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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 64 Invitation

There is one sentence that Nakata Tomo said rightly.

No matter how well the work is done, the final test is the audience.

Although Gu Xue’s original intention was not for the audience at all. When he started drawing the storyboards, it was out of love and revenge. When the original painting work began, his love retreated and the idea of ​​revenge disappeared without a trace. He relied entirely on his sense of responsibility to support him. He urged her to restrain her laziness.

When she was in Qing Eryuan, even her sense of responsibility was no longer working, so Gu Xue could only tell herself that she wanted to present a better picture to the audience.

Therefore, although Gu Xue had impure intentions at the beginning, in the end he did his best to save his life for the sake of the audience.

She is actually quite looking forward to what kind of feedback the audience will give after the broadcast.

But it was too early to say this. After Gu Xue completed the explosion card, he continued to clear Eryuan.

She originally thought she could finish it in one day, but she overestimated her patience.

It will be many days before Eryuan is officially cleared.

In the past few days, Miss Mihara has been sending original paintings to CDD Animation Workshop one after another. Every time she saw the name of the original artist with the word “Gu Xue” written on it, Zhu Chi felt nothing but panic.

Satoshi Nakata, as the supervisor and storyboarder of episode 12, remained calm for a few days. As more and more original paintings with Gu Xue’s name were handed over to him, he finally couldn’t sit still anymore. One day, he met the creator of episode 12. They held a discussion meeting and wanted to redraw some of the scenes in episode 12. This proposal was opposed by almost everyone, but no one knew what the specific outcome would be.

Gu Xue didn’t know these things either.

She had two levels of Gan Qing Qing every day, and was scolded by her sister when she came home. Then she went to work and had two levels of Gan Qing Qing.

Life is boring.

But the long-term excitement finally came to an end on this day, and the last card of the original painting was cleared.

Gu Xue threw the original painting aside and smiled very happily.

She would have been happier if Hiroshi Misawa wasn’t standing next to her.

“Miss Gu Xue…” Misawaguang’s face was full of curiosity.

Gu Xue was a little helpless. Ever since Misawa checked the explosion cards he drew, he would come to him every day, either saying, “Didn’t you say you’re not good at drawing explosions?” or “My hair is white and bald.”

It seems that my self-confidence has been severely damaged.

After finally recovering, he came over again to ask for advice.

But Gu Xue had some shit to teach him, so why didn’t he ask for advice? Please ask someone.

“I really had a flash of inspiration, believe me.” Gu Xue looked serious.

Misawa Hiro looked unbelieving.

“Please don’t cause trouble to others. Mr. Misawa.”

Chisa Mihara happened to come over to collect the card. When she saw this scene, she blocked Gu Xue directly.

Misawa was immediately frightened.

“There is no shortcut to drawing this kind of thing well. Everyone starts by copying others. After drawing more, you will gradually form your own style with experience. Unless you are a genius, who doesn’t come here like this? The more you practice, the more I don’t know how to draw anything, or I can watch more explosions.”

Gu Xue poked her head out from behind Miss Miyuan and added.

“You are a genius…one day someone will definitely be driven crazy by you.”

After listening to Gu Xue’s words, Misawaguang was silent for a long time and said this meaningfully. Then he sighed again that his hair was white and bald, and turned around and left.

Gu Xue didn’t take Misawahiro’s words to heart, and handed all the remaining shots of Erhara to Miss Mihara, leaned back in the chair, and relaxed.

“Thank you for your hard work.” Chisa Mihara bowed.

“Yeah, it was so hard, but it’s finally over… When will I start working on “Little Witch Academia”?” Although Gu Xue wanted to take a break, she couldn’t help it.

Even if she was very reluctant, she still had to ask clearly when the animation project would start in the future. After all, she couldn’t run away. She had to face what she had to face.

Chisa Mihara said softly: “It shouldn’t be that soon. I will inform you when the time comes. I have also discussed it with Mr. Misawa and will try to give you as much time as possible to rest.”

When she made this request to Misawa, Misawa couldn’t refuse, because everyone knew that Gu Xue was the hardest working person during this period.

“Thank you.” Gu Xue was touched.

Miss Mihara held the original painting and shook her head. She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t leave immediately to deliver the original painting. Instead, she paused and then asked in a very small voice: “When you rest, I will also rest. If nothing happens, If so, do you want… to go out for a walk together?”

“Walking around?”

Gu Xue was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses and joked: “I’m really flattered that Miss Mihara would invite me out.”

A blush appeared on Miss Mihara’s face, and she hugged the original painting tightly, seeming a little nervous.

“Okay, you can just contact me then. I just don’t know who to go shopping for pants with.”

Gu Xue agreed. She originally planned to go shopping alone when she had time to buy some suitable clothes. Now that she had someone with her, it was of course better. She couldn’t find a reason to refuse, and Miss Mihara took the initiative to invite her.


Chisa Mihara looked at Gu Xue and agreed, immediately nodded, turned around, said, “Then I’ll deliver the original painting,” and left quickly.

A spring in his step.

“Be careful along the way.” Gu Xue watched her leave.

After completing the original painting.

Unless the original painting needs to be modified.

Otherwise, the follow-up production of the eleventh episode of “Invasion” will have nothing to do with Gu Xue.

The follow-up production process of episode 11 was also surprisingly smooth, because Gu Xue was responsible for the entire B-part alone. Although there were some compromises in the later stage, most of the shots were completely original paintings.

This greatly reduces the workload of the animators. Although when drawing lines, they still want to hang themselves when they see the robot…

But at least… I won’t want to die immediately.

Background work, line drawing, center cutting, coloring, photography…

All the processes were carried out step by step. At the cdd animation workshop, nothing was said in the end.

Gu Xue suddenly became free and began to be a good girl. She went home early every day. Misawa probably felt guilty and never asked Gu Xue to do anything extra.

However, Gu Xue went to see Hiroshi Misawa once and put forward some ideas about sound effects, background music and how to perform the last scene of the eleventh episode of “Invasion”.

Although the Nuclear Explosion Divine Song is impossible, because the music has been prepared long ago, and she has no way to change the original painting or the original painting of the outsourced episodes, she can try to influence Misawa Hiroshi and let him choose a song that she thinks is suitable. background music and performance.

Misawa said he would think about it, but Gu Xue didn’t force it. Anyway, she just gave it a try, and left after saying that.

Gu Xue suddenly became leisurely, and the days of doing nothing always passed very quickly.

day after day.

Soon, it’s almost time for the eleventh episode of “Invasion” to air.

Snakehead handed over the finished eleventh episode of “Invasion” to CDD Workshop three days before the animation broadcast date.

CDD Workshop, Satoshi Nakata finished watching the eleventh episode in its entirety.

I feel like it’s over.

But what is the specific quality and how the audience responds.

You still need to play the animation to know.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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