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Chapter 100: The School Prince

Chapter 100: The School Prince


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 100 The School Prince Who Is Just So So

  Jiang Yin certainly knew who Zhou Wen was.

  Because Zhou Wen was a member of the Student Union like her, except that Zhou Wen was the Deputy Director of the External Relations Department and was also Li Jie’s girlfriend.

  Jiang Yin didn’t know why Li Jie suddenly mentioned Zhou Wen. Was this related to Xu Xiuwen?

  Li Jie spoke again at this time, “Zhou Wen praised you to the sky. I thought you were so outstanding. Today, I met you. What kind of Jiangling school prince is this? I just can’t compare to you.”

  Hearing Li Jie mention Zhou Wen again, Xu Xiuwen guessed that his attitude today should be related to this girl, but he really didn’t know Zhou Wen.

  Jiang Yin also noticed Xu Xiuwen’s confusion and took the initiative to explain, “Zhou Wen is Li Jie’s girlfriend and the Deputy Director of the External Relations Department.”

  After listening to Jiang Yin’s explanation and thinking about Li Jie’s reaction, Xu Xiuwen suddenly realized what was going on.

  Li Jie was still saying, “Xu Xiuwen, don’t think that you are great just because you are handsome and can sing a few songs. You are a third-year student of Jiangling University. Do you think that girls in this school can like you? If you think you can just hook up with other people’s girlfriends, you are wrong!”

  From Li Jie’s attitude, Xu Xiuwen already knew that it was impossible to apply for a venue through his path.

  Instead of being angry, he found things interesting.


  Xu Xiuwen suddenly laughed.

  His laughter stunned Li Jie and Jiang Yin.

  Li Jie was very upset and felt worse than eating feces. He immediately asked, “What are you laughing at!”

  Xu Xiuwen did not answer but asked, “Senior, is it because of me that you and Senior Sister Zhou Wen quarreled?”

  Li Jie did not speak, but his expression had betrayed him.

  Xu Xiuwen continued to ask, “Senior, what is Senior Sister Zhou Wen’s phone number?”

  Li Jie did not know what Xu Xiuwen wanted to do, but the smile on the other party’s face was a little malicious, which made him feel uneasy.

  He did not answer.

  Xu Xiuwen then turned to ask Jiang Yin, “Senior, do you have

  Zhou Wen’s phone number?” Jiang Yin didn’t know what Xu Xiuwen wanted to do, but after hearing what he said, she nodded and said, “Yes, I have Zhou Wen’s number.”

  ”Senior, tell me the number.”

  Xu Xiuwen said as he took out his cell phone from his pocket.

  Li Jie saw this scene and became more and more uneasy and nervous. He quickly questioned Xu Xiuwen, “What are you going to do?”

  Xu Xiuwen did not answer Li Jie, but said again, “Senior, the number!”

  Jiang Yin also looked confused. She didn’t know what Xu Xiuwen was going to do, but she immediately took out her cell phone.

  Li Jie said angrily, “Jiang Yin, don’t tell him Zhou Wen’s phone number!”

  Jiang Yin glanced at him and ignored him.

  She lowered her head and found Zhou Wen’s number on her cell phone and reported it.

  Li Jie saw that Jiang Yin ignored him, and he was furious. He yelled at Xu Xiuwen again, “You are not allowed to save Zhou Wen’s number!”

  Xu Xiuwen ignored him, and he entered the number that Jiang Yin told him into his cell phone.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at the record that popped up and said with a smile, “Oh, it turns out that I have the phone number of senior Zhou Wen. She called me before, but I didn’t know her so I rejected it.”

  Jiang Yin instantly guessed what was going on and was extremely speechless about Li Jie’s behavior.

  Li Jie also knew that both of them had guessed it, so he simply broke the jar and threw it, “Yes, I did see from Zhou Wen’s phone that she called you. I just want to know what’s so great about you. Now it seems that you are just so-so.”

  When Li Jie thought of this, he was furious.

  This matter was mentioned the afternoon after the welcome party.

  He asked his girlfriend Zhou Wen out for dinner, and the girl left her phone on the table when she went to the bathroom.

  He picked it up and took a look on a whim, and saw a phone number named Xu Xiuwen, and Zhou Wen called three times in total.

  In addition to the phone, he also saw three text messages from Zhou Wen to Xu Xiuwen, introducing herself and asking Xu Xiuwen why he didn’t answer the phone.

  Li Jie immediately understood what was going on when he saw the phone call and text messages.

  He held back his anger and waited until Zhou Wen came back from the toilet, then questioned Zhou Wen, who exactly was Xu Xiuwen and why she did this.

  Zhou Wen was very upset when she saw Li Jie peeking at her phone, and asked him why he peeped at her phone.

  The two had a violent quarrel and then parted unhappily.

  After they separated, Li Jie quickly found out who Xu Xiuwen was.

  He was furious when he thought that Zhou Wen had contacted Xu Xiuwen without telling him!

  He really wanted to rush to Jiangling next door and rush to Xu Xiuwen to ask him why he hooked up with his girlfriend, but he didn’t do it.

  Because once he did that, it would be like completely tearing Zhou Wen’s face apart.

  he didn’t want to break up with Zhou Wen.

  And he also knew that even if he found Xu Xiuwen, he would not be right.

  Because Xu Xiuwen did not reply to the text messages sent by Zhou Wen.

  It was completely a one-sided contact from Zhou Wen.

  After a while, Li Jie gradually calmed down.

  He planned to talk to Zhou Wen, and as long as the other party was willing to apologize and promised not to contact Xu Xiuwen, he was willing to reconcile.

  But when he contacted Zhou Wen again, the other party didn’t answer his call.

  This made Li Jie extremely angry!

  However, what Li Jie could not have imagined was that the next morning, Jiang Yin actually called him and said that someone had asked him to apply for a venue.

  The student union is now spreading the rumor that Jiang Yin will become the next president of the student union, and Li Jie certainly does not want to offend Jiang Yin.

  And when he learned from Jiang Yin that the person who wanted to meet him was Xu Xiuwen.

  Li Jie was angry and happy!

  So from the beginning of the meeting today, Li Jie deliberately acted extremely cold and even mocked.

  But Xu Xiuwen was completely indifferent, which made Li Jie feel powerless as if he had punched cotton.

  So he began to push his feet, constantly picking faults and looking for trouble, but Xu Xiuwen always maintained his demeanor.

  This is definitely not the scene he wants to see.

  He was even more angry and even more unacceptable.

  Jiang Yin couldn’t help but say after hearing what Li Jie said, “What does this have to do with Xu Xiuwen? How can you blame him?”

  Li Jie retorted, “Who told him to come to our school’s welcome party to show off? If he didn’t like to show off, how could Zhou Wen notice him!”

  ”You are just making a fuss and making up stories!”

  Jiang Yin was so angry, “I invited Xu Xiuwen to the welcome party, why don’t you blame me? And if Zhou Wen likes Xu Xiuwen, you should look for the reason from yourself instead of making things difficult for him for no reason.”

  ”I don’t care so much, it’s his fault anyway, not him, Zhou Wen and I won’t quarrel!”

  Jiang Yin pointed at Li Jie angrily, “You are simply unreasonable!”

  When Jiang Yin and Li Jie quarreled, Xu Xiuwen did not participate in it, nor did he watch the show, but dialed Zhou Wen’s number.

  The call was quickly connected.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Li Jie, his eyes calm and his mouth sneered, “Is that Senior Sister Zhou Wen? I’m Xu Xiuwen.”

  ”Haha, sorry, I received too many text messages and harassing calls before, I didn’t know it was Senior Sister’s number, please don’t mind it.”

  Li Jie and Jiang Yin were both stunned when they suddenly heard Xu Xiuwen’s voice.

  Then Jiang Yin looked at Xu Xiuwen in surprise.

  Li Jie’s face was gloomy, and he clenched his fists in anger.

   Thanks to “Sit and wait for the evening breeze to blow” for the reward of 100 starting coins.

    Thanks to “Sujiu Feihua” and “Yin Yingjie” for the monthly tickets


  (end of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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