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Chapter 1007 Clues

Chapter 1007 Clues


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1007 Clues

  The secrets of the residents of Shelter 404 are actually not secrets anymore.

  Officials above the ministerial level of the entire alliance, and even grassroots staff of some special departments, have long been accustomed to the incredible abilities displayed by the “wanjia”.

  Including telepathic communication, resurrection from the dead, etc.

  Although these rumors have not become a widely circulated consensus in the public’s cognition, and have been submerged in many more outrageous and untrue urban legends, most wastelanders who have been dealing with players for a long time still have some feelings in their hearts –

  these blue jackets who are incompatible with the wasteland may not only be incompatible with the wasteland.

  They are like they are not from this world at all.

  Based on this cognition, most of the alliance’s senior officials and relevant grassroots personnel have a complex emotion about the identity of “residents of Shelter 404”.

  Respect is certain.

  Even if you can be resurrected after death, it does not mean that the sacrifices of the residents of the shelter who took the lead are insignificant.

  However, people will inevitably have fear of unknown things. After all, no one knows why they do these things.

  Therefore, rather than respect, it is more appropriate to say “reverence”.

  Yin Fang was not the first person to ask about his confusion. Heya had actually raised similar confusion before.

  But perhaps it was because of different professional fields.

  Compared with the resurrection, which could barely be explained by “science”, Yin Fang was more shocked that players could ignore communication barriers and exchange information.

  Especially when he found that this kind of information exchange could span a distance of five light years, his mood could no longer be described as shocking. It can be said that his cognition was shattered.

  ”… Actually, I don’t know how to explain this problem.” Chu Guang sighed slowly.

  ”I should have said that I am not the only manager of this shelter. There should be several before me, but I don’t have any information about them.”

  ”My authority was directly granted by the first generation manager. When he handed this shelter to me, the clues left were just a few recordings and a few small pieces of paper.”

  Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang dumbfounded, and was stunned for a long time before he could barely squeeze out a sentence.

  ”He just handed this shelter over to you?”

  ”Yes, it sounds a bit ridiculous, right?” Chu Guang said in a joking tone, “In fact, I also think he should find a more professional person to take care of this facility, but sometimes I can’t help but think that maybe this is the best arrangement.”

  He has actually seen quite a few professional shelter managers.

  Whether he has met them face to face or seen them in the manager’s log. Whether they are the first generation or inherited from the predecessor like himself.

  Although these people face different problems, they all have one thing in common.

  That is “alienation”.

  Whether passively or actively, they almost inevitably alienate themselves into another existence that is superior to all living beings.

  This does not mean that they have become another species physically, but that they have lost the ability to empathize with humans.

  Chu Guang himself has actually encountered the same problem, and even because of the physical alienation, this feeling is particularly strong.

  If it weren’t for the deliberate restraint, he wouldn’t even need to speak, just a look would make people cheer or kneel.

  But that’s something he doesn’t want to do.

  ”…Well, I don’t really care about what you said. I don’t doubt that the first generation administrators here have made the best arrangements,” Yin Fang sighed after a moment of silence, and continued, “I just want to know how this kind of information transmission across space distance…even across time is achieved.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”In fact, not to mention you, I am also curious. How about setting up a project in the scientific expedition team to study it?”

  Yin Fang was stunned for a moment.

  ”Is this…no problem?”

  Chu Guang said casually.

  ”I never said that this is a topic that cannot be studied in depth, and it also helps us understand ourselves.”

  Before, he always waited for the first generation administrator to take the initiative to confess to him those secrets he didn’t know.

  But since that guy handed over the B7 floor and a series of permissions to him, he hasn’t said anything for a long time.

  Maybe he should dig out the secrets of this shelter himself instead of waiting.

  Not to mention Yin Fang, he himself is also full of curiosity about this way of communication that ignores time and space.

  Unexpectedly, Chu Guang nodded in agreement, and Yin Fangzheng showed an ecstatic expression on his face.

  ”Thank you for your support! You may not believe it, but I have a strong intuition in my heart… We may discover new physics!”

  Looking at the excited “Chief Scientist of the Alliance”, Chu Guang couldn’t help but say in a teasing tone.

  ”Don’t expect too much. Since we have all used this technology, I think someone has discovered it long ago.”

  Yin Fang said with a smile.

  ”That’s not important. Rediscovering forgotten knowledge is also a kind of discovery.”

  ”Haha, I’m glad you think so,” looking at the excited Yin Fang, Chu Guang smiled and said, “I want to think about what information I can provide you…” After

  closing his eyes and thinking for a while, Chu Guang suddenly had an idea and opened his eyes.

  ”That’s right.”

  Looking at Yin Fang who came over to listen carefully, he said the concept he heard from a recording a long time ago.

  ”The name of the topic is ‘morphogenic field’.”


  In a forest on the Gaia planet, Ye Shi, wearing a game helmet, woke up from the power armor, but was shocked by the scene in front of him.

  Beside his bed, a group of graceful girls were kneeling.

  They wore clothes woven from hay and held clay containers filled with water in their hands, as if they were going to help him bathe and wash.

  Their immature faces were like green apples just picked in the morning. Their tranquil and dignified temperament was completely different from other primitive people, so much so that Ye Shi’s heartbeat actually accelerated.

  Although the aesthetics of primitive people are not flattering, these little green people did not come down from the trees after all, but most likely “came down from the sky and climbed back up the trees”, so even by human aesthetic standards, they definitely could not be called ugly.

  There was even a bit of wild beauty.

  As for the emerald green skin, although it was a bit weird, it was quite pleasing to the eye after looking at it for a long time.

  Especially the breasts.

  It was unbelievable that such a large fruit could be hung on such a small and delicate branch.

  Ye Shi suddenly realized that he was not much more noble than the primitive people.

  He also worshipped something that the primitive people worshipped? !

  At this moment, a cold laugh of “hehe” came from the communication channel.

  Ye Shi felt a chill on his back and suddenly realized that the action recorder on the power armor was still connected to the Internet, so he hurriedly sat up from the bed.

  ”What are you doing? Hurry, get up quickly?”

  The girls didn’t understand what he said and just looked at each other blankly.

  An older girl may have understood a few words. She took the lead and stood up, stammering in a language that was even less standard than the players.

  ”The priest… ordered… us… to take a bath.”

  This guy probably wanted to say to help him take a bath.

  Ye Shi quickly refused.

  ”That’s not necessary.”

  The girl blinked.

  ”But it’s like this in heaven.”

  Ye Shi almost choked on his saliva when he heard it.

  He could figure it out with his toes. This must be the private goods that the leaders of this group of primitive people put in the legend about the ancestors.

  In order to uphold justice, he said righteously.

  ”Have you been to heaven?”

  Several girls exchanged glances blankly, not knowing whether they were saying that they had never been there, or simply did not understand.

  Ye Shi continued.

  ”There is equality in heaven, but it is not like that where we are… at least not generally speaking.”

  His tone of voice sounded absolute at first, but suddenly he thought of the guy with big eyes in debt, and his tone suddenly hesitated.

  In fact, to be honest, it is stupid to talk about equality in primitive tribes, but this was not originally said to them, but to please someone floating in the sky.

  The girl who could understand what he said nodded as if she understood, but somehow she stumbled and said something that Ye Shi did not expect.

  ”You…want to…help us? Wash?”


  Ye Shi almost spat out a mouthful of blood when he heard this, and waved his hands to clarify.

  ”No, that’s not what I meant.”

  You can understand what I’m saying!


  Looking at the girl who seemed to understand but not quite, Ye Shi suddenly came back to his senses.

  He just spoke in Chinese in a hurry, and the “wash” that the girl said at the end was also Chinese…

  but the problem is that there was no such word in his whole sentence.

  Ye Shi was completely confused and couldn’t figure out what was going on.

  And when the girl saw his reaction, she also showed an uneasy expression on her face, as if she had done something bad and was begging for forgiveness.

  Just when Ye Shiyi was confused, Jiang Xuezhou’s voice came from the communication channel again.

  ”Ye Shi…”

  The hoarse voice was trembling slightly, and Ye Shiyi panicked when he heard it.

  ”Xuezhou, listen to my explanation——”

  ”No, listen to me first!”

  The trembling in the voice did not seem to be because of anger, but because of excitement.

  Jiang Xuezhou took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart and spoke slowly.

  ”I just suddenly discovered… they actually don’t know how to speak human language at all.”

  ”What do you mean–”

  Ye Shi just asked this question, and suddenly realized something, with a look of surprise on his face.

  As if confirming his guess, Jiang Xuezhou continued in a slow pace.

  ”Recall carefully, when you first met them, when did the priest named Sagui say the first human language to you…” How the

  hell do I remember–

  no, wait!

  Ye Shi’s mind flashed with an idea, and he blurted it out almost subconsciously.

  ”After I said the first sentence to them?”

  The old man knelt on the ground with a plop after seeing him, and said a lot of words in a jumble, and he didn’t understand a word. It

  was not until he asked them to get up that the old man blurted out a sentence.

  ”That’s right. After you said your first sentence, or after you expressed your willingness to communicate, they immediately understood what you said and learned your language…”

  After giving a positive answer, Jiang Xuezhou continued his analysis in a calm voice.

  ”The priest named Sagui, the leader named Tunnan, and the girl in front of you… What they mastered was not the human language, but ‘your language’. They don’t know a single human language at all. Every word they know is learned from you!”

  The feeling of terrified thought crept up on Ye Shi’s back. Looking at the ignorant eyes in front of him, he suddenly felt that the iron lump on his head was like paper.

  Not the kind of paper in the physical sense.

  But in the spiritual sense.

  Those pairs of eyes seemed to be able to see through his armor, even through his face, and directly touch his soul.

  Swallowing hard, Ye Shi still couldn’t believe this incredible ability, even though he himself had the perception that others found incredible.

  ”…But, I didn’t say that my name was ‘Originator’? They told me this word.”

  Jiang Xuezhou continued calmly.

  ”But you can still understand the meaning of this word accurately, right? I know what you want to express. He knows the words you haven’t said from you, right? This is what surprised me. The ability they showed is not just as simple as language talent, but another ability above it… Telepathy? Resonance? Brain wave modulation and demodulation? Or some unknown high-dimensional energy field? In short, as far as the result is concerned, they read something in your mind and called it.”

  Sweat oozes from Ye Shi’s back.

  ”…What the hell is this? Mind reading? What the hell?”

  Jiang Xuezhou took a deep breath and said.

  ”I don’t know, I have never seen such a thing in the wasteland… But based on the current situation, I can tell you clearly that she knew the word ‘wash’ out of thin air. I can testify that you have never said it once. After all, even I don’t know what this pronunciation means.”

  It seems that he is worried about scaring Ye Shi.

  At this point, Jiang Xuezhou paused for a moment and continued.

  ”You don’t have to be so scared… I feel like they don’t fully understand their abilities. And from the results, this abstract ability doesn’t bring them any obvious advantages in combat effectiveness or productivity, otherwise they wouldn’t be living such a primitive life.”

  ”Then they probably already know that I’m actually…”

  Ye Shi was about to say something about playing tricks, but he didn’t dare to think about it halfway, for fear that the girl in front of him with her big watery eyes would see through his mind.

  Jiang Xuezhou said patiently.

  ”I don’t think so. They can probably only read the information you want to convey, so you don’t have to worry too much about them seeing through your thoughts, unless it’s something you express clearly…”

  After a pause, she continued.

  ”But my advice is that it’s better to be careful about everything… especially when you plan to express something.”

  In other words, try to say less words that don’t mean what you say, and try to think about what you say when you say it?

  Thinking of the girl’s previous reaction of misunderstanding, Ye Shi couldn’t help but feel a little hot on his face, and said with a dry cough.

  ”I know.”

  Not sure if he was still angry, Jiang Xuezhou, who had finished talking about business, threw a “hehe” in the communication channel and then disappeared.

  Ye Shi didn’t know how to coax her, so he could only focus on work for the time being.

  Looking at the girls who had been left aside for a long time, he cleared his throat and said in a serious tone.

  ”No one is allowed to enter my room without my permission in the future… No one is allowed.”

  As if to confirm Jiang Xuezhou’s guess, the older girl who was suspected of having “strong perception ability” really understood his words and said respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir.”

  She turned around and gave a few instructions to the other girls, and then the group prepared to leave the room with their things.

  Ye Shi suddenly thought of something and called them again.

  ”Wait a minute, you stay.”

  The older girl blinked and pointed at herself. Seeing Ye Shi nodded, she handed the things in her hand to the other girls and stayed in the room obediently.

  There were only two people left in the room.

  Looking at the curious girl, Ye Shi gathered his thoughts for a moment and spoke slowly.

  ”I just returned to this land, and the changes here surprised me. Many things have become different from before, as if we had never been here.”

  ”I hope you can tell me everything you know, about what happened after ‘we’ left, and about ‘you’.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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