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Chapter 1008 Spokesperson

Chapter 1008 Spokesperson


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 1008 Spokesperson

  The winding streams entwine the endless valleys, forming a flowing river on the open plains.

  On the sunny side of the valley, there are a few caves and not very vast terraces.

  Due to the obstruction of the towering vegetation, the ridges carved on the mountainside are almost difficult to see.

  This is the territory of the valley people.

  The forest people call them “criminals”.

  However, this is obviously not their own name.

  They call themselves “Qiu”.

  This syllable does not have any special meaning. It is just passed down by their ancestors and has been used to this day.

  Although the Qiu people living in this valley are not like the tribes in the forest, who gather under the same tree as clans, they have a unity that is no less than the latter.

  Clans large and small all call themselves “Qiu people”.

  Not only do they have the same culture and traditions, they also use the same hieroglyphs for records, and even use the same set of precepts and codes of conduct. They elect the elders of their respective clans to form the “Senate” to arbitrate on matters of all sizes.

  In fact, they have already given birth to the concept of “country” and evolved an organized society.

  From this point of view, the tribes in the forest are still in a state of disunity.

  Although the advantage of the Qiu people over the forest people is not obvious now, in the long run, the rise of the former and the decline of the latter are almost inevitable.

  Of course, this is only under normal circumstances.

  If we take into account the powerful interference factor of Gaia, the future of the two ethnic groups is hard to say.

  The reason why the forest people call the Qiu people living in the valley “criminals” is that there is another most direct reason besides the distant history.

  That is that the latter completely lacks the “ability to communicate with nature”.

  Although not every forest person can awaken this ability, this power flowing in the blood has never been cut off in the tribe of forest people.

  On the other hand, the “Qiu people” seemed to be abandoned by God. They could only live in cold stones and eat dry plant seeds and sour and astringent wild fruits.

  Of course, this is also the perspective of the forest people.

  At least in the eyes of the Qiu people themselves, cooked grains are not bad, and wild berries and mushrooms have a unique flavor.

  On the contrary, it is the “traitors” living in the forest who are truly pitiful. They live a life of eating raw meat and drinking blood, living like monkeys.

  On a rugged hill, a boy riding a lizard was looking at the south of the valley.

  Deep in the dense forest, a cluster of lush treetops was rising with golden fluorescence.

  That was the signal for the “traitors” to gather, which seemed to be sent by the city of Doma.

  Looking at the fireflies dancing in the dusk, the lizard crawling on the rock paced back and forth restlessly for a while, until the boy riding on it tightened the reins around its neck.














  ”I am… your… ancestor.”

  Before the voice finished speaking, the boy had already put away his bow and arrow, turned over and got off the lizard’s back, and knelt on the ground without daring to breathe.

  ”Greetings, ancestor!”

  The figure standing in the light blue light nodded in appreciation and continued to speak at a slow pace.

  ”Stand up and talk.”

  The boy stood up tremblingly, lowering his head and not daring to look directly at the figure standing in the light.

  His mind was in a mess.

  On the one hand, he was shocked that the legendary ancestor had returned and appeared in front of him, and on the other hand, he was terrified by his previous disrespectful behavior.

  However, the ancestor did not seem to blame him, but tolerantly let him stand up.

  ”What’s your name?”

  The boy answered truthfully.

  ”I don’t have a name, I’m a soldier of the Lynk Clan.”

  The ancestor continued to ask.

  ”What is the Lynk Clan?”

  The boy hurriedly explained.

  ”We are a branch of the ‘Qiu people’. Although the people in the valley are divided into various clans, everyone is still using the surname you gave us.”

  The iron can standing in the light was silent for a while, and then continued to speak.

  ”I roughly understand that you are a soldier of the Lingke clan of the Qiu people in the valley… right?”

  The boy nodded repeatedly.

  ”That’s right.”

  The iron can standing in the light blue light nodded, looked at the boy who was so nervous that he held his breath, and continued.

  ”In order to facilitate communication… from today on, you will be called ‘Qiu Ling’.”

  Hearing the order of the ancestor, the boy was stunned at first, and then his face showed an ecstatic expression. He excitedly prostrated himself on the ground again, and thanked him in a chattering voice.

  The iron can standing in the light waited quietly until he vented his joy and excitement, and then slowly opened his mouth to continue.

  ”… Don’t be happy yet. The reason why I came to this land is because I smelled the breath of disaster.”

  The air suddenly became quiet.

  The boy who was dancing with excitement just a second ago suddenly changed his expression, revealing an expression of facing a great enemy.

  Almost subconsciously, he thought of the strange scene he saw in the forest earlier.

  Unable to help swallowing, he asked in a cautious tone.

  ”Disaster… Are you talking about the traitors in the forest?”

  The First Ancestor said in a gentle tone.

  ”Maybe, but it may not only be their problem, but also part of it may be because of us.”

  A trace of fear appeared in Qiu Ling’s eyes.

  ”You… want to destroy us?”

  He believed the First Ancestor’s words without a doubt.

  It was precisely because of this that he could not understand why the respected First Ancestor would do this.

  Looking at the young man with a look of fear on his face, the First Ancestor standing in the light blue light continued in a calm voice.

  ”I have never thought about it this way, my children… Otherwise I would not be standing here trying to make up for the mistakes that have already happened.”

  ”In the foreseeable future, I saw the burning flames engulfing the forest, and countless people died in the black smoke… Among them are you and the children in the forest.”

  ”But in addition to this, I also saw another future. From then on, you will move towards common prosperity, end hundreds of years of grievances, and usher in a new era… Do you believe me?”

  Qiu Ling said with his head lowered respectfully.

  ”…I am willing to follow the teachings of the ancestor.”

  A voice of praise floated out from the pale blue light, and then the light gradually faded.

  ”Very good, it seems that I did not choose the wrong person… Come here, my child.”

  Qiu Ling looked up blankly, only to see that the burly iron man had disappeared, leaving only a faint beam of light standing there, as if guiding him in the direction.

  ”There is a silver metal disc on the branch in front of you.”

  ”Take it with you, always carry it with you, I will tell you what to do next…”


  Just as a green-skinned boy was climbing up the tree with all his strength, a researcher floating in the synchronous orbit was sitting in front of the terminal screen and stretching his back comfortably.


  Half an hour ago, when her drone was hovering in the sky, she found the little green man standing on the higher ground in the valley. She estimated that the guy was probably the “criminal” living in the valley, so she came up with a plan and sent a four-rotor drone with holographic projection function from the research ship.

  These primitive people had never seen such amazing technology before, and they were fooled and believed all her lies on the spot.

  In this way, she only paid the price of a drone and got an aboriginal insider.

  Next, as long as the child showed a few more “miracles”, the fuel tank of the reactor could be obtained in minutes, and Ye Shi would not even have to get into trouble.

  When Jiang Xuezhou thought of Ye Shi, he was furious.

  This guy is usually very good, but sometimes he is as stubborn as a cow.

  Just because I don’t agree with his practice of inciting the aboriginals to start a war and fish in troubled waters, he accused me of not taking his safety to heart, and put all the hats of being sympathetic and not thinking about him on her head.

  What a conscience!

  Didn’t that guy say that negotiating with the “Valley People” was his fantasy?

  Now there is no need for him to take risks, and he can handle the matter by himself. He can’t say anything, right?

  Of course, although she said that in anger, she also admitted in her heart that Ye Shi had put in a lot of effort.

  At least, the language she used to deceive the aboriginal boy was sorted out from the materials collected by Ye Shi.

  Fortunately, the languages ​​used by the forest people and the valley people have not yet diverged, and even the culture of the “ancestor” is carved out of the same mold.

  Looking at the information sorted out on the terminal screen, Jiang Xuezhou, who was drinking coffee, muttered to himself.

  ”Qiu people… Is there a crew member named ‘Qiu’ on the Gemini missile cruiser?”

  ”But it’s really strange… Both groups are from the sky. Are they all descendants of the crew members of the Gemini missile cruiser?”

  One group of people awakened special abilities, and the other group did not awaken special abilities.

  The people who awakened special abilities had a conflict with those who did not awaken, or perhaps out of fear of Gaia or some indescribable things, the people who did not awaken special abilities drove the former into the forest with their numerical advantage.

  This can explain why the forest people call the Qiu people “criminals” and the Qiu people call the forest people “traitors”.

  From the perspective of the Gemini – or the Human Union Air Force, isn’t it a betrayal for the forest people to defect to Gaia?

  But here comes the question.

  If both groups are descendants of the Gemini, where did the original colonists go?

  Although the Human Union Air Force carried out a thorough bombing operation on the rebels in the colony, there were survivors even on the Gemini, and it was hard to imagine that no one survived on the surface.

  Just when Jiang Xuezhou was puzzled, the little koala squatting beside him came over with the canned food and rice that had just been heated.

  ”Your meal is ready.”

  ”Ah, thank you.” Accepting the thoughts in his mind, Jiang Xuezhou responded and reached out to take the plate.

  It must be said that the Human Union has a set of dehydration and freeze-drying technology.

  It is hard to imagine that these foods that have exceeded their shelf life for two centuries can still emit an appetizing aroma after the cooking operation is completed.

  Jiang Xuezhou just felt hungry, and immediately started to eat voraciously.

  ”You’re welcome, it’s my honor to serve you.” The little koala clicked the camera and said in a gentle tone, “But by the way, Master, are you really not going to communicate with Ye Shi?”

  ”…I’ll talk to him later.”

  With his mouth full of food, Jiang Xuezhou muttered vaguely, and seemed reluctant to answer this question.

  To be honest, although she was angry, she had already stopped blaming that guy in her heart. In fact,

  if you think about it carefully, she herself is not completely wrong.

  At least, she should put herself in his shoes and consider that he is in a highly tense environment, or stepping on the head of a monster. It is impossible and impossible to stay out of the matter and watch the show like herself who is thousands of kilometers away on the ground.

  He wants to make a quick decision and return home immediately after getting the fuel for the reactor. As for the natives living on this planet, it is not his primary consideration. He should not say that he is inhuman because he did not act according to his own ideas.

  After all, he is not her tool, let alone her child, who can be manipulated by her…

  They can obviously solve the problem through communication.

  Looking at Jiang Xuezhou with a trace of regret between his brows, the little koala standing beside him said in a gentle voice.

  ”People are often too harsh on those they are close to, because they believe that they will never leave them no matter what… but you seem to rarely remember how short your life is.”

  ”My last master didn’t have time to give me a nice name, and when I opened my eyes again, he had turned into a skeleton. Although my words may be a bit redundant, I still hope that you will not leave any regrets before you become a skeleton like him.”

  Jiang Xuezhou whispered.

  ”I know… I will talk to him.”

  Is this a comforting word?

  But thinking about it carefully, it seems to be true. She didn’t feel any anger at all because of these strange words.

  Maybe as the little koala said, she was a little too harsh on Ye Shi.

  She wasn’t like this before…

  Thinking of this, Jiang Xuezhou suddenly became worried again, worried that he would hate himself like this.

  Sure enough, I still have to find a chance to talk to him.

  It’s time for dinner, I don’t know if that guy has eaten.

  Thinking of this, Jiang Xuezhou pointed his index finger at the holographic screen and connected the action recorder of the power armor.

  At the same time, a graceful figure appeared on the screen.

  It was a dark space, with the only light source being the fireflies lingering around the graceful figure.

  Actually, it was nothing.

  She was not the kind of person who would get jealous just because her boyfriend looked at other women for a few more times.

  However, the problem was that the camera of the action recorder was fixed on the two huge fruits as if it had turned on the vertical stabilization function.

  As if sensing the coming storm, the little koala standing next to it shook its body and rolled away quietly leaving the bridge.

  Almost at the same time, a creaking sound was heard in front of the terminal screen.

  ”This guy…”

  Jiang Xuezhou looked down at his chest and gritted his teeth.

  The fist that had finally softened hardened again!


  At the waist of the sacred tree of Doma City, where the branches were intertwined, there was a pure wooden palace.

  The chief of Doma City – or the king of the entire tribe, was sitting on the steps of the hall at this moment.

  His name was Tunnan.

  In the language widely spread in this forest, the name carved on the root of the sacred tree means both leader and “warrior with boundless magic power”.

  Generally speaking, the two actually mean the same thing.

  The so-called “magic power” is actually the ability to communicate with the sacred tree.

  And in this land given by the sacred tree, only the bravest warriors can please the sacred tree and gain its favor.

  As for what the sacred tree is, it is a long story.

  Even the oldest wise man in the city of Doma can’t finish talking about it in two days and two nights.

  A man wearing wooden armor walked into the hall, knelt on the ground with his knees bent, and said in a muffled voice.

  ”The ancestor has awakened.”

  He is a warrior in the tribe and one of Tunnan’s most trusted guards.

  Tunnan looked down at the man crawling at the bottom of the steps and said in a steady voice.

  ”What does he want?”

  The guard bowed his head and answered respectfully.

  ”He ordered the maids in the temple that no one could enter his place without his permission.”

  Tunnan’s expression did not change at all, but he continued to speak expressionlessly.

  ”Anyone else?”

  the guard continued.

  ”He left one person behind.”

  Tunnan asked.


  the guard replied.


  Tunnan looked to the side, and the elder standing next to him leaned over and whispered a few words to him, briefly describing the life of the maid who was favored by the ancestor.

  After listening to the elder’s narration, Tunnan nodded calmly, and then looked at the guard again.

  ”Have other tribes received the signal we sent?”

  the guard said with his hands clasped together.

  ”More than a dozen nearby tribes have responded to us, and the messengers they sent are gathering towards us.”

  After hearing the waiter’s report, not only Tunnan’s face showed joy, but also the faces of the priests including Sagui showed joy.

  ”God bless the Doma tribe!”

  Rough hands slapped on the vine-wrapped armrests. The burly Tunnan stood up from the throne, took two steps forward with vigor, and stood on the edge of the steps to look around at the priests in the hall and the nobles of the tribe.

  This is an unprecedented opportunity.

  They will take back the entire Forbidden Forest Valley from the hands of the “sinners”!

  ”This time even the ancestors are on our side.”

  ”It’s time to end the grudges that have lasted for hundreds of years!”


  At the same time, on the other side, Ye Shi, who was walking beside the murals in the temple at the root of the holy tree, couldn’t help sneezing.

  Hearing the sneeze, Dora, who was walking in front surrounded by fireflies, turned her head, looked at him with concern and asked softly.

  ”What’s wrong with you?”

  ”Nothing… continue to talk about the holy tree.”

  Ye Shi muttered.

  I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

  He always has a feeling that someone is thinking about him…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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