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Chapter 1: Split

Chapter 1: Split


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 1: Cracked

  East City, in front of the Luo Mansion.

  Yang Shifei took a deep breath, a little nervous.

  He put down the bag on his shoulder, tidied up his relatively clean robe, and touched his face again.

  Very good, not ugly, and clean.

  He took out a stack of red paper from his bag and confirmed again and again that the address recorded was correct.

  In the gap between the red paper, the words “marriage certificate” could be vaguely seen.

  Yang Shifei looked up at the “Luo Mansion” plaque hanging outside the gate of the compound, and felt emotional.

  ”I didn’t expect that I would have the opportunity to become a son-in-law after traveling through time.”

  His mind couldn’t help but go back to half a year ago.

  At that time, he was still an ordinary graduate, worrying about what job to find to support himself, where to settle down, how to plan daily expenses in the future, rent, water, electricity, insurance.

  After leaving the campus, the pressure of life seemed to punch in on time to go to work and arrive together.

  But just when I sorted out my mood and prepared to go to the second round of interviews at the company I had contacted long ago – I

  didn’t pay attention to my phone and stepped on the air and fell into a pit.

  The good news is that this pit is not deep.

  Maybe they were digging a road to repair some pipelines, and there were maintenance personnel squatting inside. Even if he fell in headfirst, at most he would have his mouth full of mud.

  The bad news is that he traveled through time at this time.

  Yang Shifei still remembers clearly that he lost his balance at that time, and subconsciously protected his mobile phone and head with both hands, looking at the maintenance guy in the pit with horror.

  The guy also turned around and looked up at him in shock.

  ”Fuck!” “What the hell?!”

  The two of them just greeted each other hurriedly, which became the last goodbye in modern society.

  The next moment, he appeared above an unfamiliar field and fell straight down.

  He fell and had a swollen nose and face, plus various sprains and bruises. He was groaning in pain for a long time and couldn’t get up. He almost thought he would die here.

  Until by chance, a peasant woman passed by here and kindly helped him back home.

  Yang Shifei was confused at the time, and confirmed with the peasant woman’s family for a long time before he realized that he had really traveled through time.

  During this period, he had many misunderstandings and jokes. He was almost sent to the government because of his “strange clothes” and various “crazy words”. He persuaded the other party to take him in reluctantly.

  After a lot of twists and turns, he finally recovered from his injuries in a remote mountain village.

  During this period, he thought about his parents, how to go home, and even thought about whether he had hit his head and had a delusion. As long as he closed his eyes and opened them, he would appear in the hospital ward with a head full of gauze.

  My mother would sit beside me and scold me as usual for walking and looking at my phone, and then grit her teeth and point to the various bottles and jars hanging beside her with some heartache, saying that she would have to recuperate for a while before she could eat. After that, they would go home to make whatever they wanted to eat and drink. Even if the feeding tube was not inserted, they could not eat takeout.

  My father was silent, swiping his phone, looking up at me, shaking his head helplessly and sighing.

  Unfortunately, he did not dream.

  Yang Shifei stayed in bed for two days and was depressed for three days.

  He couldn’t understand how other travelers could be so cruel to abandon everything.

  But people are creatures with strong adjustment ability.

  After his injuries improved, he quietly put away all his emotions, reluctantly got out of bed, walked into the farmland to try to help, and began to adapt to life in this world.

  He is not a child anymore, and he has to learn to accept it.

  The world has changed a lot, but he has to keep going.

  And now this slightly old marriage certificate in his hand is the “reward” for his insistence on helping with farming in the past month.

  ”——How did Aunt Niu and the others hook up with such a big family?”

  Yang Shifei stood in front of the Luo Mansion for a long time without moving, his handsome face full of complexity.

  In the half month of recuperation in Niujia Village, he roughly understood the ins and outs of this world.

  Although it is called “Liangguo”, the history of this country is completely different from the dynasties in his impression. There are even warriors, rivers and lakes, magic weapons and sharp weapons, and it is obvious that there are some martial arts elements.

  If it were other time travelers, they might have started to make a name for themselves in the rivers and lakes early.

  Unfortunately, he is a graduate who has stepped half a foot into 996. Not to mention that he can sing and dance, at least he is hemiplegic, and he can vomit everywhere when running physical tests.

  Especially after dancing with the ancestral weapon of Aunt Niu’s family – he almost broke his wrist because of it – he temporarily gave up enjoying the love between the young men and women in the martial arts world.

  Moreover, after recovering from his illness, he had to help Aunt Niu’s family to earn some money by planting more land to repay the life-saving grace.

  But unexpectedly, the grace was not much returned. Instead, Aunt Niu suddenly handed him this marriage certificate one day with a smile on her face.

  ”Yang boy, we don’t have a man in our family, how about you go to the appointment for us?”

  ”How can this be possible! The Luo family wants to marry your Niu family, and I am an outsider-”

  ”Hey, don’t say it, we are Niu, you are Yang, we are all family!”


  Although he didn’t expect Aunt Niu to tell a cold joke, Yang Shifei thought about it and agreed reluctantly.

  He felt that this was an opportunity.

  After all, he had traveled through time. Even if he didn’t learn any superior magic skills to travel the world, he had to at least use his modern knowledge and try to make a living in the martial arts world.

  At least, he couldn’t eat free rice.

  Farmhouse meals are not okay.

  Even if he didn’t make a name for himself in the underworld, and even the Luo family didn’t recognize this marriage certificate, he could still use it as a springboard to settle down in the county town and find some work like clerk and accountant.

  He thought that the useless mathematics he had learned for so many years might shine at this moment. After all, his college entrance examination score was not low.

  Although he had basically forgotten everything.

  But, as long as he could make more money and support himself, he could also take care of Aunt Niu’s family so that they would no longer have to live a hard life in the wind and sun.

  Yes, don’t be a gigolo.

  But if he fails in the underworld, business, and officialdom, and even can’t find a job

  , then what.

  Yang Shifei has always had good action ability.

  So after he made up his mind, he immediately used the money he saved from working and helping farmers in the village to buy himself two sets of “new clothes”. After saying goodbye to Aunt Niu’s family, he took a ride in a horse-drawn carriage, drove dozens of miles of mountain roads to Dongcheng, and stood here.

  Knock knock knock–

  Yang Shifei pondered for a long time before he mustered up the courage to knock on the door of Luo Mansion.

  He has been single since birth, let alone having a girlfriend, and he has never even held a girl’s hand.

  Now it is really embarrassing to use someone else’s marriage certificate to impersonate someone else and come all the way here alone to be a “son-in-law”.

  But thinking about the fact that he has no power, no money, and no house,

  he endured it.

  Now he can only keep reviewing the local spoken language and silently reciting the prepared speech, trying to leave a good impression on the people of Luo Mansion as much as possible.

  Although he has not met the eldest lady of the Luo family and does not know what her personality is like, since Aunt Niu has kindly accepted the marriage certificate, he must behave well in public.

  ”Junior Yang Shifei, I come to visit in response to the marriage certificate. I don’t know… Hmm?”

  Yang Shifei paused in knocking on the door, and stared at the courtyard door that slowly opened with a creak.

  The door was not closed.

  Yang Shifei looked strange, and looked up at the sky.

  The clouds were gradually covering, and the moonlight was dim. He had just arrived in Dongcheng today and had no time to have dinner before he came to visit.

  In this world, many thieves have learned martial arts. It is said that they can fly over eaves and walls. Those with high cultivation can break gold and split stones. A mere wall is indeed no different from decoration, but it is at least a facade. At eight or nine o’clock in the evening, not to mention locking the courtyard door, they didn’t even take the door with them. Did the servants of the Luo family neglect their duties?

  Forget it, it has nothing to do with me.

  Yang Shifei pushed open the door and looked into the Luo Mansion.

  The moonlight was sparse, and he could vaguely see the garden, rockery and water. It was like a facade of a wealthy family, perhaps a prince or noble.

  It matched the information he had learned on the way.

  The Luo family seemed to be a wealthy family in the capital, with a high status.

  And Miss Luo was a virgin who had “run away from home” and settled in Dongcheng without permission.

  At first, many neighbors thought that the young lady would be caught soon, but they didn’t expect that she would live there for two or three years. During this period, she lived peacefully without any trouble. From time to time, she could see the maids of the Luo family shopping outside. It seemed that she lived here for a long time, and the people in Dongcheng gradually forgot about it. However,

  the young lady of the Luo family rarely went out, and few people had seen her appearance. Only the rumors in the neighborhood said that she was a beautiful woman with a national beauty.

  ”Where is she?”

  Yang Shifei poked his head into the yard and vaguely saw a little light in the backyard, but there was no one in the front yard.

  Did he really forget to lock the door?

  He stood there and cleared his throat, raised his voice and shouted again.


  There was still no response from the backyard of the Luo family.

  Yang Shifei tightened his clothes and felt a little cold.

  He looked at the empty courtyard, feeling helpless. He planned to find a hotel to stay for one night and come back to meet again tomorrow morning.

  After all, he just received the marriage certificate, not really married. If you break into the courtyard without saying hello, even if you come to get married, you will inevitably be pointed at.

  Yang Shifei slowly pulled back the heavy gate and prepared to turn around and leave.

  But at this moment, a slender white jade-like hand stretched out from the gate and stood between the two doors.

  Yang Shifei was startled and hurriedly stopped at the door, almost pinching the other person’s hand.


  He pushed the door open again and saw a young girl standing behind the door.

  The girl was wearing a celadon long skirt and a white shirt, and her figure was even more petite and exquisite. A string of silver bells on the waist ribbon rang lightly in the wind, like the wind singing. The tender face like white jade was cold and calm, but the pair of smart and beautiful eyes suddenly blinked, seeming a little naughty.

  Judging from her age, about fourteen or fifteen years old?

  But she was quite short, not even up to his chest.

  Yang Shifei thought that this might be the maid of the Luo family. He calmed down and quickly explained his purpose.

  ”It’s you.” The girl nodded slightly, her voice as crisp and beautiful as a song.

  This made Yang Shifei feel relieved that there was no misunderstanding.

  ”Since it’s dark, I’ll wait until tomorrow–”

  ”Not coming in?”

  The girl raised her hand to interrupt him, turned sideways, and pointed to the inner courtyard with a smile: “They are all inside.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “Will it disturb everyone in the mansion?”

  ”It’s not too late.” The girl smiled and said: “It just so happens.” “.Okay


  Yang Shifei thought about it and put his bag back on his back: “I’ll go to pay my respects to Miss Luo first.”

  The girl just chuckled and pushed open the gate to make way.

  Yang Shifei walked into the yard and was about to ask more questions, but saw her pointing to the inner courtyard: “Go straight over.”


  With the consent of the maid of the Luo mansion, Yang Shifei didn’t hesitate and followed her footsteps along the path of the courtyard.


  The two of them were silent all the way, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

  Yang Shifei looked at the slender back of the maid swaying in front of him, and sighed in his heart.

  I don’t know if she practices martial arts, but when she walks, there is really no sound of footsteps.

  After going around a few winding stone paths, he soon came to the door of the boudoir where the lights were swaying.

  Seeing that there was no one around and there were no lights in other rooms, he thought that Miss Luo should be in this room.

  Yang Shifei looked at the girl who stopped and pointed at the door. “Miss, can you introduce her?”

  ”She knew you would come.”

  The girl smiled a little disturbingly: “Just open the door.”

  Yang Shifei frowned and noticed something strange.

  I don’t know if this maid is too beautiful or her words and attitude are quite subtle. But

  it’s not a good idea to stand stupidly in front of the girl’s boudoir door. He was silent for a moment, stepped onto the stone steps in front of the door, and was about to knock on the door.

  But through the crack in the door, he could vaguely see a beautiful figure with her back to the door. She looked extremely charming and seductive under the flickering lights. Her long black hair was waist-length, but it still couldn’t hide her proud curves.

  Two slender maids were standing on both sides, seemingly combing her hair.

  Yang Shifei paused, feeling a little embarrassed.

  Didn’t she say she wanted to see him? Why did she still look like she was dressing up?

  He had never been in love, and he didn’t know what habits or taboos the famous women of this era had. He only knew the general customs and etiquette, and didn’t know whether he should speak up to remind the woman in the room.

  He was hesitating whether to wait for the other party to finish dressing up before speaking, but he saw that the movements of the two maids in the room combing their hair became more and more strange.

  Yang Shifei’s eyebrows trembled slightly, and he was confused, and subconsciously squinted his eyes to see it clearly first.

  He saw the two maids gradually grasped the woman’s long hair with their ten fingers and slowly pulled it apart.


  Yang Shifei was stunned, and almost thought he was witnessing a maid bullying a poor young lady. Is this the so-called hair pulling?

  What was going on in the Luo Mansion?

  But before he could smack his lips and sigh, he saw an even more thrilling scene.

  The woman whose hair was pulled didn’t say a word, and sat quietly as if she didn’t feel any pain at all. As the maid pulled it gradually, the waterfall-like long hair was almost split into two halves, and the top of the woman’s head was like a separated gear, revealing a jagged crack that was originally bitten together, like a fruit opening, or more like a delicate flower slowly blooming.


  Yang Shifei’s face was stiff, and he took a step back, his heart beating very fast.

  What fruit or flower, this is clearly the whole head being torn into pieces!

   New author, new book, I hope everyone will read and vote~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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