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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 626 With a strong heart, secret


Although Xia Ya thinks that if Gu Xue has such energy, she might as well make a carrot movie, but now she has done everything in “Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Story of Rebellion”…

He can only use his own way to protect the animation he loves.

“I hope Gu Xue can find her way back…”

Xia Ya opened Gu Xue’s Twitter, talking to herself, and planned to copy her message on the forum and send it to Gu Xue’s private message.

But he hadn’t said the last word yet.

Then I saw Gu Xue’s latest tweet.

…posted three minutes ago.

[I have also read the comments on the Internet. It is true that it is difficult to follow up with the content of the TV version, but it would be a pity if it ended like that. Madoka has not yet been active as a magical girl.

The other producers of the anime and I, as well as the “invisible” producers of the anime, all wanted to draw Madoka fighting with everyone and using magic.

I’m very happy that the animation can arouse heated discussions, and I also like to see everyone’s analysis and comments on Madoka.

But for the new work, I still hope that everyone can go and see it for themselves. After all, seeing is believing, well… the only thing I want to say is that I hope everyone can watch it with a strong heart…]

Seeing this tweet, Xia Ya was stunned for a while.

This tweet revealed two pieces of information.

First, Gu Xue is aware of the doubts on the Internet, and also knows that it is very difficult to follow up with the content of the TV version.

Second, even if she knew the first point, she was still very confident because she wanted the audience to watch the movie with a strong heart.

God, go watch the movie with a strong heart.

Seeing these words, Xia Ya was shaken for a moment.

What do I mean?

Such thoughts emerged uncontrollably.

But soon.

He calmed down.

No…this is just an illusion.

It’s just a conventional promotional method. After all, TV animation gives people the impression of being sadistic.

At this time, publicity will definitely use this as a selling point.

This is human nature.

Figured this out.

Xia Ya sighed quietly.

After watching the TV animation, he already felt that his heart was as solid as a rock.

And go to the movies with a strong heart…

If you can break my defense, you are considered powerful.

But is this possible?

Xia Ya shook his head.

This is simply nonsense…

YUKI Studio.

“Gu Xue, to be honest, you can be quite mean sometimes.”

Mr. Jinyu Ando looked at Gu Xue holding a cup and complained helplessly.

“What do you mean I’m being mean… Is it wrong for me to remind the audience to go to the movies with a strong heart…” Gu Xue took a sip of water and asked.

“That’s not what I meant.”

Mr. Jinyu Ando shook his head and continued: “What I’m talking about is the continuation of the story of Madoka Magica. To be precise, after the story of Rebellion… we don’t seem to have any related production plans, right?”

Gu Xue was stunned: “Indeed not.”

“Then do you have any ideas, such as a miracle story…”

“No.” Gu Xue shook her head, “I don’t have any good ideas at the moment.”

Ando Zhenyu couldn’t bear it and said: “This way… Xiaomei Yan is so pitiful.”

Gu Xue pondered for a moment and replied: “Well… but thinking about it from another perspective, this is her story, her choice and rebellion. It is precisely because of her rebellion and her incomprehension that Kyubey can be born.” It’s simply incomprehensible’, and the correct judgment is that ‘it is too dangerous to exploit human emotions’. To a certain extent, she is also the one who saves magical girls. Although she does not have the same great love as Madoka, she has a heart that is hotter than hope and more powerful than hope. Despair is a deeper emotion.”

After hearing this, Mr. Jinyu Ando was silent for a long time, and shook his head with a wry smile, “…Okay, I’m convinced by you, I didn’t expect…one day we big guys will watch magical girl-themed animation scripts. , stunned. At first we really wanted you to change the script, for example, stop at a certain time period… But then I thought about it carefully, it was just a false ending, and the audience would see it. You have laid so much groundwork, Xiao Meiyan’s final choice is not surprising at all.”


Gu Xue smiled, then glanced at her office from the corner of her eye, and immediately changed the subject: “Ah, I’m leaving first. I’ve been working hard during this time.”

As she spoke, she turned around and ran away while holding the cup.


Ando Jinyu made a confused sound, put down the hand he was about to raise, looked at the young man’s back, and shook his head in confusion.

Full of energy.

the other side.

“Miss Mihara, what’s wrong?”

Gu Xue closed the door of the office and bumped into Mihara Chisa, who had not seen Gu Xue and was about to go out to find her.

Chisa Mihara said: “It’s about the premiere of “Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Story of Rebellion.”

“Well, what’s going on?”

Chisa Mihara looked at Gu Xue from head to toe, hesitated for a moment, and whispered: “Yao Jingyao wants me to ask you… Do you want to wear a magical girl costume on stage…”

Gu Xue immediately became furious and said angrily: “Go away, she can wear it if she wants to! And why are you asking? Why doesn’t she come and ask? I won’t spray her to death!”

“She said she was afraid you would spray her, so she asked me to try…”

“So you agreed?”


“You don’t want to see me wear it, do you?”


“I’ll fight you!”

Gu Xue became angry, gently grabbed Mihara Qiansha’s neck with both hands, and pushed her back, as if he wanted to strangle her to death.

But actually.

She just pushed Chisa Mihara onto her chair.

Wait until the other party is caught off guard and sits down.

She followed suit and sat on her lap.

“Is it heavy?”

Gu Xue let go of her neck and asked.

In fact, it is not comfortable. If a person’s legs are comfortable with a chair, then why do they need a chair? She has long been using her power for personal gain and uses Miss Mihara as a artificial bench every day. She doesn’t know what Miss Mihara is doing when she sits on her lap every day…

“not heavy.”

Chisa Mihara shook her head.

“It’s true. I’m pretty confident about my weight, even though I haven’t measured it for a long time… After Gu Rou took a shower that day, she suddenly thought the scale was inaccurate, so she threw it away…”


Chisa Mihara was silent, and she didn’t know whether it was because she was speechless or for some reason. After a while, she finally spoke: “I am heavier…”

“Actually it’s not bad.”

Gu Xue, who was sitting on her lap, moved forward, put his face on her shoulder, yawned sweetly and comforted her.

Chisa Mihara added: “I read The Story of Rebellion.”

“Well, how do you feel?”

“Homura Akatsuki is great. If you were Madoka, I hope I can do the same.”

“What kind of feeling is this?”

Gu Xue raised her head, a little amused, and was about to tease Chisa Mihara a few words, but when she saw the seriousness on her pretty face, she couldn’t say the joke…

“Can’t you?”

Meeting Gu Xue’s eyes, Chisa Mihara was a little embarrassed and turned her head slightly.

A strand of her hair hung down on the side of her face, setting off her reddish face.


Gu Xue came back to her senses, pursed her lips, and suddenly said: “Let me tell you a secret, Miss Mihara.”

“…What secret?” Mihara Chisa was a little confused.

Gu Xue smiled mysteriously, put his head close to her ear, opened his red lips and spoke word by word.

“I’m not marrying anyone anymore.”


Miss Mihara’s head buzzed and she was confused.

“How about it.”

Gu Xue left her ear, tilted her head, and asked, “Is this a secret?”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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