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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 8 Gu Xue’s poisonous oath and daily routine

“…I don’t know who painted this, but I have to say, this is a toe master! A toe master!”

A rough, hoarse and distinctive voice came from the speaker of the phone. Gritting his teeth, Gu Xue punched the mattress and closed the video window.

This is a new issue of rants, the main topic is “This Uncle”

For the last short segment of Episode 6, the owner of this upstore forcibly gave the title of “Toe Master” to the original animator who worked on that segment – Gu Xueran. Who would be happy with it?

Gu Xue wanted to kill this up owner who had so many fans and whose voice sounded like the director of a certain power plant on Earth…

Is there anyone with a nickname like yours…

How can it be repaired…

After Gu Xue closed the video window, she looked at the comment area again. Sure enough, most of them were comments making fun of “Uncle”, and the four words “Toe Master” appeared very frequently.

The more Gu Xue watched, the angrier she became, and finally her cheeks bulged…

After a period of adaptation, she showed this attitude more and more frequently. At first, she would come back to her senses and curse herself for what she was doing… but now she no longer cares.

After reading a few more pages of comments, Gu Xue put down her phone and accepted her fate.

No matter how unhappy she was, it couldn’t change the fact.

The sixth episode of “Uncle” exploded.

It can be called a comeback.

This animation, which was considered a trashy remake before it aired, has no highlights except for its name, and its popularity has always been tepid, suddenly became a hit.

This can be seen from the fact that the up owner with many fans is willing to release a new episode to complain about it in the middle of the animation.

In the new show rankings updated this week, the sixth episode of “Uncle” ranked first.

Why does this happen?

Gu Xue’s explosive painting is a factor, but it is not the main factor. It is mainly the foil of the previous episodes.

To use an analogy.

After eating shit for five weeks, I suddenly discovered that this week’s shit was actually mixed with chocolate. Let’s indulge in the silky smooth Dove…

You will suspect that you have eaten the wrong shit… No, you will feel that this animation is pretty, not that ugly, and even a bit awesome. People who have watched it will discuss it. Some people will see the discussion. In addition, the silly name of the animation attracted a lot of attention before it was broadcast. Some people will take a look at it with a curious mentality, and then they will also experience eating shit. The wonderful feeling of Dove was repeated several times, and it exploded in the sixth episode.

Of course, the supervision and performance also deserve a lot of credit. The breakpoint rhythm is really superb. In the sixth episode, after the protagonist swooped down and hit the ground, there was originally a scene where the protagonist and the devil were in close combat, but it was cut. Even the ed was cut. It was cut and ended abruptly at the climax, which greatly raised the audience’s expectations.

Gu Xue could imagine the struggle between supervision and performance during the editing process.

You know, the duration of an episode of animation broadcast on TV stations is fixed.

The time of the storyboard has been roughly determined. There are only so many original shots, and the shot Gu Xue is responsible for is only ten seconds long. If the ED is cut to create a sense of anticipation, how can the extra one minute be made up?

The supervisor’s approach was to forcefully add still images in which the characters were not moving, especially when the protagonist was talking to others. This resulted in a strange rhythm in the first half of the sixth episode of “This Man”, but it also strengthened the contrast between shit and chocolate… …

I have to say that the supervision and performance are quite courageous.

All in all, the previous shitty production, the sudden explosion of more than ten seconds, the comparison between the two, coupled with the sense of anticipation specially created by the main creator, the curiosity of the audience when they saw someone discussing it, and wanting to take a look, inexplicably made “Ben” “Uncle” this animation became very popular…

But this situation will certainly not last long.

The audience will forget about “Uncle” if they make a fuss for a while. After all, this animation is essentially a piece of trash with one or two slight modifications every quarter.

The only purpose of this light modification is to boost sales of the original work.

No matter how awesome the performance of one episode of the animation is, it cannot change this fact.

As long as the seventh episode of this animation does not have any explosive points, it will soon return to the state where the uncle does not care about the grandma and does not care much about it.

Of course… accidents may also happen, such as some jokes in the animation that continue to be circulated…

After Gu Xue turned off the complaint video, she clicked on a TV series she had been following, and found that whenever she went to a good place for painting, there would always be several “Toe Master” barrages.

The rhythm seems to have been picked up.

What a piece of shit.

It won’t really turn into dark history, right?

Gu Xue’s expression changed when she thought of someone calling her Toe Master in the future.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have gone to any class! You shouldn’t redraw the original painting at work! What skills are you showing off! Isn’t it good to just clear up Eryuan!

Next time I show off my skills, I will be the dog!

Gu Xue looked at the dazzling barrage, swore a poisonous oath, threw down her cell phone, turned over and went downstairs to take a shower and prepare to go to work.

About half an hour later, Gu Xue walked out of the bathtub refreshed, wiped off the water droplets on her body, put on her underwear, looked at herself in the mirror, puffed up her well-developed chest, and felt a little proud.

In the past, I had to turn my back to the mirror for more than half an hour to fasten my bra. After a period of adaptation, now it doesn’t take more than a minute!


After being proud for a while, she suddenly came back to her senses. What was there to be proud of? What on earth was she doing…

This is Gu Xue’s true state every day when she is alone at home: affirm herself–detect something wrong–deny herself–forget it, do what you have to do.

I warmed up the food my sister left in the refrigerator, went upstairs to rummage through the cabinets to find a hair tie, went into the bathroom to change clothes, ate, went upstairs to look for headphones, saw a funny sand sculpture in the middle of the stairs, and stopped to read it…

Waiting for a while, by the time Gu Xue was ready, it was already half past four.

Change your shoes at the entrance.

Wearing a short skirt and sandals, Gu Xue opened the door, feeling the heat wave hitting her face, and smiled shyly, then opened her mouth and let out a soft bark.

On such a hot day, and the company has no dress code, whoever wears long pants is a fool…

Just take a look and see that there is no missing piece of meat.

Dare you come up and touch me?

I have studied karate for three years. On Earth, in order to better understand the movements and body shape changes during fighting, I squeezed out time to learn grappling and Sanda for a while…

Ordinary Xiaoxiao is no match for me.

And I’m all barking…

After some self-hypnosis, Gu Xue closed the door and went to work happily.

Come to the company.

As soon as Gu Xue sat down, she was notified that a painting meeting was about to begin.

After procrastinating for so long, the storyboarding for the final episode is finally done.

Calculating the time, the sixth episode of “Uncle” has been broadcast, and there is still more than a month left for the final episode to be broadcast. Taking into account the time required for subsequent processes, the time left for painting may be less than a month.

The construction period exploded again.

No one knows what the final product will look like.

Gu Xue looked at the calendar and secretly sweated for the creators. It was just a sweat. It was none of her business anyway. She was just an original animator. As long as she completed her card number, the pressure would not come to her. On the head.

have to say.

Gu Xue at this moment.

The idea is really simple and cute…

She doesn’t even know why the storyboard of the final episode was changed.

She hasn’t realized the seriousness of the problem yet…


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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not work with dark mode