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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 89 Collapse

the other side.

Hiratsuka returned to his position.

The original seats of the four newcomers are adjacent to each other. When someone comes back, of course they will look up.

Except for Chen An, Sato Ei and Sekiya Asumi, who were looking down at the storyboard with distressed expressions, all raised their heads.

They had no other intention, just to take a look.

But in Hiratsuka’s eyes, they were just laughing at himself.

He even saw a sarcastic look on Sekiya Acheng’s fat, harmless face.

Hiratsuka’s face turned even uglier.

He pulled out his chair and sat down.

“Hiratsuka-kun.” Sekiya Acheng didn’t seem to be good at reading people’s faces, so she called him at this time.

Hiratsuka thought of the Haikou he had boasted about before, and when Gu Xue asked him if he had painted seriously, Sekiya Acumi was present at the scene. He clenched his fists hard and said nothing.

Seeing that he didn’t speak, Guangu Acheng smiled awkwardly and closed his mouth.

Hiratsuka Xiong remained silent.

Sato Ei was a little worried and wanted to say something, but didn’t know what to say.

Just when she was confused.

A figure appeared in the aisle.

Carrying a camera.

“Um…” The photographer turned the camera to Hiratsuka Yu who was sitting in a chair and asked in a low voice: “Can I ask you something?”

Hiratsuka didn’t speak.

The photographer continued to ask: “What exactly did the supervisor just say?”

Hiratsuka’s whole body became stiff, but he still didn’t speak.

“Can you show me what she just painted?” the photographer asked again.

“Go away…” Hiratsuka’s voice was very low.

“Huh?” The photographer didn’t hear clearly and moved closer.

“Go away!” Hiratsuka suddenly raised the volume, “I’m telling you to go away and take a look. What’s there to see? Why should I show it to you? Do you know how to respect others? Do you know what privacy is?” “

“…” The photographer was stunned and laughed awkwardly.

Sato Ei and Sekiya Asumi were startled by his loud voice, and they all raised their heads to look at him. Even Chen An, who had always been deaf to what was going on outside the window, raised his head.

Feeling the gazes of the other three people, Hiratsuka couldn’t bear it any longer. He stood up, pushed the photographer hard, and said loudly: “Get out! What are you taking! What do you want to see? Look at this?”

As he spoke, he picked up the pile of pictures Gu Xue had drawn for his reference, held one side of the paper with both hands, and gave it a sharp squeeze.


Just tear it in half.

Hiratsuka held half of the paper in one hand, blushed and shouted at the photographer: “No more now! No more reading! Get out!”

The photographer was pushed and staggered. He was silent for a moment, bowed slightly to him, and left with a very ugly expression.

Hiratsuka threw the torn prison paper in half onto the table, then punched the table and cursed “stupid”.

I don’t know who I’m scolding.

The other three newcomers were trembling.

Sekiya Acheng was a little bolder and said softly: “Hiratsuka-kun…”

“…” Hiratsuka didn’t even look at him or answer. He sat heavily on the chair, looking at the messy tabletop, breathing heavily.

Sekiya Acheng didn’t dare to speak anymore.

He didn’t dare to speak, and Chen An and Sato Ei even less dared to speak.

The atmosphere among the four newcomers suddenly became very strange.

Two weeks after starting the painting.

Gu Xue is still not very busy, she even has time to complete the shots she is responsible for.

Because the painting progress is very slow.

The original paintings of the two backbones are pretty good.

New L/Os or original paintings are handed in one after another almost every day.

They have a lot of experience, and they are all experienced and harmful characters. Let alone L/O, there are basically no problems with the original paintings.

Even if there is a problem, as long as the problem is not so big that it needs to be redrawn, it is not difficult for Gu Xue to correct it by himself. After all, they are not newbies, and they have not tried their best to verbally explain the requirement for them to modify it themselves.

Of course, it was not uncommon for students to withdraw from the program during this period. After all, they are human beings, and the theme of “Little Witch Academia” is relatively new to them. It is not surprising that they would make mistakes in the drawings. Gu Xue also withdrew two or three times.

The two original animators who are the backbone of the original paintings will be withdrawn, let alone the newcomers.

Gu Xue is very strict.

If a new original artist has a problem with their painting, she won’t fix it herself, that is, she will let them change it.

Again and again.

Therefore, the newcomer’s original painting has not yet passed even one L/O card.

This is still the L/O stage…

As a supervisor, Misawa Hiroshi was a little worried about whether the goods could be delivered on time. On this day, he found Gu Xue and expressed his concerns.

“I should have said it before, right? If you want me to be the animation supervisor, you have to be mentally prepared.” Compared to Misawa Hiro, Gu Xue was not that nervous, and even a little relaxed.

Misawa smiled bitterly and said: “But it’s too strict…”

Gu Xue said indifferently: “Then let them check you first, okay? I did it as you said, and I won’t fix it.”

Misawa Hiro: “…”

Misawa gave in.

the next day.

I don’t know whether it was Misawa Hiroshi’s worry about whether he could deliver the goods on time that moved God, or whether it was because Gu Xue had quit too many times, and the new guy got the idea.


The latest L/O card handed over by Sato Ei and Sekiya Acheng was passed by Gu Xue after seeing it and finding no problems.

Gu Xue was also very happy about this.

It finally dawned on me.


Gu Xue looked at the L/O drawn by Hiratsuka Yu, another newcomer on the table, and frowned. She always felt that his drawings were getting worse and worse.

Forget it, it’s better than Chen An who hasn’t handed over anything so far.

Gu Xue, who was a little uncomfortable, reluctantly convinced herself with this reason and asked Miss Mihara to call Hiratsuka Yu.

Sato Ei and Sekiya Acheng felt a little worried when they saw Hiratsuka Yuo being called away.

This was the first time they saw such a strict supervisor, and they were really frightened.

If they retreat again, they will all kneel in front of Gu Xue.

Anyway, that’s what Guangu Ah Cheng planned.

But this time, things are a little different.

Hiratsuka Xiong came back more than ten minutes later, but no one came over to ask the two of them to go to Gu Xue.

Sekiya Acheng and Sato Ei were stunned for several seconds before looking at each other and confirming one thing.

“Fuck…” Guangu A’cheng showed a surprised expression, “I finally passed.”

“Yeah…” Sato Ei also looked like she was about to collapse.

“I thought I couldn’t get through it…” Guangu A’cheng was a little excited and wanted to say something.

But Sato Ei, whose excitement had calmed down, glanced at Hiratsuka Yu, who had his back to the two of them, and suddenly patted Sekiya Orange.

Guangu Ah Cheng was stunned for a moment, thought of something, and closed his mouth.

Hiratsuka, who had his back turned to them, suddenly blushed when he noticed that the conversation behind him suddenly stopped.

He grabbed the supervisor’s paper on the workbench with his right hand and clenched his fist suddenly.

The paper shrieked and crumpled into a ball.

He looked ferocious and cursed softly.



Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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