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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 601 Two pairs of fathers (1)

“Ei, are you in YUKI studio?”


“Just tell me whether you are in the studio or not.”


“Okay then, let me tell you, tomorrow I will… go to your studio with the father of the senior you mentioned. We want you to help confirm whether Gu Xue is in the studio and help us sneak in. , so as not to visit in a big way and attract Gu Rou here…”


After hearing this, Sato Ei screamed directly on the other end of the phone and left. If Sato Toyama was in front of her, she would probably overthrow her…

Sato Toyama quickly put his phone away.

After Sato Ei on the other end of the phone stopped being so excited, he took the phone back to his ear and said with a wry smile: “Daughter, this is not my decision…”

Sato Ei said angrily: “You tricked me again! Do you think it’s fun to suddenly say something about coming to the studio? If Gu Rou suddenly comes over, BOOM! Seniors and I will explode. Now you tell me in advance, maybe I’m going to get mixed doubles! Have you ever thought about it!?

Moreover, the senior may not necessarily be willing to meet Gu Xiao. If you don’t believe me, ask me! “

“No, no, no.”

Sato Toyama quickly stopped his daughter: “Don’t ask, we want to give her a surprise… You are responsible for taking care of her, and she will suddenly appear when the time comes. What a surprise…”

“What a surprise! It’s more like a shock!” Sato Ei said loudly, “You still want me to come and take care of you… Why don’t you just send your daughter to the black kiln to dig coal? Damn it!”

“How can I bear it…”

“So you are willing to ask me to go downstairs to carry water every time, right? When I was a child, my daughter would go downstairs with her and she would be coaxed in a nice way. You would do well to carry the water and put it on my shoulder, and even pretend to call me. Bah! You deserve to be pushed to the ground and kicked by your mother!”

“Don’t go over old scores. Dad is here to exercise your body…”

“Shit, you just want to be lazy!”


Sato Toyama was helpless and could only call out his daughter’s name again, and then said deeply: “I know you don’t want to, but have you ever thought about the thoughts of the senior you mentioned, little Gu Xue? This can’t be delayed like this. ?

These two sisters are the ones I watched grow up. You don’t know what happened. The mother of the two sisters was very caring when the two sisters were young. All her thoughts were spent on how to help her relatives find money and positions. On the other hand, he has never shown any love or concern for the two sisters.

Little Gu Rou has been very smart since she was a child. She should have noticed these things a long time ago, but she has been unwilling to admit them. And my boss happened to do some wrong things during that time… Little Gu Rou just blamed all his mistakes. She put the blame on him, broke up with him directly, and ran away from home with her sister. It had been almost ten years since she left, and the two of them had been living a life where their father did not dare to love their mother.

Now I finally have a chance. My boss, Gu Xiao, is willing to sit down and talk with his daughter and want to reconcile. Why not let him try? As I just said, this can’t be delayed. No matter what, the two sisters are Gu Xiao’s daughters, and this cannot be changed.

Over the years, if Gu Xiao wanted to have another child, he could do so at any time, but he had never had this idea or even thought about it. A few years ago, the aunt of the two sisters persuaded him to have a red-faced quarrel with his sister during the Chinese New Year. I still remember what he said. He said: ‘What do you mean I have no children? Is this important? Was my daughter eaten by a dog? Are they not better than sons? “

Sato Toyama imitated Gu Xiao’s tone and said these words.

Sato Ei: “…”

“I tell you this because I want to tell you that no matter what happens, no one can deny that Gu Xiao loves the two sisters.”

Sato Toyama continued: “But I am not defending Gu Xiao, and I can’t defend it. The two sisters were at home, and there was a lot of nonsense. After that, the two sisters ran away from home, and Gu Xiao was also aloof, thinking that he could force the two sisters. Returning home, the relationship eventually became more and more tense.

These are all his faults, and he admits them himself, and now he is ready to communicate with the two sisters openly and want to gain their understanding. Why not give him a chance? Let him stand in front of his daughter like a man?

When I was a kid, I did something stupid like carrying a big bucket of water and putting it on your shoulders, but I still love you, Huiyi. Your mother held you in the palm of her hand, for fear that you would be hurt, and let you do whatever you wanted from childhood to adulthood, for fear that you would be unhappy at all. Although this created your careless character, it also allowed you to spend your childhood happily.

But have you ever imagined the childhood of little Gu Xue? She ran away from home when she was a child. She could only call her sister at parent-teacher meetings and at her coming-of-age ceremony. She has never felt the love of her father and mother since she was a child. You can’t let her stay like this for the rest of her life, right? If you still have knots and regrets in your heart, just let the father and daughter talk about it. “

Sato Ei: “…”

Sato Toyama Akatsuki is both rational and emotional, but Sato Ei has always been silent.

He was a little helpless and waited patiently for a while, but found that there was still no response, so he could only shout in a low voice: “Huiyi?”

“Do you think you’re acting in a bloody TV series?”

Sato Ei finally spoke.

Sato Toyama: “…”

“If you say these words to your senior, she will definitely say so.”

Sato Ei said angrily, “She will definitely say that she doesn’t need any father’s love. She is very happy. So what if it’s just Gu Rou? Senior has grown up. He is still cute, healthy and full of energy.” !”


Sato Toyama was so choked that he was speechless…

It’s so hard to deal with my own daughter…

“Toyama, what did Ei say?”

At this moment, Gu Xiao pushed open the study door and looked at Sato Tomiyama who was standing outside the door anxiously.

Sato Toyama shook his head helplessly.

Gu Xiao was silent for a moment, stretched out his hand and said, “Give me your phone, I’ll tell Hui Yi.”


Sato Toyama shrank back, somewhat unwilling and resistant.

He knew, however, that as his boss, what he was best at was exerting pressure and using his power to overwhelm others.

At this time, he could understand his daughter.

Just like he was protecting his daughter at the moment, fearing that she would be frightened by Gu Xiao, he probably had the same thought in rejecting him…

“do not worry.”

Gu Xiao said calmly: “I have made up my mind.”

Sato Toyama stared at his boss, still resisting.

Gu Xiao looked at him protecting the cub and suddenly felt a little disappointed.

As a father, I have really failed. The man in front of me is a hundred times more qualified as a father than myself…

He sighed and changed his expression: “Toyama, please, I won’t yell at your daughter.”

Sato Toyama struggled for a while.

In the end, he gave the phone to him, but before giving it to him, he did not forget to remind his daughter and warn Gu Xiao.

“Hui Yi, little Gu Xue’s father has something to tell you.”

After saying these words, Sato Toyama handed the phone to Gu Xiao.

Sato Ei: “…”

Gu Xiao took the phone and took a deep breath.

No yelling.

No long speeches either.

He just used his father’s identity and a pleading tone to say to the junior Sato Ei: “Ei? I am Gu Xiao, Gu Xue’s father. I miss her. Can you help me? … Please.”

Sato Ei: “…”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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