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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 97 Centrifugation

“Are you really okay?” Sato Ei looked at Gu Xue, still a little worried.

Gu Xue smiled and said: “It’s okay, what he wrote is just shit, full of loopholes, and he can’t even make up a decent story. This project was filmed by someone throughout the whole process. If you just release a paragraph, his lies will not be the same.” The attack has been defeated, yet you dare to open your mouth and come…”

“Didn’t you say before… that we don’t need to be so nervous? Photographers usually don’t come over when we communicate?”

Gu Xue said expressionlessly: “I underestimated the determination of those bastards. They just behaved in front of Miss Mihara and hid in the corner. As soon as you left, they rushed out and asked questions. They were so annoying.” .”

Sato Ei: “…”

Gu Xue continued: “Even if those bastards didn’t insist on following me, I was photographed the first time I communicated with Hiratsuka Yu. So, what he said was really like writing it while squatting in the toilet with constipation. What comes out is the same, not only is it illogical and full of loopholes, but it may not even be checked.”

Sato Eiyi had a strange look on her face, as if she had figured out a specific picture in her mind. She shook her head vigorously and asked: “Since it is so easy to be exposed, why did he post these…”

Gu Xue smiled and said: “You talk to a person who is blinded by anger and revenge? He will chop you twice.”

Sato Ei: “…”

Gu Xue continued: “Besides, when he was scolded by the photographer, he should have heard what the photographer said. She just needs to insist that it is wrong for me to hit someone. After all, that part was not filmed. , he has already made a statement, because the angry words are a bit fierce. Think about it, there is no evidence, in the eyes of the troll netizens who just want to deliver justice, is it more serious to be blind? Or is it more serious to hit someone? “

“Hmm… Thinking about it this way, Hiratsuka seems to be quite smart.”

Sato Ei was silent for a long time and said, “What should we do?”

“What can we do? Cold salad.”

Sato Ei: “Senior…”

Gu Xue lay on the workbench, picked up her phone, flipped through a few pages of comments, and said feebly: “It is indeed wrong for me to hit people, I admit it, and, as I just said, I am really reasonable. , people on the Internet may not believe it, the cost of spreading rumors is too low.”

“Look, there are actually people who actually believe that Hiratsuka Yu is the animation director of Quality Projects. Oh my God, Quality Projects. What does Quality Planning mean? I even said that I am the animation director of Invincible Projects. Well, there should be a limit to narcissism. In today’s animation, there are often three, four or even seven or eight producers in one episode. The chief producer will vomit blood every minute. He has served as the animation supervisor for a single episode of TV animation. This What on earth is there to be proud of? Which truly capable person would call himself that? Why would you participate in this project if you are really capable? You even said you wanted to meet me. Damn it. When you first came here, you knew who was the supervisor of this project. Who is it? It’s really speechless.”

Sato Ei thought about it and smiled awkwardly: “He is indeed quite narcissistic…”

“Ah…shady netizen.” Gu Xue cursed.

“…” Sato Ei was silent for a moment and asked in a low voice: “Senior, according to you, isn’t the matter very serious? Why don’t you seem too worried…”

“Because I really don’t care. He’s just an insignificant clown. He can’t do anything except set the pace. Senior, I have more things to worry about now.”

Gu Xue sighed and looked towards the door of the company as he spoke.

The third day after the beating incident.

Gu Xue finally met Miss Mihara.

Miss Mihara asked her very worriedly if she was okay.

She also seems to have seen the topic trending on Twitter.

Of course Gu Xue replied that it was okay.

Then she looked at Miss Mihara who looked tired and asked cautiously about the progress of the matter.

Chisa Mihara was silent for a moment, only saying “don’t worry”, then turned and left.

Next, she will attend the company’s information meeting.

The company has three floors.

In the huge conference room.

The company’s executive director and two managing directors have already taken their seats.

Misawa Hiroshi sat at the end of the office, feeling uncomfortable all over. It wasn’t until Chisa Mihara walked in and sat next to him that he felt a little better.

The manager of Snakehead Animation Production Company is a short man with the greasy look of a middle-aged man, but with thick hair.

When he saw that everyone was here, he was the first to ask: “What did the association say?”

Misawa smiled flatteringly at the special agent first, and then whispered back: “… Let us handle it on our own, investigate the cause of the matter as soon as possible, and make an announcement.”

“Then have you investigated? What exactly happened?” The executive director tapped his index finger on the table and added, “You don’t need to go into details. You just need to tell me whether it is really what is said on the Internet. He said that the supervisor named Gu Xue started beating people.”

Misawa organized his words and said, “Actually, things are more complicated…”

“Really?” The executive director interrupted him.

Misawa smiled bitterly and said: “…Yes.”

“That’s enough. Fire the supervisor named Gu Xue and tell her to get lost. Then you make an announcement saying that she did it privately and has nothing to do with the company. Make a video and show your face to apologize. Say something, be more sincere, it would be better if you can cry, post it on the official Twitter, and that’s it, let’s end the meeting.”

The executive director decided everything at once, stood up and was about to leave.

It seems to be quite resolute.

Chisa Mihara stood up suddenly and said stiffly: “I don’t agree.”

The special agent glanced at her and ignored her.

Chisa Mihara clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and seemed about to explode.

Misawa shook his head at her without leaving a trace, then stood up, bowed to the executive director, and said in a low voice: “Executive director, please think about it.”

“What are you considering? Now that her existence has damaged the company’s image, there is nothing to consider.” The executive replied without turning his head.

Misawa suddenly clenched his fists and couldn’t help it anymore. He took a deep breath and shouted: “Specialist!”

The short specialist was startled and stopped.

Misawa walked quickly to him, gritted his teeth and said: “Expressor, don’t forget, now the company’s image can be improved, and it is no longer the bad movie production company in the audience’s mouth. Who does it rely on! If it weren’t for Gu Xue The person responsible for the painting, “Uncle Ben”, was outsourced with the earlier “Invasion”! We are still the laughing stock of the industry!”

The executive turned his head and said disdainfully: “Don’t overestimate the importance of individual people. Animation production is a collective work. I don’t think her role is really as important as you say. Even if she is really that important, We have to give up when it’s time to give up. Now is the time when our company’s survival is at stake, so just do as I say.”

Misawa’s face suddenly turned red and he said, “You are trying to burn bridges by crossing the river!”

“Watch your words.” The specialist glanced at him.

“Am I paying attention to you!”

Misawa couldn’t bear it any longer, punched the table, pointed at the manager’s nose, and cursed: “I’ll fuck you! When you need others, do it with one blow. When you don’t need others, do it.” Just give it up when it’s time to give it up. Aren’t you just afraid that the association will hold you accountable?”

“Shit! Believe whatever people say on the Internet! What’s the difference between you and those idiot netizens!? I’ve explained it so many times! You think it’s all just farts!? Then I’m hitting the wall now. Then he said that you hit me and it was exposed on the Internet. Are you going to jump off the building!?”

“I’m going to stop talking today. You really want to fuck Gu Xue! Okay! Just fuck me and Miss Mihara! Let’s all get out! Find someone else to do it with! I’ll see who will become What a laughing stock! I also went to the association to complain. I said that you deliberately deducted employees’ salaries and bullied them. Which is more serious, a new supervisor filing a complaint or a new original artist filing a complaint? I believe you know better than me! Then I’ll see what you do. end!”

Specialist: “…”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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