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Chapter 1004 Calm Down

Chapter 1004 Calm Down


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

   Chapter 1004 Calm down It was late

  at night.

  Xiao Youran felt thirsty.

  She wanted to ask Xiao Xu to pour her a glass of water, but when she turned her head and looked at Xu Xiuwen, who was about to fall asleep with his eyes closed, she changed her mind.

  Xiao Youran went to the cloakroom, picked up a shirt and put it on, then walked out of the room.

  She came to the living room and suddenly saw a person standing by the dining table.

  ”Qingling, is that you?” Xiao Youran looked at the back in front of her and asked uncertainly.

  Hearing the voice, the back turned around.

  It was Du Qingling.

  Xiao Youran breathed a sigh of relief and asked, “Qingling, why haven’t you slept yet?”

  Du Qingling explained, “I couldn’t sleep just now, so I read a book and was about to go to sleep.”

  Xiao Youran was about to speak when she suddenly thought of something.

  Du Qingling couldn’t sleep. Could it be that she was disturbed by the noise made by her and Xiao Xu?

  Thinking of this, Xiao Youran felt a little flustered.

  She didn’t dare to ask, but changed the subject: “Qingling, what are you eating?”

  Du Qingling looked down at the pills in her hand and explained: “Vitamin tablets.”

  ”Ah? Why are you taking vitamins? Are you feeling uncomfortable?” Xiao Youran asked with concern.

  Du Qingling shook her head and said: “Vitamins can improve skin health and slow down the aging process of the skin. Eating more will not harm the body.”

  ”Is that so…” Xiao Youran was a little moved by what she said.

  Although her skin is not bad, who doesn’t want better skin?

  The most important thing is that taking vitamins is not bad for the body anyway.

  Du Qingling saw her intention and took the initiative to ask: “Sister Youran, I bought two bottles. This bottle is enough for me to eat for a long time. If you want to eat, I will give you a bottle.”

  ”This is not good… How can I take your things?”

  ”It’s okay, it’s not worth much anyway.” Du Qingling smiled calmly.

  ”Well… okay.”

  Du Qingling smiled, then raised her head and swallowed the pills in her hand, and then said: “Sister Youran, wait a minute, I’ll get it for you now~”


  Xiao Youran went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, and Du Qingling just came back to the living room with a bottle of vitamins.

  ”Sister Youran, I put it here for you.”

  ”Thank you, Qingling.”

  ”Sister Youran, don’t be so polite…”

  Xiao Youran was quite moved by what she said.

  She felt that what Song Siyu said before might be a lie to her.

  Du Qingling didn’t look like she liked Xu Xiuwen at all.

  At this time.

  Xiao Youran noticed that Du Qingling didn’t leave, so she took the initiative to ask: “Qingling, do you have anything else to say?”

  Du Qingling hesitated, “Sister Youran, I have something to ask you.”

  ”Ask it.”

  ”Have you and my brother reconciled?”

  Xiao Youran was stunned by this question.

  If you say you have reconciled, it’s not for the time being.

  But if you say you haven’t reconciled, she just had a few hours of intimacy with Xu Xiuwen.

  After hesitating for a while, Xiao Youran decided to admit it.

  She hummed softly.

  Seeing this, Du Qingling smiled and said, “That’s great. Then I won’t bother you anymore. I’ll go back to rest.”

  Xiao Youran returned to the bedroom with the cup.

  She looked at the words on the medicine bottle, then opened the bottle cap, poured out two pills, and swallowed them with warm water.

  Then she lifted the quilt and climbed onto the bed. As

  soon as she got on the bed, Xu Xiuwen hugged her from behind.

  His face was pressed against Xiao Youran’s waist, and he asked with his eyes closed, “Where did you go just now?”

  Xiao Youran smiled and said, “I was thirsty, so I went to get some water.”

  ”Oh.” Xu Xiuwen responded and stopped talking.

  Xiao Youran looked down at Xu Xiuwen next to him, and suddenly remembered what Du Qingling had just said, so she asked, “Xiao Xu~” Xu

  Xiuwen didn’t respond.

  ”Xiao Xu~”

  The voice was raised a level.

  Still no response.

  Xiao Youran had to raise the volume again.

  ”Xiao Xu~”
Xu Xiuwen still didn’t respond.

  Xiao Youran reached out and pushed Xu Xiuwen’s shoulder, and said in a coquettish tone, “Xiao Xu, wake up~”
This time, Xu Xiuwen

  finally responded


  ”What’s wrong?”

  Xiao Youran was delighted to see a response, and then asked, “I have something to ask you.”

  ”Go ahead.”

  ”Hey, look at me when you talk~”

  At the girl’s insistence, Xu Xiuwen had to open his eyes and look over.

  Xiao Youran said, “Xiao Xu, I ran into Qingling when I went out to get some water just now. She asked if we had gotten back together…”

  She didn’t finish her words, but left enough space.

  ”Xiao Xu, are you sure you want to break up with Siyu?”

  Xu Xiuwen guessed what Xiao Youran wanted to say.

  Without waiting for the girl to continue, Xu Xiuwen said, “Youran, after going through so many things, I’m a little unsure if I’m suitable for a relationship…”

  Xiao Youran was stunned and didn’t understand what he meant.

  Xu Xiuwen continued, “So… I don’t plan to fall in love for the time being. I want to calm down for a while.”

  As soon as he said this, Xiao Youran’s expression instantly became ugly.

  ”Don’t you like me anymore?” Xiao Youran asked aggrievedly.

  Xu Xiuwen had just been intimate with Xiao Youran, and now he said he didn’t like her after he softened. Isn’t that worse than a scumbag?

  Besides, he really didn’t dislike Xiao Youran anymore.

  He just felt a little tired all of a sudden.

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and said, “Of course not, I’m just a little tired now. Give me some time to calm down, and when I adjust my mood, we can get together again, okay?”

  Xiao Youran didn’t want to hear it.

  She suddenly hugged Xu Xiuwen and said, “Xiao Xu, please don’t leave me, okay? I beg you…”

  Seeing Qingmei’s humble appearance, Xu Xiuwen couldn’t bear it.

  ”Youran, I just want to calm down. It’s not that I don’t want you anymore. You are still my woman.”

  Xiao Youran opened her eyes wide and looked at him in astonishment.

  Gradually, the girl understood what he meant.

  That is to say, he doesn’t have a girlfriend now, but she can continue to be his lover.

  Xiao Youran was slightly speechless.

  Xu Xiuwen also knew that his words were a bit too shameless, so he kept silent.

  Xiao Youran finally seemed to have figured it out, and nodded and said, “I know…”

  After a pause.

  ”In fact, I don’t care much about the status. As long as I can stay by your side forever, I will be satisfied.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled bitterly when he heard this.

  If someone else said this, he could believe it.

  What Xiao Youran said was not credible at all.

  However, he did not expose Qingmei’s thoughts, and said, “Thank you, Youran, it’s my luck to know you.”

  Then the two hugged each other, and no one spoke.

  The two had different feelings.

  The next day.

  Xu Xiuwen heard the voice in a daze, opened his eyes and saw Xiao Youran, who was already dressed.

  The latter was standing by the bed, looking at him gently.

  Seeing that he woke up, Xiao Youran smiled sweetly, “Xiao Xu, I’m going to class.”


  Seeing that Xu Xiuwen did not respond, Xiao Youran had to take the initiative to remind him, “Xiao Xu, I’m going to class!”

  Xu Xiuwen instantly understood what she meant.

  He said gently: “Let me kiss you before I leave.”

  Xiao Youran looked shy and leaned over to kiss him.

  Then she left the room.

  Xu Xiuwen slept for a while and got up to the living room at about 9 o’clock.

  He saw breakfast on the dining table.

  There was also a sticky note next to it with a paragraph written on it.

  ”Brother, you can eat it after you wake up and heat it up. I’m going to class.”

  Xu Xiuwen’s eyes shifted from the sticky note to the food on the table. It was not bought outside, but made by himself.

  This touched him a little.


  In a classroom in Jiaotong University.

  Song Siyu looked anxiously at the door of the classroom.

  Seeing this, An Shishi at the side could not help but say, “She will come sooner or later.”

  Song Siyu’s eyes were agitated, revealing that she was not at peace.

  An Shishi continued, “You should think about how to reconcile with Xu Xiuwen, okay? My suggestion may be a good way.”

  Song Siyu did not speak.

  Seeing this, An Shishi shook her head and said no more.

  Before class, Xiao Youran finally came late.

  Seeing the radiant Xiao Youran, Song Siyu could naturally guess what she had experienced last night.

  Her eyes dimmed.

  Xiao Youran also saw Song Siyu at this moment.

  Noticing the other party’s expression, she did not gloat over the other party’s misfortune, or be complacent, but felt a little distressed.

  Xiao Youran has always been a girl who values ​​feelings very much and is soft-hearted at the same time.

  It is true that she and Song Siyu are rivals in love, but their previous friendship was also true.

  After she broke up with Xiao Xu, Song Siyu took advantage of the situation.

  At that time, she was very angry and felt betrayed, so she wanted to get Xiao Xu back and kick Song Siyu out.

  But when it really happened, she was only happy for a short while.

  Then she felt sorry for Song Siyu.


  Song Siyu became Xu Xiuwen’s girlfriend for less than a month. The fact that

  they broke up so quickly shows one thing.

  Song Siyu’s weight and status in Xu Xiuwen’s mind are not worth mentioning at all.

  At least not compared to her.

  Moreover, she has personally experienced the pain of breaking up.

  So she feels sorry for Song Siyu.

  But she may have thought in her heart that Song Siyu deserved it.

  If she hadn’t snatched Xiao Xu from her, wouldn’t this have happened?

  Therefore, although Xiao Youran did not provoke or laugh at Song Siyu, she would not step forward to comfort her.

  She ignored Song Siyu and sat down on a seat nearby.

  Song Siyu couldn’t help it, so she walked up to her and asked, “Did you sleep with him last night?”

  Xiao Youran didn’t care whether it was in the classroom or not, and nodded and admitted it directly.

  ”So what?”

  Song Siyu gritted her teeth and said, “He’s my boyfriend!”

  Xiao Youran’s mouth twitched, and said, “Didn’t you break up?”

  ”We didn’t break up!”

  Xiao Youran said, “But what I heard from Xiao Xu was not like this. Should I believe you or Xiao Xu?”

  Song Siyu was speechless.

  Xiao Youran continued, “When you took advantage of the situation, you should have thought that Xiao Xu was my childhood sweetheart. Even if you could take him away for a while, you couldn’t take him away for a lifetime. And Song Siyu, I don’t owe you anything. What qualifications do you have to glare at me?”

  Song Siyu’s momentum disappeared immediately.

  Xiao Youran’s words hit her soft spot completely.

  At this time, the teacher walked in from outside the classroom.

  The bell for class rang at the right time.

  Xiao Youran finished speaking, and the bell for class rang.

  Song Siyu had to return to her seat first.

  She was completely immersed in a state of pain and frustration.

  Seeing this scene, An Shishi shook her head secretly, thinking that Song Siyu had completely lost her mind.

  What Xiao Youran would do was never the point.

  What really matters is Xu Xiuwen’s attitude.

  As long as he doesn’t want to break up, no matter what Xiao Youran does, Song Siyu’s position as the main wife is as stable as Mount Tai.

  But as long as he wants to break up.

  Even if Xiao Youran does nothing, Song Siyu can do nothing.

  The top priority is to coax Xu Xiuwen first, rather than questioning Xiao Youran and causing trouble for the latter.

  There is no point in doing this.

  But she didn’t continue to persuade Song Siyu.

  She has said a lot of what she should and shouldn’t say these days.

  Song Siyu should do depends entirely on how much she can understand.

  She, An Shishi, has tried her best.

  An Shishi couldn’t help thinking, for the sake of the emotional harmony of her stinky husband, I really tried my best. Where in the world can I find such a good lover like me?

  She has tried so hard, and her stinky husband doesn’t even know to come to her, and he almost forgot about her!

  What a scumbag husband!

  But there is no way.

  She had to continue with the man she had chosen even if she cried.


  Jiangning Garden.

  Song Siyu couldn’t contact Xu Xiuwen, so she went directly to Jiangning Garden.

  She stood at the door, hesitating whether to open it.

  Suddenly a familiar female voice sounded behind her.

  ”Sister Siyu, why are you here?”

  Song Siyu turned around and saw Du Qingling.

  The latter was carrying a simple schoolbag, with a cold and abstinent temperament, looking like a harmless little white rabbit.

  But only Song Siyu knew how scheming Du Qingling was.

  Song Siyu looked unhappy: “What does it have to do with you whether I come or not?”

  Du Qingling was not polite this time, and asked back: “Sister Siyu, you broke up with my brother, and it wasn’t my fault. You don’t have to be so fierce, right?” It

  would have been better if she didn’t mention it, Song Siyu could still bear it.

  As soon as she mentioned it, Song Siyu couldn’t bear it anymore.

  Song Siyu asked loudly: “Du Qingling, why did you use my phone to send those text messages to Wang Juncai? What do you want?”

  Du Qingling asked calmly: “Do you have any evidence that it was me?”

  Song Siyu said: “There are only three of us in this family. If it’s not me or Xu Xiuwen, who else can it be except you?” Song Siyu

  didn’t expect Du Qingling to admit it, and she was prepared for the other party to never admit it.


  Du Qingling suddenly smiled, “Sister Siyu, this is just your guess, not evidence, and even if it is me, Sister Siyu should know what I want.”

  ”Is it really worth it to do this for Xu Xiuwen?” Song Siyu questioned.

  Du Qingling snorted: “As long as you can get him, no matter what you do, it’s worth it.”

  ”Aren’t you afraid that I will tell him?”

  Du Qingling looked calm, “Then you can continue to talk…”

  Song Siyu was speechless.

  She said it more than once, but Xu Xiuwen didn’t believe her at all.

  Song Siyu suppressed her anger.

  She was really afraid that she would not be able to help but teach the girl in front of her a lesson.

  How could there be such a shameless person? I

  was really deceived by her appearance before.

  Seeing that Song Siyu didn’t say anything but just glared at her, Du Qingling asked calmly: “Sister Siyu, do you have anything else to say?”

  Song Siyu said in a deep voice: “Du Qingling, don’t be too proud. Let’s not talk about the fact that Xu Xiuwen and I haven’t broken up yet. Even if we break up, there is still Youran. Your goal will never be achieved. I advise you to give up as soon as possible!”

  Hearing Xiao Youran’s name, Du Qingling’s face quickly turned cold.

  She said almost to herself: “He is mine! I won’t let anyone take him away! No one can!”

  Looking at Du Qingling’s eyes, Song Siyu’s heart was pounding.

  She vaguely felt that Du Qingling might do something even crazier to possess Xu Xiuwen!

  She was a little worried about Xiao Youran, so she warned: “Du Qingling, don’t mess around. If you dare to hurt Youran, Xu Xiuwen will not let you go!”

  Du Qingling’s eyes returned to calm.

  She smiled faintly and said: “Sister Siyu, what are you talking about… Hehe…”

  Then she took out the key and opened the door.

  Song Siyu originally planned to come to find Xu Xiuwen. If he was not there, she would wait for him to come back at home.

  But because of Du Qingling, she hesitated and turned away.

  On the other side.

  In a restaurant near the school.

  Xu Xiuwen came to the box, ordered the dishes, and waited for Qingmei to arrive.

  Soon, he heard the door open.

  He thought it was the waiter, so he didn’t turn around.

  The footsteps were getting closer and closer.

  Suddenly, his eyes were covered from behind, and then he heard a crisp female voice, “Guess who I am?”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “Youran, how old are you, and you still play this kind of trick.”

  He reached out and grabbed the pair of small hands in front of him.

  As soon as he touched it, he felt a smooth and delicate feeling, and couldn’t help rubbing it more.

  At the same time, he opened his eyes and looked behind him.

  Suddenly he was stunned

  Xiao Youran was standing beside him, and his hands were blowing on both sides of his slender waist.

  Whose hand was in his hand?

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and looked behind him, and saw An Shishi’s face.

  He was stunned for a moment.

  ”Shishi, why are you here?”

  An Shishi smiled and said, “Why, don’t you welcome me?”

  Without waiting for Xu Xiuwen to answer, Xiao Youran snorted jealously, “Xiao Xu, can you let go of Shishi’s hand first, how long do you plan to hold it?”

  Xu Xiuwen reacted and quickly let go.

  An Shishi calmly took her hand back.

  Xiao Youran’s expression looked better now.

  The jealousy in the box was not so strong.

  ”Youran, why did Shishi come with you?”

  Before Xiao Youran could answer, An Shishi answered, “Master, I’m here to have a meal today. You won’t be unwelcome, will you?”

  She blinked her big eyes and looked at him.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I’m having a meal with Youran, why are you here to join in the fun.”

  An Shishi said, “What if you do something wrong behind Siyu’s back… I have to supervise you.”

  As soon as these words came out, Xu Xiuwen’s expression became awkward.

  With An Shishi’s emotional intelligence and vision, she obviously wouldn’t say such a thing.

  Unless she did it on purpose.

  Xu Xiuwen immediately guessed that An Shishi was “retaliating” against him a little.

  It might be because he was too cold to An Shishi recently.

  Xiao Youran knew that An Shishi knew that Xu Xiuwen had broken up with Song Siyu, so her expression was relatively calm.

  She was very curious about what An Shishi wanted to express.

  Xu Xiuwen explained, “Shishi, Siyu and I have broken up.”

  An Shishi was surprised, “How could that be? Did Siyu agree?”


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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