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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 606 Trailer (1)

December 21, afternoon.

Suddenly, the movie “Bottom” began to receive overwhelming publicity.

What kind of video advertising, pre-roll advertising, outdoor advertising, video soft advertising, in short, it is a mess, there is everything.

Before this, “Bottom” had not placed advertisements. As Ai Hashimoto’s first film, it was definitely impossible to save money, so soft advertising was still available.

But there is something wrong with such a large-scale announcement.

Many fans of Ai Hashimoto had a premonition of something and smelled something unusual.

And in fact.

Their hunch was correct.

That night, the trailer for “The Bottom” was released, and the movie was officially scheduled to be released on January 1st.

It was a ‘just right’ date.

Because Gu Xue did not participate, and there were some objections, Ms. Endo gave up the road show in all ticket offices across the country. Now there are only 10 days left before the release day, which is just enough for her to travel to seven or eight first-tier cities.

Then, it’s time for the movie to be released.

In fact, after the trailer is released and the date is set, Hashimoto Ai will start preparations.

Getting ready to go on the road show.

There is not much time for the road show before the release, just enough. This is a very arduous process. It is not uncommon to appear in two or three cities on the same day.

This is also the reason why Gu Xue doesn’t want to go. It’s too troublesome and it’s cold.

Logically speaking, for this kind of road show, the director is the one with the strongest support, and it is impossible to miss even one of them, let alone not to go.

But after all, Gu Xue is not a film director, and she doesn’t like to show up in public. She just seems to be playing for a ticket. In addition, when she became a director, it was Ms. Endo and Hashimoto Ai who asked for her, so she refused to go to road shows. And she doesn’t care about the box office or her career. Ms. Endo really has no choice but to let her go…

And the movie must be promoted, so roadshows play a big role. Therefore, Ms. Endo could only take Hashimoto Ai and a group of creatives other than the director to go…

Of course, these things have nothing to do with the audience, at least for now.

The audience’s focus is mainly on the trailer of the movie.

“Bottom” was originally called “Bottom Hot Girl”, which was also released in China. Gu Xue also watched the final trailer.

But I don’t like it very much. I always feel that it doesn’t match the brain waves.

The trailer is more exciting than the main film, but the trailer is better, and the main film is better than the trailer…

So this time, when it was her turn to shoot, she didn’t copy the trailer, but cut her own one that felt comfortable and suitable.

movie trailer.

At first.

It’s the scene where Sayaka Kudo, played by Ai Hashimoto, appears in front of the cram school teacher…

This scene is simply the opening lightning strike…

Hashimoto Ai, who originally looked innocent, appeared on the screen with blond curly hair, rich makeup, short clothes and short skirts, and her navel exposed… This ultra-fashionable outfit not only made the character in the play, Tsuboda The teacher was dumbfounded, and the audience in front of the screen was also stunned.

Regarding this image, Gu Xue, Hashimoto Ai and the agency behind her actually argued about it. In the end, she said, “In this movie, the audience can clearly distinguish the difference between the actor and the role played.” ’ convinced them.

Then he successfully retained this image, and while making the audience eat a lot, he also left himself a reputation as someone who dared to take pictures…

There is no way, the contrast between Hashimoto Ai’s face and the costume in the play is really great, just like Hashimoto Kanna filming Gintama, the audience was really shocked. It’s just that the former is taking a sexy route, while the latter is taking a silly route…

Back to the trailer.

After the opening lightning strike.

The audience’s expectations for the trailer immediately increased by fifty percent.

But after the trailer, Gu Xue did not get too entangled with the image of Hashimoto Ai. Instead, she used her experience in animation production and followed the process of “first acquaintance – dilemma – outbreak” to present the trailer to the audience.

The audience was able to know the general plot of the movie.

To put it simply, a girl who is in the second year of high school but only has the knowledge level of a fourth grade elementary school girl is going to take the entrance exam for Keio University… (Keio is still very famous in this world)

This sounds very unreliable…

However, the rhythm of the trailer is very good. Although the audience subconsciously felt that it was unreliable, they were still attracted by the trailer and continued to watch it.

Then, the audience saw more unexpected images of Hashimoto Ai.

Short hair, JK outfit, homely ponytail, rude hot girl…

Then all these images were forgotten by the audience after the scene of Hashimoto Ai riding a bicycle under the sunset came out.

The end of the trailer.

Sayaka Kudo, played by Ai Hashimoto, followed the teacher’s order and opened the test paper along with everyone in the classroom.

The audience even surprisingly felt that this was a bit irritating.

The trailer was just over a minute and finished quickly.

Among them, many images flash by.

But because of the contrast, the audience was still very impressed by this trailer.


Comments section below the trailer.

“Holy shit, Gu Xue really dares to take pictures. Is Aiyi-chan still an idol?”

“It seems to be a story about an exam… but a girl who doesn’t know basic knowledge is taking the exam for Qingying. I always feel that it is very outrageous. I just don’t know what the movie will be like. Looking at the trailer, there are quite a lot of elements.”

“Although I was shocked by the image of Aiyi-chan at the beginning, I found it quite interesting after that. The story told…is it just about entering high school? I don’t know if it’s good or not. I’m afraid it’s a teaser…”

“I’m also a little worried. Director Gu Xue is a newcomer in this field, and I don’t know what the film will be like. Although in the trailer, some shots don’t look like a newcomer at all, especially the one with Ai Yijiang riding a bicycle. The shots are particularly beautiful… However, given that recent youth movies are all bullshit, I’m very worried if it’s the kind of movie where you struggle for exams but secretly fall in love…”

“I will always believe in Gu Xue! This trailer doesn’t have the atmosphere of a bad movie at all, and there is no male character shouting, ‘What do you owe me here?’, so it shouldn’t be trying to sell someone else’s meat.”

“I also believe in Gu Xue…so when will she go back to animation…”

“I don’t think it will be a bad movie…right? It’s Gu Xue’s first time as a director, and it’s a crossover. I thought about those crossover directors, and considering that this is a youth-themed movie… I’m a little worried. ”

“After reading what was said above, I don’t even know if I should buy a ticket to watch it…waiting for a Shennong!”

“Equal… Although I want to say this, with Gu Xue and Hashimoto Ai, I will go and see them as soon as possible. Gu Xue, please don’t let me down.”


In the trailer.

Most of the audience’s comments are quite realistic because the trailer has just been released.

Some people believe in Gu Xue.

But many people still expressed concerns.

Concerns about the film’s subject matter and story.

after all.

This is not Gu Xue’s area of ​​expertise.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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