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Chapter 1001 Intermission

Chapter 1001 Intermission

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 1001 Interlude

  ”…The above is what happened. Anyway, there is no need to worry about the missile cruiser for the time being.”

  Wasteland OL official website.

  Ye Shi spent a full hour updating the forum about what happened after the Burning Corps encountered the neutron torpedo.

  This included Jiang Xuezhou starting the warp engine, the fact that the replica of “Luo Yi” had already reported the second neutron torpedo in order to stop the previous one, and the fact that he accidentally met the Orion crew 215 years ago who was also in the “superposition state” when he entered the hyperspace channel while in a coma, and the “Dawn” plan that the latter had agreed with him, etc.

  To be honest.

  When typing these thousands of words, he felt a little unreal in his heart.

  Whether it was from the calendar on the computer or from the hotly discussed content on the forum, it had only been a few hours since Elder Fang and Bai went offline to report the situation.

  However, for him, half a month had passed!

  Although it sounded like he was talking in his sleep, he was sure that what happened during that time was definitely not an illusion.

  He did live on the Orion 215 years ago for half a month, even though there was not a trace of his existence on the entire starship.

  Even if this experience could be explained by a copy, the difference in the passage of time still surprised him.

  It seems that the technology of “Wasteland OL” is even more powerful than he imagined…

  But then again, is it really just a game?

  Thinking of the touch left on his lips, he felt his cheeks getting hot again.


  I’m a real man, but my face is as red as a bubble teapot!

  Seeing that he had spent a lot of time writing words but there was no reply, Ye Shi vented his chaotic emotions on the keyboard.

  ”Fuck! Can you guys give me some reaction?”

  When I usually use the title party to cheat replies, you guys are here to post dozens of layers. This time, I’m not using the title party, but you guys are taking advantage of it.

  Is this appropriate!

  Just when he grabbed the sofa and pressed F5, lines of replies finally popped up, and hundreds of floors appeared in an instant.

  ”I’m so fascinated…”


  ”A little confused, let me think it over.”

  ”Giao! Already solved?!”

  ”Awei’s Star Wars plan failed on the spot. (Funny)”

  ”I’m already crying.”


  Looking at the hundreds of comments that suddenly appeared, Ye Shi, who was sitting in front of the computer, was shocked.


  So many submarines? !

  At this time, several rows of familiar IDs came into his eyes.

  Obviously, during the time he was still online, his good brothers cared about him a lot.

  Fang Chang: “Sure, brother. I was just worried that you would be upset. I didn’t expect that it would be your turn to carry this time. (sideways smile)”

  Ye Shi: “Hehe, not really… I actually only did a small job.”

  Lao Bai: “Don’t be modest, well done! Haha, this time we are lying. (grin)” Quit

  Smoking: “Comeback against the odds! It feels so fucking good to win by lying down haha! (grin)”

  Edge Pasting: “That’s just what Lao Bai said, you lied every time. (rolling eyes)” Quit

  Smoking: “Fuck! I also contributed, okay! (angry)”

  Debt Big Eyes: “For example, try to play the role of a corpse? (smirk)” Quit

  Smoking: “@#%$!”

  The post was full of laughter.

  Looking at the replies from his friends, Ye Shi couldn’t help but smile, but he always felt that something was missing.

  As if responding to his expectations, someone finally noticed the details he inadvertently revealed in the post.

  Kuangfeng: “I just finished reading the post… So, you are in Nanmen 2 now?”

  Ye Shi: “Hehe, I guess so.”

  Although this guy’s words were full of boasting, the other players in the post had no time to care.

  The pie five light years away is actually real!

  The extrasolar colony in the era of human union!

  When seeing this line of reply, almost everyone was shocked by the news!

  Tail: “!!! Are there three suns over there? (Excited)”

  Ye Shi: “Well, there should be, but I’m still in the cabin and didn’t see what’s going on outside.”

  Ye Ao Nai Wo He: “Laughing.”

  Elf King Fugui: “What, your uncle went to Nanmen Er to be a soldier again? (Surprised)”

  Quit Smoking: “Hahahahaha.”

  Irena: “Ye Ao: You can’t get over this joke, right? (Funny)”

  Kuangfeng: “Actually, I’m more curious about what the hyperspace channel is.”

  Fang Chang: “According to the setting, it is the gravitational bond between massive celestial bodies. I don’t know about the more professional explanation. But just literally speaking, hyperspace means multi-dimensional space.” Kuangfeng:

  “That’s exactly what it means. I’m just a little curious about what can be seen in the hyperspace channel in the world view of Wasteland OL.” Ye Shi:

  “I didn’t pay attention to that… I was in the hibernation capsule when I entered the hyperspace channel in the game.” Kuangfeng

  : “What about when we were in the dungeon? Didn’t you see the outside?”

  Ye Shi: “Ah, I did see it, but it didn’t seem to be anything special, just an ordinary starry sky? But according to Dr. Wu, we were probably stuck in a hyperspace channel at the time, in other words, time was still. If it were normal, a white light would appear, the starry sky would become very bright in an instant, and then the spacecraft would go straight through it.”

  Professor Yang, the King of Lightning: “What the hell do you mean by going straight through it?” (Confused)

  Kuangfeng: “Dr. Wu?”

  Ye Shi: “Wu Xinghuan of the Research and Technology Department, or the fifth department of the Orion guided missile cruiser… He told me all that messy knowledge, and to be honest, I’m also confused, but I can still understand it.”

  Kuangfeng: “Please tell me in detail when you have time!”

  Fountain Commander: “By the way, Brother Kuangfeng is unexpectedly interested in such details.”

  Fang Chang: “After all, he’s in this business. (Squinting smile)”

  WC is really a mosquito: “!!! Brother Kuangfeng is researching warp engines?! Shocked!”

  Meat Mountain Big Bun: “Giao! Why are you talking so slow!”

  Tail: “!!! You guys have finished talking about Tail, what did Tail say?”

  Kuangfeng: “Well, how is that possible… I’m just more interested in the principle part, just a personal interest.”

  Debt Eyes: “Actually, I’m more interested in the sequel of the story. Hehe, tell me the truth, did anything happen after you rescued Jiang Xuezhou? (smirk)”

  Crow: “Huh, how come something so pure becomes so w-ish when you say it.”

  Sisi: “+1, you are too purposeful. ( Slanting eyes)”

  Construction site boy and brick: “Big Eyes’ reputation has been damaged. (Funny)”

  Irena: “What do you mean by reputation being damaged? It has been deeply rooted in people’s minds. (Funny)”

  Debt Big Eyes: “Fuck! I was just joking. What do you mean I’m w-sensei for saying it? And who in this server doesn’t know that this guy has no tools to commit the crime! (Angry)”

  Fang Chang: “Puff——”

  Quitting Smoking: “Hahahahahahahaha!”

  Lao Bai: “You took off brother Ye Shi’s pants. (Laughing)”

  Sitting in front of the computer screen, Ye Shi almost vomited blood and slapped the keyboard in frustration.

  ”Your eyes are in my crotch, right? Who told you that I don’t have any!”

  He just hit the enter key, but soon he couldn’t hold it anymore, after all, the body in the game really didn’t exist.

  But it’s impossible to expect him to admit defeat. Everyone is as stubborn as a donkey when they are young.

  In a hurry, he added another sentence.

  ”And who says that thing is necessary for something to happen?”

  Although he meant to change the subject, he didn’t expect that the entire post would explode instantly after this sentence came out.

  Sisi: “???”

  Teng Teng: “Good guy, you’re starting now?”

  Tail: “Oh oh oh! I didn’t expect you to be like this, Ye Shi!”

  Ma Ka Bazi: “Did a wheel just run over my face?”

  Roller Shampoo Machine: “Wait, what should Miss Teng Teng do?”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “Fuck, two-timing?!”

  Teng Teng: “What does it have to do with me!!!” Ye

  Shi: “What does it have to do with me!!!”

  The post about five light years away was completely diverted to a place five light years away.

  It turns out that most players don’t really care about the world five light years away, but are more interested in the fun around them.


  To be honest, it’s still too far away.

  There might not even be a living person there, only a person who has lived for who knows how many years… uh, old ball?

  However, many old players were quite relieved to hear that the planet Gaia, five light years away, was not just a big cake that could be seen but not eaten, and had even been implemented in the universe of “Wasteland OL”. It

  can be regarded as a wish come true!

  The topic on the forum gradually changed from the tragic defeat of the Burning Legion to the awesomeness of the big guys.

  It seems that the server does not need to be shut down.

  Medical Miracle is still asking for advice on how to pretend to be a fool and infiltrate the Enlightenment Society.

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group is still trying to make the former understand that these two things are contradictory.

  As for Fang Chang and Mole, they overturned their previous predictions for the next version, and the analysis angle gradually changed from pessimistic to optimistic.

  As long as Brother Ye Shi continues to “carry” and drive the nuclear arsenal of the “Prosperity Era” back to synchronous orbit, the Lagrange point space station can be blown into slag in minutes.

  Of course.

  In theory, this is the case.

  The premise is that it can be driven back and “Tianren” has no other plug-ins except a few bionic people.

  After a long time, Big Eyes, who had been silent for some time, suddenly spoke.

  ”Fuck… Is Ye Shi really single? (Shocked)”

  He was just teasing this guy, but he didn’t expect that this guy would really come to his senses? !

  No –


  Don’t do that kind of thing!


  ”These guys are so boring.”

  Looking at the post that was completely off topic, Ye Wei shook his head and clicked the upper right corner with his mouse.

  After browsing the forum for a long time, he felt a little hungry, so he got up, opened the door and went to the living room.

  As he expected, Jiujiu was lying on the sofa playing games, with the takeaway box on the coffee table next to him.

  This guy let himself go as soon as he was admitted to college, playing games so much that he even forgot to eat.

  I don’t know what this guy is thinking.

  He has already played the world’s most awesome fully immersive virtual game, but he is still interested in those small-screen mobile games.

  But I think this may be one of the reasons why Mole’s game can sell well in Ideal City.

  The essence of happiness is the secretion of dopamine.

  Stimulating the secretion of dopamine does not necessarily require complicated things.

  The threshold of happiness will continue to increase, but after reaching a certain level, simple happiness becomes a new thing.

  Jiujiu is still young after all…

  She has only had her own mobile phone for two years, and he bought it for her.

  If you think about it this way, the gaming helmet and the mobile phone may be considered new things that appeared at the same time for her, and this situation is obviously different from his own.

  Thinking about it, Ye Wei suddenly realized that he was not young anymore, and he would become an old thing in a few years.

  Hearing the movement from the door, Jiujiu, who was pressing the screen, took the time to reply.

  ”Brother? Are you awake? I didn’t order you takeout.”

  Ye Wei rolled his eyes.

  ”Thank you.” ”

  Hey, you’re welcome.”

  Ye Jiu took the time to reply playfully, and soon poked the screen again with murderous intent.

  Just when Ye Wei opened his mobile phone and planned to order a takeout, the old sister who was lying on the sofa playing games suddenly said something out of the blue.

  ”I didn’t expect that. I always thought you were sincere to Miss Teng Teng, but I didn’t expect that you would end up with her.”

  Ye Wei’s mouth twitched.

  ”What weird things are you talking about…”

  ”Hmm, isn’t it?”

  Facing that smirking look, Ye Wei couldn’t help but recall what happened two hours ago, and his eyes involuntarily dodged.

  ”…That’s not the case.”

  Seeing his brother’s shy look, Ye Jiu immediately became energetic, threw away his phone, sat up straight on the sofa, and asked with sparkling eyes.

  ”Tell me, what happened.”

  This guy suddenly started gossiping.

  Ye Wei scratched the back of his head, and finally told his sister what happened at that time.

  He was not afraid of being laughed at for saying it out loud. In fact, it was his first time to date, and he was a little curious about what girls think.

  Maybe this is where people’s double standards lie.

  Although he used to call Jiang Xuezhou a paper man, when it was really his turn to date, he couldn’t think that Jiang Xuezhou was just a paper man, but instead became worried.

  As for Ye Jiu.

  This little girl has always treated “Wasteland OL” as a living person, so she didn’t laugh at him on this matter.

  After listening carefully to his brother’s words, Ye Jiu touched his chin and nodded, and suddenly a sentence popped out of his mouth.

  ”Sure enough, brother, you still like the kind of girl who takes care of others.”

  ”What nonsense are you talking about? When did she become the kind of person who takes care of others? I am the one who is more caring, okay?” Ye Wei muttered embarrassedly, but this time he didn’t look as majestic as usual in front of his sister.

  Ye Jiu was just the opposite, looking at the shy brother and grinning noncommittally.

  ”Uh-huh, is that so?”

  Ye Wei was silent for a while, but this time he rarely did not argue, but muttered.

  ”…Okay, you win.”

  He suddenly thought of what happened in the past.

  Not just on the Orion cruiser, it seemed that it had always been like this before.

  When he was in danger, she was more anxious than anyone else. When she heard that he had someone he liked, she would be jealous and sulking alone, but later she would still help him.

  Of course, he also helped her a lot, and the two of them always took care of each other.

  So from this perspective, what Jiujiu said was not completely right, only half right.

  It would be more appropriate to change it to half win.

  Looking at the elder brother who suddenly examined his inner self, Ye Jiu curled up the corners of his mouth with satisfaction.

  ”It’s not easy, not easy, it seems that the stubborn donkey has also learned to lower his head to find carrots to eat.”

  Ye Wei glared at him unhappily.

  ”What carrot, you are a carrot! Bah, you are the stubborn donkey! Where am I stubborn?”

  ”Oh my, you are still protecting your shortcomings, brother! I am your relative, how can you stand on the side of outsiders!”

  Ye Jiu pretended to be heartbroken, looking at him with a pair of big watery eyes, as if he was really hurt.

  Ye Wei didn’t buy it, and made a mosquito-driving motion with his hands.

  ”Get out, don’t try this trick on me.”

  ”Hahaha, but your reaction is so funny… ah, right, right.”

  Looking at the elder brother with a playful smile, Jiujiu suddenly stopped joking as if he remembered something.

  ”By the way, there are only two of you on that starship?”

  Ye Wei was slightly stunned and said to her.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Jiujiu looked serious.

  ”Although I have no idea how far five light years is… but is it really okay for you to leave someone alone in such a dark place?”

  Ye Wei’s expression froze for a moment, but he blurted out the words.

  ”The reactor has resumed power supply… it shouldn’t be dark anymore.”

  Ye Jiu held his forehead and sighed.

  ”Are you stupid?”

  In fact, when he said the previous sentence, Ye Wei’s face had already revealed a guilty expression.

  Just now, he suddenly remembered that he had said before he went offline that he would be fine in two minutes, but more than two hours had passed.

  Looking at the wall clock, his face changed completely.


  Without the slightest hesitation, he grabbed the unopened takeaway on the coffee table at lightning speed and rushed back to the room like a tornado destroying a parking lot.

  Just as he closed the door, he heard the wailing coming through the crack in the door.

  ”That’s my takeaway! Damn!”

  ”You eat my portion!”

  After quickly finishing the meal, Ye Wei quickly ordered a portion of Jiujiu’s favorite pickled fish on his mobile phone, and then grabbed the helmet on the table and put it on his head.

  Wasteland OL –


  Just as Ye Shi hurried back online, Ye Jiu, who was sitting in the living room, made a helpless expression.

  ”Hey, this guy.”

  Forget it.

  Anyway, the takeaway was originally ordered for him, and the one he ordered was his favorite pork trotter rice.

  Her thinking is still relatively open-minded.

  Maybe her parents would care more about the issue of passing on the family line, but she doesn’t care much whether her sister-in-law is a living person or a cyborg.

  Aren’t there always rumors on the Internet?

  It is said that “Wasteland OL” is actually a game developed by aliens, and the world in the game is actually a real world.

  There are still many believers in this kind of rumor, especially after “Wasteland OL” broke the circle, and there are even some players in it, and they seriously listed a series of evidence.

  Although she thought those so-called experiments were stupid, maybe that was the real world?

  Few people could tell the difference. “Existence” and “proving existence” seemed to be the same problem, but in fact they were problems in two different dimensions.

  That was something that would not be taught in textbooks.

  But no matter what, she felt relieved to see her brother jumping around. What she was most worried about was that this guy would never wake up and no one would want him, and she would have to take care of his poop and pee in the future.

  Anyway, it’s good that he’s okay.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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