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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 656 Premiere (1)

December 24th, late at night.

After intensive publicity.

On the eve of the premiere of “Your Name.”

port area.

The same cinema.

This time there were more people.

Last time Sato Ei came on stage, Gu Xue was the only one watching.

When Gu Xue came on stage, most of the theoretical executives of the studio came, as well as two heavyweight idols…

However, in Gu Xue’s eyes, there were actually Miss Mihara and Gu Rou, as well as the ‘outsider’ Miyamoto Fumihi whom she hadn’t seen for a long time.

It makes no difference whether the others are there or not.

“By the way, I haven’t watched the anime yet. “Your Name”…is it good?”

Miyamoto Wenhui looked at Gu Xue who was signing posters and asked curiously.

Gu Xue raised her head and said with a grimace: “Greek milk, if you sign this stack of posters for me, I will tell you…”

Miyamoto Wenhui said amusedly: “You are really lazy.”

Gu Xue glared at her and puffed up her chest: “I’m lazy? Why don’t you wait half a year to make the animation?”


Gong Wenhui was speechless.

No matter what, I’m speechless.

“It’s very good. I didn’t want to take this job at first, especially since Hashimoto-chan said nothing, so I decided to dub the animation. But after reading the script, I changed my mind, and after the animation was finished, I I realized that my choice was not wrong.”

On the other side, the young man who was also signing posters suddenly replied to Miyamoto Fumi.

Miyamoto Fumi turned around and looked around. After hesitating for a while, she asked, “Are you… the only Mr. Yamauchi?”

“Thankfully, I finally don’t have to introduce myself anymore, which is really devastating to be honest.”

Yamauchi is a pretty handsome guy. As the most popular male idol of the new generation, he must be handsome in appearance. However, at this moment, when he heard someone calling his name, the handsome guy in front of him actually showed an expression of tears of joy…

“What are you doing?” Gong Wenhui was a little surprised.

“After I joined this job, almost every time I met a producer at YUKI Studio, I had to introduce myself. It was so shocking. I thought I was out of date.”

Yamauchi only smiled bitterly.

These days were really miserable. For the first time, he saw what it meant to be an animator.

Especially the beautiful supervisor next to him, in the recording studio, training him was like training a fool… without caring about his mood at all. Although he was mentally prepared, it was really shocking, but what was even more shocking was, None of the animators know themselves.

“Ha…” Gong Wenhui seemed to understand something after hearing his words, and smiled, “It must be very hard, but this is normal, this supervisor.”

Miyamoto Fumei pointed at Gu Xue, “I only care about animation and the people around me.”

“This Gu Rou only cares about her sister.”

“This Mihara Chisa only cares about her own supervision.”

“This Sato Ei, she may know you, but when the master is around, you have no sense of presence.”

“This An Teng Zhenyu is even more unlikely to know you.”

“This Yujing Yao…no, she should know you.”

Yamauchi smiled awkwardly: “She does know me… but her first words were, let’s make a lot of money together…”

“As expected of you, Yujing Yao.”

Gu Xue also heard the conversation between the two. She burst out laughing and couldn’t help but make a joke.

“That’s a fact.” Yujing Yao rolled her eyes, then looked at Yamauchi Yui, “Let’s make a lot of money together.”

Yamauchi Yui: “…”

To be honest, he is really not good at dealing with these people… They are all very upright, and they seem to be insulated from the people of this animation production company by covering up falsehoods and so on.

This was different from the people he had known along the way.

But how can I put it, despite all the troubles, being around these people is surprisingly comfortable.

Everything is based on the work, and nothing else matters.

When the work is a good work that you like.

That feels really good.

“How about it, senior? It’s more comfortable than going to an event.”

Hashimoto Ai raised her head, holding a signature pen, tilted her head and asked.

Yamauchi joked to himself: “Well, it’s true. We’ve all become marginalized people. Of course it’s comfortable.”

“What a fringe person.”

Gu Xue interjected from the side, and Zhengyi said solemnly: “You will be the absolute center of attention when we come on stage later. After all, you worked hard during the dubbing. How can you be invisible if you work so hard? You are the great contributors to animation.”

“You must have pushed us up because you didn’t want to say too much, right?” Hashimoto Ai looked at Gu Xue suspiciously.

“How can it be!”

“You’re lying when you say that…”

“Fart… The audience is here not only to watch animations, but also to see you. If you are not the center of attention, who is the center of attention? Hurry up and sign. By the way, there is another stack here. Please sign it too later. You are the center of attention.”

Gu Xue pulled out a large pile of posters from her own and pushed them in front of the two of them.

Yamauchi Yui: “…”

Hashimoto Ai: “…”

After a short break.

As midnight approached and the 25th arrived, Gu Xue and Hashimoto Ai, the only two main voice actors in Yamauchi, came on stage to meet the audience.

Gu Xue is in front.

The two idols are not too far apart.

The three of them walked onto the stage.

The audience chanted Gu Xue’s name in unison.

The sound almost lifted the ceiling of the theater.

Yamauchi was a little confused and asked Hashimoto Ai in a low voice: “Is this what she said about us being the focus?”

“They say she’s lying, why don’t you listen.” Hashimoto Ai said angrily, “This is an animation premiere. If you have seen Gu Xue’s previous works, you should know that our fans are better than If you don’t call her a fan, she is a huge group formed by one ‘masterpiece’ after another. And look at her… Do you think she is worse than me? How can a genius supervisor who also takes into account the nature of an idol? He can also kill both of us instantly.”

“You’re right…” Yamauchi looked at the back of the figure in front of him and laughed dumbly.

He has already learned the part about being a genius in production.

As for popularity, he has now learned the lesson.


“Then why did she lie and say we were the center of attention?”

“She wants to trick us into waiting and helping her carry it.”


“She’s shy…”


The theater is noisy.

Gu Xue remained silent since she came on stage.

Then it finally calmed down.

Gu Xue took a deep breath and said, “Hello everyone, welcome to the premiere of “Your Name”…”

“Supervisor Gu Xue, please tell me that the animation is not abusive, but I brought my girlfriend here!”

However, before Gu Xue finished speaking, some audience members eagerly entered the question-and-answer session.

I really can’t wait.

Gu Xue glared at the audience member below and said angrily: “No… the animation is very cruel, so cruel!”

In the auditorium below, in an instant.

There was silence.

“Pfft… How about we run away!”

Hearing Gu Xue’s words.

Li Yuduo, who was drinking Coke, almost squirted.

He suddenly turned his head to look at his fiancée, and his first reaction was that he wanted to run away with his fiancée…


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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