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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 627 Damn…

April 12th.

late at night.

It’s still Minato.

Located in a bustling area, it is the largest theater in the TOHO Cinema chain.

The last premiere of “The Bottom” was here, and the premiere of “Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Story of Rebellion” was also chosen here.

Gu Xue felt that this could be considered as making up for Hashimoto Ai…

Although Ai Hashimoto wanted to hit someone after hearing this.

at this time.

There was still an hour and a half before the premiere meeting of The Story of Rebellion at 0:00, but Gu Xue was already in the lounge of the theater.

She is preparing signed posters and signed gifts for the cinema.

Gu Xue’s handwriting is actually not ugly, on the contrary, it is very beautiful, but she probably signed too much, and her handwriting became deformed after signing.

Also signing autographs with her were the main voice actors of this animation.

“Is the premiere so troublesome?”

Gu Xue complained in a low voice, “And why, I’m not a voice actor, why should I sign up?”

“Ha, are you kidding me, Supervisor? You alone are as popular as all of us. If you don’t sign, who will?”

Next to him, Xiao Meiyan’s voice actor heard Gu Xue’s complaint and made a joke.

Gu Xue retorted: “This is an illusion, an illusion.”

The voice actor of Xiao Meiyan tilted his head and joked: “Then we might as well make a bet? Let’s bet on who the audience will vote for more when we go on stage later?”

Although Gu Xue is very strict when recording, she is notoriously easy to get along with outside the recording studio. This is the consensus of all voice actors who have worked with her.

“If you tell me this, I won’t feel sleepy anymore, Homula.”

Gu Xue raised her head.

“My name is Ryoko, Ryoko!”

“Okay, then Ryoko, what do you want to bet on?”

“Then it depends on what the supervisor wants…”

“I…” Gu Xue groaned and suddenly looked at the other people watching the excitement, “Chidori, Saito, Yamamoto, Miss Yumu, would you like to come too.”

These are the voice actors of the other four magical girls.

“Hey, that’s interesting, I want it.”


The other four people agreed happily without any hesitation.

“Okay.” Gu Xue nodded with satisfaction and continued, “Then let me talk about my bet first, that is… Wait a minute in this lounge, you will see a secret, if you lose, You can’t tell this secret.”


Several voice actors looked at each other, and finally Liangzi said in confusion: “That’s it?”

“Well, let’s talk about your bet.”

Gu Xue stopped signing at some point.

“Our bet… is that if Supervisor Gu Xue loses, I hope Supervisor Gu Xue will remember us.” As a representative, Liangzi exchanged glances with several colleagues and said.

“Remember you?” Gu Xue was slightly surprised. Her bet was strange and normal, but the other party’s bet didn’t seem to be very normal either…

“Well, if there is a suitable work, please remember us~”

Ryoko is so cute.

Gu Xue was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: “…Okay, then the bet is established.”

She held out her hand.

Liangzi also reached out and patted Gu Xue, and then asked curiously: “So, Supervisor Gu Xue, what is the secret you are talking about?”

Gu Xue said seriously: “It’s a secret. You’ll know it soon. Don’t blink or make any noise.”

Her look made Ryoko a little nervous.

She nodded and hummed.

“Don’t blink…”

Gu Xue muttered something mysteriously.

Then the next second…

With lightning speed, she rolled up most of the unsigned posters on the table, picked them up, and looked at Mihara Chisa: “Miss Mihara, open your bag quickly!”

Chisa Mihara was very obedient and opened the bag immediately.

Gu Xue quickly stuffed the roll of posters into her bag.


Gu Xue clapped her hands: “I’ve finished signing.”

Liangzi: “…”

The other four voice actors: “…”

What a secret!

You just want to be lazy!


Gu Rou, who was standing behind Gu Xue, felt a little funny and lightly tapped Gu Xue on the head.

Ladies restroom.

“You really will do anything just to be lazy.”

Gu Rou washed her hands and glared at Gu Xue angrily.

“Eh… So you didn’t even go to the toilet, and you came here just to scold me.”

Gu Xue, who had just come out of the toilet, stood beside Gu Rou, feeling helpless.

“There are so many people. I want to save face for you, but of course I can’t scold you in front of you!”

Gu Rou glared at her again, but because she had water on her hands, she just bumped Gu Xue lightly with her shoulder.

“But you can’t do this if you want to be lazy. Learn how others make bets and what to do if they are cheated. Don’t make promises easily in the future, and don’t make bets with others. People’s hearts are unpredictable. It’s not like you don’t understand this.”

“Those who know the truth are all girls. What can they do to lie? It’s just for fun. I don’t bother to pay attention to other people, so what’s the point of making a bet?”

Gu Xue explained.

But Gu Rou still keenly caught the flaw in Gu Xue’s words. As she wiped the water stains on her hands with paper, she rolled her eyes and said, “What’s wrong with girls? Haven’t you heard of female gangsters?”


“Hey, what? There’s one right in front of you, okay?”

Gu Rou stretched out her hands to hold Gu Xue’s face. When her cold hands touched her skin, Gu Xue shivered.

“Look, you idiot.” Seeing her sister’s reaction, Gu Rou laughed out loud.

“…Do you believe I let you know what a real female gangster is?”

Gu Rou’s hands holding Gu Xue’s face were slightly propped up by Gu Xue’s puffed cheeks.


Just as Gu Rou asked, she suddenly took a step back and covered her chest with her hands.

Gu Xue immediately wanted to run away.

But how could Gu Rou let her run away? She quickly put aside her shyness and ran to catch her sister.

A sister war begins.

However, it was not her own home after all. Gu Rou hugged Gu Xue from behind, suppressed her, and after giving her a lesson, she let her go. But at the end, she said viciously: “You will die when you get home.” deal.”

“I was wrong, I admitted my mistake.”

Gu Xue gasped and admitted her mistake.

“Female gangster!”

“I’m just giving you an example.” Gu Xue turned around and looked at Gu Rou.

“You’re not giving an example.” Gu Rou glared at her.

Gu Xue: “…”

The two sisters looked at each other and then laughed.

“My touch is too much, don’t do this to others in the future.” Gu Rou rubbed Gu Xue’s head with her cheek.

“I’m not an idiot…”

Gu Xue leaned on Gu Rou and replied. Then she thought of something and asked, “By the way, why are you coming back so late recently? Small Company shouldn’t be that busy, right?”


Gu Rou was silent for a long time and whispered back, “Gu Xiao sent several companies over…”

Gu Xue said in surprise: “Ah?”

“He was being clever. When I said don’t bother me, he said that the company is in your name, and then he made it clear that if you don’t care, I won’t care either. He was sure that I would go and ask for you… I don’t know. Who gave him the bad idea?”



“That doesn’t matter, it’s not like I don’t have the ability to make money.”

“That won’t work.”


“Now it’s your thing, I have to take care of it, and, actually, because it’s your thing, I feel quite fulfilled, just like Small Company.”


Gu Xue turned around and faced Gu Rou.

Then he hugged her gently, took a deep breath and said, “You are really a model sister~”

“It’s good to know.” Gu Rou patted her back gently, “I used to be called a little rich woman, but now you are the little rich woman. Have you thought about it? How will you repay me when you really become a rich woman in the future. “

“Think about it, think about it.”

“Tell me.”

“Okay, actually I haven’t thought about it yet…”


“You’re kidding…I’ve already thought about it, of course I’ll support you.”

Gu Xue smiled brightly at her.

“Then don’t forget this promise.”

Gu Rou didn’t comment, just rubbed her head with gentle eyes, “Let’s go out.”

Eleven thirty.

The meeting with the main creators before the premiere of “Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Story of Rebellion” has officially begun.

Accompanied by the host’s voice.

Gu Xue led the voice actors on stage.


“Gu Xue!!!”

The audience below became restless.

Whistles, cheers, applause…

The sound almost knocked down the ceiling of the venue.

Completely ignoring several voice actors…

“Look, you lose, supervisor~”

Liangzi secretly gave a victory gesture to Gu Xue.

So the popularity is not as good as that of a supervisor, what is there to be happy about?

Gu Xue complained in her heart.

Then the complaints in his heart turned into one word and was spoken. “Depend on……”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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