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Chapter 1002: Long-awaited Reunion

Chapter 1002: Long-awaited Reunion


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1002: Long-awaited reunion

  ”I didn’t expect this problem to be solved like this.”

  Aurora City, browsing room of Shelter No. 404.

  Chu Guang, sitting on the sofa, was browsing the posts on the official website, with a half-surprise and half-relief on his face.

  After all, just a few hours ago, he saw the news from the official website that the Burning Legion was completely destroyed by a neutron torpedo.

  As a result, when he opened the official website forum again, the post in the forum had become “Brother Ye Shi is awesome.”

  To be honest, this kid is really awesome.

  Not only did he save all mankind, he also snatched the “Orion” missile cruiser back from Tianren.

  Although this starship was driven five light years away and the remaining fuel was suspected to be unable to return, Chu Guang believed that there would always be a way.

  Isn’t there a Gemini there?

  At worst, just drive that starship back!

  The decisive battle between the wasteland survivors and Tianren and the Enlightenment Society is still in the preparation stage.

  Chu Guang is not in a hurry at all. It is the other side that should be anxious at this moment.

  The new order has been established, and the old order is destined to be buried in the ground as time goes by.

  For the alliance, the longer the time drags on, the more power the survivors will have, and the greater the chance of winning.

  The above is what Chu Guang was surprised about.

  As for the relief.

  Of course, Ye Shi has finally come to his senses.

  It’s not easy.

  Looking at the blessings in the post, Chu Guang couldn’t help but curl up a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

  As a father who is greeted by players every day, he naturally blesses in his heart.

  That girl is a good girl.

  Cherish her well.

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting in the pen holder, held his lower cheeks with both hands and swung his calves, with a look of relief and emotion on his face.

  ”I didn’t expect that the guy who made people worry the most has also become mature. Is this the feeling of being a parent? Congratulations, congratulations.”

  Looking at the little guy sitting in the pen holder and shaking his head, Chu Guang couldn’t help but laugh and tease.

  ”You have only known him for a few years, why are you joining in the fun.”

  Hearing this, Xiao Qi immediately protested unhappily.

  ”What do you mean by joining in the fun? Xiaoqi has also watched the players grow up, okay!”

  ”Haha, yes, yes.”

  Chu Guang smiled and touched the little guy’s head, without arguing with it. There is

  nothing wrong with saying this. It is indeed Xiaoqi who has always helped him keep an eye on his little players. Thanks to Xiaoqi’s role as customer service and GM, the friction between players and wastelanders has been avoided.

  ”Thank you for your hard work.”

  Hearing Chu Guang’s praise, Xiaoqi’s originally unhappy mouth corners suddenly rose up proudly.

  After enjoying the touch on the top of the head for a while, it suddenly spoke as if it remembered something.

  ”By the way, master, since the trouble with the Orion missile cruiser has been solved, do we still need to continue to build our near-orbit defense platform?”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”Of course we should do it. The two things don’t conflict.”

  Xiaoqi tilted his head.

  ”But I heard that the defense platform doesn’t seem to have offensive capabilities, right?”

  Chu Guang continued.

  ”That’s right, but the most taboo thing about strategic decision-making is changing orders every day, and we didn’t make such a deployment entirely to deal with the threat of Orion.”

  The greatest significance of the near-orbit defense platform is actually a substitute for outer space debris.

  The survivors on the wasteland cannot live under the protection of space debris forever, and that thing is not much of a protection. It is more like a trouble in all aspects.

  After activating the gravity well, the alliance will use the near-orbit defense platform to control the near-earth orbit and synchronous orbit in an orderly manner. While responding to threats from outer space, it can also serve as a “mobile weapon station” to monitor threats on the ground.

  This is something that can only be done when facing a “heaven-man crisis.”

  At any other time, even the alliance’s staunch allies would not support the alliance to do this.

  On the other hand, the near-orbit defense platform can also activate the alliance’s aerospace industry.

  It is a long process for an industry to be born, form a scale and mature, and it is not something that can emerge out of thin air with a click of the mouse.

  Since the current development momentum is good, Chu Guang is of course more inclined to let it continue to develop.

  Even if this defense system is ultimately useless, it can still help the alliance’s related industrial chains accumulate experience, and it can also allow the “vertical casting well” that has been dormant for more than a century to resume operation.

  This is not only for the current layout, but also for laying a solid foundation for the future.

  After listening to Chu Guang’s statement, Xiao Qi nodded as if he understood.

  ”Well, since you have already decided, Xiao Qi won’t say anything… By the way, what about the starship trapped five light years away? Your player seems to be trapped there.”

  Chu Guang laughed.

  ”We don’t need to worry about that kind of thing, I believe he can solve it himself!”

  The distance of five light years is too far, far beyond his control.

  If Ye Shi can drive the starship back, he can find a way to get the academy to send a research ship to pick them up.

  If he can’t drive it back, he really has no other choice.

  The Qushu engine is not something that can be made with technology.

  With the current production level of the Alliance, it would take a lot of effort to replicate the most basic anti-gravity device…


  Just when Chu Guang was preparing for the future of the Alliance, Ye Shi, who had put on his helmet again, hurried back online.

  When he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by bright light.

  He was still lying in the gym, but Jiang Xuezhou was nowhere to be seen.

  He suddenly became anxious and turned on the wide-area communication channel and shouted.

  ”Xuezhou! Where are you?!”

  As he was about to get up from the ground, he heard a stuttering electronic sound behind him.

  ”Are you awake?”

  Ye Shi turned around quickly and saw a round robot standing behind him.

  ”Who are you?”


  The robot pointed at itself and said in a not very smart voice, “My name is Little Koala, my new master told me to wait for you here.”

  Hearing this name, Ye Shi was stunned.

  ”Koala? You… you’re still alive?!”

  This name is so familiar to him!

  The engineer of the fourth department, the chatterbox who can’t stop talking, although he always looks like he is afraid of trouble, he is actually a guy who likes to worry about others!

  The round robot moved the camera and said with a clanging metal sound.

  ”I’m honored that my memory storage and main circuit board are still good. The bionic man only destroyed my power components, and my new master replaced them with new ones without much effort… Well, but my emotional sensor element tells me that you may have mistaken me for someone familiar in your memory.”

  Pressing his index finger on his temple, Ye Shi took a deep breath and tried to sort out his thoughts.

  ”I roughly understand… Your master is called Koala, right? He designed you and asked you to wait for us here.”

  Little Koala said thoughtfully.

  ”Koala? He didn’t have time to tell me his name, nor did he tell me who I was waiting for. But after seeing you, I understood that you were the ones I was waiting for… So, I think you were right.”

  After a pause, it continued.

  ”Is he also called Koala? So what exactly is Koala? I think this word should have other meanings.”

  It was indeed that guy.

  Looking at this robot with a bulging belly, Ye Shi felt nostalgic and sad, relieved and sad, as if he had knocked over a table of seasoning bottles, and he couldn’t tell what it felt like.

  He wanted to cry a little, but he couldn’t.

  Since he was a child, his parents told him that men don’t shed tears easily, and he has always been like this, holding back everything by himself.

  ”You seem a little sad.” The little koala looked at him and reached out to touch his head, “Is this better?”

  ”…Thank you, much better.”

  Looking at Ye Shi who seemed to be better, the little koala politely clicked the camera and finally pointed to the side.

  ”You’re welcome. I learned all this from my new master.”

  Ye Shi looked in the direction it pointed to the doorway, and saw a round helmet standing there at some point.

  Although the face under the helmet could not be seen clearly through the pitch-black mask, Ye Shi still recognized her at a glance just by her temperament, and said in surprise.

  ”Why did you change your coat?”

  The original exoskeleton outside the cabin was replaced by a thick space suit.

  The round helmet plus the pitch-black anti-ultraviolet mask, and the air storage backpack on the back, looked a bit like the style of the 21st century.

  ”The previous set…”

  Jiang Xuezhou bit his lips lightly, and hesitated for a long time without speaking, and finally whispered in embarrassment.

  ”… In short, you are not allowed to look at me until I get better.”

  People have to have face.

  Especially in front of their loved ones.

  This has nothing to do with inferiority. She just wants to leave her best side in his eyes, instead of the scarred look now.

  Looking at Xiao Jiang who was still thinking about himself even though he was injured, Ye Shi’s eyes were full of emotion.

  ”It’s okay, I don’t mind…”

  He was about to say this, but he held it back when he thought of what happened before.

  But maybe because he was in a good mood, Jiang Xuezhou didn’t bother with him this time, and just whispered.

  ”When you just went offline to report your safety to others, I repaired the little koala, and then went back to our previous research ship to check. Although the situation is not optimistic, the supplies are still there… If two people eat, it will be enough for half a year.”

  ”In addition, there are a lot of food reserves in this starship… Especially fresh water, compressed biscuits, freeze-dried food, and canned food. Although they have long passed the shelf life, there is still no problem to eat them. What can’t be eaten can also be made into nutritional paste using the organic matter recovery device.”

  Ye Shi breathed a sigh of relief and said jokingly.

  ”At least you don’t have to worry about starving to death or dying of thirst.”

  Jiang Xuezhou nodded and continued.

  ”In addition to supplies, I also went to the repair room of the engineering and maintenance department on the lower deck to take a look. The cabin structure there is relatively intact, and there is a sealed partition between it and the main cabin… I will try to use the tools there to make a simple buffer cabin, so that we can solve the problem of air pressure and air.” It

  is not realistic to repair a starship with the strength of two people, but it is not a problem to make a temporary space shelter with local materials.

  This is also a compulsory course for researchers in the academy.

  Although she felt that this course was redundant from the bottom of her heart before, she is now only glad that she did not slack off at that time and listened carefully to every class hour.

  ”I will help too.” After listening to Jiang Xuezhou’s plan, Ye Shi raised his hand with great interest.

  Although it is not appropriate to say this at this time, he still wants to say that it sounds interesting.

  It’s like playing hypoxia.

  Jiang Xuezhou didn’t know what strange things he was thinking about, but just nodded slightly.

  ”Well! I will definitely trouble you when the time comes. I can’t handle that kind of physical work by myself. I will make a design and send it to you later. As for now, let’s go eat first… I’m a little hungry.”

  To be precise, her stomach has been growling with hunger for a long time.

  When she entered the wreckage of the Orion missile cruiser before, she only ate some liquid food. A lot of things happened after the hard landing of the research ship.

  Ye Shi jumped up from the ground and followed Jiang Xuezhou with the little koala, and walked into the brightly lit corridor.

  It can be seen that Jiang Xuezhou is really afraid of the dark. He always feels that this light is brighter than what he saw 215 years ago.

  It is worth mentioning that although the two are currently facing a serious energy shortage problem, compared with the energy consumed by a hyperspace jump, this little lighting electricity can only be said to be a drop in the bucket, whether they can go back or not.

  So even Ye Shi did not argue why the reactor was not turned off to save electricity.

  The little electricity saved may not be as much as the energy consumed by turning the reactor on and off once.

  Jiang Xuezhou put a silver tray with a few compressed biscuits and two packets of liquid food on the ground, and said a little embarrassedly.

  ”I just made some food, please don’t despise it.”

  ”How could that be.”

  Ye Shi grabbed a compressed biscuit, tore open the package, stuffed it into his mouth, and said while chewing.

  ”It’s okay as long as I can eat enough, I’m not picky about food.”

  Although he had eaten offline just now, his stomach was still empty online.

  Looking at Ye Shi who was eating voraciously, Jiang Xuezhou couldn’t help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

  This guy also looked like a pig when eating.

  Thinking so happily, she couldn’t help but have the urge to learn how to cook.

  Thinking of him eating the delicious food she made voraciously, Jiang Xuezhou bit the biscuits in small bites.

  The emergency food that originally had no taste became delicious because of the way it went with rice.

  After finishing the meal in a few minutes, Ye Shi simply cleaned up the garbage and packed it up.

  Taking advantage of the rest time, Jiang Xuezhou designed the drawings of the temporary buffer cabin based on the photos of the repair room taken in advance.

  However, the two did not start the work immediately, but went to the bridge on the upper deck first.

  There are the star map coordinates of the new ship there.

  They first have to figure out their specific location in Nanmen II and the location of the Gemini missile cruiser, and then they can think about how to go home.

  On the way to the bridge, Ye Shi suddenly thought of something and spoke.

  ”By the way, what about the replica called Luo Yi? I didn’t seem to see it when I woke up.”

  Jiang Xuezhou whispered.

  ”I dismantled its parts and recycled them. As for the data on the mainboard… it deleted it by itself.”

  ”…deleted it by itself?” Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly, “Could this be a fraud?”

  ”Basically, there is no possibility. I have checked it. It erased all traces of its existence. It completely disappeared from this world as if it had never been here…”

  Looking at Ye Shi’s surprised expression, Jiang Xuezhou continued with a complicated expression.

  ”Tianren created it using the data from the server backup, gave it the identity of ‘Luo Yi’, but did not give it any memory of ‘Luo Yi’.”

  ”It has always lived as ‘Sergeant Luo Yi’, but one day it suddenly discovered that it was a fake.”

  ”Not only itself, but also its ideals and goals… It found that every proof of its existence, even its existence itself, was contrary to what it originally believed in.”

  ”Is it self-contradictory?” Ye Shi tried to understand and shook his head. “In fact, I don’t understand why Tianren made such a complicated thing. Wouldn’t it be better to make a robot?”

  ”A simple robot has no autonomous behavior ability. Unless it maintains real-time communication, it is difficult to independently handle complex situations and tasks that require subjective decision-making. And…”

  Jiang Xuezhou paused for a moment and continued.

  ”Maybe they don’t really believe in the program, and don’t completely agree with their own identities. They just regard ‘Tianren’ as a way to save the country in a roundabout way.”

  Ye Shi was stunned.

  ”How to save the country in a roundabout way?”

  Jiang Xuezhou said in a casual tone.

  ”Become a celestial being, restart civilization, and then turn back to human… My understanding is that they ultimately want to turn back, not to become another existence like the lunatics of the Torch Church. Therefore, for them, you residents of the shelter are indispensable, but relatively speaking, we wastelanders are redundant.”

  ”Of course, this is just my speculation based on limited clues. Maybe they didn’t actually design the last link of the plan I mentioned. That is, they don’t care whether they can turn back to adults, but just hope that people in the future will continue to live according to their ideas… and they will be the guardians of all mankind.”

  ”But in either case, the intellectual plug-in is necessary, otherwise what they leave behind is a dead thing, which may not be what they expect.”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but complain.

  ”But isn’t this still a dead thing? A dead machine replaced with a dead thought? Two hundred years have passed, how can people continue to live in the same way as before?”

  Even the tyrants of the Pala Kingdom are not static, and they will keep pace with the times.

  For example, changing the mandate from heaven to the mandate from home, and changing the king of heaven to the head of the family.

  Jiang Xuezhou made a helpless expression and shrugged his shoulders lightly.

  ”You are right, but victory never falls from the sky. I believe they also have their own reasons to convince themselves, just like the lunatics of the Torch Church… Anyway, let’s think about how to solve the problem at hand.” At least

  for the two people at this moment, driving this starship back is the first thing to consider.

  One hundred thousand neutron torpedoes.

  If this starship can be driven back, even if the space station at the Lagrange point is full of electronic ghosts, it is enough to blow them and the space station itself into slag.

  Climbing the elevator to the bridge, rows of dusty floor-to-ceiling windows came into their eyes.

  Through the transparent wall covered with dust, he saw a dazzling fireball hanging alone in the vast night.

  The dazzling light seemed to come from the end of the universe, and opened a colorful halo on the dusty floor-to-ceiling windows.

  At this moment, the bridge is facing the direction of the star.

  ”Why is there only one star?” Ye Shi’s eyes were completely glued to the window, attracted by the magnificent scenery.

  Jiang Xuezhou, who was standing next to him, was also attracted by the beautiful scenery, but he did not make a fuss like Ye Shi. He just took a look and walked to the terminal next to him, turned on the holographic screen and started operating.

  ”… Because the two stars are too close, they look like a sun from our current position. You can see it clearly with a more professional telescope.”

  ”Speaking of which, isn’t it a triple star system? What about the other star?” Ye Shi couldn’t help but continue to ask. Jiang Xuezhou sighed

  and explained patiently.

  ”What you are seeing now are Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B. As for the Proxima Centauri you mentioned, it is too far away from us, and I can’t point it out to you now.”

  Not just far in astronomical terms.

  It is also a red dwarf star with very dim brightness, which is basically invisible in such a strong light environment.

  Ye Shi nodded blankly, staring straight out the window and unable to move away.

  To be honest.

  Although it was not quite the same as what he had imagined, the gorgeous starry sky really shocked him.

  It was a view that could not be seen on Earth.

  For a moment, he could not help but have an inexplicable thought in his mind –

  would the real Alpha Centauri be like this?

  If so, this game might really be made by aliens.

  ”Found it. Fortunately, our navigation equipment can still be started normally. Our current position is the third planet rotating around the AB main sequence star…”

  When he said this, Jiang Xuezhou’s face suddenly turned pale.

  Noticing the change in tone in the voice, Ye Shi, who was still immersed in the beautiful scenery a second ago, quickly moved his eyes away from the window and walked to Jiang Xuezhou’s side.

  ”Is there any problem?”

  Jiang Xuezhou’s face was pale, and his lips trembled and opened and closed.

  ”It’s Gaia…”

  The moment he heard this word, Ye Shi was stunned on the spot.

  ”Gaia? You mean… the colonized planet in the era of the Human Union?”

  Jiang Xuezhou nodded palely.


  Ye Shi held his breath instantly, his face was half surprised and half pleasantly surprised. He felt awesome in his heart, but he was not afraid.

  Good guy.

  This new map is awesome!

  To be honest, he didn’t know what she was afraid of.

  Even if Gaia was awesome, it would be impossible for her to reach out to the synchronous orbit, right?

  Putting his hand on her shoulder, he said in a gentle tone to comfort her.

  ”Don’t worry, it’s far away from us.”

  The shoulder trembled slightly, and seemed to be calmed down a little by his comfort.

  But it was only a little.

  After a long time, a desperate voice floated over the communication channel.

  ”I know, but the wreckage of the Gemini is not near us. I used the radar to search for it but couldn’t find it…”

  ”There is only one possibility, either it fell down by itself, or it was pushed down by something.”

  ”We may have to go down…”


  (Thanks to “Ruyue Linyuan” and “Bai Cang” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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