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Chapter 1005 Descendants

Chapter 1005 Descendants


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1005 Descendants


  What the hell is the ancestor? !

  Ye Shi didn’t expect that the old man could speak the human language, but he was instantly unable to speak after he opened his mouth.

  This reminded him of the time when he landed in Jingalon Port a long time ago.

  The people there were also very surprised at the equipment on them, and exclaimed that they were “Iron Men”.

  But those people were still able to communicate, and soon became normal.

  ”Quick, act it out!”

  There was a hurried urging from the communication channel.

  Ye Shi could hear that Jiang Xuezhou, who was floating in the synchronous orbit and watching the show, was more anxious than he was at the scene.

  ”I know…”

  Ye Shi replied in a low voice, then coughed, turned on the speaker of the power armor, and said to the old man and the young men crawling in front of him.

  ”Everyone… stand up and talk.”

  Most people didn’t understand what he was saying, but the old man did understand, and he recited something in his mouth while standing up tremblingly.

  The same was true for the young men crawling behind him.

  The confusion on their faces had turned into solemnity and awe as the old man kept talking.

  ”What are they talking about?” Ye Shi didn’t understand their discussion at all. Although he pretended to be calm on the surface, he was panicking in his heart.

  Jiang Xuezhou: “I don’t know… but I have made a language behavior analysis model before, maybe it can come in handy.”

  Ye Shi was delighted when he heard it.

  ”Awesome! When did you do it?”

  Jiang Xuezhou: “It happened before… It’s because you always say weird things!”

  Ye Shi laughed.

  It seems that talking nonsense when you have nothing to do is also good. Isn’t it useful now?

  Just as he was making jokes, more and more “little green men” came out of the forest, looking at the iron lump standing by the river with curious and fearful eyes.

  They were wearing clothes woven from licorice and linen, some were men and some were women, or some were males and some were females.

  Not everyone was holding weapons. Some were carrying woven frames and baskets filled with berries and strange insects collected nearby.

  The old man was still chattering with the tribesmen behind him, and he became more and more excited.

  The expressions on the faces of the young men who gathered together after realizing the situation gradually changed from fear and curiosity to piety.

  ”…They seem to regard you as a totem in some religious sense.” Jiang Xuezhou whispered in the communication channel, “I tried to translate some of their language. Generally speaking,…in their culture, they are a race from the sky, and they first came to this world wearing clothes made of ‘iron’.”

  ”They also know about iron?” Ye Shi was surprised, looking at the primitive spears in their hands.

  Jiang Xuezhou said in an uncertain tone.

  ”Well, that’s just my translation. It can actually be translated as metal or something similar. Of course, I don’t think they have mastered forging technology, but they should have seen metal, after all, the wreckage of the Gemini fell in this area.”

  Wearing clothes made of the same material as the “starship”, this translation may be more accurate, but if you stick to the words, it will be too difficult to pronounce.

  Ye Shi tried to understand it and roughly understood what Jiang Xuezhou was trying to express.

  ”I roughly understand… In other words, these people are descendants of the Gemini missile cruiser?”

  Jiang Xuezhou was obviously confused and answered ambiguously.

  ”It’s hard to say. I can’t parse more information from their conversation… It’s not ruled out that they may be survivors of the colony in the Human Union era. After all, the early colonists also wore protective equipment similar to power armor and landed from high orbit. Many sentences can be understood no matter how they are understood.”

  Ye Shi pressed his eyebrows with a headache.

  In fact, whether it is the descendants of the Gemini missile cruiser or the descendants of the colony in the Human Union era, both statements actually have considerable problems.

  After all, the former had been hit by a neutron torpedo, and the latter had been hit by a neutron torpedo or a neutron killing device. Logically, they should have died.

  However, what he saw now was another situation.

  They survived in another form, and even became another form of human beings.

  At this time, Jiang Xuezhou’s voice continued to come from the communication channel.

  ”The only thing that can be confirmed at present is that the civilization here has seriously regressed and has returned to the tribal period. Although this may be a bit out of context… I still suggest that you go to their settlement and take a look. Maybe you can find the answer.”

  Jiang Xuezhou finally threw the decision to him, and Ye Shi actually thought so in his heart.

  He didn’t know this forest at all, and he was stepping on pits all the way. He didn’t know what strange troubles were waiting for him in the valley ahead.

  This time he had to clear the level with one life. The nearest resurrection point was five light years away. The method of looking into the bushes with his face might not be advisable. Maybe finding a guide to help might be the right way. Anyway,

  there are so many people here who regard him as their ancestor.

  After experiencing the Orion incident, Ye Shi suddenly realized that he had gradually learned to solve problems with his brain.

  Just when Ye Shi was feeling smug, the old man seemed to have finished communicating with the tribesmen and made a pious invitation to him.

  ”Respected ancestor… can you follow me… to our tribe?”

  The old man didn’t know many human languages, and his sentences were mixed with a lot of words that he didn’t understand.

  Fortunately, with the help of Jiang Xuezhou, he guessed the vague words based on the so-called behavioral language model, and connected them into sentences and interpreted them to Ye Shi.

  Looking at the pious old man, Ye Shi nodded his head with the heavy helmet on his head and gave the answer in the most concise way.


  Looking at Ye Shi who nodded, the old man seemed to have received some great honor, and his face showed an ecstatic expression, so that the former couldn’t help but wonder if this universal body language of all mankind contained any other meanings here.

  But anyway, the “first contact” between the two sides by accident was successful.

  The old man shouted at the forest, and soon the forest was filled with the sound of a lark.

  The birds and animals in the forest were startled and driven away by the constant calls.

  In this way, Ye Shi, accompanied by a group of little green people singing and dancing, followed the winding stream to the higher ground upstream.

  According to the old man, their tribe was built at the bend of the stream upstream.

  Along the way, Ye Shi was observing the surrounding environment.

  He was surprised to find that the trees around him became thicker and thicker as he went upstream, and the strange vegetation growing between the trees became more luxuriant and bizarre.

  In contrast, the roads available for travel became fewer and narrower.

  According to the experience on Earth, such lush vegetation areas are not suitable for the development of settlements. Places with open terrain near mountains and rivers are the first choice for settling down.

  However, the experience on Earth does not seem to apply here, especially those agile little green people, who seem to be unaffected by the lush forest at all, and walk faster and faster than before in the open area.

  The only one who suffered was Ye Shi.

  Even if there was someone leading the way in front, it was not easy for him to squeeze into the dense forest with his bulky outfit.

  Especially with the half-person-high box behind him, it was a miracle that he could squeeze into the woods!

  He couldn’t help but wonder if he could get out of there without the help of these people.

  He had some incendiary bombs on him.

  But that kind of individual equipment was good for driving away wild beasts, but it was still difficult to destroy the forest and open up wasteland.

  Not to mention the unknown “Gaia”.

  Unless it was absolutely necessary, he didn’t want to let Him know that the opponent from two centuries ago was back.

  Passing through a row of dense bushes, a tall “city wall” soon came into Ye Shi’s eyes, making him stare wide-eyed. What

  shocked him even more was yet to come –

  he was surprised to find that the city wall actually grew out of the ground!

  The rows of thick tree trunks were tightly spliced ​​together, and the lush roots spread underground, like a hand firmly grasping the ground.

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but look up, and saw the lush treetops crisscrossing in the air, like a sea growing in the sky.

  No wonder Jiang Xuezhou’s drone didn’t find this settlement!

  If there was no guide, he might not be able to find this settlement buried deep in the forest even if he just passed by!

  Noticing the movement outside the city wall, a guard holding a spear strode over.

  He was wearing wooden armor woven with vines, and the helmet and visor stretched downwards were somewhat similar to the wood elf armor in Warhammer.

  Ye Shi was stunned to find that the world five light years away and the wasteland in the solar system were completely different styles. He would not be surprised at all even if these people suddenly chanted magic spells in the next second.

  Of course, this possibility is very small.

  He is more inclined to believe that these weird shapes are just a unique set of living habits and traditions evolved by the local survivors in order to adapt to this weird environment.

  ”…I didn’t expect there is a city hidden here. I didn’t see it at all when I was in the sky.” Jiang Xuezhou whispered in his ear.

  ”Then you’d better look carefully… I always feel that there are similar settlements hidden in this forest.”

  I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Ye Shi always feels that when Jiang Xuezhou started talking, the guard holding a spear cast a vigilant look at him.

  But it was only a moment of eye contact.

  The guard quickly moved his eyes away and looked at the old man who seemed to be highly respected.

  ”What happened? Why did you bring outsiders back? What if he is…?”

  ”…@%#!” The old man said a few words excitedly, as if refuting his statement, and then repeated the previous few words in high spirits, “Ancestor… Our ancestor is back!”

  As he described vividly, the vocabulary that Jiang Xuezhou could translate gradually became richer.

  In essence, they still use human language, but after two centuries of independent evolution, it has become another form.

  Listening to the old man’s explanation, the man standing at the gate of the camp suddenly showed an expression of surprise and astonishment on his face, and then hurriedly ran back to the direction of the city gate.

  Not long after, a large group of little green men wearing wooden armor came out from under the roots of the tree wall, staring at Ye Shi with eyes that were seven parts nervous and three parts respectful.

  Being stared at by those strange eyes, Ye Shi felt uncomfortable for a while, but he did not express anything.

  His intuition told him that it was the best choice to play tricks when he did not understand the situation.

  He was waiting for these people to explain to him.

  Sure enough, after arguing with the guards, the old man turned his head and cast a respectful look at Ye Shi.

  ”Respected, ancestor. My name is Sagui Doma. We are your children.”

  Jiang Xuezhou quickly translated what he said.

  Doma should be the surname of this tribe, and Sagui is probably a profession, similar to a priest or monk.

  Ye Shi understood what he said for the time being, and resisted the urge to complain.

  Then he clamped his throat and spoke in a loving tone that he had never used in his life.

  ”My child, you’ve been waiting for a long time.”

  As if he understood what he said, and also seemed to understand the compassion in his tone, the old man’s eyes were filled with excited tears.

  Looking at that pious look, Ye Shi couldn’t bear to continue fooling them. After all

  , he was not a celestial being, and he was not born to play tricks.

  However, Jiang Xuezhou was very open-minded and even praised his acting skills.

  ”Playing tricks is a good idea. Our technology is too advanced for them. Instead of trying to make them understand concepts beyond cognition, it is better to let them worship us first, which can effectively reduce the cost of communication… Well, this is what we said in the extraterrestrial civilization communication class.”

  Although these people look like humans, it is difficult to explain them as part of human civilization from any angle.

  It is precisely because of this that she is not as hypocritical as Ye Shi. Besides, they don’t plan to use their identity as charlatans to do anything bad. They just plan to get the fuel they need to go home and collect some local information.

  Ye Shi complained in a low voice.

  ”What kind of strange knowledge do you teach in your academy…”

  Jiang Xuezhou said with a smile.

  ”It’s not that strange. Didn’t I say that our ideal is to travel to a distant world? We have to make some preparations in advance, right?”

  ”Whatever,” Ye Shi sighed, “Anyway, we won’t lie to them and try not to interfere with their civilization process. We’ll just get the things and leave.”

  Legally speaking, the things on the Gemini missile cruiser originally belonged to the survivors on Earth.

  There was nothing wrong with what he said.

  At this time, Jiang Xuezhou suddenly had an idea and said.

  ”Wait, I suddenly remembered… I’ll give you something fun.”

  Hearing this, Ye Shi was not curious, but alert.

  ”What are you going to do.”

  Jiang Xuezhou laughed, but did not explain, just instigated.

  ”Don’t worry about it, just raise your right hand above your head!”

  Ye Shi was a little confused.

  But he thought that Jiang Xuezhou would not hurt him, so he raised his right hand obediently.

  Not only was he confused by this extra action, but even the little green people around him were in a commotion, not knowing what the ancestor wanted to do.

  At this moment, a sound of dripping suddenly came from the clear sky.

  It was the sound of raindrops hitting the leaves!

  The dense tree trunks were like a big umbrella that delayed the falling water drops in the air.

  But before long, the sweet rain from the sky enveloped the entire settlement!

  All the little green people present were stunned.

  Especially for the guards wearing armor, the remaining seven points of vigilance in their eyes were replaced by strong shock.

  Water is the source of life.

  And what does it mean to call the wind and rain? For these people who are still living in the era of primitive worship, it is self-evident.

  Because it was artificially sprinkled dry ice, the heavy rain came and went quickly.

  A colorful rainbow passed through the gaps in the leaves and hung on the treetops where water drops were dripping.

  Witnessing this magical scene, the old man’s face turned excited in an instant, and he prostrated himself on the ground again with a respectful look.

  Ye Shi was also dumbfounded.

  However, the mask of the power armor covered his stunned expression, so he did not show his timidity.

  After a long while, he lowered his voice and asked in a low voice.

  ”…Did you do it?”

  A silver bell-like giggle came from the communication channel, and Jiang Xuezhou said in a happy voice.

  ”Just as a cumulonimbus cloud passed by, I used a drone to spread some dry ice… I didn’t expect that these people were really fooled, just like what was said in the textbook.”

  Looking at the rows of believers crawling on the ground, Ye Shi couldn’t help but show a helpless expression on his face.

  At this time, a sturdy man walked out from under the tall tree wall.

  He was wearing wooden armor inlaid with dark green crystals and a crystal crown on his head. His

  arrogant temperament made it easy to tell that he was the leader at a glance.

  What surprised Ye Shi in particular was that he felt a familiar sense of pressure from the man.

  The pressure that went straight into the depths of the soul was so similar.

  However, perhaps because of the level difference, the pressure emanating from the man was not as pure and strong as that of the manager.

  And perhaps because this guy did not realize the talent he possessed, the rough power was like the weeds growing on the roadside, unable to be restrained and released freely, and he didn’t know how to restrain it.

  Just as Ye Shi was observing the man, the latter was also observing him.

  The man focused his eyes on the sharp-edged armor for a long time, and then put his palm on his chest and said.

  ”… Respected Ancestor, I am the leader of the Doma clan, Tunnan Doma.”

  This guy actually knows more human languages ​​than the priest named Sagui, so he must be a noble among these people.

  Ye Shi nodded, looked at the surprised eyes, and said in a solemn tone.

  ”Hello, leader of the mortals, I am… Ye Shi of the alliance, which is what you call the ancestor.”

  Tunnan looked at Ye Shi blankly. Although he was confused by what he said, he still nodded and said.

  ”Excuse me, why are you here?”

  Ye Shi didn’t beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

  ”We have something that fell on the ground. If you can’t control it, it will bring disaster to you. In order to avoid disaster, we have to bring it back to the sky.”

  Perhaps he understood what he meant, and Tunnan showed an expression of importance on his face.

  ”The Doma clan will definitely do its best to assist you!”

  Seeing this “little manager” being so sensible, Ye Shi couldn’t help but reveal a satisfied smile on his face.

  ”We won’t let you help us for nothing. As long as you are willing to help me, we will not be stingy in repaying you.”

  Steam engines and printing are still too far away for them, but it’s no problem to share some “Eureka” of metallurgy with them.

  Just when he was secretly happy, a complaining voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Didn’t someone just say that we should try not to interfere with their civilization process?”

  Ye Shi coughed dryly with an expression on his face.

  ”Did I say that? Well, just treat it as a fart I just farted.”

  Jiang Xuezhou: “…”

  After listening to Ye Shi’s words, Tun Nan exchanged a few words with several tribesmen who looked like elders behind him, and then showed an overjoyed expression on his face. Then

  , he looked at Ye Shi solemnly and asked in a serious tone.

  ”Excuse me, what is that thing and where is it?”

  ”I can’t describe what it looks like. It should be across the river, in a valley about one or two thousand steps away… I need a guide, and I will find it myself.”

  Ye Shi tried to describe his needs.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that after learning that his destination was in the valley across the river, the leader named Tunnan and the old men behind him all showed expressions of extreme fear.

  Including Sagui, who was crawling on the ground, raised his head with a look of fear.

  ”Respected Ancestor, that is the Forbidden Forest… We can’t get close to it.”

  ”Forbidden Forest?”

  Ye Shi frowned, hearing a hint of ominous meaning in the name, and asked.

  ”What is the Forbidden Forest?”

  Sagui explained for a long time in a trembling voice.

  Thanks to Jiang Xuezhou’s simultaneous interpretation, he barely understood the general idea.

  In short, that valley is not a no-man’s land. Under the trees forty or fifty meters high, there lives a group of tribesmen whose culture and beliefs are completely different from those of the “forest people”.

  The tribes in the forest called those people “sinners”.

  Those people were not only numerous and strong, but also wore hard armor and tamed ferocious wild lizards, and could ride on the backs of wild lizards to fight.

  And the “wild lizard” that Sagui mentioned seemed to be the alien species he had encountered in the woods before.

  If it were just these threats, Ye Shi would feel troubled, but not afraid.

  However, according to Jiang Xuezhou, the threats described by Sagui seemed to be more than that.

  In addition to being good at war and forging, those people could also drive a power that the forest dwellers did not understand.

  And that power was what really frightened the latter…

  ”I hope it’s just a few drones pretending to be ghosts…” Jiang Xuezhou muttered in the communication channel, “But working in an aerobic environment for two hundred years… The quality of this thing is too good.”

  Tunnan stared at the iron lump in front of him with a gloomy expression, as if he was weighing the pros and cons.

  As the leader of the tribe, he had to make more realistic considerations for the future of the tribe.

  However, the prophecy of the ancestor was also part of the future.

  Disaster or blessing.

  He had to make a choice.

  After discussing with the elders behind him, he answered in a solemn voice.

  ”The children of the First Ancestor always obey the call of the First Ancestor. We will help you retrieve the ‘holy object’ from the forbidden forest and the hands of the sinners.”

  ”But this is not an easy task. We need to gather other tribes in this forest together.”

  ”Please give us some time.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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