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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 87 The beginning of the conflict

A week after I started painting.

Gu Xue has completed all the L/O drawing work and has received confirmation from Misawa Hiroshi.

Of course, everything here refers to the cards she is responsible for, other people’s…

The two stalwarts handed over part of the original painting. After reading it, Gu Xue found no problems and had already signed it and asked Miss Mihara to have it checked by Misawa Hiro.

As for the original paintings of the four newcomers, Gu Xue only received three cards yesterday, one card for each newcomer except Chen An.

It’s obviously just L/O, why don’t you be so slow…

Gu Xue complained to Miss Mihara more than once.

But after all, she never asked Miss Mihara to rush them.

Just got to work today.

Gu Xue took a rough look at the original paintings handed over by the three newcomers.

After reading this.


To be honest, quite disappointed.

Gu Xue raised her head, sighed, and sent a message to Miss Mihara.

five minutes.

Sato Ei, who had changed her outfit but still looked bold, came next to Gu Xue.

She looked at Gu Xue, who was looking at the original painting seriously, and felt a little guilty for no reason, so she didn’t dare to speak.

Gu Xue raised her head and motioned for her to sit down next to him.

Sato Ei slowly sat down and said anxiously: “Supervisor, what’s the matter?”

Gu Xue looked at her, was silent for a moment, and asked: “Miss Sato, you are a girl, right?”

“Ah?” Sato Ei was confused.

“Yes or no?”


“Then why did you draw the picture of the witch waving the wand as if she was waving a fire stick?” Gu Xue said expressionlessly, “That’s a girl, and the storyboard didn’t specifically indicate that the wand was heavy. You made her body stiff. He even made basic moves wrong.”

Sato Ei: “…”

Burn, burn a fire stick?

“If you are really unsure about some moves, you can try doing them yourself and look at the series of moves.”

Gu Xue pointed to the original painting, then raised her right hand holding the pencil.

“Imagine that the pencil in my right hand is a wand. When I turn around with the wand held flat, how do you think I will turn around?”

“Is this so?” Gu Xue asked, twisting her waist suddenly and swinging her raised arm to the other side.

Sato Ei felt a little awkward, but she didn’t dare to say anything, because she seemed, it seemed, that was how she painted it…

“It’s awkward, isn’t it?” Gu Xue looked at her again, “Because people would never make such crappy movements. When people raise their arms flat to turn around, it would be like swinging a knife. The arms would bend first and move towards Lift the other side and turn around suddenly. If you don’t believe me, you can try it yourself.”

Sato Eihao Yan said: “I’m sorry.”

“Then do you understand?”

“not understand……”

Gu Xue: “…”

“Forget it.” Gu Xue was silent for a long time, sighed, took out the special editing paper, lowered her head and started to draw.

With just a few strokes, the outline of a human figure takes shape.

Gu Xue’s speed was extremely fast. After more than ten minutes, a series of actions were drawn.

“That’s about it. In addition to the problems just mentioned, the characters you drew are also too stiff. I suggest you do all the movements yourself first. Human beings are very soft. I don’t ask you to draw more realistically, but at least Don’t let the audience think that you are not a human being.”

Sato Ei: “…”


More than twenty minutes later.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to belittle what you drew, but please try a little harder, and I will help you look at it carefully next time, please come on.” Gu Xue said softly, and handed a card of L/O to Sato Painting clothing, incidentally also comes with a large stack of editing paper.

Sato Ei took the thing from Gu Xue and stood up, a little doubtful about life.

What she painted was really rejected from beginning to end.


Sato Ei glanced at the photographer in the aisle and the camera that was facing her at some point.

I feel so embarrassed…

But unfortunately, no one can blame it.

Sato Ei glanced at Gu Xue, took a deep breath, and left with complicated emotions.

Gu Xue glanced at her back and leaned on the chair, feeling a little doubtful about life.

What are you painting…

You can’t modify it yourself yet, you have to explain it verbally as much as possible…

So tired.

This was Gu Xue’s first feeling.

But she can’t escape yet.

Because, there are two cards with similar L/O.

Five minutes later, Sekiya Acheng, who looked like a fat man, came to Gu Xue’s side.

Gu Xue looked at him and said expressionlessly: “Have you seen puppies?”

Guangu Acheng touched the back of his head and said with a smile: “No.”

“What about the newly born baby?”


“Then do you think a newborn creature will eat you?”

Sekiya Acheng: “…No way.”

“But the picture you drew seems to want to express this meaning. A newborn puppy wants to eat Diana. Is it clearly drawn in the storyboard? Is the instruction also very clear? The dragon has just come out. When they were young, they were larvae, but look at the picture you drew, what were you doing? Drawing a Tyrannosaurus rex?”

Gu Xue took out the storybook and pointed to a certain box on it expressionlessly.

“Also, have you read the design draft carefully? I remember drawing several forms of the dragon, but there is basically not much difference between the forms you drew. Except that the drawing is a little larger, you Does your child grow taller just by eating?”

“I do not have kids……”

“Then go read the biology book.”

Sekiya Acheng: “…”

“Also, when the young dragon raised its head, did you seriously consider perspective?”


More than ten minutes later.

“Actually, you are very good at drawing, but you need to be more serious. Please work harder.” Gu Xue handed the original drawing paper back to him, and also gave him a stack of supervision and correction paper.

The smile on Sekiya Acheng’s face has completely disappeared.

I feel unwilling to do so, but more importantly, I still feel… ashamed.

The photographer was still standing in the aisle, carrying a camera.

Sekiya Acheng scratched his head and smiled bitterly at the camera.

Then he was ready to leave.

In the aisle, he happened to meet Hiratsuka Xiong who was walking towards Gu Xue.

Hiratsuka had a confident smile on his face. When he saw Sekiya Acumi with a wry smile, he nodded towards him, and then the two of them passed by.

Sekiya Acheng stopped and looked at Hiratsuka Yu who was full of confidence with a strange expression.

Hiratsuka Xiong came to Gu Xue’s side, with a confident smile on his face, and asked: “Supervisor, my…”

“Mr. Hiratsuka, may I ask, are you really painting seriously?”

Gu Xue turned around, interrupted him, and asked rudely.

The smile on Hiratsuka’s face froze. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the camera facing him in the aisle. He felt Sekiya Cheng’s gaze behind him, and his face suddenly turned red.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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