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Chapter 1006 Differences

Chapter 1006 Differences


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1006 Disagreement

  ”Wasteland OL” official website.

  The forum is as lively as ever.

  With the help of a group of stupid netizens, the unyielding Medical Miracle finally succeeded in deceiving the Enlightenment Society’s review, and was used as a negative example of “being fooled by the wastelanders” and was put in the museum of the underground city of Shelter No. 13 for display. Although

  this behavior is full of problems in various senses, in a sense, it can be regarded as infiltrating the inner circle of the Enlightenment Society.

  At least that’s what Medical Miracle himself stubbornly thinks.

  Just when everyone was talking about bad ideas, Ye Shi, who was five light years away, suddenly appeared again and snatched away the hot search that Medical Miracle hadn’t even warmed up yet.

  ”Brothers! Brother Guang is not bragging, the planet five light years away has really been made!”

  ”It’s not a sticker!”

  Ye Shi on the second floor grabbed it himself.

  As soon as the post was refreshed on the forum, it immediately attracted the attention of countless stupid netizens.

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “?!”

  Quitting: “What’s going on?”

  Tail: “!! Please elaborate!”

  As before, Ye Shi did not rush to finish his words, but waited until the building had been built for dozens of floors and the onlookers had gradually changed from anticipation to cursing, and then he slowly told the story.

  ”This is what happened. Didn’t our starship run out of oil? When we were anxious about how to get back, we suddenly remembered that there was a Gemini floating five light years away, so we set our sights on it…”

  Ye Shi started from the preparations he and Jiang Xuezhou made for landing on the surface on the Orion missile cruiser, and talked about what he saw and heard after landing.

  Including encountering a lizard with fangs, including seeing a pterosaur with crystals hanging on its head, a group of “green-skinned humanoids” who called him “the ancestor”, and the tribe called Doma, etc.

  ”There are about 30 Earth hours a day here, and about 180 rotation cycles a year, which is equivalent to 5,400 Earth hours, or 225 Earth days.”

  ”The conditions on the surface of the planet are very similar to those of the Baiyue Province, but not as extreme as the latter, and the evolution of the ecosystem is rather mild, to the point that traces of intelligent life and civilization have appeared, and these intelligent life forms are suspected to be descendants of the Human Union colonists.”

  ”Their body structure is very similar to that of humans, but their skin is light green, like mutants… but unlike mutants, there is a distinction between males and females in their population, and a clear division of labor in society.” ”

  But these are actually nothing. What really shocked me is that they may have some kind of ‘psychic ability’ that we don’t understand! Specifically, they can make plants grow the way they want through prayers and special rituals.”

  ”In this way, they built city walls, tree houses, and bridges between tree houses, and even ripened fruit trees and tamed livestock.”

  ”At first I thought they were just a primitive tribe, but I didn’t expect that they lived a richer life than I thought, and the reason was that some of them had awakened this special ability.”

  ”They call it Sagui, which is both the name of this kind of people and also represents their profession…similar to the meaning of priests.”

  If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Ye Shi felt that he probably wouldn’t believe what he said.

  Although this game is full of unscientific places, it was the first time he encountered such an unscientific thing.

  After the tribe leader named Tunnan promised to help him take back the “holy object in the sky”, he invited him to live in the tribe and arranged for him to live near the “holy tree”.

  It was a palace grown entirely from trees, located in the center of the entire “Doma City”.

  The tangled roots and branches not only formed spiral stairs, but also grew furniture and seats.

  It was there that he saw the magical powers displayed by the indigenous people of the Doma tribe.

  ”…I don’t know how to describe this special ability of ‘mind determines matter’. This special ability helps them live a comfortable life in the jungle. But objectively speaking, it also increases the cost of their knowledge and understanding of nature.”

  ”For example, they invented the calendar based on the study of celestial movement, but did not master farming techniques. The main source of food was gathering and hunting. For another example, their metallurgical technology was quite backward, or even completely nonexistent. Their breeding techniques were far inferior to those of their neighbors, the ‘Valley People’.”

  ”And the so-called ‘Valley People’ are what the ‘Forest People’ call ‘sinners’. According to the latter’s description, those who live in caves are those abandoned by their ‘mother’. They live in caves and stone houses, use tools, weapons and armor made of stone or suspected metal, burn forests to cultivate farmland… and choose complete ‘degeneration’.” ”

  I don’t know if ‘mother’ can be understood as ‘Gaia’, and how to understand the so-called abandonment. But from the various descriptions of the forest people, the level of civilization of these ‘Valley People’ is far higher than theirs, and the so-called ‘sinners’ are probably just cursing to satisfy their urges?”

  ”After all, I have no doubt that if those people really offended Gaia, the latter might just need to move her fingers to kill them. Otherwise, I can only think that either Gaia is very weak now, or He is dead, or there is a deviation in our understanding of Gaia.”

  ”This matter is actually what I care about the most. He doesn’t seem to care about the human descendants living on him at all. His existence is as if he disappeared.”

  ”In fact, if He really disappeared, it would not be a bad thing. It means that my troubles can be solved with just a few precision-guided neutron torpedoes.”

  ”However, my intuition always tells me that the truth of the matter may not be exactly what I see with my eyes. In other words, my understanding of this planet is just the tip of the iceberg floating on the water.”

  Ye Shi updated the information he had collected in the post as much as possible.

  Including the speculations he and Jiang Xuezhou made based on limited circumstances and his own understanding.

  Fountain Commander: “So… you are now living in the sacred tree of Doma City or Doma Village? (confused)”

  Night Ten: “Yes, their ordinary tribesmen usually worship under the roots of the sacred tree. The chiefs and priests live at the waist of the tree, and the top room is used to worship the ‘ancestor’… I took a look, it’s actually a broken power armor, the model is Dragoon. Maybe because of this incident, they mistook me for their ancestor, and then gave that room to me.”

  Quit Smoking: “Awesome…”

  Edge Pause: “It’s okay to sleep in the same room with the tribute. (awkward)”

  Night Ten: “Damn, why does your statement sound weird.”

  Irena: “The origin of the Tree of Life of the Stars is confirmed. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “What Tree of Life! It’s obviously Catachan! Waiting for brother Ye Shi to fight a tree. (Funny)”

  Drum shampooer: “Did Guang go secretly to collect materials again? This sense of déjà vu is too strong.”

  Quit Smoking: “By the way, didn’t you guys notice… If I heard correctly, these guys also possess the power of idealism?! (Stupid)”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “It’s just to control the growth of plants. Don’t we have smart people who can talk to plants… But that skill is useless, and plants can’t say anything. (Slant eyes)”

  Sisi: “Now that you mention it, it reminds me of Yaya’s Void Poison Locking skill. Could it be that it is actually based on a similar principle?”

  Yaya: “I am sensing, sensing. If you don’t know, it shouldn’t count. 0.0”

  Sisi: “No, you just didn’t delve into it… I think even if you use perception to explain it, it’s outrageous enough.”

  Quit Smoking: “Damn, this is unscientific!”

  Tail: “Damn it, why doesn’t Tail have it! QAQ”

  Fang Chang: “It depends on how you understand science, whether you regard science as a belief or as a way to understand the world.”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “To be honest, I don’t regard science as a religion, but spirit determines matter… Can such a thing really exist?”

  Fang Chang: “It’s hard to say. There are examples in reality. As I said, since it is something in the game, let’s use examples from the game. For example, do you think what happened on the Orion can be regarded as the spirit determining matter?”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “Well, I want to say yes, but I always feel that this statement is a bit far-fetched.”

  Fang Chang: “This is because different people have different understandings, and my understanding of the influence of spirit on matter is similar. But no matter what, this strange phenomenon is worthy of in-depth study. Maybe those people actually mastered the method to communicate directly with Gaia… just like the Luoyu brothers can understand what Xiaoyu said. ”

  Luo Yu: “Is this difficult? (confused)”

  Fang Chang: “Be more confident. This is quite difficult for those of us who cannot tell the difference between ‘Eeh’ and ‘Eeh’. (squinting)”

  Ye Shi: “Hey, let’s not worry about idealism and materialism for now. What do you think I should do now? Keep acting? Take the reactor while they are fighting? But I always feel guilty. Wouldn’t that be bad?”

  Quanshui Commander: “You kid don’t take the game as a game this time? (squinting and laughing)”

  Kuangfeng: “After all, you are dating.”

  Ye Shi: “Well, what does this have to do with dating…”


  It does have something to do with

  it. He and Jiang Xuezhou had a little disagreement on whether to use the Doma tribe to invade the “criminals”.

  Or to put it more directly, after the meeting outside the city wall, the two had a small quarrel in the communication channel.

  In his opinion, the best solution to the whole incident was to use the power of the locals to check and balance the locals, and let those little green men gather to attack the group of “criminals” living in the valley and take back the wreckage of the Gemini.

  However, Jiang Xuezhou felt that he was being used by the aboriginal leader, and this approach was too inhumane. It would be better to just launch neutron torpedoes to clean up all the survivors in the valley, which would actually save him some suffering.

  After all, the wars between primitive people and civilized people are different. It would take a long time to keep the children with wheels, and what will happen in the end is almost certain.

  Having said that, Nanmen 2 is five light years away, and it is not certain whether those little green men can be regarded as descendants of the Human Alliance. Ye Shi really can’t figure out what to do with them.

  The war between tribes is just a common thing in their civilized period. Even if he didn’t “send down a miracle”, they would still fight each other and sacrifice each other.

  At most, his arrival accelerated their civilization process. If anything, it might have saved those little green people a few years of suffering.

  Ye Shi actually didn’t have the nerve to tell Jiang Xuezhou that he had really thought about using nuclear bombs. He just took into account Gaia’s existence, so he used that thing as his last card.

  As for being used by the tribal leader named Tunnan, he certainly saw it, but he just turned a blind eye.

  Why not turn a blind eye?

  Obviously, this is the best solution.

  Ye Shi attached his complaints under the reply, and he felt much better after saying it.

  Lao Bai: “Not bad. I didn’t expect that brother Ye Shi would also use his brain to solve problems. (grin)”

  Ye Shi: “Really? This guy is usually pretty good, but he went too far at the critical moment.”

  Fang Chang: “What’s her suggestion?”

  Ye Shi: “She wants me to talk to the ‘criminals’ in the valley to see if I can complete the deal while resolving the conflicts among the locals… I think she is just daydreaming.”

  Sisi: “Emmm… Why do I think there’s nothing wrong with her opinion.”

  Ye Shi: “Fuck, is that nothing wrong? I’ve become the ancestor, how can I slip away from under the noses of these little green men, and who knows what attitude the other side has towards me.”

  Sisi: “Although you may think that I don’t mind talking while standing, but… isn’t this the time to use your brain? Or have you found a shortcut to solve the problem, so you’re being lazy? (squinting)”

  Ye Shi: “… Damn! Why am I the one being criticized?”

  Irena: “Because you are indeed a little too urbanized. (Funny )”

  Sisi: “This is not a complaint… Hey, kid is really troublesome, I don’t care about you, just do it yourself.”

  Ye Shi: “???”

  Lao Bai: “In fact, even if neutron torpedoes are a relatively merciful means, the feeling of death is not good… In short, don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you. I actually hope you keep it as your last trump card, if you don’t just treat it as a game, but also place other emotions on it. (grin)”

  Kuangfeng: “I guess Lao Bai probably wants to say, do less things that you may regret in the future?”

  Lao Bai: “Haha, almost.”

  Ye Shi: “What if they are descendants of the Gemini?”

  Fang Chang: “I think even if they are descendants of the Gemini, if the crew of the Orion are still alive, they will definitely not want to see you use neutron torpedoes as firecrackers and become the person they once opposed. (squinting)”

  Ye Shi: “Hey… Damn, I’m really asking for trouble! I should have pretended to be so arrogant later. Forget it, I’ll think about other ways. ”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Come on. (smirk)”


  Shelter 404, Browsing Room on Floor B4.

  Chu Guang asked Xiao Qi to summarize what Ye Shi saw and heard on Planet Gaia into a two-page report and printed it on paper.

  This is probably the only first-hand information that all the survivors in the entire wasteland have about the world five light years away.

  And it was freshly prepared.

  Seeing Yin Fang staring at the report with a frown on his face, Chu Guang waited for a long time but he didn’t speak, so he took the initiative to speak.

  ”I want to know your opinion.”

  About the planet Gaia.

  And the unusual situation there.

  Yin Fang pushed the plain glasses on the bridge of his nose, with an intriguing expression on his face.

  ”…This is incredible.”

  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”Just incredible?”

  ”Well…I really can’t see anything from the limited information. And let me be presumptuous to say a few more words…”

  Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang, hesitated for a while, and finally confessed his confusion.

  ”You can obtain information five light years away…This kind of thing itself is shocking enough to me.”


  (Thanks to “Orange Majesty” for the reward from the leader!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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