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Chapter 1000: The Terminal

Chapter 1000: The Terminal


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1000 The Terminal

  When the hibernation capsule was closed, countless thoughts flashed through Jiang Xuezhou’s mind.

  She even thought that after she fell asleep, she might never wake up again.

  However, even though she was filled with mixed feelings, she did not have the slightest fear in her heart.

  She could feel someone holding her hand.

  The warmth coming from her fingertips was not only the blood that had overflowed from her body, but also something else.

  She didn’t know the person’s name, and couldn’t even remember the face, but only remembered that she was a gentle sister.

  She had always been here.

  And she had waited for 215 years…

  She closed her eyes in a peaceful sleep, and at the moment when the Orion cruiser jumped into the hyperspace channel, she was unconscious and completed her first and last meeting.

  It was a very long dream.

  In the dream, she met many people.

  Although she was asleep in the dream and did not open her eyes to wake up for a second, everyone there seemed to know her.

  Whether it was her face or her name.

  Indistinctly, she felt vaguely that she did not seem to come here alone.

  Someone who had set out with her, or a moment later than her, had already been here before her and told them her name.

  In the invisible darkness, she was not alone.

  At this moment, a hand gently stroked her forehead.

  There was also a warm whisper.

  ”…You will survive.”

  ”Your partner is a brave child… and his courage is no less than any of us.”

  That voice was like a torch that dispelled the darkness, illuminating her entire world in an instant.

  And when the light of dawn shone, all the darkness surrounding her was like faded mud, crumbling under the increasingly dazzling light.

  She vaguely heard another voice.

  The voice was full of unwillingness and was stretched out, like a ghost wandering in the abyss, roaring and wailing.


  ”200 years! I’ve waited for 200 years!”

  ”Why are you against me! Why!!”

  The guy seemed to be broken.

  Did someone do something?

  At this moment, Jiang Xuezhou did not fully realize what happened to himself on the original timeline during his coma.

  The data packet that had been downloaded to her bionic chip when she hacked into the warp engine cache server was now being released at an incredible speed, and was impacting the shipboard server of the Orion missile cruiser along the data line at its neck.

  The roar that broke through the defense was made by the AI ​​named “Navigator”.

  The ghost that lived on the old circuit board.

  It probably would never have thought until it died that the people it killed more than 200 years ago would hold the sword it once used and cut off its head in turn…

  Everything was over.

  In a trance, Jiang Xuezhou seemed to see the hatch of the hibernation capsule closed for the second time.

  It was a man in power armor.

  After doing everything, he wanted to sit on the ground and rest for a while, but suddenly he stood up as if he remembered something and walked out of the twisted cockpit.

  Her eyes could not see, but she could vaguely perceive everything that happened outside.

  And at the moment when the door closed, the twisted hatch was opened again, and a familiar figure rushed in from outside.

  He desperately searched for something in the room.

  The clumsy look made her want to laugh and cry, but she couldn’t.

  In this bizarre dream, she couldn’t do anything, even couldn’t open her eyes.

  Fortunately, the reckless guy finally found what he was looking for.

  It seemed to be a key.

  Then he seemed to finally notice her lying here, and walked towards her ecstatically.

  Just as she tried to open her eyes and make contact with his eyes, the already blurry vision suddenly condensed with a layer of white frost, and then the lost five senses returned to her body.

  Feeling the piercing pain in her abdomen, she frowned slightly and couldn’t help but let out a groan.

  At this time, a hurried voice came from not far away.

  ”… Don’t get up yet, I’ll help you treat the wound!”

  The blood scab stuck to her eyelids, and she couldn’t open her eyes.

  But after hearing that familiar voice, her originally tense nerves softened in an instant.

  ”Ye Shi…”

  ”I’m right here! Hold on!”

  Ye Shi, who was standing next to the hibernation capsule, smeared the hemostatic gel that had just been thawed on the wound on her abdomen with sweat all over his forehead. The

  emergency airlock of the landing craft had been opened, and the cockpit was filled with air.

  Under the effect of positive pressure, the twisted and deformed hatch was automatically pressed tightly against the door frame.

  At the same time, the artificial gravity device of the starship had been successfully restarted. At present, the cabin could already feel the gravity similar to that of the moon, and it was gradually recovering to the level of 1G.

  The piercing pain was gradually replaced by a touch of chilly feeling. Jiang Xuezhou panted gently, and the blood scab that stuck to the seam of her eyes was gradually melted by warm tears.


  Looking at the tears rolling down Jiang Xuezhou’s face, Ye Shi panicked and asked hurriedly.

  ”Does it hurt?”

  She shook her head gently and whispered “No.”

  However, the tears that failed to live up to expectations fell one after another, more and more.

  Why are you crying if it doesn’t hurt?

  Seeing her tearful face, Ye Shi was completely at a loss for what to do.

  Fortunately, he did not stop, and finally helped her stop bleeding according to the method left by Lin Youyou, and then wrapped her with a bandage.

  As an unlicensed layman, this was the limit of what he could do.

  As for repairing radiation damage,

  he could only ask the Alliance’s Biological Research Institute for help after returning to Earth, or think of other ways.

  There must be a way to solve it.

  ”…The bleeding has stopped. Your previous space suit has been torn. I made you an exoskeleton that can replace the space suit.”

  Jiang Xuezhou, with red eyes, said “hmm” softly, and then lay there without saying a word.

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but look at her for a while, as he had never seen her so quiet.

  What he didn’t expect was that she, who always grinned, became shy at this moment, shrinking her neck and hiding behind.

  ”…Don’t look at me…”

  Seeing his reflection in those eyes, Jiang Xuezhou twisted his neck embarrassedly and hid his eyes to the side.

  ”I look… ugly now.”

  Objectively speaking, it was true.

  Her hair was almost gone, and there were solidified blood scabs all over her body, or tissue fluid oozing from the broken skin, like a chick that had just pecked through the eggshell.

  If it was before, he might have teased her with low EQ.

  But now, he is no longer the unromantic self.

  Is it so important to be an NPC or a real person?

  In fact, it doesn’t matter at all.

  What really matters is that the feeling in his heart at this moment is extremely real.

  Staring at the pair of bright and clear eyes affectionately, it is like staring at a gem buried in ashes.

  Looking at the white paper-like face dyed with red clouds, he said emotionally in a tone that he had never tried in his life.

  ”…I don’t mind.”

  Time was frosted.

  The air seemed to be frozen, solidifying the gradually burning red sunset.

  Everything was silent.

  There was no sound between the two for a long time, and after a long while, a stubborn word came out from the lightly bitten lips.

  ”…You don’t have to force it.”

  Facts have proved that ivory cannot be spit out of a dog’s mouth.

  Jiang Xuezhou, who was moved by this guy a second ago, was so angry that his mentality exploded in the next second.

  What do you mean I don’t mind?

  She admitted.

  At this moment, she did look a little embarrassed, but why did she become like this?


  If I had known it was like this, I might as well die.

  She bit her pearly teeth with the little strength she had left, and felt that the negative emotions were boiling and about to explode.

  Did this guy do it on purpose?

  He must have!

  Just as she was feeling more and more wronged and wanted to cry, a gust of wind suddenly blew in front of her.

  Before she could react to what happened, the grievance that was about to overflow from her lips was blocked by a touch of hot emotions.

  The heat dispelled the cold and melted the ice that almost froze her heartbeat.

  Her pupils widened for a moment, then covered with a layer of mist, and her eyes slowly closed again.

  All the grievances and pains she had endured, as well as the hesitation and helplessness in the face of despair, now turned into a touch of saltiness rolling down the corners of her lips.

  Those things are no longer important.

  In the face of this unprecedented happiness, those things that have passed are too redundant.

  She just wants time to stop at this moment forever.

  Let that warm feeling stay for a while…


  The lips and teeth separated.

  It was not only Jiang Xuezhou who blushed like an apple, but also another person who had his arms on the hibernation capsule.

  The guy’s posture was indescribably weird, like an orange cat stuck halfway while climbing the stairs.

  But at this moment, she was extremely satisfied, and had no desire to complain or quarrel at all.

  Burying her red face, she whispered.

  ”Idiot…you…you want to knock my teeth out…”

  Too cunning.

  He actually used this trick…

  how could she be angry.

  Looking at Jiang Xuezhou who suddenly became shy, Ye Shi blushed and stammered.

  ”I, I didn’t mean that…”

  He had tried very hard to imitate Fang Chang, but for some reason he still messed up.

  Maybe it was because he said too many dirty words in his daily life, and his mouth was naturally unable to say such sensational words.

  But he did think so at the time.

  No matter what she becomes, no matter if there is a chance to cure her, he will not let her down.

  ”…I mean, no matter what you become…I will…like you?”

  The fist that had finally softened became hard again, and Jiang Xuezhou wanted to knock his head off.

  ”Why is liking a question? You… can’t you just say it out loud? Really, it’s so infuriating!”

  As if he felt a little embarrassed, Ye Shi’s old face was a little embarrassed, and he blushed and retorted.

  ”Ahhh… I said it, I like you! I like you! I like you!”

  He said it three times in a row, making up for the part he didn’t say before.

  The moment he heard that word, Jiang Xuezhou’s face flushed, and steam seemed to float out of his ears. His originally aggressive look softened again, like a snowman that was about to melt. Ye

  Shi, who had never lost an argument, naturally did not miss this opportunity to fight back. Looking at Jiang Xuezhou, who looked dizzy and seemed to be about to melt, he blushed and pursued the victory.

  ”I’m done, it’s your turn?”

  ”Me, me?”

  Jiang Xuezhou seemed to have not expected to be asked back, and panicked for a moment, and the upturned ending tone was out of tune.

  Seeing her trying to dodge, Ye Shi stared into her eyes and asked.

  ”Yes, I’ve already told you, I like you, I like you so much, even if I feel you are embarrassed, I have to say it, I don’t want to be like just now… I almost missed you.” ”


  The word “like” is like the switch of a remote control, every time she presses it, her brain will crash. Her

  thin lips opened and closed for a long time, and the fiery red clouds turned into a haze.

  Wait…are things developing too fast?

  Should we observe it again?

  Well, even if she doesn’t hate children…one or two are fine, and three is not unacceptable, but she still has to ask Yuehan’s opinion, right? I wonder if the child can accept that she has suddenly become an aunt.

  It was not until she thought of her granddaughter’s name that she suddenly realized that she seemed to have thought too far, and she couldn’t help but want to put her hot head into ice to cool down.

  Ye Shi didn’t know what strange things she was thinking, and didn’t continue to ask, but just stared at the dodging eyes like a deer, waiting for her answer.


  this guy who was even less frank than him finally couldn’t bear to let him wait.

  The lips opened softly, and said the answer that the two of them had already known.


  ”Like who?”

  ”Like… you stupid wu——!”

  She was blocked again before she finished speaking.


  When Jiang Xuezhou sat up from the hibernation capsule, it was already ten minutes later.

  Under the effect of the hemostatic gel, the wound on her abdomen had scabbed over and had begun to slowly recover.

  ”Cyborgs” are much better than ordinary wastelanders in adaptability and healing ability.

  And this is also one of the main reasons why people from the academy will become popular in the eyes of wastelanders.

  Although Jiang Xuezhou’s body was still very weak, she had basically no problem getting up and walking in a normal gravity environment.

  According to Lin Youyou’s last words, Ye Shi helped her put on an exoskeleton for extravehicular activities.

  It would be more helpful to get out of the “freezer” as soon as possible after the wound scabbed, and it would be more helpful to promote blood circulation and metabolism. It would not be a good thing to lie in the hibernation capsule at this time.

  With the help of the exoskeleton, he didn’t have to worry about her bumping or falling.

  After ensuring safety, Ye Shi closed the emergency airlock and opened the door of the cockpit.

  The air in the cockpit was emptied in an instant and turned into a vacuum environment again.

  With the help of Ye Shi, Jiang Xuezhou carefully climbed down from the hatch of the landing craft.

  Seeing Jiang Xuezhou bending over in pain, Ye Shi, who had just let go of her hand, hurriedly supported her with concern.

  ”What’s wrong? Where do you feel uncomfortable?”

  ”I’m fine, just a little bit of my wound… Don’t act like I’m so fragile.”

  Jiang Xuezhou blushed and muttered softly. This guy suddenly became so caring, which always made her feel weird.

  But despite what she said, she felt sweet in her heart.

  ”I’m still worried about you…” Ye Shi scratched the back of his head and held her hand tightly, “You’d better take it easy, hold my hand and don’t let go.”

  Jiang Xuezhou said “um” softly, without saying anything, but held his hand tighter.

  She enjoyed the feeling now.

  Even though their current situation was not very optimistic, they were five light years away from the earth…

  The fuel in the reactor should not be able to support the next jump, otherwise the bionic man would not be so anxious.

  However, despite the difficulties, she was not afraid at all.


  She always felt that she had been here before.

  Everything here was so familiar, just like her own living room.

  ”By the way… I just had a very long dream.” Looking at the remains of the bionic man buried in the corner by the ruins, Jiang Xuezhou suddenly spoke in a low voice.

  Ye Shi gently held her hand.

  ”What did you dream about?”

  Jiang Xuezhou closed her eyes and pondered for a while, carefully recalling the bizarre dream.

  ”I met a lot of people I didn’t know… They said a lot of things, but most of them I couldn’t hear clearly. By the way, later a sister touched my head and said to me… I will get better.”

  Ye Shi said after a moment of silence.

  ”Is that sister called Lin Youyou?”

  Jiang Xuezhou was stunned for a moment, and held his forehead with his left hand.

  ”… Such a familiar name, I seem to have heard it somewhere.”

  Ye Shi took out a recorder from his arms and handed it to the latter who looked confused.

  ”Maybe… that was not a dream, but something that really happened.”

  He once promised her to bring Jiang Xuezhou to her, and now it seems that they may have met.

  During the time after he left.

  Taking the recorder from Ye Shi’s hand, Jiang Xuezhou stared at it intently, and murmured with a dazed look.

  ”I think so too… it’s not like a dream.”

  Looking at the dazed Jiang Xuezhou, Ye Shi reached out and gently touched her helmet.

  ”Anyway, it’s good that you wake up… They handed over the command of this starship to us. Although it is a basically scrapped starship, it should still have some usable functions. You think about it first, and I will also log off and report to my friends that I am safe.”

  As expected, he has now reached Nanmen 2.

  Probably no one in this game has gone farther than him. The tail far away in the North Pole is weak compared to him.

  However, in contrast, he is in a lot of trouble now.

  When he goes to the official website later, he has to ask for their advice, and at the same time, he will also praise Brother Guang. The world five light years away is really not a big pie.

  Even if it was before, the pie is now baked.

  As for pretending to be cool, that doesn’t exist.

  Is he that kind of superficial person?

  Although he thought so, his mouth was almost unable to suppress the gun.

  Looking at Ye Shi who suddenly said something inexplicable, Jiang Xuezhou tilted his head.


  ”Uh, it’s… similar to the method of perception. I said I have some special abilities, right? Okay, okay, just don’t worry about it, just wait for me for two minutes.”

  Ye Shi, who accidentally let the cat out of the bag, quickly stopped the topic, ignored the suspicious eyes, sat on the ground against the wall, closed his eyes and went offline.

  However, perhaps it was too hasty to go offline, his handsome sitting posture did not last for two seconds, and he fell to the ground.

  Looking at Ye Shi who was talking to himself and arched like a shrimp ball, Jiang Xuezhou couldn’t help but make a helpless expression, sighed and sat next to him, and moved the wooden head to his thigh with a “hey” sound. Speaking of it, it

  seems that something similar has happened before.

  He claimed that he could see the residents of other shelters with his eyes closed, and could communicate with each other even when physical communication was isolated.

  She always thought that this guy was bragging before, but now she thinks that he might be serious.

  But this is a distance of five light years… Is this really something that special abilities can do?

  ”By the way, this idiot looks quite cute when he’s sleeping…”

  Looking at that peaceful sleeping face, Jiang Xuezhou couldn’t help but stretch out his index finger and gently touch the tip of his nose.

  This guy is like a little pig. No matter how you fiddle with him, he won’t wake up when he’s asleep.

  But he’s been through so many things.

  Maybe he’s tired too.

  Gently touching the smooth black short hair, Jiang Xuezhou’s face had a gentle and loving smile, and he whispered softly.

  ”Thank you for your hard work.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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