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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 61 Nuclear Explosion

Just when Zhu Chi and Satoshi Nakata were pushing each other over the issue of outsourcing, they were misunderstood by their female colleagues.

On the other side, Gu Xue finished clearing two more cards of original paintings, but she couldn’t clear them anymore. She took off her earplugs, threw them aside, and took out the storyboard.

As Ms. Mihara said, she does still have one shot to complete.

The explosion when the Mother Queen lands in episode 11 of “Invasion”.

At first she was not sure if there would be enough time, but now it seems that there is enough time, so she plans to make the scene bigger.

Well, draw a nuclear explosion.

This was not a spur-of-the-moment idea on her part, but something she had decided upon from the moment she saw the script. Otherwise, she would not have asked for the exploding card from Hiroshi Misawa.

Gu Xue probably had an idea of ​​what the painting would look like.

Nuclear explosion song.

That is aLIEz.

I guess many people have heard it, but the reason why this song is called the Nuclear Explosion Song is, first of all, the climax of this song is indeed explosive. It is correct to say that it is a nuclear explosion, but this song is called The main reason for the nuclear explosion is still…

The name given by Hiroyuki Sawano, the composer of this song, is too confusing to pronounce. It is just like a name randomly chosen by a face-rolling keyboard. Others cannot remember it at all.

You can only come up with an alias that is easy to remember.

Most of Hiroyuki Sawano’s songs are animation inserts or OPs and EDs. The audience will give them an alias based on the scenes in the animation. The most famous one is probably the episode “βο” in Guilty Crown, which is the scene where the song is played for the first time. It’s the protagonist holding a girl in his arms and drawing a sword. The prelude of eh eh eh sounds, which makes people get goosebumps and is still fresh in the memory, so it’s called the Divine Comedy of Drawing a Sword.

And the reason aLIEz is called Nuclear Explosion Divine Comedy… is because when this episode was played for the first time, the scene was really like a nuclear explosion!

aLIEz comes from the first episode of the animation “Aldnoah Zero”. This animation… is difficult to describe in one sentence.

But the production team has great ambitions for this animation. It can be seen from the first episode. The plot slowly unfolds. At the end, the robot from Mars lands on the earth, hits the ground, a mushroom cloud rises, the nuclear explosion song sounds, and the shock wave spreads. , pedestrians were instantly vaporized, cars were blown away, and the glass of the building was instantly shattered…

The shocking images combined with the singing made the name Nuclear Explosion Divine Comedy spread.

As for the eleventh episode of “Invasion” that Gu Xue is now responsible for, the last scene is almost the same in terms of plot. It is an object falling from the sky and hitting the ground. At this time, a nuclear explosion is the most suitable scene.

Although there is no bonus from the Nuclear Explosion Divine Comedy, which Gu Xue cannot change, at least she can make the picture very good.

However, even though I decided to imitate my predecessors in drawing a nuclear explosion, it was actually quite troublesome to actually draw it.

Because the nuclear explosion in the first episode of “Aldnoah Zero” was drawn by Keishi Hashimoto…

Hashimoto Keishi, an Earth animator, is known as the explosion genius. Misawa Hiro, who has gone bald from painting explosions, may want to follow the former’s path and draw the best explosions, but Misawa Hiro is still far from it, and Hiro Misawa is still far behind. Hon Keishi is not only good at drawing special effects, he is also very good at drawing mechanical mechas.

EVA’s three new theatrical versions, Hayao Miyazaki’s “Howl’s Moving Castle”, Makoto Shinkai’s “Your Name”, these familiar works, Hashimoto Keishi has participated in.

He is the kind of person that any newbie would tremble in fear and call him “big boss” when they meet him.

You said Hashimoto Keishi’s explosions are easy to learn and draw, but that’s really impossible.

Moreover, the eleventh episode of “Invasion” that Gu Xue is currently responsible for is, after all, different from the first episode of “Aldnoah Zero”. The storyboards designed by Gu Xue are completely different from the latter. Therefore, it is a drawing of a nuclear explosion. That’s right, but Gu Xue had to think about the changes while recalling the painting.

That would be even more troublesome.

Gu Xue picked up the pencil and looked at the original drawing paper for several minutes, not knowing how to put down the pen.

In the end, I had no choice but to draw the rising mushroom cloud first.

This is the best to draw.

It is also the one that Gu Xue thinks has the best performance.

Swish swish swish.

After making the decision, Gu Xue held down the original drawing paper with one hand and a pencil in the other hand, and started drawing quickly.

A huge explosive mushroom cloud slowly took shape on the original drawing paper.

On the way, Chisa Mihara came to see Gu Xue once and brought her something to eat. However, she saw that Gu Xue was staring very intently at the original drawing paper, so she did not disturb her, put down her things gently, and then quietly turned around and left.

Gu Xue spent nearly an hour drawing the rising mushroom cloud with the idea that “explosion is art.”

After flipping it over for a while and checking it, Gu Xue nodded with satisfaction, dropped the pencil, picked up the milk beside the table, took a sip, and then began to struggle with how to draw this problem in the future.

The rising mushroom cloud must be followed by a spreading shock wave. If you say an extraterrestrial creature, or a queen, flies from outer space, hits the ground, and a mushroom cloud rises, the impact of the image is simply not enough.

Be sure to draw the impact of the shock wave on the surrounding area after hitting the ground.

However, Gu Xue had a hard time deciding between “Let the entire area be razed to the ground!” or “Just be a little more restrained and let it go.”

She is more inclined to choose the former, but the turnkey party still has episode 12 that has not been broadcast… It was really razed to the ground, and the cockroaches might not survive, let alone make the audience think that the protagonist is still alive.


“It’s so troublesome.” Gu Xue sighed.

I was given a certain amount of freedom when I was painting, but there were restrictions at the end, which was the most disgusting thing.

Wouldn’t it be better to finish episode 12 on the spot…

Gu Xue’s idea was very bold, so bold that the other party might want to kill them after hearing it.

But Gu Xue was just thinking about it. She finally compromised and didn’t mess around. She restrained her thoughts and decided to let it go with a little bit of meaning.

After the Empress hits the ground, a mushroom cloud rises and the shock wave spreads. The passers-by that the protagonist desperately rescued are instantly vaporized and turned into ashes. Vehicles and debris are lifted up and blown away. The glass of the surrounding buildings suddenly shatters and turns into tiny glass fragments. , a lot of smoke and fire, a doomsday look after a nuclear explosion…

That’s probably it.

Gu Xue took a pencil, conceived a rough idea of ​​the scene, and then began to draw.


Gu Xue hadn’t yet realized that what she meant by restraint was that she was referring to the explosive genius Keishi Hashimoto, not the general contractor.

The twelfth episode of “Invasion” produced by the turnkey party begins with the scene where the protagonist gets up after the explosion, which is the same scene as the explosion in Gu Xue’s painting. There is also an original artist at the CDD Animation Studio, who is painstakingly painting explosions according to the requirements of the storyboard, connecting the last scene of the eleventh episode…

So… Gu Xuebao’s explosion might have a double explosion.

Thanks to Liyue Cat for 10,000 rewards, Silver Moon Glowing Night for 10,000 rewards, Ten Fragrance Control Love Ten Fragrances for 2,000 rewards, Maple Leaf Decoration for 3,000 rewards, Frost Vine for 500 rewards, Wind and Snow Sky Qi for 500 rewards, Xiaofeng: Waning Moon for 100 rewards, The 100 reward for Osaka in the fifth watch, the 500 reward for Hoshi Lanchen, the 500 reward for Malina’s wish, the 500 reward for dawn9Zzz, the 500 reward for Nanjo Yoshino, the 233 reward for the unpredictable Takagi-san, the 100 reward for Muzi Koyang, and the book 100 reward from friend 1470.

thank you very much.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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