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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 600 What I said (2)

[Directed by the famous animation supervisor Gu Xue, Hashimoto Ai’s starring debut – “The Bottom” has been filmed. Attached are the set photos of Gu Xue and Ai-chan. It’s finished! (By the way, does Director Gu Xue really not consider becoming an idol? [dog])]

On Twitter, an entertainment media first announced the news of completion.

Subsequently, the news was forwarded and spread by various people.

This is the reason why Gu Xue’s bunch of idiot viewers shouted “wife” so happily.

Afterwards, the audience was so enthusiastic.

The official Twitter of “Bottom” also officially announced the news and released some high-definition set pictures.

The picture quality is much better than candid photography.

However, most of the photos released are of the starring role of Hashimoto Ai.

There is only one photo of Gu Xue, and she looks serious…

Originally, this was not only in the interests of the producer, but also specifically requested by Gu Xue, so it was not a big problem.

However, Gu Xue’s sand sculpture fans were not happy.

They always feel like something is missing.

It’s obviously a movie about two people.


Inexplicably, Gu Xue was also included in the cast. Who knows what the audience was thinking…

“No matter how good the movie is, I want to see more Gu Xue.”

The first comment below the official tweet has the most likes and represents the mood of many viewers, which can directly make the film’s largest investor vomit blood.

But some people were happy to see the investor vomiting blood, and they selflessly satisfied their request to see more of Gu Xue.

On the same day as the official announcement.

A secretly filmed video of Gu Xue teaching Hashimoto Ai how to act suddenly appeared on Twitter.

The original source of the video was an unknown Twitter account, but no one paid attention to who posted it. Gu Xue’s fans only paid attention to the content of the video.

In the video, Gu Xue changed from her serious look in the official final photos.

Rich expressions and charming smile.

A female high school student is played vividly.

Forming an extremely strong contrast.

Although the time is not long each time, and many times, Gu Xue just gives up after teaching.

But it did satisfy the audience greatly.

It gives the audience the feeling of peeking into another side of Gu Xue.

The feeling of first love…

In the video, she can command people with a stern face, and she can also teach Hashimoto Ai how to act, teaching how to play the female high school student in the movie.

Occasionally, I will make some venomous remarks about Hashimoto Ai.

Seeing unsatisfactory acting skills, he would even puff up his cheeks and act cute!

These are all interesting!

What’s more, in this video, there are scenes of Gu Xue and Hashimoto Ai interacting.

So within a short time, this video went viral.

It also accidentally raised the general public’s expectations for the movie “The Bottom”.

The movie’s discussion rate is inexplicably high.

A certain forum.

“Animation director, I didn’t have any hope at first. I thought it should be a movie for fans, but after seeing this video, I feel that even going to the cinema to see the actors is worth it…”

“Go and see it, just think it’s for Gu Xue.”

“It should be a movie for fans. After all, the lead actor is an idol, and the director is a newcomer, or a cross-border transfer… That’s right! Gu Xue is the director. Are you guys upstairs going to the cinema to watch Mao?”

“So Ai-chan isn’t important, is it…”

“…I forgot that Gu Xue is the director.”

“‘Should he appear? A guest appearance?”

“When the news came out at the end of April, she was not in the cast.”

“Go to the official Twitter and ask.”


As for the direction of the film, it suddenly became very strange.

Hashimoto Ai has become the backdrop for some reason… and it seems that whether or not Gu Xue stars in the movie determines whether the audience goes to the theater or not.

This time, the film’s sponsor, Hashimoto Ai’s agency, really vomited blood.

And wait until the call comes to Gu Xue.

Gu Xue also vomited blood.


YUK Studio.

Gu Xue held the phone between her cheeks, flipping through the original paintings with her left hand, and drawing with a pencil in her right hand. When she heard Ms. Endo’s words on the other end of the phone, she immediately stopped.

What does it mean that the audience wants to see themselves?

Do you need to reshoot scenes so that you can announce that you are also participating in the movie?

“Supervisor Gu Xue, it seems that the audience really likes you, I think…”

Ms. Endo told Gu Xue about the trend on the Internet and her concerns.

The general meaning is that although there are people who are looking forward to the movie “The Bottom”, more people are actually skeptical. After all, the lead actor is an idol and the director is still a newcomer.

And now they want to see the director…

Then for the sake of box office reputation, why not satisfy them…

“Ms. Endo, this is a movie.”

After listening to her words, Gu Xue put down her pen and said softly: “This is not a promotional video for Hashimoto Ai…well, in your eyes it may be.

But in my eyes, this is not her promotional video, nor is it my promotional video. I just want to tell a story.

I can understand publicity, and I can understand marketing, because if you don’t make money from making movies, who would make them?

But, I don’t want to put the cart before the horse, and what’s the use of me taking a few shots? Will the audience really not feel cheated when they watch it? So, instead of making a cameo and being criticized in the end, I would rather honestly admit that I didn’t appear.

Are you right? “

Ms. Endo was silent for a moment and replied:

“I see……”

Gu Xue’s videos that can be considered behind-the-scenes.

In fact, a very special audience also saw it. That special audience was Gu Xue’s father.

Gu family.

Gu Xiao looked at the energetic little daughter on the screen and smiled, with the expression of an old father…

“Do you think Xiaoxue will appear in the movie?” Gu Xiao looked at the screen and asked suddenly.


Sato Toyama scratched his head: “Were you not before…”

Didn’t you hear before that your daughter was going to film a movie, and she looked like she was going to kill someone? What the hell is that look of expectation now?

This is what Sato Toyama wants to say.

Although I didn’t dare to say it out loud.

But Gu Xiao took one look at him and understood what he wanted to say.

He did not explain, but looked at the computer screen again, his cold and majestic face quickly softened.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

See the video.

He missed his daughter…

Sato Toyama noticed that Gu Xiao was silent, thought for a while, and smiled bitterly, barely guessing what the latter was thinking.

He took out his cell phone and prepared to call to ask.

However, he soon discovered that there was no need to ask.

The official Twitter of the “Bottom” movie officially issued an announcement and responded to many people’s inquiries and concerns, that is – Gu Xue did not play any role in the movie.

Sato Toyama smiled bitterly and told Gu Xiao the news.

The Internet is filled with grief.

When Gu Xiao heard the news, although he didn’t cry, it was obvious that he was disappointed.

He sat there in silence for a long time.

Then, suddenly he stood up.

“Ei is in YUKI studio now, right? Let’s go to YUKI studio.”


Faced with this sudden decision.

Sato Toyama couldn’t turn a corner.

Gu Xiao whispered: “I want to see my two daughters! After going to YUKI Studio, I will go to Samll Company! Even the Emperor can’t stop me! I said so!”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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