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Chapter 1003 Landing

Chapter 1003 Landing


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1003 Landing


  The “Orion” missile cruiser was captured by the Alliance Burning Corps! The attempt of “Tianren” to point out the future for the wastelanders failed again, but it is clear that they have not given up. Let us wait and see what will happen next.

  In addition, the biggest contributor to the occupation of the missile cruiser refused to reveal his name, perhaps because his name was too long and difficult to pronounce.

  In short, the historical truth was revealed, and the 3,000 crew members of the “Orion” missile cruiser were finally vindicated. They had never performed surface cleaning tasks and had saved the wasteland world! The representative council proposed to build a memorial cemetery for them to thank them for their contributions.

  However, the terrifying thing is that the Orion never launched a neutron torpedo at the earth, and the Gemini was five light years away… So where did the nuclear bombs that fell from the sky in the early wasteland era come from?

  In any case, this expedition spanning 36,000 kilometers ended in victory!

  As General McLennan said, even if it was against God, the Alliance’s Burning Corps would not lose, and of course the Goblin Corps was the same.

  In addition, the emergency meeting of the board of directors of our old friend Ideal City has entered the most intense stage of debate. It seems that they are about to announce the results of the meeting!

  ——”Goblin Observer”


  Orion missile cruiser, the repair room that has been remodeled after installing a buffer cabin.

  Ye Shi is updating the news he obtained through his “special ability” on the tablet. After

  taking a sip of the aged instant coffee that is two hundred years old, Jiang Xuezhou looked at the text on the tablet and couldn’t help but complain.

  ”Are you serious?”

  Ye Shi laughed.

  ”Whether it is true or not, you will know when you go back.”

  This nerd refused to believe that he could transmit information across a distance of five light years, which successfully aroused his desire to win, so he decided to show her his skills. It is

  actually very simple to verify this.

  When you go back, buy a copy of the “Goblin Observer” of a specific date and you will know.

  As for whether it will be leaked, there is no such thing as a secret or not.

  The relevant information had long been written in the information briefing of the intelligence department of the Old South Legion, not to mention that a long time ago, their respected administrator used the bug of the player’s cross-regional communication function to transmit messages between Ideal City and Dawn City.

  At that time, there was no stable communication channel between Ideal City and Dawn City. It was not a simple matter to use your brain.

  At least for the Alliance, it was not a big deal to be known by others.

  Compared with other outrageous rumors, this was just the most insignificant one.

  Of course.

  This was just Ye Shiyi’s wishful thinking.

  Seeing him seriously compiling a whole page of news, Jiang Xuezhou was moved by his perseverance even if he didn’t believe it in his heart.

  This guy was really trying hard to prevent her from falling into depression.

  Maybe I have always misunderstood him. He didn’t really know how to take care of people. He

  was just not good at expressing himself.

  ”Well, let’s just take it as it is.”

  ”What do you mean by just take it as it is?” Ye Shiyi raised his head with a dissatisfied look on his face, “I’ve been reciting it very seriously, okay?”

  ”Okay, since you are so determined that you are not joking, then I will play with you,” Jiang Xuezhou put down his arms and put the coffee cup on the table beside him, with a mischievous smile on his lips, “Let’s bet on something.”

  Ye Shi was immediately happy when he heard it.

  ”Okay, how do you bet?”

  Jiang Xuezhou said with a smile.

  ”If the content you wrote on the tablet has a duplication rate of more than 50% with the real “Goblin Observer”, you win. If it is less than 50%, it proves that you made it up, and I win.”


  Ye Shi has seen people who give away heads, but he has never seen people who take the initiative to feed heads into their mouths.

  ”Haha, OK, I’ll do as you say.”

  ”Don’t worry, it’s not over yet,” Jiang Xuezhou covered his helmet mask with a wicked smile, and made a rude declaration, “If I win, you will be a piglet for a week, and you have to add a ‘humph’ after every sentence.”

  Good guy.

  He’s quite sinister.

  Ye Shi said with a chuckle.

  ”Okay, what if I win?”

  ”It’s up to you,” Jiang Xuezhou raised a smile of victory at the corner of his mouth, and said slowly, “Of course, this lady will never lose, so you don’t have to spend that effort to think about it, um hum hum…” The

  arrogant laughter of the small fish made Ye Shi’s mind flash through several gigabytes of information in an instant, and his face couldn’t help but reveal an evil smile.

  However, it was only for a moment.

  Because he soon realized that he didn’t have the tools to commit the crime, even if he had a head full of bad ideas, he couldn’t do anything, except his fists.

  The evil smile suddenly died down and turned into regret and anger.


  Damn Ah Guang!

  So angry!

  Seeing Ye Shi suddenly unable to laugh, Jiang Xuezhou completely misunderstood and thought that the former could not continue to act. The smile on his face that was sure of victory became even more unbridled.

  The little koala who was cleaning the room tilted his head and looked at the two people, completely unable to understand their conversation.

  At the same time, Chu Guang, who was far away in Shuguang City, sneezed involuntarily.

  Rubbing his nose, he muttered vaguely.

  ”Which bastard is blaming me again…”


  Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, the two people floating in Nanmen 2 had spent a whole month in their own world.

  During this time, the two recovered the usable materials on the starship while repairing and improving the facilities that could still be used as much as possible.

  Although life was a bit hard, they did not despair because they found joy in hardship.

  In particular, the news and jokes collected by Ye Shi through his “special ability” can be said to be one of the few comforts for Jiang Xuezhou in the cold universe five light years away.

  It was also the motivation for her to keep searching for the way home.

  After a period of searching, Jiang Xuezhou finally confirmed through the repaired positioning device that the “Gemini” had fallen on the surface of Gaia, the third planet orbiting the main sequence stars of Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B.

  Not only that, she also successfully searched for the radio signal from the black box of the Gemini missile cruiser!

  The idea of ​​going home gradually became clear.

  The two only need to send one person to the surface on a scientific research ship, find the wreckage of the Gemini missile cruiser, and recover the fuel storage tank of the reactor from it, and they can gather enough energy for the next hyperspace jump.

  Although this plan is full of risks, it is much more reliable than “improving the warp engine to reduce the energy consumption of hyperspace jump”.

  After some arguments, Ye Shi finally persuaded Jiang Xuezhou to stay on the Orion missile cruiser as a remote support, and he went to the surface alone.

  According to the convention of general RPG games, if two people enter the dungeon together, there will definitely be a branch line of “Where are the teammates?” in the end.

  He has predicted the “trick” planned by the dog, and he will not fall into this pit at all.

  It’s also good to act alone.


  Next to the research ship that has been repaired.

  Wearing the “Dragoon” power armor, Ye Shi finally checked his equipment and the toolbox he carried with him, and then looked at Jiang Xuezhou who was worried and warned him.

  ”…If I don’t come back, don’t worry, and stay calm.”

  Jiang Xuezhou’s eyes were red and his voice was choked.

  ”…What stupid things are you talking about, how can I not be anxious.”

  Although separated by the thick space suit and mask, Ye Shi could still feel the sadness in those eyes.

  ”No, I mean it, ah…how to say it?” After scratching his head for a long time, he still couldn’t figure out how to explain that he would not die, so he could only grit his teeth and say, “In short…you have to believe me, I will never leave you alone.”

  Although the “Player’s Handbook” does not stipulate that players should unify their statements on the two specific matters of resurrection and teleportation, it is still the consensus of all players that they cannot reveal the “game”.

  He was not sure whether A Guang’s camera was watching nearby.

  Moreover, even if there was no GM monitoring him, he didn’t want to break his promise on what he promised.

  ”It’s a deal.”

  Jiang Xuezhou raised his thick gloves with red eyes, stretched out his little finger, and muttered softly.



  Although it felt a bit childish, Ye Shi still hooked her finger and shook it to reassure her.

  This shook for a long time.

  Jiang Xuezhou hooked his little finger for a long time and was unwilling to let go.

  Looking at the hand that was unwilling to let go, although Ye Shi felt reluctant, he finally made up his mind to pull his hand away from her.

  He could ignore this life, but he couldn’t ignore her safety.

  ”If I don’t come back… I mean if! You can find a hibernation capsule to lie down.”

  ”I swear, I will never abandon you, I will definitely come back to find you!” It’s

  no problem to lie in the emergency hibernation capsule on the Orion for fifty years.

  It’s not the time when we just entered the wasteland era.

  Even if the alliance is temporarily unable to go to the world five light years away, fifty years is enough for them to pick up the technology related to the warp engine.


  Jiang Xuezhou responded in a low voice, and took back his hand that was hanging in the air.

  After getting a positive answer, Ye Shi showed a sunny smile on his face and touched her head.

  ”Wait for me.”

  The little koala standing next to him also listened to the round metal belly and waved his hand stupidly.

  ”Have a good trip.”

  ”Hmm! I’ll be back soon!”

  After saying that, Ye Shi boarded the research ship in a swift and steady manner, walked through the hatch and sat in the seat in the cockpit.

  That was where Jiang Xuezhou sat before.

  In the past three days, he has become familiar with the operation procedures of the research ship under her guidance.

  It is not difficult to simply drive this thing up and drive it to the ground. The shipboard AI can navigate with one click and automatically analyze reliable landing points through camera sensors.

  Besides, Jiang Xuezhou is watching in the sky.

  The command system of the Orion has established a direct connection with the communication module of the research ship.

  In this way, even if he encounters a problem that cannot be solved, Jiang Xuezhou can remotely take over the spacecraft and bring him back from the surface.

  ”… Anti-gravity device turned on, plasma engine started, switch to autopilot mode.”

  Reciting the operating procedures learned before, Ye Shi pressed all the buttons that needed to be pressed.

  With a slight sound, the research ship parked on the edge of the damaged hull slowly floated up from the alloy floor, and then separated from the huge starship under the push of the light blue plasma plume.

  The scenery outside the front windshield of the cockpit began to turn up and down, from facing the hull of the Orion missile cruiser to facing the dark green planet emitting a wisp of mist.

  Looking at the magnificent planet, Ye Shi couldn’t help holding his breath and put the back of his head on the seat in the cockpit.

  That’s Gaia!

  The place where the People’s United Aerospace Army once fought——

  ”We’re about to set off!”

  Jiang Xuezhou’s voice came from the communication channel. Ye Shi took a deep breath to dispel the tension in his heart, and replied in a sonorous and powerful voice.

  ”Got it!”

  With his reply, the blue plasma plume gradually enlarged, pushing the research ship to draw an arc and approaching the planet that was close at hand.

  As the distance between the two got closer and closer, the height of the orbit became lower and lower, and the gravity exerted on the research ship gradually increased until a new balance was formed between the anti-gravity device and the research ship.

  At the same time, the research ship descended from the synchronous orbit and was close to the edge of the atmosphere, rubbing a hot light on the silver-gray outer shell of the spacecraft.

  However, the hot flame did not bloom for too long.

  Under the combined effect of the anti-gravity device and the plasma engine, the speed of the research ship quickly dropped to less than three times the speed of sound, and dropped to one times the speed of sound before entering the troposphere.

  Sitting in the cockpit, Ye Shi felt that his nerves were tense, and his heart was both nervous and excited.

  This feeling was like riding a bungee jump, and jumping in from outside the atmosphere!

  The speeding research vessel pierced through the clouds in an instant, and at the same time dropped four drones with folded wings, which flew rapidly in the four directions of southeast, northwest, northeast and southwest by the effect of inertia!

  Under the dual scanning of the drone’s radar and visual sensors, the surface conditions were quickly collected on the research ship and fed back to the starship in the synchronous orbit through the communication module of the research ship.

  I saw that every inch of the planet was covered with strange broad-leaved plants, which looked like a vast dark green ocean.

  Just like the aerial footage seen in the synchronous orbit!

  Ye Shi took a deep breath again, and chose a relatively high and relatively safe place from the several landing points flashing on the holographic screen.

  Wrapped in a huge airflow, the silver-gray spacecraft blew away countless vines and branches and landed on the soft lawn.

  After a while, the hatch opened, and Ye Shi, holding an assault rifle in his hand, walked through the hatch and stood on the surface of the Gaia planet.

  This is probably the first time in 215 years that human civilization has returned to the world five light years away.

  If there are really no living people left here…

  Ye Shi always has a strong premonition in his heart that the history he knows and the real history are actually “deviated”. There

  are many possibilities for the deviation.

  It’s just like the residents of Boulder City always think that Ideal City once went on an expedition to them, and they spread it as if it was a big deal, but the residents of Ideal City don’t remember it at all.

  The truth was not revealed until the inner city collapsed.

  Those memories passed down by word of mouth are just one of the empty histories fabricated by the inner city nobles when they were creating legitimacy for their rule.

  The species here are even more prosperous than those on Earth, and the lush forests don’t look like they have been washed by nuclear bombs at all.

  Or in other words, it’s true that the Human Alliance’s Aerospace Forces did bomb here.

  It’s just that the ecological environment here is far more resistant to pressure than the ecological environment on Earth. In the past two centuries, it has already recovered to the state before human civilization visited here…

  ”Ye Shi!! How is the situation on your side?!”

  Jiang Xuezhou’s voice came from the communication channel, and the voice was full of uneasiness and anxiety.

  Hearing Jiang Xuezhou’s voice, Ye Shi immediately reached out and tapped on his helmet.

  ”I have landed successfully and feel good… How about you? Have you found the location of the Gemini missile cruiser?”

  Jiang Xuezhou was operating the four fixed-wing drones in the sky.

  Soon, a picture was projected onto the tactical eyepiece of his power helmet.

  ”The signal source has been locked onto a valley, about 3 kilometers away from your current location… The vegetation there is too lush, with an average height of 20 to 30 meters.”

  When Jiang Xuezhou said this, his voice was full of tension.

  ”Ye Shi… You must be careful. The situation here is completely different from the information recorded in our database. I saw a lot of strange animals along the way.”

  ”I know.”

  Ye Shi cast his eyes to the shadow under the forest on the side, and his index finger had already lifted the safety of the rifle.

  A murderous intent quietly entangled around him.

  There was no doubt.

  It was the murderous intent from a predator.

  He could feel that an eye was hiding behind the shadow and watching him.

  ”…The animals and plants here are so numerous that they seem to have never been beaten.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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