato Ei and Hashimoto Ai. Clothes.

“You tickled her.”

Gu Xue knelt down, stretched out her green-white fingers and played with the little orange cat’s whiskers, while glaring at Sato Ei.

“Gu Xue.”

Hashimoto Ai finally reacted. She quickly stood up, looked at Gu Xue and said hello.

However, probably due to the influence of what Sato Ei said just now, she was looking at Gu Xue’s face at first, but slowly, her eyes moved downwards a little, and then, she seemed to let out a wow …

Gu Xue was so angry that she raised her hand again and hit Sato Ei on the head hard.

Sato Ei: “I was wrong…”

“Shovel your shit.” Gu Xue glared at her.


Sato Ei giggled and quickly went to shovel the shit.

Gu Xue touched the little orange cat’s head, clapped her hands, then stood up, looked at Hashimoto Ai, and asked doubtfully: “Are you really here? Are you not active? Isn’t the idol very busy? Of?”

“I have postponed all my activities these days.” Ai Hashimoto smiled sheepishly, “Anyway, if I attend the event, I will be asked about the movie, so I might as well not go…”

“That sounds pretty pathetic.”

“It’s not what it sounds like, it’s very pitiful in the first place… Those reporters asked questions about everything, just like perverts. They could make it look like there was nothing that was not true. I stayed up late to show up on the set, and was picked up by Jiro Nakamori. It’s true that the director dislikes me, but why am I acting like a big name? Why don’t they say that I beat Director Jiro Nakamori?”

Gu Xue: “…”

“Sorry, I seem to be complaining…”

“Don’t worry, I won’t spread the word.”

Gu Xue returned to her seat and sat down.

Hashimoto Ai subconsciously followed Gu Xue step by step. After Gu Xue sat down, she woke up as if from a dream and scratched her head…

Sure enough, he doesn’t look very smart.

Gu Xue sighed.

“By the way, Gu Xue, I brought the script over.”

Hashimoto Ai looked at Gu Xue’s chair for half a second, and finally reacted. She made a fist with her right hand and lightly punched the open palm of her left hand, then walked to the chair opposite Gu Xue, with masks, glasses and her bag on it.

She took out a stack of A4 paper from her bag and handed it to Gu Xue.

Gu Xue took it.

On the top, there are two words written.


Gu Xue glanced at the name and suddenly didn’t want to read it anymore…

I always feel that this name is so shameful.

She glanced at Hashimoto Ai.

Sure enough, she blushed, and she must have felt quite ashamed…

Hashimoto Ai explained: “This is the naming style that Director Nakamori Jiro likes…I protested, but it was useless.”

Gu Xue asked uncertainly: “So? This is a fantasy film?”

“No, the subject is campus love…”


Gu Xue flicked her ponytail, turned over the first page, and started reading.

The other party came over so early. Out of politeness, he had to take a look no matter what.

Gu Xue thought so.


After just reading two pages, Gu Xue realized something was wrong.

After half a look, Gu Xue’s expression changed.

Read it completely.

Gu Xue sat slumped in a chair, frowning, with a face full of doubts about life…

Hashimoto Ai asked carefully: “What’s wrong, Gu Xue?”

“I’m reminded of some bad memories.”

Gu Xue looked at the script in her hand: “Car accident, bloody murder, Mary Sue, love triangle… all it takes is an abortion… Fortunately, thanks to you, I didn’t arrange this kind of drama because I was an idol. Thank you so much.”

“…Huh? The senior management of this script agency thought it was very good, saying that it could perfectly display my charm… Actually, I didn’t like the story very much, but then the senior management said that Jiro Nakamori would direct it, so I didn’t say anything.” Hashimoto Ai was a little confused, but she could tell that Gu Xue was very dissatisfied with the script.

Because Gu Xue looked like he was about to tear up the script…

“Perfectly show your charm…”

Gu Xue glanced at Hashimoto Ai, gently pushed the script back to her, and said seriously: “I think you should hire someone else, otherwise I’m afraid that once this movie is made, both of us will be ruined and the society will be ruined.” Sexual death…”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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